The palace released two more coronation portraits, including one of ‘the heirs’

A few days after the coronation, Buckingham Palace finally released the official Throne Room portraits. One of King Charles solo, one of Queen Camilla solo, one of Camilla and Charles together, and one of all of the “working royals.” We were too focused on the artwork behind Camilla (which was not blackamoor art, as I learned too late) and the fact that “the slimmed down monarchy” is full of septuagenarians and octogenarians (plus two lazy 40-somethings who act like Edwardians). Some people did lament the fact that there seemed to be a missing portrait in the official photos: one with Charles and his two immediate heirs, Prince William and Prince George. Well, guess what?

As a late exclusive, Buckingham Palace released two more portraits, one of Charles and his two heirs, and one of Charles and Camilla with their coronation people, the ladies-in-waiting and all of the pages. It’s all so terribly white! LOL. Honestly though… the “king and his heirs” photo is so dull. British people are already lamenting the fact that they’ll have three kings in a row. Historically, Britain has prospered more under queens. Those Brits shouldn’t worry too much – I doubt there will be much of a monarchy left in twenty years’ time. I also believe that it took this long to release these two photos because all of the king’s men had to learn how to Photoshop and edit the crap out of these pics. William was definitely Photoshopped in, his head looks unnatural in the heirs photo.

One final footnote to Prince William’s appearance at the coronation is that, apparently, William was in a great deal of pain on May 6th. According to Luther Blissett – who went to Windsor Castle for his OBE investiture – William confessed that he played soccer with some friends days before the coronation and “he said he couldn’t walk for a week afterwards. He says he still plays 11-a-side.” Don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt that William is regularly left staggering around, unable to walk or sit properly. But I doubt it’s from football.

PS… There was a lot of news about Peg this weekend, please don’t threadjack! We will have plenty of stories throughout the week.

Photos courtesy of Hugo Burnand for Buckingham Palace/Avalon Red.

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103 Responses to “The palace released two more coronation portraits, including one of ‘the heirs’”

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  1. equality says:

    I wondered when they’d get around to the photo of the family members who actually matter. (sarc). How gross for all of KC’s other grandchildren. QE used to release one of all the grandchildren with her. At least she did when they were all white.

  2. Snuffles says:

    Yeah, that entire photo looks photoshopped. George looks like a cut out too.

    Now we know why the Wales were late. William probably arrived late the Adelaide Cottage after a night of rigorous pegging.

    Look, I probably would get sore from playing soccer too, but not a whole week. I don’t believe his story.

    • Juju says:

      The photo shopping is so bad! I swear they used the same image of Charles in every photo they have released.

      It looks like the background was a green screen and that none of these people were ever in the same room, they just copied and pasted their images together. I’m hoping that is not the case but it really just looks so artificial and flat.

      • ThatsNotOkay says:

        They tried to give Peggy hair without anyone knowing they gave Peggy hair. But you can’t give Peggy hair without it looking like you gave him hair because he has none.

      • Sugarhere says:

        You’re right. It is the exact same Chuck face in every damn photo. I’m seeing triple, for real.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Certainly if he played regularly he wouldn’t be sore for weeks. I’m sure that’s William’s way of being one with the people, and was the sort of anecdote that fellow thought appropriate to share.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Rigorous pegging… LOL I screamed into my pillow. And Beaniebean, yes, he invented an anecdote, because he is just as boring as the septagenarians and this flat little fake story is all the charisma he can provide.

  3. Scooby Gang says:

    More photos. Whoop-dee-freaking-doo-dah.

    Go help people, you dipsh*ts.

    • BrainFog 💉💉💉😷 says:

      Perfect comment.

    • Josephine says:

      As predicted, they are releasing new photos every couple days to try to regain some interest from their fail-a-nation. But every release puts them further and further out of touch. It really does look like a photo booth with props from a kid’s bday party. the drunk adults hijacked the photo booth!

  4. OriginalMich says:

    Why is Charles manspreading in the picture? It makes him look slouchy.

