Riley Keough reveals her daughter’s name: Tupelo Storm Smith-Petersen

Riley Keough covers the latest issue of Vanity Fair. The interview was conducted before the strikes, and it was conducted after Riley and her grandmother worked out the legal issues over Lisa Marie Presley’s estate. Within a three-year period, Riley lost her brother and mother, she became a mother and she became the sole trustee of her mother’s complicated estate. She’s also one of three heiresses to Elvis Presley’s life and legacy, alongside her half-sisters Harper and Finley. Riley discussed all of this and more in what was a very moving interview. Like, it’s remarkable that Riley is just so grounded and, frankly, normal. She was a little bit of a wild-child, but mostly she’s just a suburban mom who has a lot of jobs. She also reveals her daughter’s name: Tupelo Storm Smith-Petersen. Some highlights from VF:

She asked VF to come to Switzerland, where she was having treatment: “I have Lyme disease. I used this little break that I have to come and try and see if I can alleviate it a bit. It’s a holistic treatment center and offers all kinds of things that you can’t really do in America yet, like cleaning your blood.”

She’s a workaholic & she doesn’t know where she got her work ethic: “This is my first break in a lot of years. I’m a workaholic.” I ask where she thinks she got her work ethic from. “Not from my parents. Not from anyone in my family. I came out of the womb like that. I think we’re half nature, half nurture. I was naturally somebody that was very punctual and hardworking and wanted to do things. My upbringing was very different to that. It was very no-schedule: Sometimes we go to school, sometimes we don’t. That was what I was used to, so I was living out my teen and childhood years as though that was what I wanted. I’m definitely an adventurous and spontaneous person, but I thrive on routine. My parents said when I was little, I was very much trying to organize things and make things happen.”

An American girl: Keough’s father is Irish and Ashkenazi Jewish. Her mother was Scottish, Irish, Norwegian, Indigenous, and “very hillbilly.” As for herself, Keough says, “I’m an American girl.”

Living in Neverland when her mom married Michael Jackson: “My whole childhood was probably very extreme. In hindsight, I can see how crazy these things would be to somebody from the outside. But when you’re living in them, it’s just your life and your family. You just remember the love, and I had real love for Michael.” I point out the surreal fact that Keough has called both Graceland and Neverland home. “Which one did I like better? I spent more time at Neverland than Graceland, to be honest. That was a real home, whereas Graceland was a museum in my lifetime.”

She’s not wild anymore: “I don’t think the wildness exists in the same way now. I don’t really drink anymore, but definitely in my late teens into my mid-20s, I was an adventurer. Now I’m a bit of a granny.”

Falling for Ben Smith-Petersen in 2013: “I remember it so vividly, I just knew that we were going to have kids. It was, in hindsight, very strange. I didn’t know how we’d get there, but we did.”

Her daughter: Tupelo Storm Smith-Petersen arrived via surrogate in August 2022. Keough says of surrogacy, “I think it’s a very cool, selfless, and incredible act that these women do to help other people. I can carry children, but it felt like the best choice for what I had going on physically with the autoimmune stuff.” As for her daughter’s name: Tupelo, of course, was the King of Rock and Roll’s birthplace in Mississippi.

On Priscilla challenging Lisa Marie’s will: “When my mom passed, there was a lot of chaos in every aspect of our lives. Everything felt like the carpet had been ripped out and the floor had melted from under us. Everyone was in a bit of a panic to understand how we move forward, and it just took a minute to understand the details of the situation, because it’s complicated. We are a family, but there’s also a huge business side of our family. So I think that there was clarity that needed to be had. Things with Grandma will be happy. They’ve never not been happy.”

When she last saw her mother: Keough saw her mother at a party for Elvis a day after the Golden Globes this year. “We had dinner. That was the last time I saw her. I remember thinking about how beautiful she looked, and that was my strongest memory of the dinner.” When Keough addresses the accumulated tragedies head-on, the sentences come in pieces: “I have been through a great deal of pain and I’ve had my.… Parts of me have died and I’ve felt like my heart has exploded, but I also feel.… I’m trying to think of how to phrase this.… I have strengthened the qualities that have come about through adversity.”

[From Vanity Fair]

She isn’t shady or insulting about Priscilla at all, and she even gives Priscilla a lot of credit for what she did with the Presley estate and all of that. But there is still some drama there, and my takeaway is that Riley did not appreciate the fact that Priscilla marched into court right away to challenge LM’s will, and Riley hated that it all spilled out into the public sphere. But there’s conciliation there too. As for Riley’s grief… heartbreaking. She’s really been through it. I hope Riley, Ben and baby Tupelo find their peace.

Photos courtesy of Vanity Fair.

