“Julia Fox is doing a fashion tour to hawk her memoir” links

Julia Fox has been hawking her book all over New York. [GFY]
House Republicans still haven’t elected a speaker, lmao. It will probably be Rep. Scalise, although Jim Jordan has some weak support. [Pajiba]
I f–king despise my state’s governor Glenn Youngkin. He’s a POS, a liar, a misogynist and a racist. This new ad buy is horrific. [Jezebel]
Kylie Minogue remixes an ‘80s hit? [OMG Blog]
Analysis on Jada Pinkett Smith’s latest marriage revelations. [LaineyGossip]
This Nadia Manjarrez bridal collection is all over the place. [Tom & Lorenzo]
This TikTok explains how to buy a new car from a dealership. [Buzzfeed]
What songs did Taylor Swift cut from the Eras Tour movie? [JustJared]
Heather Graham is vacationing in Italy. [Egotastic]
This “Dear Annie” situation is awful, omg. [Towleroad]
Barbara Walters slept with Richard Pryor??? [Seriously OMG]

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32 Responses to ““Julia Fox is doing a fashion tour to hawk her memoir” links”

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  1. HeatherC says:

    I actually love her outfit in the picture. But it’s spooky season so it’s very season appropriate.

    • Erin says:

      I was gonna say she looks really good here, probably the best I’ve seen. Her hair color and make really suit her.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I kinda like Julia. She looks great, i hope she dishes out everything and makes it happen for her memoir

    • SK says:

      I think she’s very beautiful. I saw Uncut gems and she really stood out, I was impressed by her acting given it was her first role I think

      • elviechina says:

        I didn’t see Uncut Gems, but I saw her in No Sudden Move. It was a small role, but she stood out in that too.

  2. Kitten says:

    That shit with Youngkin is absolutely infuriating. I recently had a hyper-moderate and compulsive “both sides”-ing family member tell me that if the Left would just concede that an abortion at nine months is wrong then maybe we could facilitate a productive conversation with the Right. Yes, we need to continue to make concessions and couch our language to appease a group of people who have ALREADY gotten what they wanted by making abortion effectively illegal. Yes because we all know that women getting abortions at nine months is so very common–a veritable plague on our society. Women love to go through nine months of hell just to decide at the last second that they no longer want the kid. Sure, they have a name picked out, a nursery decorated, eager grandparents waiting to hold their grandkid, new baby clothes and all the expensive necessities to care for a kid, but forget about all that advanced planning—she’s changed her mind.

    To be clear, I don’t even know if a nine month abortion is a thing but IF it has ever happened, I am confident that it was performed to save the mother’s life. Additionally, good f*cking luck finding a doctor who could/would ethically perform that procedure, especially the way things are today. When I told said family member that he said “you’d be surprised!’ LOL sure, bro.

    • Erin says:

      Well of course it’s a man telling you these things and of course he has absolutely no evidence whatsoever because there isn’t any and he’s just straight arguing in bad faith.

    • bettyrose says:

      That 9th month crap is just right-wing rhetoric. It’s never been a thing. You know what’s a thing? That the maternal mortality rate in the US is higher than all other high income nations.

    • Bumblebee says:

      There is no such thing as a nine month abortion. WTH? At nine months, it’s a cesarean. No doctor would perform an abortion when the baby can survive outside the womb. This is exactly why politicians should not be making medical decisions.

      • Kitten says:

        LOL yeah that’s what I thought. Like, how is that even possible?!?! As Erin said, it’s all just so bad faith. But even the false notion that if the Left can just concede this or concede that, then maybe the Right wouldn’t be so extreme? Just absurd on it’s face. We’ve always approached their lunacy with measured reason and it’s never worked to temper their hysteria because reactionary conservative red met has always been the only thing that motivates them. No amount of humoring them will change that.

    • TheBayTea says:

      It isn’t a thing. A “9 month abortion” is just called giving birth.

      I am endlessly annoyed by the conservative focus on “selfish liberals who want to kill full term babies!” Like…that isn’t a thing. You literally can only not be pregnant by giving birth by that stage. And how many doctors do you imagine are cool with birthing a baby and murdering it?!

