Dolly Parton explains why she’s worn wigs for decades

Remember when years back Kylie Jenner said that she had invented wigs? That drove me nuts. It was in 2016 and it’s still something my subconscious associates with Kylie. We all know that Kylie is not a wig OG, but Dolly Parton definitely is. Huge beauty pageant style hair has always been a part of her look, and she’s been wearing wigs for decades. She shared her six fashion rules with Vogue to promote her new book Behind the Seams, which include wearing high heels, avoiding trends, and embracing wigs. Dolly started wearing wigs when she figured out that teasing and bleaching her hair was damaging it. Her first hairstylist, Colleen Owens, introduced her to her first “fall” (a piece you blend with your own hair for more volume). Dolly then realized she’d never have a bad hair day with wigs. The rest is history.

[My first hairstylist] Colleen Owens introduced me to my first hairpiece—they used to be called falls—that you could add to your own hair and give you extra bulk. And it was through her that we found wigs. She was so creative. The wigs were wearing me—I wasn’t wearing the wig! But I loved all the intricate little things that Colleen used to do. It was always the bigger, the better. I started wearing wigs because I quickly realized that bleaching and teasing my hair every day would cause breakage and not look good. It was handy to have several looks that I could just choose from, and never have a bad hair day.”

[From Vogue]

I’m very lucky to have naturally thick hair, but no matter how much I tease or spray it, and no matter how i style it, it does not hold volume at all near the crown of my head. So I would definitely turn to wigs if big floofy hair was the goal. It’s great that Dolly’s always been open about wearing wigs because hair thinning and hair loss is something that happens to so many women. That’s not why Dolly started wearing them, but I think she shows people that it’s okay to use something artificial if it makes you feel better about yourself or like how you look. Sometimes people equate being “authentic” with being unvarnished or being “au naturel”. But it’s really just about wearing what you like and what makes you happy.

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26 Responses to “Dolly Parton explains why she’s worn wigs for decades”

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  1. Lynn says:

    Ah, one thing I have in common with Dolly – wigs. I wear mine because I started losing my hair in my 20s and now at 46 there isn’t much left but still, me and Dolly! 🙂

  2. Ginks says:

    When Dolly was doing audience Q&A for her variety show (, she was asked, “How long does it take to do your hair??” She replied, “I don’t know—I’m never there!”

  3. MinorityReport says:

    If I had the money for GOOD wigs like Dolly, Beyoncé, and Gaga, I’d wear wigs, too. The reason we snark about Kate Middleton’s wigs is that she’s a wealthy woman at the top of society and her wigs look busted AF.

    • Escondista says:

      I don’t think Kate’s are that awful. I just think she is a petty and spiteful person and that’s why I give the wig shaming a pass.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ 👀 😳 Katie Keen Mumbles’ wiglets are definitely ‘that awful.’ Sometimes, it’s Cousin It kind of awful. 🙈 I’m telling no lies either. BTW, being petty and spiteful, while wearing awful wiglets, can and does happen at the same time, especially in the case of Top CEO, the Princess of Wails.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      It’s also because Wiglet McButtons has her people release official denials that she’s most definitely not wearing a hairpiece! Carina wrote that authenticity doesn’t mean being wig-free and I agree. For me it means being open and honest and owning your choices. And none of that describes Buttons. See also: the petty, spiteful, racist, stalker, bully part.

      On the other hand, Dolly Parton and her wigs are a gift to us all 🩷

    • Lala11_7 says:

      The beauty of today’s wigs is you DO NOT have to spend a LOT of $$$ to get a good looking wig…but you DO need to know about fiber quality and color regarding wigs…and THE MOST important thing…you HAVE to style & cut your wig to your FACE❣️. I have seen folks with human hair lacefront wigs that costs RENT…look non-descript next to someone who has an affordable wig on perfectly customized to their face❤️

      • Betsy says:

        And this is why I hope never to need to wear a wig. I’m not good at doing the hair that grows from my head; I can guarantee I’d be worse at styling a wig. I would look like I had a strange animal atop my head.

        And that’s a bummer because wigs offer so much choice (and so much fuller hair than I have now).

      • Chantal says:

        @Lala11_7. Thanks for this great advice. I’m thinking of buying a wig (thinning hair due to medications and getting older) and I had no idea how to even begin so this advice is much appreciated!!

        Also, I love Dolly!