    • harpervalleypta says:

      Chuck looks *terrible* in that picture.

      He’s manspreading, his clothes are frumpled, he looks like his shoulders can’t even hold the weight of the cape let alone the crown. And of course the crown is crooked. (And it doesn’t help that his tunic looks like cheap polyester.)

      Shoulders back! Sit up straight! Quit spreading your knees as far out as possible! Look like a king, not like a guy coming in after mowing the yard who is now sprawled in his recliner and wanting a beer.

      • BeanieBean says:

        That cheap purple pajama top is so awful!! He looks ridiculous in that & why did they think that would be a good look for the history books?? He should have gone with dictator chic & worn one of his uniforms.
        And how many ermines had to die for these robes? We already know they killed hundreds of Canadian bears for those stupid hats for the jubbly (reworn here, how ‘green’ of them), so what’s the body count on the ermines?

    • Eurydice says:

      It seems to be a traditional pose for British kings in their portraits – “behold the royal package!” –

    • Feeshalori says:

      And he looks smothered by those overwhelming robes. I don’t think he looks well at all. Replace the orb and scepter with a beer and a bowl of snacks and you have a Sunday afternoon football fan.

      • booboocita says:

        “Smothered” is right. He’s not wearing coronation robes — the robes are wearing him.

    • Jenna says:

      Charles looks like he’s holding a bottle of Chambord.

  5. Rapunzel says:

    Not to threadjack, but I heard none of this news about Peg this weekend. It was just these photos I saw. And they didn’t get much attention. My point: I wonder what Peg thinks about the fact he can’t hold people’s interest. I picture him raging about it.

    This is a huge problem for the BRF. The King and his heirs are dull. Or, when not dull, getting the wrong kind of attention. Even George is being set up to be overshadowed by his siblings.

    The star power is lacking.

    And if Peg had to be photoshopped into this heirs portrait? The stars are colliding.

    • Nic919 says:

      I think it’s more articles clearly coming from Peg’s office this weekend and not specific things he did.

  6. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    They gave William hair in the heirs photo lmao!!!

    • Emme says:

      But his awful fixed grin?? No warmth there at all.

    • BeanieBean says:

      They gave him hair & seem to have plumped up his face a bit. George had some nice smiles in these photos, good for him (poor kid with his predetermined life).

    • lucy2 says:

      OMG you’re right, that is too funny. So someone is capable of photoshop, but left Camilla’s wonky grin in the one from last week. These photos are so ridiculous. I can understand doing them, but slow rolling the release to the public is just silly and out of touch.

      Every time I see a photo of George, I think “I hope you don’t turn out like your dad and grandfather”.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    They are so comically out of touch. Why on earth would they think the average populace would want to see this picture of obscene opulence given the state of inflation, cost of living and industrial action in that country? While Harry’s court cases may provide some reprieve for the papers not being sued(actively), I stand by what I said a few weeks ago. They(KP and BP) are going to absolutely demolish each other this summer.

    • Christine says:

      Especially the slow roll-out of official Chubbly photos! It’s so absurd, as if the world is waiting with bated breath to see any of these people in their robes, some more.

  8. Jk says:

    They are desperate to remind us that there was a coronation.

  9. Feeshalori says:

    It really bugs me that his crown is tilted. Did no one notice that and could straighten it?

    • GoldenMom says:

      I keep seeing the same thing. When I can bear to look at these horrible people.

      Crooked crowns and ridiculous wiglets. Excellent.

      • AnnaKist says:

        The crooked crown is perfect. It makes him look like the goof he is. He’s not the exemplar he would like people to think he is . He’s crooked, and he’s a goof.

      • Cara says:

        It screams Mardi Gras king to me.

      • Whyforthelove says:

        And curtains. I see them all wearing different parts of the same old fashioned curtains.

    • Blithe says:

      Perhaps he was going for a more rakish look?

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I didn’t realize that manspreading was rakish too!!

      • Blithe says:

        I don’t have Photoshop skills, but I’m imagining Charles posed sitting on a subway — manspreading, clutching his stick and his orb, and looking both uncertain and vaguely terrified. Not a pretty picture.

    • SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

      With the sprawl, crooked crown, dopey expression, the photos of Chuck remind me of all those early 19th century cartoons of Prince Regent/George IV, when they were roasting him for being a fat, greedy, spoiled, disgusting idiot.

    • MJM says:

      David on Twitter posted about KC lopsided crown and Disney runic lol

    • AmB says:

      It makes him look like King Leonidas (Google it).

    • TeamMeg says:

      The crooked crown is so symbolic, I can’t even. Terrible!

  10. Hell Nah! says:

    The over-the-top display of opulence and smug privilege is completely nauseating. Charles looks like an very old toad. No comment on the Other One.
    I’m so sorry you’re a part of this mess, Georgy boy.


    • Tessa says:

      Charles robes wrapped around him looks like a bad bridal photo with .The bride having too long a train

  11. RoyalBlue says:

    Meemaw died so they could fly. Everyone looks happy with their promotion and movement up the royalty ladder.

  12. SarahCS says:

    Wow Charles is looking OLD in these pics. All that photoshop and this is the best they could manage? Yikes.

    As for the images overall, more of this kind of thing please. Keep reminding people that these tax dodgers and state supported scroungers are sitting around in their finery while millions are struggling.

  13. Jais says:

    Whenever I see pictures of these palaces, all I can think about is how cheesy and cheap the carpeting looks. Maybe it’s nice carpet idk? But it looks cheap and ugly. Every single time that’s all I can see. The walls are all so elaborate and then you get that carpet.

  14. Tessa says:

    No Charlotte and Louis you can’t be in that photo George is more important. If Charles were not petty and mean spirited.he could have posed with all of his grandchildren. The queen and philip posed with both their children on coronation pictures. I don’t recall seeing photos of will as a little boy in those dynasty photos.

    • Eurydice says:

      But the Queen did do a dynasty photo recently – herself, Charles, Willam and George.

      • Tessa says:

        Yes and that was unfortunate. I forgot about the pudding stirring photo Nd the one where c. Will and George posed formally.
        .but unlike Charles she did have photos with her other great grandchildren. And she did have a photo with baby archie.

  15. Tessa says:

    Charles probably likes that there are no female direct heirs. That long robe looks ridiculous.

  16. Niki says:

    This is a ridiculous photo. It looks like some Comic-Con cosplay bs. Can he see his future in the ridiculous orb? It’s saying he’ll be the last king. What a dreary bunch.

    • MrsBanjo says:

      Pfft. lol. Cosplayers manage to make their work look so much better than this. This looks like something out of Spirit Halloween or some other cheap costume shop. I half expect the pieces to be held together by velcro.

      • Nutella toast says:

        KC is wearing a bowling shirt. That’s all I got.

      • BeanieBean says:

        KC looks like he just got crowned the Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler of the International Loyal Order of Friendly Raccoons. And then went bowling.

    • HeyJude says:

      Yes the heirs photo is absolutely asinine. Is this 2023? Read the room! This is all disgusting, in a “world power” we let be seriously involved in international events?! They look like actual Disney movie villains.

  17. Mary Pester says:

    You know things are looking bleak for the monarchy (good) when even British people are saying “ENOUGH ALREADY THE CORONATION IS DONE AND GONE”. On a final note, I’m sorry, but every time I see a picture of BULLYAM I can’t help thinking that I’m no cactus experts, but I know a prk when I see one!

    • Blithe says:

      Ouch! 🌵
      Maybe when William does his coat of arms he can have a cactus or two, and a few hedgehogs and porcupines and such. Lol

    • Gabby says:

      I think Willie knows what bullshit the whole thing is, hence all the clenching. He doesn’t really believe this stuff, does he? I suspect when he becomes the king, he is going to fire all the courtiers and disappear into one of his houses with all the money, emerging only to see what his brother is doing.

