Kevin Costner told his kids about the divorce on a Zoom call from Las Vegas

Christine Baumgartner was clearly prepared when she filed for divorce from Kevin Costner. This was not done on a whim – she had spent 24 years with Costner, and 19 years as his wife. She planned it out, hiring a divorce lawyer and a forensic accountant, and she and her lawyer clearly have a plan to revoke or nullify the prenup she signed. But even though Christine was prepared, she still hadn’t told her three minor children about the divorce before she filed. She is now telling the court that Costner broke the news to their kids over Zoom, even though she asked him to come home so they could talk to their kids in person together.

Kevin Costner’s estranged wife Christine isn’t happy with how their three kids learned of their split. In a court filing obtained by PEOPLE, Christine, 49, says Yellowstone star Kevin, 68, told their kids Grace, 13, Hayes, 14, and Cayden, 16, about their divorce in a brief Zoom call while he was filming on location in Las Vegas.

“The children’s welfare has always been my highest priority, and I was concerned they would find out about the divorce before Kevin and I could tell them. It was important for me that we tell the children in person and together,” Christine alleges in the documents.

Christine says she expressed her concerns with Kevin that the kids would hear the news through an “outside source,” shared “several articles about the importance of talking to the children as a united front” and believed they would go about it together.

“He disregarded my proposal to do what I felt was right based on research and my relationship with the children. Instead, he insisted that he had the right to tell them that we were getting divorced ‘first’ and tell them privately ‘without me present,'” she continues in her claims. “After a 24-year relationship, from his hotel room in Las Vegas, Kevin told our three children that we were getting divorced over a 10-minute Zoom call without me present. I am still confused by his motivation to do this via a very short Zoom session, especially since he was planning on being home five days later. He also could have easily come home from Las Vegas to have the conversation in person.”

A source close to the actor notes that Christine filed for divorce while Kevin was filming on location. “He FaceTimes all the time with the kids when he is away working,” says the source.

[From People]

Okay, I understand why she didn’t tell the kids solo – because she was genuinely hoping that she and Kevin could do it together, and again, she was prepared and did her research. Costner decided to disregard her request and (I would assume) make everything sound like Christine’s fault when he spoke to their kids. Nevermind the fact that Christine has truly been the primary caregiver and stay-at-home parent to those kids all of their lives. Nevermind the fact that Costner is, at best, a habitually absent parent whose idea of spending time with his children is Zooming with them for ten minutes from one of his location shoots. Kevin Costner is such a jerk, my god.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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34 Responses to “Kevin Costner told his kids about the divorce on a Zoom call from Las Vegas”

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  1. Duch says:

    That is really low. What an awful thing to do to your kids. 10 minutes and then hang up and go on with your day leaving them confused and bereft. What was he possibly thinking? He couldn’t trust her to wait 5 days and he wanted to get his side in there first? He’s lost me.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      It reminds me of Charles telling Harry that Diana had died and then leaving him to sit alone for hours.

      Also, the point of Kevin doing that was to freak the kids out so Christine would have to deal with their shock, confusion, and fear. If people didn’t believe it before this should show them how abusive he is and how he is willing to harm his children to abuse his wife.

      King Kevin is going to be mentioned in one of his children’s memoirs in about 20 years.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    He is a horrible selfish loser with a massive ego. Those poor kids.

    • H says:

      I’ve never liked the guy after his first divorce and I don’t watch his movies. But my mother loves him in Yellowstone. I’m going to show her this article and hopefully she’ll stop watching the jerk. He’s an awful parent! Team kids and Christine.

  3. Kitten says:

    I’d be so pissed. My guess is that the kids already had an inkling that a divorce was on the horizon–kids usually know–but it’s not something to announce over a f*cking Zoom call. And if they both agreed to discuss it with the kids in person and he undercut that agreement then he’s an even bigger ahole than I thought.

    • Rapunzel says:

      It seems like he refused to agree to tell them in person and just went rogue. Way to respect the woman who has given you decades of her life. And your three kids. Ass. Hole.

