Andrew Parker Bowles will attend the coronation, he & Camilla ‘are joined at the hip’

The thing about Andrew Parker Bowles and Camilla’s marriage was that it always suited them just fine, and their arrangement was perfectly acceptable within the aristocracy AND the royal family. Andrew cheated on Camilla, Camilla cheated on Andrew, and they were both fine with it and relatively discreet about it. It was Charles and Diana’s marriage troubles which put the spotlight on the Parker-Bowles situation. Anyway, Andrew and now Queen Consort Camilla are still quite close. He even steps in for her and makes appearances on her behalf. He was invited to Charles and Camilla’s wedding and he was reportedly quite jolly about his ex-wife’s situation. And now Andrew Parker Bowles is going to the coronation.

“Being divorced, I don’t think you can have it both ways.” So said the Duchess of York last week, explaining why she is not invited to the coronation on May 6. One man, however, can and will have it both ways. Andrew Parker Bowles, Camilla’s former husband, will be front and centre of the congregation at Westminster Abbey watching his first wife crowned alongside King Charles, while his grandchildren take centre stage with official roles in the ceremony.

Camilla, 75, and Parker Bowles, 83, divorced in 1995 after 22 years of marriage but remain the closest of friends, seeing each other regularly. They have two children — Tom Parker Bowles, 48, a food writer, restaurant critic and the King’s godson; and Laura Lopes, 45, a gallerist — and five grandchildren. Tom’s son, Freddy, 13, and Laura’s twin sons, Gus and Louis, also 13, will be Camilla’s pages of honour at the coronation, carrying the train of her robes.

A friend of Parker Bowles’s said of his enduring relationship with the Queen: “They are joined at the hip. He arranges so much for her. They have lunch together the whole time. He’s right in there. He was always, and still is, Camilla’s co-conspirator.”

Friends politely describe Parker Bowles, who was unfaithful to Camilla during their courtship and marriage, as “a bit of a rogue” and “very naughty with women”. It has often been suggested that he was one of the inspirations for Rupert Campbell-Black, the central character in several of Jilly Cooper’s bonkbuster books.

Known as “the Brigadier” among friends and in royal circles, Parker Bowles, a retired army officer who served with the Blues and Royals, part of the Household Cavalry, has moved in royal circles for decades. Before his marriage to Camilla in 1973, he had a romance with Princess Anne. They remain close friends and are often spotted together at Royal Ascot.

[From The Times]

It’s true about Andrew and Anne – they’re also quite close, still, to this day. There are tons of photos of Andrew and Anne together at horse events, chatting away and flirting with each other (and her husband is suspiciously never around those events). The point, I suppose, is that Andrew isn’t simply close to his ex-wife – he’s close to many within the extended Windsor clan. He’s always been part of that circle. He never sold out Camilla, even though Cam’s PR has been working overtime to emphasize the fact that Andrew cheated on her constantly. Like she wasn’t banging a whole-ass heir to the throne throughout her first marriage. Still, Andrew has a good life and he’s not going to mess it up by giving some tell-all interview. So his reward is seeing his ex-wife crowned in person. Now, do I also think it’s tacky that the coronation is all about Camilla’s “victory lap” and it’s entirely a Parker-Bowles affair? Sure, that too.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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160 Responses to “Andrew Parker Bowles will attend the coronation, he & Camilla ‘are joined at the hip’”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Should not the granddaughters been given some attention and names given. Seems sexist . Only the boys named are listed. Lola Laura’s daughter was a bridal attendant at Cambridge wedding.

    • Tessa says:

      Correction eliza is Laura’s daughter and she was bridal attendant. Lola Parker Bowles is daughter of tom.

  2. Tessa says:

    Charles blundered and named Camilla as mistress which forced the divorce bringing an end to the arrangement.

    • Kiera says:

      I’m not convinced that was a blunder as much as a move by Charles to force Camilla’s hand. I think she was very ok with the arrangement and it didn’t suit her to change it. It suited him and he made it happen. He was playing the game just as much as she was back then.

      • ELX says:

        Imagine what it’s like to look after Charles 24-7—the whining, self-pity, navel-gazing and tantrums must be exhausting.

      • Tessa says:

        Charles got flak from it . Naming publicly a married mistress was something not done. David did not out Wallis until after her divorce and after he abdicated.

