Leah Remini subjected ‘to continued aggressive harassment’ from Scientology

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On August 2 Leah Remini filed a lawsuit against the Church of Scientology. In the suit, she recounted the harassment, defamation, and psychological torture that COS inflicted on her during the 35+ years she was a member — not to mention the estimated $5 million she spent for the privilege of receiving that treatment. COS responded to Leah’s suit with an unhinged screed, but they have yet to respond formally in court. It seems they’ve been too busy upping their hounding of Leah and her associates. This week Leah had to file an amended complaint to include the “continued aggressive harassment” COS has unleashed in the 27 days since she filed her suit. Deadline reported details of the new complaint:

The Church of Scientology hasn’t yet responded in court to Leah Remini’s harassment lawsuit filed earlier this month, but according to the Emmy winner, the David Miscavige-led organization has made some harsh moves in reaction.

“In the short period of time since Ms. Remini’s Complaint was filed, Ms. Remini and others have been subject to continued, aggressive harassment,” says an amended complaint from Remini put in the Los Angeles Superior docket on August 29.

The amended complaint reiterates Remini’s earlier allegations in the original August 2 filing of retaliation by the Church for her public critiques of its policy and personnel. However, additionally Remini now is saying that since that initial complaint was filed she has been the victim of various acts of credit card fraud, lambasted by online trolls, accused directly by the Church of generating “threats of and actual violence against the Church,” and suggesting she “consider emigrating to Russia.”

Seemingly connecting the dots, the amended complaint also says the “business of Ms. Remini’s tutor was hacked,” and just more than a week ago, the King of Queens star’s Scientology and the Aftermath co-host Mike Rinder was stalked by someone close to the Church.

As she noted in the original nine-claim complaint, Remini is seeking unspecified damages along with injunctive relief “to end Scientology’s policies against Suppressive Persons so that current and former Scientologists, and others who wish to expose Scientology’s abuses, including journalists and advocates, may feel free to hold Scientology accountable without the fear that they will be threatened into silence.”

Contacted by Deadline today for a response to the amended complaint, the Church of Scientology resent its August 3 reaction ripping Remini as “a horrible person” and a hate-speech-spewing “bigot.” The statement also somewhat redundantly calls the lawsuit against the Church and its leader Miscavige “ludicrous and the allegations pure lunacy.”

Having gone through a couple of judges already due to conflicts of interest and more, a hearing in Remini’s suit is set for December 4.

[From Deadline]

The new complaint also included the fact that Mike Rinder, Leah’s former co-host that COS is also stalking, is going through cancer treatment right now. Some “church.” So much of COS’s tactics feel right out of the Trump playbook: the name-calling, mania, and transparent projection of their deeds onto her. How great would it be to see both Trump and COS be read for filth to the full extent of the law? Hey, a girl can dream!

When Leah first filed this lawsuit a month ago, I hoped it meant she really had her ducks in a row. After all, it’s been 10 years since she broke free. She’s obviously spoken publicly about the evils of Scientology in that time — and produced an Emmy winning series on it. But the suit is serious legal action. And I think it’s great she’s already filed an amendment — not great in that she’s continuing to be harassed, but because I love that by the early December hearing she could have a substantial pile of official filings that will be in stark contrast to Xenu’s screams of “Move to Russia!” Just keep saving the receipts, Leah.

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Photos credit: PacificCoastNews / Avalon, Getty

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17 Responses to “Leah Remini subjected ‘to continued aggressive harassment’ from Scientology”

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  1. With all cults you are not allowed to leave but if you do they will harass you. Exactly like the royal cult.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    What are the chances this lawsuit brings out enough evidence to remove the CoS tax exempt status? Even better, how about a RICO criminal case?

    • Bee (not THAT Bee) says:

      The tax exempt status is going to be tough because that’s up the the IRS.

      RICO however, I think they have significant legal exposure there. Which, if successful, could lead to the tax status changing eventually.

  3. Chantal says:

    I’ve always been a fan of hers and how disgusting all of this is but not surprising. She dared to speak out and question its leadership so that cult is out for vengeance. If I were Leah, I’d send out a daily tweet on XTwitter asking where’s Shelly Miscavige…How does the wife of a global “church’s leader go missing and NO ONE continuously asked where she is? Until Leah did. I think this triggered the attacks on her more than her expose about its abusive and greedy policies did.

    This bullying cult needs to learn what happens when you keep attacking a person and back them into a corner – they come out swinging! I hope she stays safe, wins her lawsuit, and gets a huge settlement! Losing millions of dollars is the only language powerful organizations like this understand. Keep exposing this abusive cult Leah!!!

  4. Nokitty! says:

    Scientology is the worst. I wish Leah (and Mike Rinder) well.

  5. Southern Fried says:

    Leah is a strong azz woman for sure. I hope she beats that cult into oblivion.First bankrupting them.

  6. Teddy says:

    The non-stop bullying for daring to leave an abusive cult gives a strong royal family/royal rota vibe.

  7. AlexS says:

    I would be very interested in seeing how many Trump supporters are scientotolgists and or are consevatives who voted Republicans. I bet theres an lot of overlap between the two groups. They both certainly have an lot in common

    • pottymouth pup says:

      I’m not sure that a large % of Trump supporters are $cientologists but I would be willing to be that a large % of Scientologists are Trump supporters

  8. Tisme says:

    Leah is a hero and an advocate. I hope that evil cult goes down in flames.

  9. Jaded says:

    Leah is one strong woman and so brave to do this. I wonder if the authorities have been able to track down David Miscavige? He’s been accused of human trafficking and sexual abuse by several people who said they were trafficked into Co$ as children and forced to work as adults for little to no pay. A U.S. judge has ruled Miscavige has been officially served in absentia. Tick-tock David, time is running out.

  10. Nanea says:

    When I read about the attacks and smears people like Leah Remini and Mike Rinder are subjected to, I always silently shake my head at the share of adulation TC still gets.

    Everyone should know by now that the Co$ is a fascist-adjacent cult that entraps its members, that trafficks humans and uses forced labor. The Co$ is anti-science, but especially against offering mental help and/or using anti-depressants or anxiolytic drugs.

    So I fully support everyone who’s trying to take this organisation down. They deserve to be sued out of existence for all the evil they have done and continue to do.

    Friends, my extended family and I continue to boycott everything that is put out by $cientologists, be it movies, or music, or books (looking at you, Neil Gaiman)

    • Bee (not THAT Bee) says:

      I don’t think Neil is in, but he also doesn’t speak out against the cult, so there’s that. Probably still has family inside and doesn’t want to be declared. His celebrity protects him but it wouldn’t if he spoke up.

      Beck quietly left and then made it public, so he’s ok to listen to. JLo (Leah’s bestie) isn’t in but her dad is or was. Breaking up families is so, so evil.

      I admire Leah, Mike, and everyone who is bravely standing up for what’s right!

  11. Ivan says:

    What a shame to be harassed in this manner!

  12. Libra says:

    Isn’t this what the royal family is doing to Harry and Meghan? Yet no one has the nerve to publicly brand them a cult.

  13. Suzie Q says:

    Luv Leah and her sassy ways♥️hope she beats their butts in court and gets her 5 million back from those crooks and liars that run Scientology.👍