      Zero doctors. It’s such a strawman argument that capitalized on emotions over any medical knowledge or logic.

    • Missskitttin says:

      Don’t waste your time debating something that has not and will never happen.

    • bisynaptic says:

      The fact that the idea of a full-term abortion has gained any traction really betrays how people don’t think of women/mothers as people. Think about it: who *does* that?

  3. Macky says:

    I like Julia fox from what I know of her. We talking years back.
    But the Kanye stuff just seems like she is taking advantage of someone. If she wasn’t into it she could’ve just not delt with him. I simply hate when people say “it’s okay” and than bash you when it’s convenient for them.
    I thank her for the gossip but “allegedly” -peeing in the parking lot was a test. She should’ve told him “let’s just be friends” and left it at that.

  4. bettyrose says:

    It’s a cute outfit. I love that I can’t see her navel, but the real winner is the hair and makeup. More urban chic less got-pushed-off-the-runway-by-a-real-model.

  5. P says:

    That Dear Annie story, whew. I disagreed with her black and white advice. I would have told him that yes, he needs to end the extra-marital relationship. I would only advise “coming clean” to their partners if they were prepared for the relationship to end. Spoiler ahead: I think the writer could come out to his wife as bi without outing his FIL or even revealing their affair. My controversial relationship opinion is that if an affair truly is over, and telling the truth would only hurt your partner, just take the secret to the grave. Learn from the mistake and move on without ruining anyone’s life.

    • Chaine says:

      ITA. The guy writing in for advice needs to leave this marriage, because if he will cheat on his wife with his own FIL within a week of learning the man is gay, he will cheat on her with anyone, anytime. Matter-of-fact, neither man has any ethics or sense of boundaries or any self-control. Nor should either of these guys say anything to either wife because it will destroy those women’s lives. What a horrific violation of trust for one’s own parent to engage in an extramarital relationship with one’s own spouse. I can’t imagine why the advice columnist would set them up for such devastation. I’m sure the guy can find some other, considerably less horrible reason to give her for wanting a divorce.

    • Ocho says:

      I agree w both of you. This advice could possibly irrevocably ruin the writer’s wife’s relationship with her father. He doesn’t get to make that call. I agree that he should give another reason for a divorce.

      • LynnInTx says:

        @Ocho If the father is willing to commit such an unbelievable and horrific breach of trust against his daughter, then maybe their relationship should be irrevocably ruined – who knows what else he’s willing to do against her? I agree that he shouldn’t make the call, but not in the way you seem to think; SHE should with ALL the information available. I think he should absolutely come clean. Lying by omission is still lying, and as bad as the information is, not giving her the full truth makes it even worse in my opinion. It takes away her consent and it’s patronizing in the extreme. They both chose to do it, now they need to live with the consequences, whatever she decides. (And that wife needs to run far away from both, IMO).

    • J says:

      They should come clean no matter the consequences . Neither relationship will be fully consensual going forward as the women don’t know what their own lives are about or what they are signing up for next time they get with their husbands. The men should have thought of the consequences before they acted like such selfish idiots.

    • Trillion says:

      @P I had the same response after reading the advice – why hurt so deeply. Divorce hurts, why make it so much worse. That level of disclosure is not necessary, IMO.

  6. wellyaknow says:

    She confused me a bit at first but I’m becoming a fan. She just does her own thing and is interesting.

  7. Christine says:

    As a person who is about to be 49, I’ve been around for a lot of things. I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever believe Barbara Walters and Richard Pryor fucked, sorry, “slept” together.

    JFC. Move on, The View, and anyone remotely adjacent. She’s dead. He’s dead. We don’t need to ponder their love lives.

    How many times have you been fired by Barbara Walters, Joy and Sherri?

    I really don’t care about any of this, but it’s gross to gossip about your dead boss, who fired both of you.

  8. teehee says:

    Her Memoir? Isn’t she 12?

  9. J.ferber says:

    Julia looks terrific and I like her much better than the Kardashians. I hope her career keeps on going.