“Khloe Kardashian debuts her latest face during her Italian vacation” links

August 2023: a new Khloe Kardashian face just dropped. [RCFA]
David Beckham is having a really amazing summer, which makes me wonder if he was actually the target of the British media’s dumbass reporting. [LaineyGossip]
HBO’s Telemarketers docu-series reveals a pretty sinister plot. [Pajiba]
Do we care about Ehrengard: The Art of Seduction? [Tom & Lorenzo]
Octavia Spencer has a soft spot for Britney Spears. [JustJared]
Twenty-one years of Drop Dead Gorgeous. [GFY]
What’s it like dealing with influencers in real life? [Buzzfeed]
George Santos surrounded himself with scammers. [Towleroad]
Salma Hayek’s life just seems so breezy. [Egotastic]
Rick Astley rehearses by meowing. [Seriously OMG]
I have a real soft spot for Italian men. [Socialite Life]

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57 Responses to ““Khloe Kardashian debuts her latest face during her Italian vacation” links”

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  1. BeanieBean says:

    Cute dress. Abstaining from face comments.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    Oh yikes, Khloe’s face looks painful. I would be sad in Italy having that duck beak getting in the way of all that delicious food that I’m sure she won’t eat. I don’t envy her lifestyle.

    • Muggs says:

      Honestly my first thought was how handy it would be to have that chin. It looks like the perfect cheese knife

  3. snappyfish says:

    The example Khloe is showing her daughter of self-esteem is deplorable. This child is being taught by observation that you can just interchange your parts if you aren’t happy. So much for teaching a child they are unique, beautiful & special just how the are. But hey, years ago I said of North West’s name that it was sadly the only direction she would ever receive.

  4. Ameerah M says:

    At this point I actually don’t see any point in ragging on Khloe. I think two things: she is an incredibly insecure person and that makes me feel sorry for her. I can’t imagine disliking yourself that much. And 2. every time she tweaks something she knows it will get her attention. Mostly it just looks like she got more lip filler.

    • DaveW says:

      I also assumed she was hoping more people would talk about the rings on THAT finger than the ever evolving face in the one pic from the story.

      Does she really have 311M followers?!

      • Coco says:

        No it already been proven that the Kim and the rest of the family buy followers, majority of their followers are bots.

        Everything about the Kardashians are fake.

      • Ameerah M says:

        @Coco – it wasn’t proven. It was speculated about.

    • bettyrose says:

      That’s really the only response at this point. You nailed it.

    • Jill says:

      Honestly, I think most of them are incredibly insecure, even Kim. The constant need for validation, praise and adoration just sounds like it makes for a miserable existence.

      • bettyrose says:

        Especially Kim. She’s praised quite a bit more for her beauty, but none of them have ever been allowed to discover who they are and what they care about for themselves, so they seek validation through external means, which is a losing proposition. No one can ever be pretty or skinny enough to be satisfied from external validation. Kim has tried to find a passion, the whole law school thing and whatnot, but it always comes back to the eternal and futile pursuit of external validation for her.

      • Debbie says:

        I shall always remember the photo Kim K. released of herself in a bikini, purportedly studying for the baby-bar by a pool. THAT needed to be posted?

      • Flamingo says:

        I would be insecure too, If I knew deep down I wasn’t really a Kardashian. She looks nothing like Kim or Kourtney. I am not even convinced Rob is a Kardashian either. I only see the Mother’s features and DNA X from someone else in them. Most likely the hairdresser she had the affair with. I understand legally they are. But that family is keeping some big secrets in that skeleton closest. And not just about who is a Kardashian and who isn’t.

    • ariel says:

      Its heartbreaking. I think about how she used to talk about that her mom was like- its not okay that you’re not thin. Its bad for the brand.

      and i know that self hate is also why she can’t leave a man who craps on her constantly- but the longer the plastic face and the no self esteem relationship go on- the less i feel bad for her, and the more i’m just horrified.
      Pull it together rich white lady!

      Too judgy?

  5. DaveW says:

    I have adored Rick Astley since day 1; if he wants to warm up by meowing his latest, I’m there for it.

    • Normades says:

      What I found stranger than the meowing was why they were rehearsing in a bathroom. But anyway he’s 7 years older than me and I totally would.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        bathrooms are notorious for having good acoustics so really not so weird to rehearse in one

      • one of the marys says:

        Shania Twain famously wrote one of her hits, Still The One, in the bathroom of the house where she was a guest, said it had great acoustics

  6. shanaynay says:

    OMG! That was a frightening site that I cannot unsee. Those lops, WTF!!!

    Wow, this girl keeps changing what she looks like in order to be someone else. Definitely some major low self-esteem.

  7. Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

    Well Khloe K does look less like OJ Simpson now… (sorry not sorry!)

