Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her house

There are 20 million updates on Sam Asghari and Britney Spears’ divorce. Their marriage implosion has been so hard and fast. Asghari filed for divorce this week, and he lists the date of separation as July 28. He is requesting spousal support and he wants Britney to pay his legal fees. His filing also “reserves the right to amend” petitions over property and community assets. Sam’s rep Brandon Cohen told People: “There are many claims that Sam is challenging the prenup and threatening to exploit his ex-wife with videos. However, all these claims are false, as no negative intention has ever been directed towards her and never will be. Sam has always and will always support her.” Sam also posted this on his IG:

I think Sam’s strategy is to be polite and conciliatory in public, all while he leaks damaging information to TMZ. A lot of celebrity men do that – they let TMZ and Page Six do their dirty work. Now, just because these leaks are coming from Sam’s side, doesn’t make them false. But it is a pattern I’m already noticing. After TMZ reported that Britney has physically assaulted Sam multiple times, TMZ also got some tips about how Britney apparently cheated on Sam:

Sam Asghari is telling people he believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staff member at her house, and engaged in other inappropriate sexual conduct as well … sources tell TMZ. Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … Sam has claimed Britney asked at least one staffer to shoot video of her naked. Not only that, we’re told Sam believes she hooked up with at least one of the male staff members working at her home.

As for how Sam supposedly knows — our sources say he claims there’s footage of Britney and the staffer together in a compromising position. We’re told Britney’s in a fragile and hyper-sexualized state, and it’s contributed to her dangerous decision-making … making her a risk to her own safety.

Our sources say Sam acted as a crutch for Britney for a long time, but her recent conduct was too much. We’ve reported Sam has been over the marriage for a while now, and recent events were simply the last straw, leading him to file for divorce. As we reported, Britney’s now without a support system — she’s iced her family out, doesn’t have real friends, and has now lost Sam. We’re told there’s serious concern from her loved ones, but at this point, there’s not much they can do.

[From TMZ]

I don’t know if this is true but… it wouldn’t surprise me. I also think that Sam finding out that Britney cheated on him might have been the last straw. Meanwhile, Britney’s team keeps sending messages to People Mag – sources tell the mag that Britney is still “in great spirits despite everything going on. Obviously it’s never an easy thing to go through, but she’s remaining positive and focusing on the future.” It kind of sounds like she’s in a manic phase.

Photos courtesy of Instagram.

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53 Responses to “Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her house”

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  1. ThatsNotOkay says:

    This is what she was doing when the conservatorship was first implemented. Her hyper sexualized manic state. That’s why Jamie controlled her birth control and had to approve her boyfriends, aka chaperones and sometimes caregivers. There have been rumblings she’s been off her meds and fired her therapist the first chance she got. You sexualized her as a teen and then are confused when she derives her self worth in her manic state from her sexuality? No one in this has clean hands.

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah it’s crazy to watch the video for Baby One More Time and think that she was only 16 years old–so gross. Combine that with her mental illness, and this was never gonna end well.

      I don’t love that Sam is leaking all this shit to TMZ but I also agree that it doesn’t make what he’s saying untrue. I do worry about how this info coming out could affect her mental state when she appears to have zero support system. Even her eyes in some of these photos…she’s got that manic look. Hope she gets help.

      • Sugarhere says:

        To those male staffers who knew Britney is vulnerable and who went for it anyways, where are you now that it’s time to pick up the slack? There should be legal action against them.

  2. Bettyrose says:

    Maybe it’s all true but I’m getting a very controlling vibe from him regarding her body and sexuality.

    • Concern Fae says:

      Some people are born controlling, others have controlling thrust upon them. My ex had a head injury and had seizures. I remember someone commenting negatively on my “monitoring” his food intake. My answer was You aren’t the one having to take him to the emergency room at two AM after he’s had way too much sugar in the evening. It’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

      Yes, people should be free to refuse medication, but some people are just incapable of making that decision for themselves.

    • Christina says:

      @Bettyrose, I get a controlling vibe from him, too, but not an abusive vibe. More like a parenting type of thing. When he started dating her, she was under conservatorship, so I don’t think he really saw the manic Brittany. He was marrying a medicated Brittany when she came out of the conservatorship. It seems that he slowly got to understand the reality of her illness.

