Donald Trump threw rage-tantrums all weekend over his DC judge & Mike Pence

Donald Trump was arraigned last Thursday in a federal court in Washington, DC. He was arraigned in a four-count indictment for his actions before and during January 6, 2021, the attempted coup, the terrorist attack on DC, the insurrection at the Capitol. Trump pleaded not guilty, but the magistrate judge – Judge Moxila Upadhyaya – made a special order that Trump should not contact any witness or anyone involved in this case, and if he does contact them or threaten them, he could go to jail. Since his arraignment, Trump has been raging out on Truth Social (his Nazi social media) about the federal judge assigned to this case, about the venue (DC), about Mike Pence, about Nancy Pelosi and everything else. How is that not a violation of Judge Upadhyaya’s order?

Donald Trump will ask for the federal judge overseeing the case involving his attempt to subvert the 2020 presidential election to recuse herself and will seek a venue change, he wrote in a post on social media Sunday.

“There is no way I can get a fair trial with the judge ‘assigned’ to the ridiculous freedom of speech/fair elections case. Everybody knows this, and so does she!,” Trump wrote in all caps on Truth Social. “We will be immediately asking for recusal of this judge on very powerful grounds, and likewise for venue change, out [of] D.C.”

D.C. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama and confirmed by the Senate on 95-0 vote, has delivered some of the harshest sentences to Jan. 6 defendants to date. However, she has also avoided some of the most pointed criticisms of Trump that some of her colleagues on the federal bench in D.C. have delivered in sentencing defendants involved in attack on the Capitol. Chutkan was selected at random to preside over the case.

Trump previously wrote on Truth Social that a fair trial would be “impossible” in D.C., suggesting the proceedings should instead take place in “the politically unbiased nearby State of West Virginia!” In the post, he described D.C. as “over 95% anti-Trump,” seemingly alluding to the 2020 election results in D.C., which voted 92% to 4% for Biden over Trump. But Trump’s argument has been repeatedly rejected by federal judges in D.C. who have handled other politically sensitive cases stemming from the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

[From Politico]

A sub-clause in the F-ck Around And Find Out Statute of 2008 is “if you F–k Around in Washington, DC, you’re going to Find Out in Washington DC.” Trump can’t get the venue for his case changed just because he’s massively unpopular within the district. He literally did all of those crimes IN DC. As for trying to get the judge recused… he truly believes he won’t get a fair trial because she’s a Black woman. Anyway, all of this is a crime – threatening and targeting the judge, threatening witnesses, acting like a demented mob boss who finally got caught. Lock him up! Lock him up!!

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.

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36 Responses to “Donald Trump threw rage-tantrums all weekend over his DC judge & Mike Pence”

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  1. teehee says:

    The only silver lining is that he is SO stupid and deranged, that he would make blatant mistakes like this.
    For christs sake start treating him like any other citizen and punish him for all of this!

    • Slush says:

      I think he’s doing everything he can to get a gag order. He’ll defy it, of course, but that will just add fuel to the martyrdom fire “they’re trying to silence me!! Deep state! Free speech!“

      It’s a macro version of what all narcissists do, they push and push and push until you get upset and then they gaslight you for being upset.

      He also knows they have him dead to rights on this, so the only thing he can do is try his best to poison the jury pool. Even if they put them in jail, for now, for defying these orders, again, that just makes him more of a martyr, and I think he thinks they won’t do that anyway.

    • colleen says:

      It is only a silver lining if something actually happens to him. And we have yet to see him face a single consequence. Yes, it seems to be closer than before – but I’m losing hope.

  2. Typical trump. He never does anything wrong and everyone is being unfair to him. They need to lock him in a padded room with no access to internet and social media and he would implode and be spattered on all surfaces. I think this is what needs to be done.

  3. Heather says:

    The problem is, if the court stops to toss his orange behind in the pokey, that is likely to jam the trial up and delay it—which is all he wants, to try to get back into power and have all this go away, or at minimum, have a new republican president pardon him. Jack Smith is playing this so well…and this behavior will bite him at sentencing.

  4. Truthiness says:

    The logical next step is happening, Smith filed for a legal protective order Friday night. Judge Chutkin ruled Trump’s team needs to respond to it by 5pm today. Trump’s team on Saturday asked for that deadline to be delayed til the 10th and the judge denied it immediately. His social media posts were added in to the request for protection, Trump just doubles down by the day.

    • Megan says:

      Trump is uncontrollable. Unless he is in a jail cell, he will continue to threaten everyone involved and incite violence. Since he is conveniently running for president, there is no way they will put him in pre-trial detention.

  5. AmyB says:

    This is what happens when someone lives their entire life with no accountability or consequence. He has the mentality of a toddler in the midst of a temper tantrum. I will forever be embarrassed this asshole was ever voted into the office of the Presidency. Ugh…

    I cannot wait to see what happens today with the Judge; she seems like she is having no part in Trump’s team’s attempt at delays, which is a welcome change.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      I am too excited about today!!! Honorable Judge Upadhyaya isn’t taking any crap from Drumpf or his team of court jesters.

