Chris Pratt got stung in the eye after copying a TikTok beekeeper

Chris Pratt is in the news again. As is his MO, the Lesser Chris is out here acting like a fool and making sure everyone knows about it. He posted the video above to Instagram, in which he talked about following the popular bee lady, Erika Thompson’s videos. We’ll talk more about Erika below, but her deal is she walks up to bees swarming in precarious places while wearing dark street clothes with her long hair flowing free in the breeze and scoops the bees up to relocate them. Everything in that sentence runs counter to bee-keeping procedure, as Vulture explains here. But if you don’t know anything about bee keeping, she seems like the bee whisperer and what’s worse, she makes it seem like you can be a bee whisperer too. At least she made Pratt feel that way, which is why he stupidly walked up to a beehive and tried to Jedi mind control the bees in it. Only Pratt doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing, and one of the bees said you wanna f*** around? Fine. And stung him in the left eye.

In an Instagram video posted Wednesday the “Guardians of the Galaxy” actor shared that he got stung by a bee after aggravating a hive near his home. He said he was inspired by a viral Texas beekeeper to take matters into his own hands.

“She’s so cool and brave, and she goes in front of these hives of bees and says, ‘They’re very calm today. I’m going to remove the bee,’” he said. “So it’s built up this false sense of security in me. To whereas I said, ‘I think I can control bees too.’”

“I just stared at these bees, and then one of them [came] out and it stung me in the eyeball,” he said, taking off his sunglasses to reveal his swollen eye. “So anyways, f— that bee lady.”

Pratt didn’t name Thompson in the video, but directly tagged her in his caption. Like a bee to honey, Thompson responded to Pratt’s ire.

“Wait—so now you’re going to be a plumber and a beekeeper @prattprattpratt?!,” she wrote in the comments.

“If you leave saving the bees to me and other professionals, you can focus on saving the Princess, Mario,” she added, referring to Pratt’s upcoming role in “Super Mario Bros.”

[From Los Angeles Times]

People are making a big deal about Erika responding to Pratt but my favorite comment was Sean Hayes’ who replied, “Which eye?” *snort* Several of Pratt’s friends made jokes at his expense, which makes me think perhaps that truly was his intention for the post and not actually an attack on the bee-scooper. Regardless of its intent, it brings up several points. One is a reminder that Pratt should not be allowed around animals of any kind. The man is the Anti-Steve Irwin. Second is that for all the good social media does, this is the bad side. Watching something on TikTok does not qualify as training. Why Pratt thought following some woman who claims to have over a decade of bee-keeping experience meant he should stick his face in a hive is beyond me. I can just hear his wife Katherine saying, “Dude, we just told the kids to stay away from the bees – were you not listening?!” One things for sure, that sting is hella painful. He’s paying for that hubris.

But the last point is about bees in general. I made a statement about “if you know anything about beekeeping.” I don’t. I have two friends that have elected to keep honey-making bees, one for profit, one for her mental health. They both had a full year of training with the bees they would keep before they got their own hive. I don’t follow Erika so I don’t know if she’s telling people her practices are unusual. But I’ve read the controversy. And because of this, I’m sure others will too. So if anything comes of Pratt’s fat eye, I hope it’s that people read a little bit on bees and plant some bee-friendly plants to attract native species into their yards. And then stay the hell away from them when they are there!

Photo credit: Instagram

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44 Responses to “Chris Pratt got stung in the eye after copying a TikTok beekeeper”

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  1. Flowerlake says:

    Will plant more plants that are good for bees coming year.

    Bees never bother me and they need us.

    • Oopygoopy says:

      European honey bees need us, not the solitary nesting types that make up our native bees. They are not evolved to be here, but for example cellophane bees are (in MI anyway). Please look for plants native for your area, and skip the cultivars. Theres this greenwashing that any flowering plant is good enough, and its just not true.

      • Haapa says:

        @Oopygoopy just to clarify, European honey bees need us in the sense that they are domesticated animals that rely on human management but they don’t need saving because they are so highly managed and ubiquitous. They are about as likely to go extinct as cows or chickens.

        Native solitary nesting bees certainly do need our help. They are in trouble due to habitat destruction. They need undeveloped/undisturbed spaces for nesting and foraging for food. I would also like to point out that we do have social (not solitary) native bees as well (bumble bees).

        Thank you for pointing out the importance of planting native plant species. This is the best thing that people can do to support native bees, and native wildlife in general. All native insects, birds, and mammals will benefit from more native plant species due to close evolutionary relationships and adaptations.

    • SomeChick says:

      I have a peppermint plant and the bees just love it. I’m thinking of putting in some lavender next year. and when it’s hot out, you can give bees water in a pie plate with some rocks or glass pebbles in the bottom (so they have a place to land).