      I think Sam was in over his head, but he is finally accepting it. If Brittany is in a highly sexual manic phase, the best thing he can do is leave. He is not a psychiatric pro. He is a man who knows intellectually that she cannot control her impulses, and that it is not her fault that she is the way that she is. He is also getting advice from somebody about how to come out on top in a public divorce, and that is not unreasonable.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ Bettyrose, there are certainly controlling factors with regards to Sam as Britney has been surrounded by people controlling her for her entire life, and taken FULL advantage of it as well.

      I would like Sam to answer WHY he married Britney IF he was “over” their relationship for “so long”??? A marriage of 14 a measly months, combined with an 6 year relationship, but now he’s “instantly” be over it??? And Sam, you can get a JOB like the rest of us, sheesh….

      This screams money GRAB, manipulation as well as blackmail!!

      If the situation is that dire go to a damn marriage counselor. Don’t dump and run, while publicly shamming and slamming Britney under the cover of TMZ and the other scumbags.

      • Eloise says:

        If it were a money grab he would stay till year two and collect per the prenup. He was almost there. This is fear for safety and being physically abused by someone who won’t take medication now that she’s free. He’s probably never seen this side of her. Abuse is never ok. Male or female. And he should get some form of short term spousal support. He needs a new home. Furniture. They lived together for six years. If this were a bruised, bitten woman requesting temporary support no one would bay an eye. He’s a guy though, so he should just roll with the punches?

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        I agree with Eloise and want to add- Settle down, she’s not gonna pick you. Quit with the stanning and enabling.

    • Anon says:

      Yikes the pictures of her driving and then coming out of the fried chicken place in LA are giving me massive flashbacks to her pre-conservatorsip state. Hopefully there will not be terrifying paparazzi stalking her and there are no Sam Lutfis and/or Adnan Ghalibs (or worse) in her orbit. Also scary: if she is going back to drugs as was rumored in the DM (although they’re unreliable and K-Fed disavowed that DB story), the prevalence of fentanyl is terrifying now and was practically non-existent when she was using years back. Hopefully she is aware of it and staying safe. It does seem as though she may want to come to terms with the fact that sobriety seems to serve her better, esp. given her family history of SUD and her own trauma. So many people with SUD are actually dealing with trauma and that’s why they use. Not to mention she said she takes antidepressants and even if alcohol isn’t contraindicated for safety reasons with her medicine, it’s a depressant, so it works at cross-purposes with the antidepressant she’s taking and what she’s ostensibly trying to achieve by taking it. Also: as someone who has been manipulated and controlled and taken advantage of, she will want to have her wits about her and be sharp as a tack. Especially now. I would love to see Britney really embrace wellness and lifespan and break through to thriving and living a healthy life with a sense of peace. She is more than capable of it and of many great things and she deserves as much.

      I think Sam would be smart to not leak or take about her at all and if needed, only work behind the scenes to get her help if it comes to that and they remain friends. Of course if he needs to take a tough love or different approach for her and/or his survival, that may happen. I hope he is a gentleman.

  3. BB says:

    I believe Asghari’s allegations but he’s still a sad excuse for a man who should just shut tf up about any “cheating”. He exploited a vulnerable woman for money. He’s humiliating her going public about how she fucked the help. Of course she did, she is deeply mentally ill, that’s why he was with her in the first place.
    He obviously never gave a sh*t about her. This is nauseating.

  4. Yes her videos are very sexual in nature and she has put a number of those out along with the naked but barely covered pictures. I think probably does have the video of her with the staff member who works for them. It’s really a sad situation and very reminiscent of her when she shaved her head and was out of control. She needs help. I believe Sam was very helpful to her when they met and after. It’s now that she is clearly of meds and he is not willing to put up with someone who won’t get help and is abusive towards him.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      Pretty much. People aren’t wanting to see that it would have been more financially advantageous for him to stay put as long as he could. That he’s checking out this soon tells me it was baaaad. TMZ are vultures and latch on to any juicy story, whatever gender is putting it out there. Putting the info out there isn’t necessarily the tactful thing. But I see why he did it. People already think he’s a golddigger and he also knows intimately how Britney’s “machine” works. He’s trying to cover his ass and, as a smeared survivor of abuse myself, I do not begrudge him that.

  5. TikiChica says:

    That picture with the sunset makes me sad. Look at them: young, beautiful, wealthy, in a gorgeous setting, and yet you never really know what’s happening behind closed doors.