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        All things wigs are way more complicated than I ever considered!🙃

      • Lala11_7 says:

        For folks afraid to cut & style their own wigs…I OVERSTAND! That was ME several years ago…but during that time…synthetic wig fibers got BETTER & more INEXPENSIVE…I prefer synthetic to human hair now…because synthetic holds the shapes of the style longer…can now take heat up to 400 degrees…the colors are now on point…and the costs are phenomenal…so years ago I got a cheap wig…a razor comb…some cutting shears…put the wig on & started cutting…once you start…it becomes easier & easier…I used to have to cut wigs on my head…now I’m so used to it…I can cut on a wig head & tripod ❣️. Also when it comes to wig hair quality…When it’s shiny like doll’s hair…I stay away…Amazon is an INVALUABLE resource for wigs because they have such a large searchable variety…and people LOVE taking pictures/videos & giving reviews🤗

    • Nic919 says:

      Dolly was also open about getting plastic surgery too. She is the example of being authentic and not pretending that her hair and face is natural. The opposite of that is kate Middleton who couldn’t even admit to wearing a few extensions even though the visible evidence was there.

  4. manda says:

    I have a ton of hair but it is stick straight–I too have always dreamed of having BIG hair. I don’t know how to do hair, but all my attempts fall flat. The late 80’s was a hard time for me lol

    • Kittenmom says:

      LOL same. My hair refused to feather back when that was the fad, and i couldn’t do the sky high bangs even with an entire can of aqua net. Even tho that is no longer in fashion, I still have a secret desire for good 80s hair.

  5. Uralmom says:

    The higher the hair, the closer to God.

  6. Naye in va says:

    I have a lot of kinky hair and styling it is a days long process, and even then I’m usually either styling it into something just manageable or styling it into something I’m going to have to redo after one or two days. It’s a beautiful pain in my ass. I literally have to think about how sex is going to affect my hairstyle.

    So yesterday I wore a wig. On Friday I will probably wear a wig. Could wear one on Monday if I get the lace colored how i want

  7. Jennifer Smith says:

    Carina! My niece has hair like yours, and I have very fine hair but A LOT of it. Both of us struggle with the volume at the crown. She (darling angel that she is) found this product:

    Dang that’s long so here’s the product name: JVN Embody Volumizing Foam, Clean, Volume-Boosting Foam For All Hair Types, Adds Fullness and Body, Lasting Hold, Color Safe, Sulfate Free

    It works for both of us. Unlike other volume boosters, it actually boosts and doesn’t drag. You can feel there’s product in your hair but it’s not gross and it looks…it looks like you always want dry shampoo to look–fluffed and styled, but without the residue dry shampoos leave behind. AND you can comb through it if you want and it continues working.

    I usually use it on wet hair and just fluff my hair as it dries and that’s enough–but if I blow-dry it REALLY fluffs everything up.

    I really love this product, and sharing is caring? Anyway…FWIW.

  8. HufflepuffLizLemon says:

    OK, folks.

    IF you want volume at the crown (I do, I have a round face and loooong, thick, layered hair, almost to my waist) and while it’s cut for lots of movement, I need the volume at the crown to lengthen my face a bit.

    Here’s what you want:
    I have had one for years, and I get probably 3-5 compliments a week on my hair. It prevents your hair getting weighed down.

    You section your hair, and use this on the under-sections where the roots will not be visible. You just need to do an inch or two at the roots. For extra oomph, add a bit of dry shampoo and/or tease it afterwards. But even if you don’t do the extra steps… this will give you all the volume for days, without loading your hair and scalp up with products. Looks great if your hair is flat ironed, curled, wavy, short, long, whatever. It just breaks up the flatness at the roots.

    There ya go.

  9. Thelma says:

    LOVE Dolly!!!! She keeps it real.

  10. bluhare says:

    She’s a smart woman. By wearing wigs and that big makeup, she can probably go out as her natural self and no one knows who she is.

  11. LocaLady says:

    I love Dolly forever. She and her wigs are 🔥.

    Thank you also to all of the commenters who’ve shared their hair and wig tips! I need all the help I can get w my crowning glory fam ok. 💇‍♀️💈🪮❤️

  12. J.Ferber says:

    Kate can learn a hell of a lot from Dolly’s wigs. THAT’S how you do it.

  13. Bad Janet says:

    I don’t care if every body part Dolly has is fake; she is one of the most authentic celebs out there.