      • maisie says:

        I always thought that Charles was besotted with Camilla, and she substantially less enamoured with him, but there’s very little about Camilla that’s not transactional. She got what she wanted. There’s still 3 of them in that marriage.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @maisie – APB, Camilla & KFCIII ?????????????

    • Ang says:

      Ewwww, what if they are a thruple????

      • Pam says:

        Please! I’m eating here!!! 🤣🤣🤣

      • zazzoo says:

        @Pam – so you probably wouldn’t want to hear that Andrew & Cam have also invited Charles’s sister Ann into their boudoir? (not recently, but back in the day, for sure)

      • Sugarhere says:

        The aristocrats who are denied attendance at the ClownaCircus must have forgotten to share a wife with Charles.

        Parker-Bowles has been a smart commoner.

    • Moxylady says:

      Is he the only British aristo of his generation who know where the cl1t was?!?
      He’s absolutely adored in those circles.
      Also. How are these dried up inbred losers so fricking horny? Is it because they have nothing but time and money but no purpose?

      • PennyCandy says:

        Omg I can’t stop laughing at this comment!

      • ThatsNotOkay says:

        I don’t get it. I’m like, the English have no taste in men OR women. Yick! But they sure are horny all up and down the block. Ladies and gentlemen, the head(s) of the Church of England.

      • Cairidh says:

        When he was young he was said to be the best F%-‘ in town.

      • zazzoo says:

        @Cairidh – But you gotta think he was just benefitting from a lackluster pool of competitors.

      • Jais says:

        @zazzoo, “a lackluster pool of competitors” 😂 that explains so much about all these people

      • bisynaptic says:

        Was wondering something very similar: what has APB got in his nethers?
        Also wondering whether he isn’t still the competition trophy between Anne and Camilla.

    • Well Wisher says:

      It was revelations from what was called ‘tampon-gate’ where illegal taping of their private conversation was taped and serialized that ruined their marriage.
      It was one thing to have a ‘private’ affair and another to have details in the front page.

    • Rackel says:

      I thought he named her to one up Diana. He was tired of people calling him “big ears”.

  3. What an immoral and screwed up family this is. They are really just white trash. What’s really sick is they think they are better than others.

    • Josephine says:

      Useless trash, all of them. Does a single person in this circle actually do anything besides booze and apparently cheat? What a lot of losers that the British people keep paying for. It’s really horrifying.

    • B says:

      Not only are they constantly passing each other around but the people of the Parker-Bowles crew are so unfortunate looking that they appear inbred. The Windsors are no prize themselves but you do wonder why Charles and Anne both enjoy “keeping it in the family” with THIS particular family.

    • zazzoo says:

      When it comes to the aristocratic norm of passing around spouses, IDK if I’d say “immoral.” If everyone involved is an enthusiastically consenting adult, who cares? But I absolutely agree that they have no basis for claiming superiority to the rest of us. Well, their basis, and this is true for all aristocracy is the claim of good breeding, that presumably a thousand years of the best families intermarrying has creating some kind of superior bloodline, when in reality it’s just created an inbred, genetically limited pool, that results in the likes of Charles & Cam.

    • candy says:

      Money doesn’t buy class — and never has. That has always been a myth.

    • The Recluse says:

      Just so awful and yet they’re held up as some sort of exemplar. Ugh.

  4. S808 says:

    I still think Leather face wanted to stay married to APB while f*cking Charles (Charles’ loser in love self ruined it) but her being queen gives the whole PB clan a lot of access and power I’m sure APB is over the moon about the coronation.

    • Snuffles says:

      Agreed. I also think that APB and Camilla commiserated and continue to do so on how they can bilk this situation to their family’s advantage. I don’t think Camila truly loves Charles. I think she tolerates him and has learned how to handle his moods. But she clearly prefers APB’s company.

      • s808 says:

        Oh absolutely, she may have married Charles but would not be surprised if she still considers APB her partner in all things.

      • Ameerah M says:

        The parallels between her and Wallis Simpson are staggering. Wallis divorced her husband but always considered him her true partner and they were friends until his death.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        “But she clearly prefers APB’s company”

        So does Anne. The weird thing is that Admiral Timothy Laurence and Andrew Parker-Bowles have become big buds.

        If only given two options, APB or KFCIII, and I had to make a choice, I would choose Andrew Parker Bowles.

      • Sue E Generis says:

        I came here to say this. I think Cam and APB realized a long time ago how advantageous it would be for them financially and socially to have her as queen and they’ve been relentlessly pursuing that strategy for years.