  6. Danaleads says:

    All I’m saying is Sam was “allowed” to date her while she was under the conservatorship, meaning her parents and all the other people milking her and her likeness for dinero were cool with him and felt comfortable he was like-minded. He was also perfectly cool with them and their extreme control over her…until the dam of public outcry burst and Britney (herself) was able to cry out for help. With all the horrible things that she reported, Asghari stood by it all and was okay with it.

    Now, if I were her parents, and I sensed I was losing control over my cash cow because the public was turning against me, wouldn’t it be a clever long con to get that “one person” she still somewhat trusts, have him appear to “take her side” against you, thus getting even closer to her, and then slowly undermine her from close by and then attempt to discredit her publicly? It’s insidious, but people have done worse for less money, and the fact that Asghari got together with Britney while they were supposed to be in a professional setting, she was heavily medicated, and being controlled and surveilled to an intense degree, suggests an inappropriateness and desperation on his part that has never let me buy the “protective hubby” persona he was putting on this past year.

    • JM says:

      I don’t doubt she’s off her meds and possibly mistreating him but it’s like people instantly forgot all this. There are women coming out about how he sexually harassed them at his gym too. These team Sam comments are so weird.

  7. Matilda says:

    Britney’s condition reminds me of one of my best friends who is bipolar and when her meds aren’t working for her gets very hyper sexualized and cheats on her fiancée with random men. My friend was sexually abused as a child and I feel Britney’s very sexual upbringing led to her mental issues. She definitely does sound manic now and needs real help and support by those who will not take advantage of her situation.

    • Bettyrose says:

      I wasn’t the right age to be following her teen career, but I do recall at one point an interview with her professing commitment to virginity which seemed strange to me because of her sexualized image. Don’t get me wrong, it’s of course fine for an overly sexualized teen to choose abstinence, but declarations of virginity are rarely a personal choice. That’s church talk. So she was being sexualized beyond her emotional maturity and given confusing messages about virginity. Then she jumped into motherhood at a very young age, long before she really knew herself, and I recall an incident when she was on stage and saw a glimpse of her no longer 16 year old body and freaked out. I’ve always really felt for her, for all the confusing messages she’s received and how little autonomy she’s had.

  8. Myeh says:

    Why is it that a white woman can get away with domestic violence because our white hierarchal post colonial mindset still sees her as the fragile victim who needs protection and saving so everyone rushes to her defense? While she certainly was exploited and is clearly mentally ill imagine if she were a poc. The reaction and judgement would be swift and brutal

    • Kitten says:

      Yes Azealia Banks would like a word….

    • shanaynay says:

      Why’s it always have to be a black and white issue. Not everything is about race

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      I agree. The fawning and infantilism is sickening. And to shanaynay, it’s an issue because women of colour have been almost literally unalived over allegations that proved false but this whyte woman is over here being defended when there’s photos out there of her bruised and bitten spouse. Who specifically asked the paparazzi NOT to photograph him in that state, btw. That’s why.

  9. Coco says:

    One thing I noticed when reading Sam’s statement at People Magazine is that his PR team denies the Page Six story but not any of stories coming out of TMZ. Which is funny that Sam PR team seems to be using TMZ while claiming to hate TMZ before he and Britney split.

  10. Ameerah M says:

    The fact that all of this is coming from TMZ is giving me pause. They have a LOOONG history of abusing Britney. And if this is who Sam is going to – that’s pretty sh*tty. I don’t necessarily think he’s lying about anything – I am reserving judgment on that. But to go to the outlet that you yourself have called out about how they treated your then-girlfriend and then use them to leak disparaging info about her is…something.

  11. greenmonster says:

    I believe that Britney doesn’t have healthy and appropriate lines when it comes to people who work with/for her. She even posted a video or photo of herself in her pool hugging her (back then) new assistant. Britney was not wearing anything.

    That was last year and people quickly pointed out how inappropriate this was and were shut down by Britney’s supporters.

    I don’t know if she cheated on Sam with a male staff member, but I absolutely believe she would ask someone to film her naked.

    • molly says:

      I absolutely believe she asked a staffer to record one of her videos. I mean SOMEONE is behind the camera when she rolls around nude at home, in hotels, and on the beach. They’re not all tripod.

    • Chaine says:

      You’re so right about this. IIRC, at one point some of her bodyguards had sued her for sexual harassment. I don’t know what ever came of that, but the allegations were that she exposed herself to him, would try to get him alone in rooms where she was naked, and got angry when he ignored her advances.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        And the stans here are still coming for Sam about this? She’s been screaming and smacking us with who she is for ages. What more do any of the enablers need?