  8. BlueSky says:

    I thought that was Tori Spelling for a second. 😂

    • shanaynay says:

      They do look exactly the same, and that ain’t necessarily a good thing,

    • MaryContrary says:

      Same. Combined with some kind of animated character.

    • Darlene says:

      I thought the same.

    • tealily says:

      I was just going to say, she has Tori Spelling face. I guess that’s all you can buy. When you replace the whole thing, that’s what you get.

      • Eurydice says:

        I was going to say her nose is reaching Michael Jackson territory, but maybe it’s filters, contouring? I don’t know. It’s a pretty dress, though.

  9. BlueNailsBetty says:

    I have a soft spot for Octavia Spencer.

  10. Tish says:

    Khloe and Tori vying for the worst filler face award.

  11. shoochai says:

    I too have a soft spot for unavailable Italian men.

  12. Jaded says:

    Her nose is moving into Michael Jackson territory. Khloe, please leave your face alone and do something worthy with your life.

  13. Nubia says:

    I feel bad for her,like she said she used to get bullied for being the ‘odd ‘ one and not looking like her sisters. She ‘fixed’ herself and its still not good enough. Now people clown her for that,she cant win.

    • Josephine says:

      No one can win a game that is only about looks. No one. She could win the heck out of life but like her family, she chooses only a losing game.

  14. OriginalMich says:

    In one of the pics, she is staring off (with intensity) as her daughter paddles them in a canoe. I know it is staged and there is no actual movement, but her daughter’s arm is in a cast. Yikes. Facial tweaking aside, that is a bad look.

  15. Murphy says:

    I say this with love, let the nose rest for a little bit sweetie.

  16. jferber says:

    Maybe I missed this story, but did True break her arm? On the site itself it looks like she’s wearing a pink bandage/cast on her right arm. What happened?

  17. Lucy2 says:

    I wonder what it feels like to change every single thing about your appearance and still not ever feel like enough.

  18. Al says:

    Thanks for the buzzfeed influencer article link. I read this thread earlier today about an influencer in France, and it made my entire weekend. Enjoy!


  19. Escape says:

    All the women from Cali wrote up on this site is fake looking whether it’s plastic surgery or their natural curls flattened from here to the equator.

  20. Wilma says:

    A few years ago I sort of became an influencer for a while. My instagram account for my hobby grew and had a lot of engagement and I got quite a few offers from brands to endorse their products, which I did for a while. But it’s pretty impossible to remain authentic when you have to do adds. I couldn’t do it in a way that worked for me and so I stopped all my sponsorships. It’s easy to see how people get caught up in it and have a hard time stopping.

  21. Serena says:

    Her nose looks..odd..to say the least.

  22. Likeyoucare says:

    She look like that famous muslim chef girl abir el saghir.
    Did she stop being WOC?
    The whole family had throw away their big butt and dark skin.

  23. Lady Luna says:

    Does anyone know what lipstick Khloe is wearing? I love it.

  24. Jojo says:

    I hope Khloe is happy. My preference would have been for her to stop the work several years ago. I think she had some really great work done and should’ve aged gracefully from there. But I am not in her shoes and I imagine when money and resources are limitless…it’s just hard to stop and focus on the internal.

  25. Reign says:

    I don’t know what makes her famous. Her mum pushing them on media and media buying in?
    There a a lot of wealthy people around the globe but avoid media. This family are fame whores. It’s rather gross and I have chosen to never see a television show involving them.

    • kelleybelle says:

      That’s all I got too. She is gross and desperate. She should work on being happy and fulfilled inside but instead … never mind.

  26. Mattie says:

    I have to say I’m a big fan of Drop Dead Gorgeous!!! It was a instant hit with me a quirky film !!!! I finally got a cope when it became available again…so worth it!

  27. phaedra7 says:

    She, like a good number/of several people who get aesthetic surgeries for VANITY reasons may have some sort of: BODY DYSMORPHIA. They feel that they are INSECURE and/or not PERFECT; so they get more work done and more work done. However, in actuality, they really don’t need the operations. This is sad in most cases.

  28. Tashiro says:

    Girl those lips 💋🤣

  29. Flamingo says:

    I think she looks great as a honey-blonde but blonde blonde does not do her any favors. Also, she is also turning 40 next year. And her whole life has been centered around youth and beauty. And NOT that 40 is old. But in Hollywood 40 is when women get cast as Grandmothers the ageism is outrageous. So she looks like she going heavy on Botox and fillers to stop time.

    I wish she could just love herself and age naturally. She keeps trying to find a new face that works every few years. It’s strange, to say the least.

  30. Pollyv says:

    In that dress, sunnies and wig and with those lips, I mistook Khloe for Christine Quinn from Selling Sunset.