  4. Chica says:

    He seems to be in a rush to divorce after claiming he was blindsided. Something is not right here

    • Kate says:

      Nah he just latched onto something she wanted and realized he could hurt her by doing the opposite. Everything else seems to be in their lawyers’ hands but this is something he gets to do.

    • Jaded says:

      He’s weaponizing his own children so that Christine has to deal with the traumatic fallout. But I agree that there’s a lot more here than meets the eye.

  5. It Really Is You, Not Me I’m says:

    If there was an Oscar for “Biggest Asshole in a Divorce”, Costner would win hands down in 2023.

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    I hope she takes this a-hole to the cleaners. Can’t imagine how she put up with him for as long as she did. These kids have clearly been neglected by him and will have abandonment issues for life. I’m glad that in her motion for support she included expenses for therapy because they will need lots of it.

  7. Jackiejacks says:

    The whole divorce situation is a mess. Wouldn’t be surprised if another lady is waiting in the wings so she can start attending events with Costner.
    The kiddos are cute tho. The older boys take after Costner but the younger two have their mothers face.

  8. HeyKay says:

    Wow. That is cold. No need for that kind of behavior.

  9. Kirsten says:

    Even if he genuinely thought they should tell the kids sooner, the fact that he went ahead with telling them without her presence or her knowledge tells you everything you need to know about him.

    • MF says:

      Yup. “I don’t care about making this a more painful experience for my kids as long as I get to screw over my soon-to-be ex.” He’s mean and selfish.

      • Tiffany:) says:

        Yes, this exactly. He put his emotions before the kids needs. It speaks loudly about what kind of parent he is. Shameful.

  10. Kokiri says:

    “Double standard”

    We’re going to find out this womanwent to great lengths to get away from him.
    This isn’t over, & it’s not about money.
    He is just showing the rest of us what it’s been like for her for 24 years.

    There’s no “equal” here. They aren’t on equal footing & never have been. He’s called ALL the shots & she waited until she could go, & he’d abusing her & now the kids for all of us to see.

    There’s no double standard here. He’s abusing his family, financially & emotionally.

  11. Kate says:

    Man who feels powerless is lashing out at soon to be ex-wife by hurting her kids, rationalizing it as “her fault” they are hurt because she’s the one who wanted the divorce. Tale as old as time. Poor kids

  12. Bingo says:

    I don’t I have ever seen him with his adult children from his first marriage. It’s pretty clear Kevin’s true love is just Kevin, his money, and being the star of the show.

  13. AnneL says:

    I’ve never been a fan of Costner. I thought “Dances With Wolves” was overrated. I know a lot of people love “Yellowstone” but my husband and I tried a couple of episodes and I just couldn’t get into it. Maybe KC was the reason for that. He’s a wooden actor and obviously a complete turd of a human being too.

    I will say that the 1980s version of “The Untouchables” with him as Elliot Ness is a very good movie. But that isn’t because of him, it’s despite him.

  14. HeyKay says:

    Why is anyone surprised?
    No one gets to that level of wealth and fame without having a ruthless streak.

    Why the hell they even married when he told her he did not want more kids?
    But she knew him, knew his past behavior, still married and had 3 kids.
    Lived a wealthy, wealthy privileged life of luxury for 20+ years but did not think to update the prenup in all that time? C’mon on!

    I’m now officially bored with all of it.
    Let the lawyers go to town on both sides.

    • Teen says:

      I agree..He never wanted kids in the first place.He is who he is….She knew it…Know look.
      Beautiful kids though…tough..
      I still adore him..

      • Ange says:

        If he didn’t want any more kids there is a really simple procedure he could have undergone that would have solved the problem permanently. He didn’t do it, that’s entirely on him.

  15. Well Well says:

    People also had an article saying Christine is refusing to follow the prenup and accept the one million dollars Kevin gave her after they separated; yet she also claims she has a financial hardship and no income. She hired that forensic accountant with Kevin’s money and without his knowledge; and she won’t follow the prenup to move out, yet she was the one who filed for divorce and has lawyers who most likely reviewed her prenup before she filed for divorce. I’m not buying Kevin’s defense that he’s homeless, but I’m also not buying Christine’s defense that she can’t move out because of the kids.