        Camilla absolutely doesn’t give a crap about Charles. She handles/manages him and keeps her eye on the prize and boy has it paid off. This is Camilla and her family’s coronation as clear as day. Charles is an afterthought.

      • mg_jet says:

        woww you I couldnt agree more.. hahaa!

    • sunny says:

      Hard agree.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Yup. He was and likely still is Camilla’s true love.

      • Snuffles says:

        I expect Charles continuously vacillates between feeling sorry for himself and raging. APB is a relief from that.

    • Well Wisher says:

      Totally agree.

    • Typical Virgo says:

      Leatherface??? Lol!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      I try to stay away from using nasty nicknames for women I don’t like, I think it’s mean girl behavior, but I make an exception for Camilla, and Leatherface is THE best nickname I’ve heard for her so far 😂😂

  5. Tacky says:

    I think it is appropriate for Camilla’s family to be included in her being crowned queen. It’s a shame Charles drove out half his family.

    • Tessa says:

      And Camilla did not exactly help the sussexes stay.

    • BQM says:

      I agree. If it wasn’t so horrid how the Sussexes were treated, I think it would be, and should be, looked at more favorably.

      There’s no reason her grandchildren shouldn’t be included. The attendants have almost never been direct descendants or relatives. George being one is a break with tradition actually. Usually it’s titled aristocrats who hold the canopy. I think her grandchildren doing it is lovely. But, again, it’s soured by the Sussex’s treatment.

  6. Jais says:

    Need to look up more photos of him from when he’s younger bc I’m just not seeing the appeal. Maybe he’s got charisma idk?

    • Seaflower says:

      Not much better when he was younger

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        At least he’s better looking than his son FWIW. He looks like a standard baggy-faced old man. His son looks like a deformed foot. Both seem charmless but there doesn’t seem to be much variety in this inbred social circle so maybe he’s a prize relative to the other options.

      • Seaflower says:

        @Pink no argument from me

    • JM says:

      To be fair, she isn’t any more attractive than he is. They are a pretty good physical match

    • Moxylady says:

      He apparently was the only aristo of that age who tried to make ladies orgasm or even considered that they could or might want to.
      To the aristo women, that made him a god and they will forever be grateful. Ie he will always be protected and invited to all the things.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Wow, the Rudolph Valentino of the aristocracy! Had the ladies swooning all over him.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        Andrew Parker Bowles (1938-still kicking), the 21st Earl of Suffolk (1935-2022) and the 11th Duke of Beaufort (1928-2017) were the models for Jilly Cooper’s Rupert Campbell-Black character in the Rutshire Chronicles book series (per Jilly Cooper).

      • Feeshalori says:

        For a real treat, Google The Brigadier painting of APB by Lucien Freud. I don’t know if it’s meant to be complimentary, but his face gives me nightmares. Please don’t forget to put your eyeballs back in their sockets after viewing. I’m sure it’s a matter of taste, but this gem sold for nearly $35 million at a Christie’s auction.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @Feeshalori – I have viewed that portrait many times and find it pretty awesome, however I am a fan of Lucien Freud. Supposedly Lucien Freud offered the portrait to APB for $500,000.00 and APB passed on the offer.

      • Feeshalori says:

        BTB, I am not well acquainted with Freud’s work, but this particular piece didn’t appeal to me because of the interpretation of his face. But I know art is very subjective to the viewer. I understand that this was done well past APB’s prime and career and I can understand how the painter sought to capture that and how his face reflects it. I read an interview that APB gave, and he said he couldn’t even fit into his uniform for the sitting which I suppose gives it that slightly louche appearance. I also read that he regretted not being able to purchase the painting at that time. $500,000 would have been a steal!

      • Blithe says:

        @Feeshalori: Thanks for the suggestion. I just watched a short video about the making of the painting, and found it quite interesting. A very multi-layered treat. My sense from the video — including APB’s comments — is that it’s not meant to be complimentary, but rather: deeply and chillingly and uncomfortably accurate.

      • Feeshalori says:

        @BTB, chilling and uncomfortable indeed. Here’s the article:

      • Renae says:

        So did vampires (supposedly). Made the ladies swoon.
        I can see the resemblance.

  7. Polo says:

    Didn’t he have an affair with Anne? They are all a bunch of messed up people but this is exactly how the whole establishment operates. From the aristos to the journalists and politicians.
    They all have affairs with each other

    • Zapp Brannigan says:

      So Charles and Anne, brother and sister, were each bedding one half of a married couple? There is not enough brain bleach in the word for the mental images this creates.