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen a positive story about this dude. what an idiot!

  2. Lolo86lf says:

    I was running at a park a couple of years ago and a wasp chased me and stung me on the back of my head, needless to say it was painful so I can related to being stung by a bee. That being said I find it very naive of Pratt to think he can just go near bees without protective apparel because he saw someone do it on a video on Tik Tok. Honestly, I don’t feel extremely sorry for him for he is a Trump supporting MAGA dude.

  3. Anne says:

    We’ve all known this Chris is a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      LOL. I didn’t know that. Please do tell more details next time.

    • Sean says:

      I disagree. Chris knows what he’s doing. Andy Dwyer is the most beloved character he’s ever played and he knows that’s how the general public likes to view him. I believe he’s adopted Andy’s mannerisms/personality traits for his public persona and did this on purpose so people would chuckle and think “That’s so Andy!”

  4. Jillian says:

    Gosh, he really is that stupid

  5. Zen says:

    A couple of observations: first I laughed which I think was his intent, second how did he get such a “country” accent? I though he was from Minnesota and third, it was misogynistic to say “f**k that bee lady”. Would he have said that if it was a male bee keeper he was copying? His story would have been better and more humble if he said instead “I’m no bee whisperer” or “I sure screwed up”.

    • SarahCS says:

      The outfit in the bottom pic? He definitely seems to be going for the country MAN look. So macho.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, he would have said it to a male bee keeper.

      • Kara says:

        Let’s leave the misogyny calls for when they’re truly deserved or it devalues the term. He would have said “f@ck that bee dude” or something. Don’t like the guy, but let’s call him out with precision.

    • Frippery says:

      Zen, I, a southerner, thought the same about his accent. He did sound extra extra molasses.

    • Another Anna says:

      Not even close. He’s from Lake Stevens, WA. Near-ish to Seattle. He plays up a country-ish accent to appeal to his audience.

      Lord give me the confidence of a mediocre Chris.

  6. Janey says:

    Rehoming more animals he’s decided he doesn’t want

  7. StellainNH says:

    My brother and niece keep bees. They went through a beekeeping class prior.

    Some social media posts are reckless like that particular beekeeper. It got Pratt thinking that he could do what she does.

  8. Sean says:

    Maybe Chris thought the bees were CGI like his raptors?

    “I can just hear his wife Katherine saying, “Dude, we just told the kids to stay away from the bees – were you not listening?!”

    She did no such thing. Most likely, he told her he was going to agitate some bees for a “funny” Instagram post and she just nodded with that subservient smile.

    Chris Pratt is terrible. When bees sting something with thick skin, such as mammals like humans, their barbs become wedged. As they struggle to break free, part of their abdomen and internal organs are torn off; ensuring they will die.

    Bees pollinate plants, helping them to reproduce, which facilitates everything from food supplies to biodiversity.

    I recognize that I may sound a bit over-reactive as Chris Pratt is not the only person to purposely mess with animals/nature for a vanity SM post. That being said, I feel like Chris has absolutely no regard for animal life or nature in general. Not just from this instance but other occasions as well.

    Cats, dogs and now bees. No animal is safe from Chris Pratt.

  9. Jessamine says:

    I’ve kept bees for about 5 years and while they’re overall a rather docile, chill breed and we like to hang out in the garden together and sit and share a lemonade in the warmer months, I don’t go into the hives or perform and disruptive task without a veil and some gloves. Yes, I see people do it on the interwebs and yes, my bee mentor reaches his bare hands in to check comb, but I don’t have 50+ years of experience and a zen-like presence.

    • equality says:

      This lady also likely gets stung at times. She wouldn’t be likely to include that in her TikTok. Some people are less reactive to stings and some people actually use bee stings as medical therapies.

  10. TheOriginalMia says:

    Poor bee. Chris got what he wanted. Attention and sympathy.

  11. Colby says:

    I know he’s The Worst Chris, but he was being self deprecating and not attacking her. He even called her an inspiration on a comment. I love watching her videos too but I would never attempt to handle bees.

    • SquiddusMaximus says:

      Thank you, Colby. Of all the hills to die on, irate Chris-haters, this is not the one!!! He’s acknowledging his stupidity! Please, stakes are too low for anger! Can’t we just refocus our lasers on, like, the Bretts of the world? The ones sitting on the Supreme Court and having a real, kinetic, and fucking awful impact on society?

      Prattprattpratt is irritating like that one QAnon relative.

      • Coco says:

        Please we get it you like him.

        You do know people can do both right? Yet your on a celebrity gossip site complaining about people making comments on Prat stupidity. funny how your not taking your own advice.

  12. Mslove says:

    Everything Chris Prat does comes off as cringe and try-hard.