  18. SueBarbri33 says:

    This photo manages to be both bland and slightly alarming at the same time. I don’t know much about photography, but it looks so flat and basic that it has about as much art and style as a 3rd grade class photo. The alarming part is the photoshop: not just that they did a terrible job with it, but that it appears that it was impossible to get all three of them into the room at the same time. I am also alarmed by the vacant expression on KC’s face and by his slovenly appearance. What is happening with these people? Just awful. It almost looks like a DMV photo.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I’m five months younger than Charles, and my DMV photo from a year ago looks better than this. Not because I look so young (I don’t) but because this is a really poor photo and Charles doesn’t look well.

      • Blithe says:

        I agree. So many of Charles’s coronation photos look truly awful, and if they’re carefully chosen AND photoshopped, that’s pretty ominous.

        If Charles is seriously unwell — as opposed to simply overwhelmed by the stresses of the day, Edward looks ill, Andrew needs to be called to account, and William clearly has some deeply problematic issues, that leaves me happily imagining what it might be like to have Anne and Good King Harry as co-Regents setting the tone for a genuinely service-focused monarchy — while it lasts.

      • TeamMeg says:

        @BrassyRebel 🤣 🤣 🤣

  19. S808 says:

    I wonder if he specifically asked that some hair be photoshopped in 🤣

    • Jk says:

      But bloody hell, they could have done something about his weird ‘smile’ while they were at it.

    • Blithe says:

      More “heir” front and center in the pics? More “hair”? Aw heck, why not Both? Lol

    • smarmyo says:

      William’s head is disconcertingly small, so perhaps it was photoshopped and put back in/on. Charles may have been instructed to sit that way in order to keep his mantle (cape) in place, and not puncture himself with the sceptre, but I’m just speculating.

  20. Amy Bee says:

    These new photos are equally as bad as the previous ones. I’m sure this release was in response to the bad reaction to the family photo but they are not an improvement on situation. Maybe there should have had a photo of the King and the heirs in suits.

  21. Visa Diva says:

    I’m older, in worse shape than William and play soccer on Sundays. I may be a bit sore the day after, but I can move like normal

  22. Lady Digby says:

    This photo makes KC look absolutely gaga and gives me real The madness of King George vibes about it. Such a contrast to the innocence of George, I sincerely hope that he is allowed to make his own life choices if UK becomes a republic.

  23. blue says:

    Chuck’s gigantic fur-trimmed robe and very long train are ridiculous. His new coach, crown, robes + new stuff for his frau are very jarring in this modern age. Aside from the enormous expense, it’s really not fashionable to dress up in costumes originated centuries ago. This is the realization of Chuck’s lifetime dream & he will not be denied but instead of a subdued & dignified ceremony, this is a farce.

  24. Polly says:

    They’re making sure that George knows from an early age that this is what his life will be, he has no choice in the matter, so get used to it. How utterly grim.

  25. ChattyCath says:

    Never counting chickens before they’re hatched comes to mind. I’m not wishing ill on anyone but how many heirs presumptive met untimely deaths particularly in this Family Tree. Sinister

  26. Mslove says:

    Looking at this picture, I can’t decide if it’s 1776 or 2023. Chuck & Pegs should be embarrassed.

  27. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Quick, give them swords…let’s see how real soldiers do it.

    • Brianne says:

      Don’t care, going down Petty Lane! Lord Peggington has gained some weight! Maybe he took some from Kkhate 😂

      • BeanieBean says:

        I think they photoshopped his fuller face & then all the chubbly paraphernalia adds to his overall bulk. In the BTS video from the concert, William looks like his tall slim usual self.

  28. tamsin says:

    It all looks so eighteenth century. I’m of two minds whether or not it’s a good thing to keep reminding people of the glories of the past in an effort to secure the future.

  29. Rackel says:

    Multi-millionaires. Art history degrees all around. Been photoshopping and airbrushing since Elizabeth’s 2 son prince edwards wedding AND STILL CANT PRODUCE A GOOD PICTURE. Is Edward production company still in charge? Goodness. Someone just has a bad eye. Even the kids look weird.

  30. Cali says:

    That’s a lot of shades of red in that picture. And none of them match….also what’s up with the two marks on the chest of Prince George’s outfit?