  12. Chrissyms says:

    This man married her got her pregnant she miscarried, which can cause even more hormonal imbalance ans mental distress. She is not properly medicated and he never really seemed to be around. She was alone with her illness in her mansion. He knew what he was marrying. Of course all of this happened. Now he is running to the media to play victim. Just a huge no for me. She is sick and needs help ans she didn’t hide her issues fr him. We all know.

    • molly says:

      (I obviously have no proof, but I don’t believe there was never a baby.)

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      What he married was someone still coming off of anti-psychotics. She was still stable as she’d ever been. Then one day she probably wasn’t and the penny of reality dropped. So, nah. Not aligning with this view.

  13. MH says:

    I’m not quite sure why people keep going after the free Britney people, as though they have ever said anything about Brittany not having a significant mental health diagnosis and needing support and medication. I think that they rightfully stated someone should not be jailed with all of their human rights taken away because they have a mental health diagnosis, which is essentially what happened.
    Also, if Sam is the one who is running to TMZ, threatening to release sensitive information about her mental state, then he is a jerk. Also, this may be a stretch, but if he’s willing to run to TMZ with all this sensitive information, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is sharing this false narrative to gain sympathy from the public. Again. I have no idea if this is true, but I just wouldn’t be surprised.
    Lastly, it does seem that some terrible fights are happening behind the scenes. And I am concerned that, based on the evidence, things are becoming incredibly physical and that Brittany is possibly the one that is becoming physical, and that is never OK. I hope to God she can find a therapist and psychiatrist that can make her feel safe so that she can learn the skills and take the medication sheet she needs to be in the world safely. I also hope Sam can get support and therapy.
    Having some experience working in the mental health field and observing people in the comments jump right to say she should be back in the conservatorship; it’s pretty shocking. Placing someone in a conservatorship which is taking all of their human rights away and their ability to make any decisions for themselves, should be the absolute last last last resort meaning you have tried everything under the sun to help this person before that is even a thought.
     Lastly, I want to list men who have acted bizarre and very crazy in public and who were never put in a conservatorship
    1-Charlie Sheen
    2-Mel Gibson
    3-Kanye West
    4-Shia LaBeouf
    5-Nicolas Cage

    • Ula1010 says:

      I’m also shocked at the people who are pushing for a return to the conservatorship. Her situation in the conservatorship made her mental health issues infinitely worse. She was used for profit by the people who should have cared for her the most. It wouldn’t me if she had serious issues with feeling safe and trusting people in her life. That’s completely understandable. Her behavior is probably going to get worse before it gets better. She has a lot of processing ahead of her.

      As for Sam, he might be a leftover from that old life that she wants to remove. If Britney is abusing him, then the law should get involved. Sam leaking to TMZ is highly questionable.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ MH, thank you for pointing out the tip of the iceberg of mentally unstable men in HW, white cis-men, ie Sheen, Baldwin.

      As for Britney, purely IMO, but the very LAST option is placing Britney into another conservatorship!! The damage from those 16 years were paramount and I imagine that Britney will spend her lifetime overcoming the trauma and pain she endured, including the possible brainwashing of Federline of her sons, but that’s IMO.

      IF Sam was truly the man that he should be, he should be actively pursuing proper mental health for Britney instead of divorcing!! Another tragedy that Britney is forced to endure as no one seems to be willing to stand by Britney and love her unconditionally.

      • Coco says:

        @ BothSidesNow

        I’m no fan of Sam and side eye him, but no one should stay in a marriage they no longer want to be in.

        I also don’t believe her kids were brainwashed, what ever is/was going on in Britney and Sam’s house wasn’t healthy and no child should have to endure that.

        You seem to be only thinking about Britney wellbeing and no one else.

  14. Linder says:

    She is generally in a manic state. That would be very difficult to live with. I’m expecting a shaved head incident, again, or something similar. She has no one right now. Like Sinead and Kanye she eventually drives everyone away except people that want to exploit her.

    • Christina says:

      @Linder, you have succinctly called it. There are many details, but the bottom line is that people with severe mental illness who don’t stay in treatment lose the people they love because of the abuse. Wealthy mentally ill people attract grifters. And all loved ones can do is watch.

