“Clarence Thomas’s assistant got Venmo payments from lawyers” links

Clarence Thomas’s assistant got Venmo payments from lawyers who had business in front of the Supreme Court. Impeach this man, Jesus. [Jezebel]
I love the fact that Kieran Culkin is now famous enough to get paid to show up to Tag Heuer boutique openings in NYC. [JustJared]
Review of Mission: Impossible: Revenge of the Colons. [LaineyGossip]
Let’s look at Chanel’s Fall collection. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Why is there so little hype for EL James’s new book? [Pajiba]
This Elie Saab collection is so pretty. [GFY]
A reality star & his influencer wife are expecting. [Starcasm]
I love the Italian pick-pocket screamer lady. [Buzzfeed]
100 million people have signed up for Threads already. I have not. [Towleroad]
Menswear at the London Barbie premiere. IDGAF – they’re just Ken. [RCFA]

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36 Responses to ““Clarence Thomas’s assistant got Venmo payments from lawyers” links”

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  1. H says:

    The reason E.L. James’ latest book is not selling is because it’s absolutely horrible. Avoid it, CBers.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Probably cause Stephanie Myers hasn’t written anything in a while that she can rip off.

    • girl_ninja says:

      She’s a fan fic writer who got really, really lucky. She’s horrible.

    • Barbara says:

      There’s a guy on YouTube who does really hilarious reviews of bad books. He HATED all of EL James’ books but his videos are gold (his name is Dominic Noble).

    • Ange says:

      The first one was a blatant rip-off of Poldark too. I still don’t know how she’s kept getting away with that.

  2. HeyKay says:

    Impeach him!
    He is so corrupt and is almost flaunting the payoffs he has taken.
    He feels bullet proof obvs.

    SCOTUS accepting bribes. How ego driven and money hungry can they be?
    Clarence Thomas should never have been on SCOTUS in the first place.

    • ME says:

      100% agree with you.

    • Erin says:

      Where are the dems right now?? Why aren’t they screaming about this from the roof tops like the magas scream about someone drinking a freakin beer??

      • HeyKay says:

        This should be the top news story in US right now!
        SCOTUS Justice openly accepting bribes… Biden should call any kind of emergency meeting and raise holy hell about this.
        Biden needs to take action quickly, get the Top Dems to ALL demand he step down.
        Quickly, openly, force him out!

        Out! Make a statement that can not be denied.
        Investigations, proof at the ready, step down in 10 days of Biden will use Executive Order to throw him out.
        Show some balls and start getting corruption out.
        Biden needs to Big Man Up and really go hard. Lead dammit. The Buck Stops Here kind of action, repeatedly.
        I think it would only help him in re-election.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        This thieving POS needs to retire NOW!!! Revoke his pension, strip him from practicing law as well as filing charges against he and his vile, criminal wife as well!!! As for Roberts and his refusal to take action, maybe Roberts should step down as Chief Justice since he has stood by and allowed Thomas to continue committing crimes!!! SCOTUS is a sham in America and they must be held accountable!!

        JFC, I am so angry I think that there is steam coming out of my ears 👿👿👿👿👿

    • Concern Fae says:

      He should totally be impeached, but this isn’t why. Courtney Milan, a romance writer and former Supreme Court Clerk, posted about this. She was one of the whistleblowers on a sexually harassing high level judge and militant on the subject of court reform, so I believe her.

      Every Justice has an annual reunion party for their former clerks. Because of the federal rules on gift giving, etc. everyone pays their own bill. That’s what these payments are. People who clerked for the Supreme Court tend to become people who argue cases before the court. Should they be banned from clerk reunions? I can see the argument for it, but people are human. I wouldn’t have want it banned for RBG’s clerks.

      • Erin says:

        Call me heartless but no, I wouldn’t feel bad for these people who are in the upper echelons on society for missing out on one, of many I’m sure, Christmas Party to glad hand with a bunch of people that work for a Justice that they will bring cases in front of. What are the point of these parties? I think we all know it’s not just to celebrate Christmas. It would be one thing for all of the current clerks to have a party together but former clerks that are now lawyers? No. If we have learned anything about this SC it’s that they have absolutely no qualms on receiving millions in gifts without reporting it so miss me with this, but they are following federal rules, line. The line between what is a conflict of interest and what is not up there in the SC has already been obliterated and this is just another way for them to cross it without actually breaking rules to me.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Concern Fae, if the clerks want to get together, they need to organize their own party–without any Justice in attendance. You’re assuming that RBGs clerks also do this. Is there a reason to believe that RBG didn’t follow the ethics rules of every other federal court?