  8. Tessa says:

    Camilla was also unfaithful during the courtship and marriage

  9. Seaflower says:

    i really didn’t need the image of them joined at the hip

  10. Bklne says:

    Aaaand … here we see the results of too many generations swimming around in a vanishingly shallow gene pool.

    Also: maybe someone who knows more about these details can chime in, but I remember someone mentioning that APB and Camilla were married in the Catholic church and they got a divorce but never bothered with an annulment. So on some level they are still married, if that’s true.

    • Jojo says:

      Considering the non-existent level of commitment they all show to their respective marriage vows I think whether or not the PB marriage is counted as officially dissolved is a bit of a moot point. The fact that any of them can still make any kind of vow in a church while keeping straight faces is amazing in itself.

  11. SAS says:

    Camilla is running this show and I’m so surprised there’s not more of a backlash.

    Big LOL at the inconsistency between the trashy Windsors and grifter Parker-Bowles’ ex-partner invites. And it’s not an Andrew thing, you really think Diana would be invited if she were here? The whole thing is so fucking weird. Like going to your ex’s wedding to the person they cheated on you with? Creeps.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      If Diana were here, she would be marching outside in a Not My King Tshirt.

      • JM says:

        I think Di was classier than that. Marching in a not my king shirt when the king is your ex is super messy

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Diana was certainly much more classy than these trashy people. That’s why she would be team “Not My King” all the way. She even predicted that Charles would be bad at this. So far, she’s batting 1,000!

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Di would be draped on a chaise, looking moody and distant among needlepoint cushions and playing ‘Save A Prayer’ on a Walkman

      • QuiteContrary says:

        Diana would not be draped on a chaise. She would be walking through a field of landmines. Or meeting with Malala to discuss women’s education. Or — most likely — celebrating Archie’s birthday with Meghan and Doria.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      I had meant as she might be in heaven, but I take your point…

  12. HamsterJam says:

    The village could only afford one bicycle.

  13. girl_ninja says:

    Amazing how these people have no qualms about sleeping with each other outside of their marriages and have the gall to look down on others. What ab bunch of delusional losers.

  14. blue says:

    So APB probably got Pamela Hicks seat.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    The prospect of becoming was too much to give up and here we are.

  16. Brassy Rebel says:

    The side piece’s ex got an invite to the con-a-nation. That’s going to make the Duke of Pork chops and Lady Lunchbucket incandescent with rage because they weren’t. This gets better all the time.

    • Alice says:

      Nah, because APB is “one of them”. It will be one of Charles’s other picks that draws ire. I’m betting the head of a religion other than COE or the head of a NGO.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I don’t know. I hear Viscount Dingleberry is hopping mad. 😡🤬

  17. Alice says:

    The man must be a tripod it’s the only explanation.

    • Renae says:

      His appearance is quite (ahem) “unfortunate”.

    • Maeve says:

      I read somewhere that he was favoured in that department and is very charming – he was extremely popular with the ladies back in the day. Someone described him as “not good looking exactly but incredibly attractive.”

    • bisynaptic says:


  18. Pumpkin says:

    This seems to be a typical situation in the aristocracy: keep the current partner close and the ex even closer. Makes sense though. They’re either all related to each or have dated each other (or both) so trying to cut your ex off potentially means losing your friends and/or family members.

    • ThatsNotOkay says:

      Which Kate didn’t understand going into this and resents ’cause ain’t nobody ringing her bell.

  19. Mary Pester says:

    Hello my lovelies, propped up here in my hospital bed, so WiFi might go in and out. Please forgive any errors today. But I couldn’t miss this to post
    Mingers et trois 🤢

  20. MSTJ says:

    What a mess. The coronation will be an apt demonstration of fecal stench at the pinnacle of British classist society and the Anglican Church, validated with the presence of global leaders to witness the stench wrapped up in pomp and pageantry.

    Charles III = Henry VIII
    Camilla Parker Bowles = Anne Boleyn

    The Church of England condemns adultery and divorce in its teachings, however it was founded by an adulterer who was crowned Head of the Church with his former mistress by his side and will on May 6 crown another adulterer with his former mistress by his side and he will be elevated Head of the Church of England. I can only conclude that members of the Church of England condone the divergence of the scripture that is taught and what is practiced by Charles, the Head of the Church.