  15. JustMe says:

    Observations: her father during the end of the conservership said that if people knew how bad her mental state was, that they would understand why they did what they did….(gee maybe instead of her performing she should’ve had a break). I live with a bipolar person who is on medication- when he’s not things are VERY bad. I’m not saying the conservership was wasn’t – perhaps in the beginning but once they found the combination of meds that worked, it should have been over.

    At her wedding to Sam, remember seeing her looking like all she had on was Sams jacket? Apparently when she went to change out of the wedding dress, she came back naked except for a “diamond “ thong. She doesn’t have any healthy boundaries. The whole internet has seen her naked, i imagine her staff see it on a daily basis.

    From what I’ve see on her insta, to me it seems like she is very manic and probably dances for hours at a time.
    It’s clear to anyone with eyes that she is unwell. I hope that damn pink wig (iykyk) doesn’t make an appearance .

  16. Yibis says:

    Hi still think Sam was too young, inexperienced, arrogant, etc to believe what Britney would be like unmediated. He’s “Mr Health” and I’ve experienced people like that in my own family who couldn’t handle a relatives bipolar diagnosis as being a lifelong mental illness and their need for medications long term. They thought she could be weaned off when she was in a good state of mind and it’s not true. The meds help her find the bal ce she needs. The problem with someone who has such extreme mental illness is they become a danger to themselves and others (remember the driving with baby on lap incident? The umbrella incident?). Nobody wants the conservatorship, but Britney has so much to lose – her freedom, her boys, now her marriage and she could even endanger her life or others. Way back, I remember she was also exploited by the OG Sam Lutfi. She was doing interviews from her shower and always naked etc. Manic states are horrible – increased impulsivity issues Inc multiple sexual partners, lower boundaries, drug use etc. Where will it end? Who can help her?

    I also think TMZ can easily get info out of Sam’s buddies, staff etc. I don’t think he is leaking. I think he’s a doofus who thought he could control her demons when she went off her meds to try and have a baby with him. Then she spiralled and here we are… it’s so painful to watch her posts and see how badly she is struggling. She has no body. 😞

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      This is my take on it. People are willfully ignoring that she’s got issues. Admitting that isn’t a condemnation of her. But it does lay groundwork to get her the help she needs. It’s ok to have sympathy while still being real that things aren’t ok over there. Nothing is either or, with mental illness.

    • Kebbie says:

      Don’t forget her dating that paparazzo Adnan Ghalib…she used to blow money on him, buying cars, etc.

      I fear it’s about to get a lot worse.

      I wish she had someone that she would listen to that would be able to guide her towards a good therapist and medical team.

      She was close with her brother when she was younger and he didn’t seem to be involved in the conservatorship. She doesn’t seem to go on rants about him like her other family members. Or her old friend Felicia or her cousin (I don’t remember her first name, something Covington.)

      She’s just going to attract even worse grifters into her life now.

    • goofpuff says:

      Sam started dating with permission of her father. He is an approved boyfriend who took advantage of a mentally ill woman for his own greed. Let’s not forget that. It doesn’t excuse anything that Britney did at all, but in Sam’s greed to get his hands on her money, he thought he could control her like her father did.

  17. Teddy says:

    She’s living with bipolar disorder and it appears that it’s not being managed properly. One of the thngs that can happen in this disroder is beicoming hyper-sexualized. That has been somewhat evident in many of her posts and tweets. As Kanye repeatedly has proven, you can’t force someone to stick to their treatment plan.

  18. jferber says:

    All I can say is “Poor Britney” no matter what story I hear. Honestly. Her eyes look so tragic. When will people close to her love and appreciate her for who she is, not what she has, in order to take it all away from her? Just so sad.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      Even if they do, you can only bring a horse to water. This will continue until she has an effective and healthy treatment regimen. Since she rightfully has trauma from the last ham-fisted attempt, good luck in getting a new one in place any time soon. If ever.

  19. Bettyrose says:

    I have zero idea what the answer is for someone unable to control their mental illness who has no trustworthy people in their life. I’m not infantilizing Britney or even really talking about her anymore. Really what is the answer for an adult with an uncontrolled mental illness? Especially someone who doesn’t have a lifetime’s worth of wealth to slowly squander?

    • McGee says:

      This reminds me of having a parent in cognitive decline with personality changes like rage and paranoid delusions. There was nothing I could really do (except alert DMV) but watch and try to quietly intercede to head off the worst.