“So many conservative men are crying about woke, anti-man ‘Barbie'” links

I love how many conservative men are crying about “woke, anti-man” Barbie. Not everything has to be for you, dude. [Towleroad]
Christine Baranski joined the picket lines. [Go Fug Yourself]
Sarah’s review of Barbie – a celebration of girl power. [LaineyGossip]
I really need to start watching Minx. [OMG Blog]
This is Max Verstappen’s girlfriend, Kelly Piquet. [Egotastic]
Is Justified: City Primeval anachronistic? [Pajiba]
Ryan Gosling really embraced pastels for Barbie’s promo. [Socialite Life]
The best quotes from the Barbie movie. [Just Jared]
Did Sherri Shepherd get a breast reduction? [Seriously OMG]
These stories are so unsettling – the one about the bunk bed in college is particularly creepy and I’m going to have nightmares about that. [Buzzfeed]
Lori Harvey’s vacation style. [RCFA]

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63 Responses to ““So many conservative men are crying about woke, anti-man ‘Barbie'” links”

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  1. Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

    That “world map” also had almost the entirety of North America as USA, with NO CANADA so whose propaganda was it really, TED?!? EH, TED????????!

    • Nic919 says:

      While I did notice the lack of canada on the map, it was mere seconds and MAGAs are looking for things to hate about that movie.

      (Early bird prediction gosling gets a best supporting actor nom)

    • Wendy says:

      LOLOLOL… a fellow Canadian

    • Wannabefarmer says:

      Seems like standard practice for ‘hollywood’. There was a movie made about how the American embassy workers got out of Iran after some were taken hostage. I think it starred Ben Affleck. The entire movie was about how this ‘American hero’ saved these people, completely ignored the fact that it was Canada, its ambassador and embassy staff who were the actual heros. Kept these people safe and smuggled them out as Canadians, had to teach them how to speak like Canadians in the process. Who knew ‘Toronto’ could be so difficult to pronounce b/c Canadians, at least Torontonians leave out the last ‘t’.

  2. DeltaJuliet says:

    Wow, men really can’t accept that maybe they aren’t the best thing ever, can they?

    • Bettyrose says:

      Not the ones who’ve always been told they’re the best thing ever. Used to work with a legacy Ivy League grad who was no great intellect but loved to refer to his “pedigree” and would get vindictive if he ever felt that one of the younger attractive women in the office wasn’t sufficiently receptive to his flirtations. 🤢 Possibly the most insecure human I’ve ever known.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ DeltaJuliet, Cruz can STFU with the rest of the his swamp buddies of too woke, too stupid and ignorant.

        They simply deem anything that jeopardizes their masculinity as “woke”!

      • Bee says:

        To quote Vanity Fair: she’s everything! He’s just Ted.

    • SarahCS says:

      Nope, my best friend and I watched it last night and it managed to exceed our (high) expectations. I’ve since read a couple of mixed reviews – both by men. I can only speak for my own lived experiences but I can 100% confirm that I got way more out of it than either of them did. Some of the jokes were SO on point.

  3. Blithe says:

    Yes: Nothing says Robust Masculinity like hating on a movie based on a doll.

  4. Coco says:

    The fact that these people don’t even know what woke means, but still keep using it is almost comical.

    Not to mention the men crying with rage over a doll.

    • ME says:

      …or the fact no one uses the word “woke” anymore. White dudes ruined the word.

    • Barb Mill says:

      When I’m in a situation and someone says woke in a negative manner, I just reply will it’s a lot better than always being asleep. Sometimes I just ask them “What does that mean”

  5. Nicegirl says:

    Somebody call Dr or EMT Barbie to come get them in her Waaambulance

  6. ME says:

    I was watching the news the other day. They had two men review the Barbie movie. You could tell they didn’t like it. One of them even said that Ken was the best part of the movie. I really want to watch this movie. Most people say it’s really really good !

    • Flowerlake says:

      That’s the problem with official reviewers. They are often men that are biased against women.

      And you have lots of angry males reviewing children’s shows with strong characters giving it 1 star, because they don’t want girls to have strong rolemodels.

      All this says a lot about how spoiled men have always been growing up with lots and lots and LOTS of male heroes etc.

      • ME says:

        !00% agree with you !

      • lucy2 says:

        And usually older white men, so it’s not just women they are biased against. Brie Larson called this out a while back and, predictably, got attacked for it.

        I don’t know why more people can’t just say “it’s not for me” and move on with their lives. The amount of time and energy some people spend with this kind of outrage is just puzzling to me. Don’t they have jobs? Hobbies? Friends?

    • Kath says:

      Disagree with everything those dudes say, but must say that Ken is a brilliant part of the movie. There is this one scene (you’ll know it when you see it) that is hilarious and Ryan Gosling can get all the Oscars as far as I’m concerned lol

      • Mango says:

        @Lucy2 It’s little odd that as a society stories about white men are for everyone, but if the story is about a person of color or a white woman then it’s automatically “not the white guy’s thing.” He never needs to relate to others, but society needs to identify with and relate to him. It would do him some good to find movies he actually likes starring women, BIPOC, LGBTQ.

