Tiffani Thiessen feels ‘at ease’ about turning 50 because she stopped ‘giving a sh-t’

Tiffani (Amber) Thiessen is lowkey one of my favorite celebrities and actresses. She’s been acting since she was a teen and she’s worked consistently in television for decades. She’s married to an actor (Brady Smith) and they have two children. She’s a bright spot whenever she turns up in a TV show, and I don’t know how to explain it, honestly – I just like her look and vibe and she seems really cool. I loved her cooking show (Dinner at Tiffani’s) and I wish it was still on the air. She will turn 50 years old next January, and she’s not stressed out about it whatsoever. I enjoyed these quotes from her appearance on the Good Instincts podcast so much:

She’s happy with her age: “I feel so much more at ease now than I was even ten years ago. And I don’t know why. I don’t know if it’s me just not giving a s—. Or it’s just me growing up and me being much more understanding of just who I am, which I think was always there because I do have great parents who have instilled really great values in me.

Looking ahead to 50: “It’s a different feeling this time around, hitting a bigger, you know, a bigger birthday this time. It’s interesting. Yes, I think people will say things, you know, and maybe expect me to look a certain way, yes. But, I mean, it’s just not realistic. I can only age the way I’m going to age, right?”

She’s now more focused on her mental health and well-being. “I’m taking care of myself and doing things that I know will benefit the outside exterior of myself that people are seeing. But, yeah, those people don’t know what’s happening on the inside. Because that’s what actually helps the outside. I’m doing it for myself. I’m doing it for my kids, my husband. I want to be around as long as possible for us to be able to see my kids grow up and have kids of their own and all those things that are much more important to me now.”

Her confidence wasn’t “100%” when she was in her 30s and early 40s. “I think also it had a lot to do with the fact that I had my kids in my late 30s and early 40s, so my body was changing so much hormonally and mentally. I think that had a lot to do with not totally set in feeling, you know, like, ‘I’ve got this, and I’m good.’ No matter what my body looks like or my face looks like. There is so much going on when you’re having your children, right? I’m past that now, and I’m at a good place for my kids. My main concern right now is just raising happy, healthy kids that are going to, you know, do well for themselves and society.”

[From Fox News]

There was this thing, years ago, where basically every 20-something actress was absolutely miserable and then they all started turning 30 and everything changed almost overnight for them. My point is… a lot of people feel like garbage in their 20s and youth is wasted on the young. Once you get past that navel-gazing, self-conscious, don’t-know-what-the-hell-I’m-doing phase of life, you stop giving a sh-t about all of it. The older I get, the fewer sh-ts I have to give. Do I still have little hangups and crutches? For sure. But other than that, I truly DGAF. I imagine my 50s will feel even better than this.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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10 Responses to “Tiffani Thiessen feels ‘at ease’ about turning 50 because she stopped ‘giving a sh-t’”

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  1. Jan90067 says:

    When I was younger, I cared a LOT of what other people thought, how they “viewed” me (ie: I was heavy, and GOD FORBID I wore a sleeveless top in the summer, or a bathing suit!). Now… who cares! Yes, I am a lot thinner, but with the weight loss came a lot of saggy skin lol, a *lot*. BUT… I am wearing sleeveless, halter tops, and yes, even bathing suits, and I don’t give a F**K who sees, who thinks what, etc. *I* am comfortable with *ME*. That’s all that matters.

    I’m only sad it took me 50 odd years to come to that conclusion. Youth *is* wasted on the young! Lol

  2. Tulipworthy says:

    Good for her. To me it’s even got better now that I am in my 60’s because I just laugh to myself if someone says something snarky to me. Like I give a hoot about their opinion.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    I think the world programs women especially into caring what people think. It is wonderful to be free of those shackles but it’s not easy for many. When I turned 30 and 40 I was so excited and felt great about my life. When I was at the cusp of turning 50 I was really feeling down and anxious about it. Then I turned 50 this year and felt fine, great even.

    I like Tiffany too, she really does shine and seems like genuine person.

  4. dlc says:

    my teens were a sh*tshow. 20s were a bit better. 30s were great. I struggled with during 40 and then menopause hit me like a freight train (still not ad bad as being a teen tho!). I feel like I’m coming back out the other side and hoping my 50s will be positive.

  5. Tish says:

    Yes, your 50s is a true blessing. It’s when I finally stopped caring about trying to look like whatever and just embraced my natural beauty and just like Tiffani stopped putting in contacts every day and wearing my glasses. The only thing that sucks is weight gain. My metabolism which was always fast is slow as Christmas now and I can’t get rid of my pooch, thing is, is now I don’t worry about it as much. It’s so freeing.

  6. Libra says:

    I was raised on “what will people think? ” so it’s deeply embedded in every cell of my being. Can’t ever shake it.

  7. butterflystella says:

    I turn 50 next May and I admit to feeling mixed feelings about it. I loved turning 30, felt like a grow-up finally! Turning 40 was uneventful except a large party thrown by my friends. I do feel the “no f*cks to give” over the last decade and so if it’s more of that, bring on 50 (and beyond)!

  8. Izzy says:

    I loved turning 50 this year. I threw myself a huge birthday bash. I wore a tiara, with lab-created emeralds and everything. The morning of my birthday, I changed my social media cover photos to the AARP logo. I love being 50, I am leaning into it SO HARD.

  9. Bobbie says:

    I haven’t enjoyed the 50s. You become invisible to rhe other side. And if you’re still in cruise mode, it messes with your ego.

  10. Sasha says:

    She’s still absolutely lovely, but when she was younger she was just THE prettiest face that ever existed. When I watched her on saved by the bell I couldn’t believe how perfect she was.