        Frankly, this just shows another way that SCOTUS shows contempt to the ethics rules all of the other judges in the US have to follow.

      • May says:

        Former long-time judicial clerk here. First, most judicial clerks are recent law graduates who have already taken the bar exam or take it within their first year of employment. So, they are usually attorneys, albeit non-practicing. In my employment, we were expected to not only avoid improprieties but avoid the APPEARANCE of improprieties. Our position was viewed as one integral to the ultimate formation of our bosses’ opinion’ on a matter. We conducted the legal research, drafted bench memoranda (after discussion and consultation with our bosses) and, ultimately, helped draft the final legal opinion for a case. In my experience, a justice’s initial conversation about and avenues of research on a case occur with their clerks. While my boss was brilliant and usually just let me research a matter long enough to come up to his level of understanding and knowledge, there are a lot of judges and justices out there that rely heavily on their judicial clerks’ research.

        As such, there really are a myriad of ways in which a party to a case could affect a Court’s opinion if a judicial clerk was swayed somehow in their favor. Accordingly, judicial clerks need to be extremely careful about not doing anything or associating with anyone that could potentially be involved in a case before the court. In instances where that’s not avoidable, they would need to recuse themselves. I would not only NEVER accept money from an attorney who came before the court but as well would not accept money from anyone else because you do not know of any hidden or potential ties to litigants.

        Now, was this guy a judicial clerk or a secretary or administrative assistant to Thomas? In all ways, at least in my former employment, administrative staff were also expected to conform to the ethical rules and avoid the appearance of impropriety. No excuse.

        Yes, @concrrnfae, they are humans. And, that is precisely why there are ethical (and common sense) rules that should have been followed. I really don’t think a party or a reunion is as important as the real or perceived integrity of a judicial opinion.

    • shanaynay says:

      Completely agree with you 100%

  3. BothSidesNow says:

    What everyone should take into account with Threads is that IF you delete it, it wipes out your IG account as well. I am going to look into what Dorsey has established as an alternative. As much as I despise Zuckerberg and Musk, I will not switch to Threads.

    I do know that Omid has switched over to Threads though.

    • Bee says:

      I’m surprised that people here aren’t joining Christopher Bouzy’s Spoutible.

      I’m not getting on threads because it wants way too much access to my phone data. Zuck knows enough about me as it is. Spoutible seems like the best of the new platforms to me.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Bee, I agree with you about Spoutible. One of the things we don’t need to worry about is that our information is being collected. People really should spend some time reading the Terms of Service (TOS) before signing up with any social media. Spoutible is all inclusive. Hate and harrassment is not allowed and people are really good about reporting those accounts.

  4. BothSidesNow says:

    I wish I had a calendar filled with black tie events, weddings as well as fundraisers to attend so that I could get my hands on some of the gorgeous creations that Ellie Saab has in store for F/F2023. They all look similar to GoT but on steroids…….🫠🫠🫠🫠

    • lucy2 says:

      I know! They are very pretty. Elie Saab remains one of my favorites.

    • laurie says:

      Yes!!! I was thinking the exact same thing. Give me something to go to and somehow I’ll scratch up the funds to get one of these outfits. Please!?!?🤩
      I also love the red jacket and pin stripe pants from Chanel.

  5. Barbiem says:

    Absolutely nothing will happen to Thomas. He has no embarrassment, he feels no remorse, its barely a shrug of his shoulders. Been ready to stop voting. Absolutely disgusted with politics. Both sides. Its a crap show.

    • Libra says:

      Sounds familiar; entitled, no embarrassment, no remorse = personality disorder?

      • North of Boston says:

        NOT a personality disorder!

        A choice, a series of choices, piling up over a lifetime and enabled by a minority party that values party, power, corruption, misogyny and other cruelties for the sake of cruelty over the Constitution, Democracy and the Rule of Law.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Barbiem, you really think not voting in a democracy is the answer? I have no idea why you’re disgusted with the Democrats side. They along with Biden have turned our economy around by investing in the US and the people. There is no both sides to this issue.