    • SarahCS says:

      I left a comment about reviews upthread, these guys are not seeing what many, many women see in the movie. Sure not all the jokes will land in the same way for you but just try and see the world form our perspective for a couple of hours. How about that?

  7. Flowerlake says:

    Ryan Gosling gifted his guitar to Jimin from BTS because he wore the same outfit as Jimin had during Barbie and they both made a video about it, with Jimin saying he wants to see the movie.

    So all those millions of BTS fans are now going to see Barbie if they weren’t planning to already.

    But I am sure Barbie reallllly misses the approval from those regressive men who were never going to go to a Barbie movie anyway.

    • Snuffles says:

      I wonder if the outfit thing was planned or just a coincidence. Because if it was planned, I bow down to the Barbie marketing campaign for playing the long game.

      • Flowerlake says:

        You’re right. That would be very smart.
        Things BTS members promote or are even seen using once in the background sell out immediately, and that includes very expensive jewelry.
        They’ll show up for a movie one of the members says he likes.

        I hope that makes those conservative men even angrier 🙂

      • Snuffles says:

        BTS have sold out CARS when they started promoting Hyundai. Jungkook casually mentioned his favorite fabric softener once and it sold out throughout the ENTIRE COUNTRY within a week and the factory had to back order it:

        Korean economists have calculated that they bring BILLIONS to the nation’s GDP.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Well, that’s a very specific outfit, I would think it were deliberate. Either way, cute video exchange between the two.

      • Flowerlake says:

        @Snuffles, oh I remember about the fabric softener and Jungkook saying he was never going to tell us again what products he likes because he was miffed he couldn’t get it anymore 😀

    • Justwastingtime says:

      I went with my daughter on Saturday night. It was so fun (and I never played with the Barbies given to me as a kid and never gave any Barbies to my daughter).

      It brought me genuine joy to see all the dads wearing pale pink Barbie tee shirts while attending with their girls. Both my daughter and I dressed in hot pink for the occasion.

      Media types gotta generate attention, I suspect the men I saw are more representative of how most men view the movie.

  8. sherry says:

    Imagine what joyless lives these a-holes live, and they’re determined to take everyone else down with them.

  9. Eleanor says:

    Breast reduction – best thing I ever did for myself! No more baggy shirts, double sports bras, underwire marks, weird guys staring and crying/sweating/special ordering everytime I had to try on bras. It took about a year to set aside enough $ to cover the $10 G for elective surgery and was fully recovered – no restrictions – in 3 weeks. I was driving and back at work in 5 days.

    • AnneL says:

      My son’s GF is getting the surgery done on Friday. She’s little concerned about the recovery period (apparently she was told not to lift anything over a certain weight for three weeks?) but she’s so happy to be doing it finally. She’s a fairly small, fine-boned young woman who has been dealing with a DD cup for years and she hates it. I’m glad to hear it was such a positive experience and choice for you.

  10. AC says:

    Obviously the MAGAs have Failed lol, their boycott was useless as Barbie is still a box office success worldwide. I remembered when they tried to boycott Starbucks, what happened with that(another Failed boycott 😆)

    • lucy2 says:

      I particularly like when they “boycott” something by buying it and destroying it. Um, hello, the company does not give a solitary shit what you do with their coffee/sneaker/whatever once you have paid them for it.
      I wonder how many of these whiny manbabies bought a ticket just so they could yell about it.

  11. Erin U says:

    Ryan’s Barbie promo wardrobe is bringing me so much joy today! He looks incredible.

  12. Lily says:

    ”Two hour woke-a-thon”… I’d like to point out one of Barbie movie’s biggest and most overlooked virtues – it’s UNDER two hours! Finally, a movie under two hours again! It’s still possible!

    And I still can’t get over how Gosling just went for it, all the way. Robbie’s Barbie had the emotional moments, but Gosling was hilarious. And so were all the other Kens, and Allan.

    • Lady D says:

      Maybe he was doing it for his two daughters?

      • Bee says:

        Ryan said that his daughters play with Barbies but ignore Ken. You know, like everyone else did… until now.

        He also said he saw a Ken doll face down in the mud next to a squeezed lemon, and that was part of his decision to take the part.

        I hope this gets him an Oscar nom. He deserves it.

    • BeanieBean says:

      All the Barbies, all the Kens, the Allan, the Midge–all were note-perfect!

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      As much as I loved Margot’s and American F’s performances, Ryan stole the movie – he did Ken proud and told his story. He said several times before the movie came out that the script was one of the best he’d read. We now know why.

      I wonder if Ken got his clicky pen and did it have horses on it?

    • Normades says:

      Both Gosling and Cera were hilarious. Margot was pitch perfect.

  13. manda says:

    Minx is really funny! I’m glad it found a new home

  14. MsIam says:

    Re Barbie, tell me again who the “snowflakes” are? Can someone find them a safe space please?

    • BeanieBean says:

      Probably don’t even pay attention to their daughters playing with Barbies. Probably a good thing, now that I think of it, wouldn’t want them snatching away the fun their daughters are having.