    She also married and had kids with a man who didn’t want to marry and have kids with her (I’m not giving either one of them a pass for this). She accepted his proposal despite the fact he initially gave her a puny ring, and she signed a prenup that she’s refusing to follow. Kevin might be a “jerk,” but Christine’s behavior is also questionable.

    • Kitten says:

      If he didn’t want to have children with her then why the f*ck did he? The subtext of your comment relies on a really tired trope of women trapping a man with kids. He had a hand in creating them as well–he consented and presumably led her to believe this was something he wanted as well.

      As far as her arguing about the prenup, this is fairly common in big money divorces. Prenups are not iron-clad and can be modified if both parties agree to the modifications. Her hiring a forensic accountant was likely upon her lawyer’s advice–smart advice at that. The rumors are he cheated and she might have been planning this move for a while now and wanted to be fully prepared.

      I don’t even necessarily disagree that she could be at fault to some degree–we don’t know what is happening behind closed doors—but nothing you cite here is evidence of that IMO.

      • Well Well says:

        I never stated she trapped him with kids and marriage and I clearly wrote that I’m not giving either one of them a pass for marring and having kids, when he didn’t want to. Christine is 100% responsible for who she chooses to marry, have kids with and legal documents she signs as well as her actions throughout this divorce — just like Kevin. I’m not giving Christine a pass. There are many comments dissing Kevin and very few examining Christine’s behavior.

      • Kitten says:

        But you’re pushing this narrative that he didn’t want kids and she knew that but had them with him anyway as if she’s somehow at fault for that? I don’t know if that narrative is true or not but if it is, HE’S the one who’s at fault for bringing kids that he didn’t actually want into this world. She’s the one who WANTS the kids and she’s not wrong for having them. And yes your comments do reinforce a trope that evil wily women will trap men by having babies they don’t want. Sorry not sorry.

    • Jaded says:

      And how do you know Costner didn’t want children? Christine has stated that when he proposed she told him kids were definitely in her future and he was OK with that so no, she didn’t pop out 3 kids without his *permission*. She’s been a devoted wife and mother, holding down the fort and pretty much raising the kids on her own while her husband was away filming for long stretches of time. You seem to be ignoring the fact that Costner has a bad history of cheating — that’s why his first marriage ended. He also tried to screw his then wife over financially despite the fact that SHE supported HIM during his early acting years when he wasn’t making much money. If current rumours about him impregnating a woman on the Yellowstone set are to be believed then the suddenness of her filing for divorce makes sense and she deserves a much more generous payout.

    • Paisley25 says:

      Christine was smart to hire a forensic accountant. I don’t know what will happen with her prenup, but California child support is based on income. If he’s hiding assets, she won’t receive as much child support.

    • ama1977 says:

      She hired a forensic accountant with THEIR money, not “his” money. She has worth and value as a stay-at-home mom, which was all but certainly the choice THEY made so that he could go be on set and play cowboy all the livelong day. She has a right to use THEIR money to ensure that he’s not hiding assets. Which his whining would indicate is the case.

      THEY had children. If he didn’t want children, he should not have married a woman who did, and he should not have had three kids with her. And she was in her early 20’s when they met and married, so yes, she was an adult, but things you’ll put up with when you’re 22 are vastly different than things you’ll put up with when you’re 40+.

      She’s smart not to take the crumbs he’s trying to force on her, and to allow him to disrupt her home base with the children she’s primarily raised since they were born. That prenup is a joke and she is taking the steps advised by counsel to mitigate it.

    • B says:

      One of the smartest things I ever heard about telling kids about divorce was that you both take them to some random location like a park or something, but the key is that it’s not somewhere where they ever have to go again in their life.
      You don’t ruin the kitchen table, you don’t ruin the patio; you don’t ruin the beach.
      And then you tell them together as neutrally as possible (blah blah).
      God the pandemic is better but they’re gonna think about that every time they log on to zoom or FaceTime, and especially with him on the other end. He was trying his little stunt, probably to hurt her, but he probably kind of screwed himself over there in a way he didn’t see coming.

  16. Anni says:

    I agree with your points of veiw!

  17. j.ferber says:

    Father and Husband of the Year.