  31. Jaded says:

    Between this and Khate’s piano *recital*, I’m wondering who on God’s Green Earth is suggesting this sh*t? It’s like they’re all basking in their newfound power and money, and want to rub it all in the poors’ faces. The arrogance is mind-boggling. I’m reminded of a quote I like attributed to Leo Tolstoy:

    “An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a person’s main task in life – becoming a better person.”

  32. Rackel says:

    So…… what do we think of Camilla second wedding pictures. I assume she didn’t like the idea of a civil union so she made the coronation her wedding. Even though she is catholic so technically still married to her first husband.

    • Sid says:

      Rackel, that is exactly the impression I got from the photos and clips I saw. That this was meant to be the “royal wedding” she never had. Pathetic, to put it kindly.

  33. QuiteContrary says:

    So modern!

  34. Escape says:

    Half those little boys need to be replaced with little girls. Sends out a terrible message to girls that they are not good enough.

  35. SAS says:

    I can almost never pick photoshop but I screamed when I saw this pic! Context clues dummies- we know Charles and Will are both petty rage monsters, as if Will is grinning like that after his dad surely threw a fit about the lateness debacle.

  36. Nicky says:

    “Charles posed…clutching his stick and his orb, and looking both uncertain and vaguely terrified. Not a pretty picture.”

    Sounds like the beginnings of a p•rn or a Carry On movie,

    “Oh! Clutching your stick and orb?”

    “Oh Matron!”

    Apologise in advance for this as this might only be properly understood by British oldies.

    Also if to offensive just call it spam but it’s a horrific image in my mind now 🤮

    • Jojo says:

      I’m a British oldie and understand exactly what you mean. As I read your post I could hear Kenneth Williams’ voice in my head 🤣.

  37. BeanieBean says:

    Charles’ shoes, with those buckles!! Fandancy! I’m sure there’s a reason for it–at the core, Charles’ four pages had one type of uniform, but Camilla’s had two other different types. I recognize that black frilly one from Harry’s wedding. Does anyone know the reason behind the page uniforms? I could google it, yeah, but I’m feeling lazy. 😉

  38. TheCrankyFairy says:

    I’m just going to add Baldermort’s mobility issues to my list of things that could point to lingering effects of covid infections and the possibility that the royal family’s health may not be as robust as it once was. Just a theory I’m currently considering.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Nah, it was jut too much pegging the day before.

    • Jojo says:

      My tin foil tiara theory is that he’s a functioning alcoholic or drug addict. I think that they’ve covered up his uselessness and absences after excessive binge days for years. That explanation would also go some way to explaining his random incandescent rages, tantrums, volatility and unpredictability. He’s at exactly the age where hiding excessive drinking/drugs begins to get harder to manage, harder to hide and harder for the person to carry on as normal the day after.

      I honestly believe that both Willy and Harry used excesses of drink and/or drugs to cope with their childhood trauma. The difference being that Harry eventually grew up, recognised the ‘self-medicating’ problems he had and worked very hard to make positive changes in how he coped with life. I don’t think Willy ever reached that stage because he was never held accountable for any subsequent drink/drug related deficiencies.

      Hiding a substance addiction would explain so much of his behaviour.

      • TheCrankyFairy says:

        Ooooohh, that is also a theory worth considering. And as you say, would explain a Lot. I will be adding this gem of an insight to my own tin foil tiara!

  39. Acclaim says:

    Man, oh man!

    These people are absolutely out of touch with the real world.

    They genuinely haven’t the slightest clue how ridiculous they look, do they?

    You couldn’t pay me or bribe me enough to wear all of that ridiculous regalia in the year of our good Lord, 2023.

  40. Jk says:

    I only just remembered that Will used to be called Penis with Teeth. Perfect description.

  41. j.ferber says:

    I just find the added toupee hilarious. I mean, really, really funny. He should just go with the hair replacement. He’s so Hollywood anyway by now. Just go all the way, William. And do something about your teeth, too.