  15. SIde Eye says:

    How sad for them that the movie is a huge hit! Well those snowflakes can always find solace in knowing their vicious lynching song by that asshat is now Number 1 on I-tunes.

  16. Kokiri says:

    Thanks for including the link about Justified.
    I’ll be skipping it entirely, as I don’t want to ruin the memories I have of how absolutely excellent the original series was.
    The new justified sounds terrible, predictable, & unnecessary given the plot lines. If they had to reboot it, why they didn’t bring Boyd Crowder back is beyond me. Best criminal we all love & actually root for in tv history.
    A story about Boyd discovering Ava is alive, with his child?! Plus Rayan still in Kentucky working under Rachel (she was an awesome character).
    And more Loretta, who has emerged as the Queen of pot in Harlan County, & that ticks Boyd off as he struggles to reclaim his former glory & power.
    Bring back the formidable Winn Duffy who works with Loretta now but still knows Boyd is dangerous & can’t be dismissed.

    Come ON. So many excellent ways to bring back Justifed. But they saddle us with the the annoying teenager & that Norbert guy is so one note acting. Makes me weepy they got it so wrong.

  17. Jackiejacks says:

    These assholes are really up in arms over a movie where a doll is the main character. Just wow.
    Like not for nothing but the impression I got from the Barbie trailers is that the target demographic is Gen X who seem to be the only ones who appreciate Barbie and what she really ultimately stands for. I cannot wait to watch it. The movie theatre by me was almost sold out this past weekend and I didn’t want to sit in a packed theatre and risk not enjoying it. I plan to try again this coming weekend.

  18. Eurydice says:

    Too funny, all these men panicking over a movie and the only thing they’ve accomplished is to look stupid. When women were complaining about all the Marvel/F&F/Transformers/etc – it was “suck it up, this is what sells.” Well, here’s what else sells.

  19. Mrs. Smith says:

    These dudes and their Barbie hate watching and pouting because of the mild and hilarious criticism of men in this film makes me want to say to them unironically, “it IS unfair isn’t it?” 🙄 🤔

  20. AC says:

    @sideeye those MAGAs desperately wanted Jason Aldeans song to be number 1 on Billboard hot 100. But the best they can do is a 2nd place debut on the charts. The power of K-pop lands Jung Kook to number 1 😊https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/jason-aldean-jung-kook-latto-charts-1234794107/amp/
    With that said, Just shows the power of voting. Vote Blue throughout 2024 to show those MAGAs their place in the world (2nd, 3rd , 4th or whatever but never 1st).

  21. phaedra7 says:

    These damn incels are soooo hateful! As a sidebar point: They complained during the near- climatic end of “Avengers: Endgame” when the movie showed “The Women Of Marvel” [Pepper Potts (Rescue), Valkyrie, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Mantis, Shuri, Okoye, Gamora, Nebula and Wasp] have came out from the BLIP to help in the battle against Thanos. These numb-nuts to a certain degree flooded the internet remarking that “these chicks weren’t needed! They’re messing up the whole narrative!”. Welp, MARVEL (and parent company DISNEY) is not paying people (if you can call them that) with these types of REACTIONARY (misogynistic, racist, homophobic, ultra-conservative) mindsets any attention; this corporation is doing all it can to conform to the present times (unlike what happened in creator Walt’s day) and appealing to the masses who are diverse and inclusive. If and since they don’t “approve” of this, they should just enjoy the type of entertainment that appeals to them–and STHU!

  22. Indigo says:

    I wonder how many movies in our lifetimes so far we’ve sat through where the main character(s) are 99% male and any female character is relegated to window dressing, insubstantial and/or mocked and portrayed as 1 dimensional or a stereotype? These guys are freaking out over ONE, that’s based on a character and, I believe, tongue in cheek. Wow.

    • SarahCS says:

      Yep, just in cases anyone wasn’t completely on board with what America Ferrara tells us in the movie. Let them prove her point.

    • AnneL says:

      My sister and I decided to watch “Lawrence of Arabia” earlier this summer. I was reading a book about TE Lawrence and realized I hadn’t seen the movie since I was little and barely remembered it. About halfway through I turned to her and said “wow, talk about a movie failing the Bechtel test!”

      About two minutes later there was a scene where all of the women were ululating from the mountains as the men went off to capture Aqaba. But of course you couldn’t see their faces. At least it sounded cool.

      I’m so excited to see “Barbie.”

  23. Emily says:

    People crying about the Barbie movie lack critical thinking and comprehension skills. One of the key takeaways is that inequality is good for no one. Women suffer in the real world and even dolls can’t live up to the unrealistic expectations, while Barbie empowers Ken at the end when she sees how the Barbie-archy has been hurting him.

  24. Normades says:

    So not surprised I mentioned this on a previous post. As soon as I saw the movie I knew some people would HATTTTEEE it. And it’s not just men. I read a review by a Gen X woman (in the Gardian I think) who bashed it calling it the worst product of TikTok feminism. She was so full of hate. Her gen Z daughter loved it though.