    Now regarding the arrangement of Andrew and Camilla and his inclusion in Camilla’s life and events with Charles, I think their manipulation of Charles throughout the years has been collusion that led to usurping of the crown/throne/monarchy in full view of the people of the UK and the rest of the world. Well played Camilla. She is the boss lady now – soon to be crowned Queen Camilla. Her great grandmother, Alice Keppel would have been so proud of your accomplishments.

    She left a lot of bodies on her path to the top of the pyramid and a lot pain for many to endure. The cost of power and prestige?

    • Tessa says:

      Alice k never undermined queen Alexandra. She was traditional mistress to Edward the 7th never trashed the royal wife or tried to gaslight her
      Whether alice would have approved of what Camilla did is subject to speculation

      • Feeshalori says:

        Alice was most likely more genteel in her role and understood her position whereas Camilla is more cutthroat and left bodies in her wake.

    • Robin Samuels says:

      You have just written the first draft of your bestseller.

  21. MrsH says:

    Telling the truth right here: “He’s right in there. He was always, and still is, Camilla’s co-conspirator.” Co-conspirator.

  22. Mads says:

    It was Chuck admitting his affair with Cam in the Dimbleby interview/book that forced APB to ask for a divorce ; he felt it made him look “foolish”. Cam’s father was furious with Chuck for publicly admitting the affair too and actually called Chuck out about it. These people have different standards from the rest of the population; keeping up appearances is paramount in their circles and it’s one of the reasons they detest Harry and will never forgive or forget.

  23. aquarius64 says:

    APB doesn’t mind been declared the Official Cuckold as long as it benefits him, his kids and grandkids.

  24. Mslove says:

    APB has been a good cuckhold, and he will now reap the benefits. These people are so gross.

  25. Rapunzel says:

    If APB is joined to Cams hip, does that mean Charles is *his* tampon too?

  26. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I sincerely doubt that Andrew laid down his wife for “King and country” without getting something in return and I don’t believe an invite to Conanation is it.

    • candy says:

      This. The coronation is just a symbol of the real trade off: money. This is all about money at both the micro and macro levels in British society. Andrew is being rewarded for never outing them. Diana blew the game and she paid with her life.

  27. HeyKay says:

    Joined at the bank account more like.
    Of course, APB is tight with Cam.
    She is running everything and he is profiting.
    What a horrid bunch they all are.

  28. HeyKay says:

    Inbreeding for generations, too much money, too much power, no useful jobs, none of them are intelligent despite the best schools available, back stabbing, wealth hoarding, snobs, adulterers, on and on for hundreds of years = The BRF.

    Disgusting that anyone, anywhere still supports this sh*tshow.

  29. Soni says:

    I know this is a harsh thing to say, but do any of these people age well?? I guess their souls are shown on their faces.

  30. BW says:

    NOOOOO, Not “the Brigadier!” Way to ruin one of my favorite Doctor Who companions.

  31. QuiteContrary says:

    You can put crowns on their misshapen heads and ermine robes on their hunched backs, but they’re still white trash.

    Defenders of the Faith, my ass.

  32. Abby says:

    The headline made me want to go get some popcorn and sit down for this post, and the post did not disappoint. FASCINATING. Oh so messy.

    Also this: “It has often been suggested that he was one of the inspirations for Rupert Campbell-Black, the central character in several of Jilly Cooper’s bonkbuster book”

    What in the world is a “bonkbuster” and where might I find books in said genre? I think I need to do some research. 😀

    • Zapp Brannigan says:

      A bonkbuster is a novel characterized by graphic descriptions of the heroine’s frequent sexual encounters (thanks!!!)

      Jilly Cooper wrote about the upper class horsey set and the various shenanigans they got up to in and out of the bedroom.

    • TarteAuCitron says:

      Oh I grew up on 80s block/bonkbusters! 🙂 Anything by Jackie Collins, Judith Krantz, Jilly Cooper, Harold Robbins (sp?) would do.

  33. Patricia says:

    I’m thinking that the Shands, the Parker-Bowles and the Windsors are making the Borzias look really good. But the Borzias were no beauty contest winners either. Maybe you have to be rather homely, if not down right ugly, to maintain that kind or “power.” My advice is in order to get ahead with this crowd you’re going to need a lot of paper bags. And the ability to hold your breath for awhile. Phew!!!
    Or just keep thinking of Mary Pester and “a scrotum with a wig.” We could add bad teeth to that scrotum too. Bless you ,Mary, and much love

  34. Mary says:

    Wait a minute, according to Fergie if you are divorced from a Royal family member you are “out” when it comes to public events. Ooohh, she must be steaming mad. At least she knows now that she was not invited to the Coronation not because she is divorced from Andrew but because they simply don’t like her!