  13. Lisa says:


  14. Julia K says:

    Is this the guy who married Maria Shrivers daughter?

    • AppleCart says:

      Yes, and praised her for giving him a ‘healthy child’ which was disrespectful to Anna and their son. Who has some health issues from a cerebral hemorrhage at birth. He’s seems the type that just wants a stepford wife and she was more than happy to submit.

  15. Daphne says:

    Beekeeper here! Did six months of classes followed by a mentorship and registering my apiary with my state. I am part of beekeeping groups and it’s is a very steep learning curve. I’ve had two hives for three years and am still a novice. Do not mess around with bees. They are incredible creatures who deserve our care and respect. Proper care insures that both humans and bees stay safe. They get a bad rap, but when properly cared for are essential for our survival on this planet. This crazy woman has no clue what she’s doing and is endangering people and bees.

  16. Kirsten says:

    I cannot stand her. Wanting to look nice is one thing, but it’s not great to convey to the millions of teenage girls who follow you that being pretty at your job is more important than being safe at your job.

  17. Laura says:

    Interestingly, Erika was recently a guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and with respective ties to the right for all three of them, it’s hard to believe Chris Pratt’s bee sting is a coincidence and not just drumming up press for her. Her safety controversy surfaces every now and again, but the timing here is notable.

    Also, I am a beekeeper, and there are definitely circumstances where I’ll do beekeeping tasks without gloves or veil, but it’s a decision made from listening to the bees and understanding it’s safe based on relating the knowledge and experience I have to that particular moment, and even still, it’s probably only about 1/10 of the time I’m working in the hives (and I try to have my social media accurately reflect that). My background is that of having a father and grandfather who kept bees and who never wore any protective gear ever, and that is a tradition I learned in – it’s absolutely not a practice for an average person interacting with a honeybee swarm or hive for the first time.

  18. Scarlett says:

    That’s got to sting.

  19. Ceej says:

    Can we save and quote him the next time a social media company claims children and teenagers aren’t likely to be influenced by the dangerous trends/info/pressure they get from posts?

    Because… this a grown man with some intelligence thinking he can control a bee because “someone online does it”

  20. Normades says:

    My granddad was a beekeeper and he used to do things sometimes without a mask and take bees in his bare hands. But those were his bees and he knew them and they knew him. I think bees can probably sense stress and react accordingly. Pratt is an idiot.

  21. Maeve says:

    Honeybees are pretty docile and I wouldn’t be surprised if some people give off some sort of bee-whispering pheromone (I used to watch a pet rescue show which occasionally visited a wildlife hospital and you could feel the owner’s “safe” vibe through the TV – just listening to him talk was relaxing). BUT I would bet that bee lady assesses any hive she’s working with to determine their mood. And she’s presenting a curated version of her life – you aren’t seeing where it goes wrong.

  22. Doodle says:

    “To whereas I said” makes no sense. The guy needs to go back to second grade and learn proper sentence construction in addition to how to not mess with nature.

  23. teehee says:

    I’ve done some beekeeping for 2 years.
    With bees, like any species, you never know. One hive can be friendly, another chaotic, and one day to the next the friendly hive will be having none of your sh*t. There are certain “rules” to follow to be safe around each hive (differently), but you have to learn each hive first.
    A basic rule though- never stand at the entrance. And dont surprise them from the top either. Just never a good idea. even if you know the hive and they know you, they jus don’t like anybody at their highest traffic point which is also coincidentally their highest point of vulnerability. They will tolerate you elsewhere better.

  24. lucy2 says:

    That’s a shame.
    So…what’s for dinner?

  25. Frippery says:

    Good on him for putting this video up, honestly. People see things on social media that are in fact very complicated, delicate procedures and think, “Hey, that doesn’t look so hard. I can do that!” then get themselves *badly* hurt. I consider myself fairly intelligent but after watching a ton of a videos about minor car repairs, have been mildly tempted to try it myself. I haven’t, because it would put my safety, my passenger’s safety, and the safety of anyone else on the road with me at risk. But I completely understand the temptation. So I admire that someone famous has put their own dumbass actions out there to remind people that TikTok does not make you an expert and you should always exercise caution when dealing with insects and wild animals.

  26. CC says:

    If the bee was the type that loses its stinger, then this bee died just so Chris Pratt could look like more of a tool than usual.

  27. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    A 12-year old might try to copy dumb things on Tik-Tok, but a grown adult? Sheesh.
    Oh, and “The man is the Anti-Steve Irwin” — except Irwin was killed by a wild animal, so Pratt is more like an actual Steve Irwin than an “Anti”-Steve Irwin.

  28. AppleCart says:

    He seems the type that thinks he should start at expert level. Without the training, knowledge and time that goes into doing something like beek keeping. Then blames everyone else when he screws up.