      • Imara219 says:

        I know I’m disgusted by the Democrats because they are catching Ls and not doing anything. They are practicing learned helplessness. They aren’t listening to a large part of their base and our democracy is literally slipping through our hands and all I see are big stared eyes and shrugs as responses. As a Black American, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of Democrats just rolling over in the dirt and taking it. I weep and worry for my Black son (6), I’m so scared for his future. Yet here are Democrats playing checkers and losing. They can most definitely be doing something.

      • Barbiem says:

        @Saucy I wish the democrats fought harder about issues I cared about. If Thomas was a democrat the Republicans would be on his butt for impeachment. Also, My ancestors didn’t die so I can be forced to vote for the candidate of your choice. They marched and fought so I had the freedom of choice. And not voting matters, it sends a message that just because im black don’t assume you get my vote. Earn it.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Imara2219 & Barbiem, not voting isn’t the answer. I totally agree that the Democrats needs to start hitting hard and I hope we see that for the 2024 elections. I also know that the people are going to have to make a MUCH bigger noise than we have in the past. I think all of the groups who are being hated on need to start banding together in protests–and the people who have done nothing need to start joining in, too. We’re all going to have to fight to save our democracy.

  6. HeyKay says:

    Imara219, I agree 100%!
    The Dems MUST start making big, tough decisions!

    Pres. Biden has the Executive Power and must push the rest of the big Dems to band together and take action.
    Biden must LEAD! Something BIG, he needs to force the entire Democratic party to get things done! Use every law and start by getting the cost of living under control!
    People are truly struggling, we can not wait for 2024, and more stalling and playing politics.
    The cost of groceries and rent/mortgages are overwhelming people we are, in large numbers, barely holding on.
    I worry just how close to ruin most folks are financially, something MUST be done.

    • Imara219 says:

      Precisely! If we have learned anything from the last 7-8 years it should be that there are workarounds to get what you want. I don’t see Dems adjusting themselves to get things done. Instead we have lost the Civil Rights Voting Act, we have lost Abortion Rights, we have lost Affirmative Action, we didn’t get a strong infrastructure bill passed, we didn’t get student loan debt handled, we don’t have universal child care, we have a steady rise of predatory loans and a crumbling housing market, we have Repubs attacking and winning against public education. Things are a hot mess and I need Dems to start making aggressive and decisive action.

      • Wilma says:

        The executive actions Biden can take can and will be (and are already!) countered by the Supreme Court. Trump could do a lot more in this regard because of the Supreme Court.
        The Democrats really have limited power here without the House and the Supreme Court. They are going to need to take back the House and retain the Senate to be able to take any meaningful steps. So voting blue every time in every election is your only option if you want things to change.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      I think I read that Biden was requiring at $15 per hour minimum wage for federal contracts when he go into office.

      What I really want to see happening is that this price gouging, which I believe to be price fixing. Why haven’t there been any anti-trust lawsuit filed? That needs to be done and it needs to be done now.

      Unfortunately, Wilma is correct that Biden and the Dems in office can only do so much because Biden doesn’t have the power to do it or the Supreme Court will just take it away. I think people are going to have to start making a big noise about the corporations raking in money in order to make more people move down into the low income brackets.

  7. laurie says:

    Interesting article in ny times magazine I think a week or two ago. Thomas is completely controlled by his wife Ginny. He actually comes across as rather simple intellectually. She appears to be the brains (monster) behind the curtain.

    • North of Boston says:

      Nah, I’m not letting him off the hook as just a pawn of the Evil Womenz. GT is a vile corrupt evil person, sure.

      But Clarence knows EXACTLY what HE is doing.

  8. Lala11_7 says:

    This is why our politics are where they are…because folks NEVA take into account that when it comes to HISTORICAL INGRAINED POWER…The Republicans RUN the power infrastructure in this country & it will take YEARS of wins STATEWIDE for the Dems to be able to do what needs to be done…which is why McConnell was able to do what he did to STRIP POTUS Obama from placing a SCOTUS on the bench…and let’s forget how folks didn’t vote for Hillary…

    Elections have consequences & The Dems at THIS TIME don’t have the political power Republicans ALWAYS HAVE HAD…but sure do what voters did from the 1990s to 2018 & not vote due to both sides BS…which is a LIE best facts anyway …DOOM folks because the Dems can’t YET get you what you want