  35. Tessa says:

    Evelyn Waugh wrote about this sort of set in his book vile bodies.

  36. L4Frimaire says:

    I’m surprised this guy is still alive. This coronation really is the Camilla show. The media over there know it too. Harry aside, Charles’ family are marginalized in this spectacle.

  37. Smices says:

    What if this was all one long con by Andrew and Camilla? 👀

  38. arhus says:

    Now THAT’s some BDE!!!

  39. candy says:

    These people live in a world without consequences and anyone who interferes is just collateral damage. The only real justice is public humiliation, which they care about only moderately. At the end of the day, they know their bread will be buttered.

  40. Andrea says:

    I think Charles should get a food taster and a brake tester. Can’t you see these two having him exterminated after the con-a-nation the moment he secretly passes a decree that Camilla will serve as Queen after he dies?

    • MSTJ says:

      Andrea – The likely route for Camilla and Andrew will be to incapacitate him (e.g. the mad king) which will allow her to rule as regent of the king. If he dies, William will be king so he has to remain alive as long as possible. Control is what she’ll need and as regent she will be able to have full control. It’s a usurper’s tactic.

  41. HennyO says:

    C&C&APB were forever a 3some. Proof from old tabloids and newspapers articles are resurfacing on social media these days.

    While married to Diana, Charles went for a week-long private cruise with Camilla and her husband. And those 3some trips and gatherings seemed to have continued to happen over the years, whether or not Charles was married to Diana, divorced or remarried to Cams. That’s why Cams kept her own home – to continue to do her own thing. The UK monarchy is about to go through some thing.

  42. HennyO says:

    C&C&APB were forever a 3some.
    Old tabloid and newspapers articles, resurfacing on social media, gives all kind of proof.

    While married to Diana, Charles went for a week-long private cruise with Camilla and her husband. And those 3some trips and gatherings seemed to have continued over the years, whether
    or not Charles was married to Diana, divorced or remarried to Cams. That’s why Cams kept her own home – to continue to do her own thing. The UK monarchy is about to go through things.

  43. Robin Samuels says:

    Camilla is happy when there are three people in the marriage, and that has been a consensus triangle for a long time. Tabloids consistently report that she spends a lot of time in her home (the one Charles bought and furnished), especially during the holiday season. Camilla has been Charles’s loyal cover for decades, and this crowning is her gift. Anyone who views this event besides the true Sham Show needs someone to talk to. Harry’s decision not to participate in the post-service foolery is merit. I pray this isn’t too painful for him, but at least he’s learned the value of therapy. Since Meghan won’t be in the environment, she’ll be the support system he’ll need. After the Queen’s 10-day funeral event, I assume both required therapy. From that point, they probably agreed that both of them simultaneously in that level of toxicity can’t happen too often.
    Diana called it.

    • Rackel says:

      I do wonder if Charles has another woman that either doesn’t want to be queen or whatever. There seems to be hints about him leading a separate life. But it doesn’t seem possible. He doesn’t go on a million vacations like William.

  44. Robin Samuels says:

    Camilla is happy when there are three people in the marriage, and that has been a consensus triangle for a long time. Tabloids consistently report that she spends a lot of time in her home (the one Charles bought and furnished), especially during the holiday season. Camilla has been Charles’s loyal cover for decades, and this crowning is her gift. Anyone who views this event besides the true Sham Show needs someone to talk to. Harry’s decision not to participate in the post-service foolery is merit. I pray this isn’t too painful for him, but at least he’s learned the value of therapy. Since Meghan won’t be in the environment, she’ll be the support system he’ll need in California. After the Queen’s 10-day funeral event, both required therapy. From that point, they probably agreed that both of them simultaneously in that level of toxicity can’t happen too often.
    Every time I think about all the negative names they threw at Meghan, from golddigger to hypnotist, I laugh out loud. Meghan saw that jewel-encrusted trash for what it was, and they knew she knew how trashy they were. Finding freedom was the best thing to happen to her and Harry.

  45. Rackel says:

    I do wonder if Charles has another woman that either doesn’t want to be queen or whatever. There seems to be hints about him leading a separate life. But it doesn’t seem possible. He doesn’t go on a million vacations like William.