Christina Ricci: ‘People we know as ‘awesome guys’ can be predators and abusers’

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis got chewed out by everyone all weekend, all because of their public support for a convicted rapist. Ashton and Mila have been close friends with Danny Masterson for years, and they wrote letters of support for Danny at his sentencing hearing, which happened months after Masterson was convicted of two felony rape charges. Masterson is a serial rapist who hurt multiple women over the course of two decades. Ashton and Mila’s public support for Masterson has changed people’s perceptions of them. You know it’s bad when their fellow celebrities are taking them to task. Christina Ricci posted this message on her Instagram Stories:

“So sometimes people we loved and admired do horrible things. They might not do these things to us and we only know who they were to us but that doesn’t mean they didn’t do the horrible things and to discredit the abused is a crime. People we know as ‘awesome guys’ can be predators and abusers. It’s tough to accept but we have to. If we say we support victims – women, children, men, boys – then we must be able to take this stance.”

“Unfortunately I’ve known lots of ‘awesome guys’ who were lovely to me but have been proven to be abusers privately. I’ve also had personal experience with this. Believe victims. It’s not easy to come forward. It’s not easy to get a conviction.”

[Via The Independent]

In 2020, Christina finally left her husband after he had emotionally and physically abused her for years. She sought and received domestic violence protective orders and she sold all of her Chanel jewelry to pay for the divorce and get the hell out of the marriage. She also managed to survive in the industry during a period of time where abusers were everywhere, at every level of the industry. She absolutely has personal experience with all of this. “Believe victims. It’s not easy to come forward. It’s not easy to get a conviction.” Amen. Instead of actually standing with Masterson’s victims – women who spent years trying to get justice – Ashton and Mila were ride-or-die for a serial rapist.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instagram.

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24 Responses to “Christina Ricci: ‘People we know as ‘awesome guys’ can be predators and abusers’”

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  1. Twin Falls says:

    It’s sad to me that this had to be spelled out for some people but she’s one hundred percent correct.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      I like how she is speaking clearly, and with her whole chest. I also like how she used simple words for the two Dunderheads who can’t seem to get this sorted 🤦🏻‍♀️

  2. Ameerah M says:

    She was making a specific reference to JD as well in regards to her having worked with abusive men

  3. Rachel says:

    She is such a beautiful woman inside and out and I’m so glad she shared this message!

  4. Brassy Rebel says:

    What she said! Exactly! 👏👏👏

  5. Olivia says:

    She sold her collection of Chanel BAGS and jewelry.

  6. Becks1 says:

    This is a perfect statement from her and I think its something that needs to be repeated over and over. Your experience with X person is not everyone’s experience with that person. Maybe you as a Hollywood star worked with Kevin Spacey and loved him; that was not everyone’s experience. Maybe you as Ashton Kutcher think Danny Masterson is the greatest person ever; well he’s been convicted of raping multiple women so obviously your experience with him was not universal.

    It’s not really that hard a concept and yet it seems very hard for some people to grasp.

    • Becks1. Yes yes a thousand times yes. You wrapped it up nicely and I agree completely.

    • s808 says:

      1000% agree!

    • Ameerah M says:

      Exactly. And understanding that the dynamics someone has in a romantic relationship can be completely different from the dynamics in their professional relationships and friendships.

    • ama1977 says:

      We all probably know someone who has shown us one face and has shown another face to others, to a greater or lesser degree. Abusers choose their victims carefully; they try to target people with less power, less agency, and whom they see as having less credibility. I’ve worked with men who were the picture of respectability to me (a peer) and who were subsequently found to have been abusive to subordinates and younger women for years. One is also abusive to his wife, and they’re still married. It’s deeply unsettling.

      We all only know the “face” that is shown to us, but that doesn’t mean that’s the whole person. It’s not surprising at all that Masterson reserved his abuse for people he thought he could get over on. That’s abuser 101.

  7. Freya says:

    These words fit perfectly with asshole Brad Pitt. Always showing himself to be the ‘coolest guy’ in Hollywood, the neighborhood friend. But after 7 years of divorce he continues to persecute and abuse Angie using the courts and tattooing a battle tank. #BradPittIsAnAbuser.

  8. Jaded says:

    I’m aghast that Ashton supported Masterson but Mila too??? How could she, as a woman, not seemingly feel a morsel of sympathy for the poor women he raped? Why is she on his side? Why did they do that stupid video b*tching about the well-deserved clapback they’re getting? I hope the outpouring of public support for the victims, and the sad truths from women like Christina who have suffered similar attacks (myself included), continue to draw attention to this travesty and that Ashton and Mila continue to be raked over the coals.

  9. Normades says:

    Yes she is absolutely correct. Abusers choose their victims even in their own families. Masterson’s victims were girlfriends and/or ladies in the Sci Org. He probably felt he owned them and was free to rape them. It’s like Weinstein who apparently never touched Meryl Streep or Jennifer Lawrence but had countless countless other victims.

  10. Beckey says:

    This is so true, and resonates with me so much. My uncle sexually abused me for years, but was so beloved by the entire family, had a nice down to earth, salt of the earth manner, and when I told my parents at the age of 12, they said, it’s impossible. That I must have dreamt it all. Years later, my dad was raising finds for this man and asked me to contribute. I said, sure, ask him what he did to me all those years ago, if you forgive him, I will donate to your cause. My dad and another uncle eventually got the truth from him. And my dad was practically suicidal. I told him, suck it up. I have lived with this for 50 years. You’ve known for all of 1 week and you want to die…
    Eventually, we found peace as a family but the fall out was horrendous.
    Charming people do bad shit all the time. They’re charming for a reason. Believe victims.

  11. jferber says:

    She’s hit the nail on the head. Absolutely right.

  12. Porsha says:

    Mila stared in a movie about being raped called Luckiest Girl Alive

    Wow what a great actor she is

    This makes me confused and angry