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23 Responses to “Riley Keough reveals her daughter’s name: Tupelo Storm Smith-Petersen”

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  1. Lizzie says:

    Lisa Marie can rest easy knowing Riley is in charge. What a godsend she is to that family. I hope she gets the chance to be in her younger sisters’ lives.

  2. HandforthParish says:

    Is cleaning your blood a thing? I thought that involved dialysis.

    Like the thought behind the name, but the name itself? Hard to deal with. Nicest thing I can say about it is that it reminds me of the Van Morrison song.
    Initially reaction was more Tupperware.

    • Lucy says:

      Sweet as Tupelo honey. I do think it’s a pretty name and I don’t hate it like a lot of names that feel pretentious. I would guess she’ll go by Lo, or even Ellie (I know several little girls that had complicated, beautiful names, only to go by Ellie).

    • BeanieBean says:

      I was thinking nicknames could be Tuppy or Tuppence; she may go by her middle name. In any case, it’s her name & it will suit her, as names do.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Many foods, herbs and teas cleanse your blood too.

    • Lizzie says:

      Did Riley change her name? I thought Lisa Marie’s oldest daughters name was Danielle.

    • one of the marys says:

      @handforthparish, I think cleaning your blood is a thing, dialysis or plasmapheresis. I heard for years that Keith Richards received this kind of treatment to counteract his copious intake of drugs and/or alcohol

  3. Coco says:

    Wow on top of the death of her brother, a new baby, the death of her great grandmother, the of death of her mother and having Lyme disease she had to deal with her grandmother suing her.

  4. Zoe says:

    Michael seemed like a great step-dad. His kids have no shortage of praise for him. It makes sense, he was a big kid himself. Hope he and Lisa rest in peace. As hard as it is for people to believe, I think his marriage to Lisa was absolutely real. She acted like a typical jaded ex after, and still visited his grave throughout. She experienced so much loss in her life, like Riley. Glad Riley has turned out OK, I can’t imagine.

  5. Chaine says:

    Why is it always wealthy young models from Los Angeles that have Lyme disease? you would think the most likely candidates would be middle-aged country guys who spent their lives farming and mowing the grass and trudging around in the woods hunting where deer are.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Tis a mystery. 😉
      And pretty sure it’s not an autoimmune disease, as it’s caused by a tick bite.

      • Dawn says:

        Lyme disease isn’t an autoimmune disorder, but it likely triggers an autoimmune response. So she isn’t totally off the mark.

        “ While not classified as an autoimmune disease, research indicates that Lyme disease may trigger an autoimmune response and/or its symptoms may mimic an autoimmune disease. Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii, transmitted through the bite of an infected blacklegged tick.”

    • Jenna says:

      I am Middle Aged – I’m also a sole parent who lives in the middle of nowhere. I picked up Lyme disease in Toronto. I’m not a model so I can’t afford fancy treatments in Switzerland. I’d love to know what Bella Hadid is taking? She’s always talking about her treatments but provides no details on what this entails. My doctor gave me a single basic round of antibiotics and he doesn’t believe in long term effects so I’m pretty much pooched.

  6. Sof says:

    I still haven’t got round to watch Daisy Jones and The Six, but I listen to the soundtrack every few days. Riley’s voice surprised me to be honest, she fits that music style really well.
    Her surrogacy comments… I don’t know, in my country women who do that are not “cool” or “selfless”, they are women either desperate to get money or who don’t really get what they are getting into (the same applies to egg donors).
    Everything about Riley’s past sounds chaotic, hopefully things will get smoother for her and her sisters from now on. Or not, I heard the family (minus Priscilla) is not very happy about Sofia Coppola’s upcoming movie.

    • BQM says:

      I think there are some. I used to think about it when I was younger. I LOVED being pregnant and was extremely lucky that I never had morning sickness, etc. Back and joint pain, yes, but nothing too extreme. But I had a very bad time with my third at the end of my pregnancy so she wound up being my last as I was afraid of a recurrence. But, had it not been for that, I definitely would’ve considered it. As long as it was just being gestational and no biological component.

  7. BillyPilgrim says:

    There must not have been much from which to choose. That cover photo is the worse.

    • Boxy Lady says:

      Yeah, there had to have been a better picture of her for the cover. I’m looking at it as a visual representation of “life has knocked her back.” That’s the only way that picture makes sense to me.

    • bisynaptic says:


  8. LaDeeDah says:

    Riley sounds incredibly mature and responsible, which is likely no small miracle given her description of a rather chaotic upbringing.

    With her mother’s addiction issues, Michael Jackson (and his issues), Priscilla (and her issues), throw in some Scientology on top of all that, and it was a recipe for disaster.

  9. Whatnow says:

    May Riley and her sisters be the Presley’s that live to a ripe old age.

    Best of love health and happiness to all of her loved ones

    That’s all I got. I really hope they thrive.