      As for Jack Smith, his performance has been a thing of beauty to watch!! I am thoroughly enjoying watching him as he crosses all of his T’s and dots all of his i’s!!!

    • orangeowl says:

      Yes, absolutely. But the thing that scares me more than Trump is how many people still support him no matter what. He’s got most of the Republican Party lying and advocating for him and tens of millions of citizens willing to vote for him. I just can’t believe this is still happening, that his support just will. not. wane.

      • Lucy says:

        There’s been a recent poll that half the republicans party won’t vote for him if he’s got a felony conviction. He can’t win the general that way. Also, Putin has too many things going right now to help him out.

        I’m hoping that he gets ordered to have a psychological evaluation today. That’s got the potential to be truly embarrassing to him and takes the wind out of the persecution sails, for the most part. I want him to be still out, but maybe under gag order so he can do the perp walk in Georgia.

      • Blithe says:

        @Lucy: Same. With anyone else, psychiatric and psychological assessments would have been ordered. And then there will be an interesting conundrum re: what information will be publicly released; how/if this changes his legal team’s responses; and how/if this might impact his political future.

  6. Anne says:

    I’m aware this thought makes me an awful person, but every time I see his face I can’t help thinking: why can’t he have a massive coronary and spare the country this nonsense?

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Girl, same.

    • AmyB says:

      You’re not alone – I think the same damn thing.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Oh Sweetie, you are not alone in this. I wouldn’t be surprised if Melanoma wishes that that would happen to her husband as well!!

        @ Anne, I certainly support your take on having Drumpf imprisoned as he would implode from not having access to his SM to further spread his self serving lies and “victimhood”. Though it would support what we have all known, that his brain is filled with cobwebs, and nothing more.

    • Twin Falls says:


    • Truthiness says:


    • BeanieBean says:

      Shoot, throughout the 2016 campaign I was sure that was going to happen. Every time I got a BBC news alert on my phone I thought this is it, trump’s heart blew up. Every single time. But no.

    • FYI says:

      I would rather he be held all the way accountable, to be honest. It would dissuade others from believing that corruption and dishonesty will work. It would be a strong positive indicator that the American government DOES work, that it IS just, and that we ARE a (somewhat) sane society.

      We have to correct this mess through the rule of law, or else the whole debacle will not be properly resolved.

    • AnneL says:

      I’ve been thinking that for years. We’re both just concerned for the people of this country and know they would be better off if he popped his clogs.

    • SIde Eye says:

      It’s hard to kill a virus. We have another decade of him at least. There’s people in my family like this. The sweet, kind hearted people died but the trolls just keep on ticking like the cockroaches they are. We have 3 trolls left. They can’t exit stage left fast enough. One is 82, the other is 79. And one is 72. I think we have another decade of all of them except the 79 year old. Saw the 79 year old recently and thought you may not be around Christmas 2024. The 82 and 72 year old, we will have forever just like Trump. They seem revitalized/energized by their own viciousness and their need to always have an enemy that they hyper focus on. You would think that would be draining but it’s what keeps them going. It’s like they’re in a toxic bubble of protection.

    • JEB says:

      Me too-or strokes out. Anything to remove him from the face of this earth.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      I feel the same every time I think it… but I still think it.

    • notasugarhere says:

      I’d rather he die in prison.

    • BQM says:

      To paraphrase mark Twain. I don’t wish death on anybody but there are a few obituaries I wouldn’t mind reading.

  7. Jais says:

    Lordy. I don’t even what to say. What a pos.

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    The “politically unbiased” state of West Virginia? And, also, West Virginia is not “near by”.

    The judge needs to enforce the Magistrate’s order.

    • Lucy says:

      His people were saying “diverse” for a while, except WV is 92% white, so it was a little too obvious what they meant.

  9. Beenie says:

    Re: the request for a venue change.

    Remember, the Boston Marathon Bomber was tried in…… BOSTON.

    He has 0 standing to move venue based on the argument “DC doesn’t like me”.

  10. trillion says:

    Oldest. Toddler. Ever. (no offense to toddlers – they have an excuse for their petulance)

  11. dose of reality says:

    Trump is an idiot! I really hope this does not blow up in our faces and somehow, there is one juror who finds him not guilty! That does worry me. I am meeting with my husband’s family for a big get together and my BIL has a room dedicated to Trump, complete with a life size poster of him…he has given him thousands of dollars. The whole family (my husband excluded) think Trump is the best thing to ever happen. I will listen to all their praises with the hope none of what they say even comes true. If Trump walks on his many indictments, we are all truly doomed!

  12. tealily says:

    Can’t wait til they toss him in jail.

  13. Mary says:

    Every time he opens his mouth the coffers open. His online performative stunts enrage his base and they give him millions of dollars. Insult + denigrate = money. Don’t be fooled by his rhetoric.

  14. bisynaptic says:
