Princess Kate loves ‘cold swimming’ in dark, rainy conditions: ‘The colder, the better’

I love the cold weather. When it gets to 40 degrees, even 30 degrees, that’s perfect walking/hiking weather as far as I’m concerned. After an autumn “warm spell,” it’s finally gotten colder this week in Virginia and my walks have been amazing. That being said, I will never understand those Nordic traditions of swimming in freezing water. I will not try it. As it turns out, the Princess of Wales loves “cold swimming.” People Mag seemingly just around to listening to Kate and William’s appearance on Mike Tindall’s rugby podcast (which came out in September), and Kate spoke about how she loved to swim in freezing water.

The Princess of Wales, 41, revealed that cold swimming is part of her fitness routine — even though Prince William, 41, is not a fan! The couple appeared together with Princess Anne on an episode of The Good, The Bad & The Rugby podcast (hosted by Anne’s son-in-law, Mike Tindall!) last month as the Rugby World Cup kicked off in France. Prince William, Princess Kate and Princess Anne are the patrons of the Welsh Rugby Union, Rugby Football Union (of England) and Scottish Rugby Union, respectively.

Princess Kate spoke about the importance of being active, something she’s been encouraged to do since her childhood. Revealing one of her current fitness hobbies, the Princess of Wales shared that she’s into cold swimming.

“The colder, the better. I absolutely love it,” she said. “Slightly to the point where William’s like, ‘Catherine, you’re crazy.’ And it’s dark, and it’s raining.”

While meeting well-wishers in Wales earlier this year, Kate shared that she even had a robe for after her swims, a remark prompted by someone who was wearing a robe to keep warm in the rain.

“She said she wears one of them when she goes cold water swimming,” local mom Alison Cheeke told PEOPLE.

According to an article published by Harvard Public Health, cold water swimming is believed to provide mental health benefits in addition to physical exercise (although evidence is mixed).

[From People]

Many athletes employ ice baths for recovery and some even go as far as using cryochambers. So I believe that cold swimming is beneficial for many but it sounds like Kate just swims in the off-season in Norfolk, really. And does William even care? His wife is swimming in icy conditions in the dark, in the rain. He’s probably not even around when she does it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images, Instar.

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83 Responses to “Princess Kate loves ‘cold swimming’ in dark, rainy conditions: ‘The colder, the better’”

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  1. JT says:

    That picture of W&K back to back. Very ominous looking.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      I’m not kidding.

      Is this a cry for help? Alluding to a possible unaliving situation?

      If my marriage to a royal heir was in complete shambles and I knew the institution had offed his own aristocratic mother…. I wouldn’t be taking cold swims OR telling people I do. Too much opportunity there for an “accident”.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Isn’t that how someone was murdered in that potato peel literary society book? Someone went for a daily morning swim in the Channel and…. That was the last that person was seen?
        All kidding aside, I do know someone who swims for a half hour every day, year round, in Lake Chelan, Washington. She loves it & it keeps her strong. Seems wacko to me, but there you go.

      • Snuffles says:

        Oh good, I’m not the only one who found this dark and ominous.

      • Surly Gale says:

        Yikes! I’ve just flashed onto a scene in “The Closer’ when the DA (Diaz?) is swimming at home at night. Philip Strogh (sp?) in a wet suit, with an oxygen tank, hiding under the diving board, suddenly appears, grabs her and drowns her.

        Drowning is one of my biggest fears.

        My mum and I spent 2 weeks at Ripple Cove Inn back east and we swam every day in the lake even though it was very, very cold. We committed and we did it. One of my best memories of time with her 🙂 That said, I will never, ever do a Polar Bear swim, ever again. Once was enough!!!!

    • s808 says:

      Yes, very fitting and foreshadowing what’s to come.

    • They don’t even bother to hide it anymore. Especially Willy.

      • Lorelei says:

        Is that a recent photo? Like, from yesterday? Because Kate looks completely different there. I thought it was a much older picture for some reason.

        In any case, agreed, it’s creepyAF. One of my favorite photos is the one of W and Harry standing with their backs to each other at the Diana statue unveiling, both looking like they’re deep in conversation with someone else, lol.

      • Becks1 says:

        The picture with them with their backs to each other is older, you can tell from william’s hair, but I can’t remember how much older, if it was on a tour or what.

    • Debbie says:

      I agree that the back-to-back photo says… something but it would also depend on when it was taken. In that same vein, I would pay a small fee to know what Kate was saying while she’s wearing the red houndstooth jacket and is pictured with those two fingers up. Is it possible that she was saying, “And then I asked him, ‘Can you smell the taste by smelling it?’ Everyone was really impressed by my intellect after that.”

    • acha says:

      Strongly suspect he’s being a jerk because this is where Kate really shines — being outdoors and doing sporty things. Honestly if she rebranded as Sporty Princess I think she’d do well, but maybe that’s why they are keeping her from doing it. Can’t “overshine” anyone.

    • Anna says:

      This will be their Taj Mahal photo in a couple of years. Very sad.

  2. Cessily says:

    I think if I was married to a Royal and it looked as miserable as hers does I wouldn’t be taking dangerous swims in the dark, but that may just by me.

    • Lucy says:

      Yeah, I commented below it sounds ominous to me 😬. I wouldn’t be telling anyone that for sure, with the regular danger they face and whatever’s going on internally.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      Is this like as close to the cold dark release of life that she can get?

      How are her protection officers letting her do this?

      Is this a sensory deprivation thing cuz it sounds like it.

      I don’t like her. But this isn’t concern trolling. Something is really really wrong here.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I sure hope her RPOs are nearby. Swimming in the dark, in the rain? If you like to do this, make sure people know when you’re going, where you’re going, and when you expect to be back.

    • ales says:

      Why is K a victim ? Historically, she manipulated and stalked her way into the brf, destroying any competition on her way. She has never worked and has never bothered to learn how to do her job as a royal. It is strange how Will is presented as her abuser, when her behavior has been constantly shown as nothing other than narcissistic. The media seems to present the opposite of what is happening with Harry and Meghan’s happy marriage. What if all the stories accusing Meghan of being an extremely nasty bully who abuses her husband and treats everyone badly are actually all about what K is really like and how vile she is to others. Women are abusers too, K is very cunning, there is no doubt she would have collected a lot of receipts on the brf. She would have been fired in any other job for being so totally mean spirited and useless.

      • MipMip says:

        Because she’s married to Bulliam and he visibly hates her and dismisses her. Anyone in his orbit is likely a target of his well-known rage and she is his wife, even if it’s in name only at this point.

      • Sass says:

        @ales – Even bad people can become victims. Your is dangerously close to saying all victims must be perfect angels to be true victims.

        Kate sucks. But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t been victimized.

      • Nic919 says:

        We have literally seen kate bully Meghan in front of a global audience and yet this poor kate narrative still comes up.

        She can divorce William if it’s that bad. She chooses not to. No one is forcing her to stay in a bad marriage.

  3. seaflower says:

    I call B.S. Firstly, we would have heard about this before, she’s always talked about the sports she enjoys. Second, Cold therapy is good for toning your skin. This woman doesn’t have toned skin. She might have tried it in her back yard pool once but she doesn’t do it regularly.

    I’ve done cold and cryotherapy and its really invigorating.

    • Ameerah M says:

      Cold swimming can’t fix damage from heavy smoking, drinking and not eating enough.

    • equality says:

      Yeah, interesting that she has never been seen or photographed doing it.

    • Cee says:

      As someone who showers with extremely hot water, this sounds like a nightmare to me. I’d probably go rigid and sink LOL

      • BeanieBean says:


      • Sass says:

        Same, I loveeee hot showers, my bathroom is like a sauna. 🤣 the closest I could ever get to this is splashing my face with ice water in the morning first thing.

        When I was 12, we visited Sliding Rock at Pisgah National Forest in NC. It’s a natural water slide and they have attendants at the top and bottom as well as ropes to grab to pull up and out at the pool at the bottom. My brothers and I went down it, that water is FRIGID at 55 degrees F year round. The attendants actually had to pull me out because I couldn’t get myself out fast enough. I didn’t understand the urgency at the time, but now I know it’s because they were worried about me being in it for too long. I can’t imagine doing…this lol

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Sass: Hey, I know that place! I worked on that Forest (& others in NC) for about a month years ago. We were there in the off-season, so no masses of school buses with kids about to get the scare of their life! Beautiful part of the country.

      • Sass says:

        @beaniebean, that’s so cool! This was around 1997. We had gone up there for hurricane evacuation and I always loved it up there ever since. My husband and I took our first ever camping trip together there 10 years later.

      • MoxyLady007 says:

        I live in Colorado and there are tons of alpine / snow melt lakes here where people go paddle boarding.

        And there are stories every year in the paddle boarding community of people who fell off and the shock at the change in temperature caused their muscles to lock up. If they aren’t wearing a life jacket they drown.

        Most wear life jackets and they go into shock and freeze to death so quickly. Often with their friends trying frantically to pull them out.

        Awful way to die.

  4. ShazBot says:

    I feel bad for her RPO

  5. Eurydice says:

    What a weird story, like the setup for a murder mystery. “I told her not to go swimming in the dark – It’s crazy, Catherine, I said…”

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      Yeah she handed them the means and manner of her “accident” publicly and said I do this regularly in unsafe conditions!


      • Lorelei says:

        I mean, Diana flat-out said (or wrote? Whichever) that she knew she’d die in a car accident. That’s still so creepy and sad to me.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        ‘Yeah she handed them the means and manner of her “accident”’

        Maybe she said the quiet part out loud about someone else’s “accident”…

        Kate has seen and heard a great deal in her royal life. If her uncle is threatening to write a book then any NDA Kate is made to sign won’t make a difference.

  6. Lucy says:

    That just sounds ominous. If she was a happier person it would be the first sign of a personality. And where is she swimming if they’re in windsor?

  7. @BelizeEmpower says:

    Cold swimming in the dark and rain requires some much needed deep psychoanalysis is what I’m thinking. There’s no way in hell I would torture myself like that voluntarily.

  8. Lulu says:

    My money says all of their pools are heated.

    • Jan90067 says:

      I remembered reading Charles turned down/off the heated pool(s) at the palace(s):

    • Debbie says:

      And? So, the temperature used to be as warm as the womb, and Charles either 1) turned it down once upon a time, during the summer, just for that story, or 2) he turned the very heated temperature down to lukewarm, and that’s it. These people are so performative that I just don’t see them depriving themselves of any creature comfort, especially when they can get a sympathetic story in the British media with very little effort. I’m with Lulu on this.

      • Lulu says:

        Charles reportedly lowered water temp at BP where staff can use the pool. Trust, the rf will not be inconvenienced, the pool will be warm, meals cooked by private chefs and they will travel by helicopter and private plane.

    • Dlc says:

      I was thinking, swimming in a heated pool when it was cool and Rainey might be fun. But swimm8ng in the dark? Not so much.

  9. QuiteContrary says:

    She has no body fat. I imagine she’s freezing cold in a 68-degree room. I cannot see her cold swimming.

    But self-punishment can be a part of eating disorders, so who knows?

  10. Becks1 says:

    Is she swimming in open water or the pool? because those are two very different things.

    But regardless, we heard this a few months ago, so People must be really bored with royal news lately to be bringing this up again.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      Or paving the way for something unfortunate ……

      Jesus this family.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, my first thought was this podcast is relatively old so why bring this up. Surely, they could have talked about her keen biking in Scotland. They’re really scraping the barrel. There was that story about Charles not heating one of the pools in BP or KP?

    • Nic919 says:

      Unless she is swimming in the winter off the coast in Norfolk, she is not swimming in cold water. She’s probably so spoiled with heated pools, because there is definitely one at buckingham palace, that she thinks the pools for normal non rich people are “cold swimming”.

      • Lorelei says:

        They have a pool at Anmer though, right? Although it doesn’t seem like she’s spent much time there in a while, so who knows.

        ETA If Charles made a big deal out of announcing he was turning the heating down/off at the BP pool, I can ABSOLUTELY see William being petty enough to turn it up as high as possible at Anmer, just as a petty little act of rebellion. Because if we know one thing about William, it’s that he’s pettyAF.

    • Jojo says:

      Read all of this about Kate and thought…fascinating..(Not) then thought…that’s 3-4 minutes of my life I’ll never get back. There really is literally nothing interesting left for the media to say about this woman and her husband.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Jojo, they really are so, soooo dull. Whenever we hear reports of “small talk” they make with people, it’s always so cringey.

  11. Lau says:

    Is she trying to tell us that she’s so cold inside she doesn’t feel the coldness from outside ?

  12. The Duchess says:

    Many athletes centre their recovery around cold water activities, but this just sounds beyond sinister. Is this a cry for help? Is she doing this in her own pool, or just some random lake in Norfolk? She’s so odd.

  13. Belli says:

    I hope this isn’t the case because I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, but I’m getting uneasy flashbacks to my bad days when I took freezing cold showers and got obsessed with hot yoga because forcing your body to regulate its temperature while you exercise burns slightly more calories.

  14. Mary Pester says:

    Well as far as Most of us in the UK are aware, her POOLS are heated! So I’m calling BS on this. But katey dear, please STFU about swimming in the dark and rain. Just be glad none of your pools have tunnels

  15. SamuelWhisker says:

    This is bizarre. Wild swimming is a very popular upper middle class female pastime in the UK, but this just sounds unhappy. I have to say I swim in my local lido (in London) at night all year round and I love it, even in the rain, but it is heated.

    I bet Kate’s got that stupid green and pink Dryrobe that half of Chelsea wears.

  16. HeatherC says:

    I doubt William commented on her “Cold swimming.” He would have to care.

  17. Angie says:

    … as if she’s trying to feel something for once. Like cutting. Sheesh this isn’t healthy.

  18. Danbury says:

    I swim in a cold lake throughout the winter. I love it! yes, I even go at night. I don’t have any deep seated psychological problems (no more than most!!) I just love it. Sometimes a swim is just a swim.

    Edit: I don’t understand the hate for all the cold water swimming I’m reading here. So many people do it. And I’m not a posh twat either. I just love swimming in cold water. It’s helped my depression, anxiety and so much more.

    • alice agnes says:

      hear, hear! it’s the first thing i’ve ever found relatable about her. i bet it’s glorious & exhilarating

    • Becks1 says:

      Swimming in the ocean off Norfolk at night though is going to be very different from swimming in a lake.

      no one is hating on cold water swimming in general.

      ETA but to clarify I would never go into a lake or river or anything at night. I am terrified of what lies beneath, even if I know its nothing but some fish, lol.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Danbury, I think people should do what they want (if it’s legal!!!!). I’m having difficulty thinking of a member of the rf going to lakes or rivers or the coast to cold swim. On a consistent basis. Wouldn’t that be something her security would advise against? How many RPOs would it take to do this in the dark? If they’re talking about a swimming pool very close to where she lives on palace grounds, that would make more sense.

      Frankly, she could get the same from taking a cold shower and exercising–if that’s why she’s doing it. Something doesn’t sound right.

      • Lulu says:

        Most royal estates have moats or deep ponds on-site of their estates don’t they? All the castle tours I’ve visited and castle insta accounts I follow have freshwater sites for swimming (Houghton, Montagu, etc)

  19. J.Ferber says:

    If she does this, which I doubt, rest assured her bodyguards are swimming along side her or paddling in a boat next to her. Literary point: the great and underrated Virginia Woolf, age 59, deliberately drowned herself by stuffing her pockets with rocks before going into the water.

    • sparrow says:

      Agree, made pretty much the same point below. It’s rubbish. It’s Kate trying to sound not so Middleton. We’re all meant to find this mysterious and wow but it’s just bollocks. She is so dull.

  20. Lala11_7 says:

    As someone who now suffers from chronic autoimmune disease…being able to work out in a cold pool then getting into the hot tub …thanks to my WONDERFUL PARK DISTRICT ❤️ has been a GAME CHANGER for me from a therapeutic aspect….HOWEVA…there ain’t NO WAY I would be doing that in a cold & dark LAKE …no way in THE 🌎! ESPECIALLY if I’m the future Queen of England in a dodgy AF Royal Family like she’s in

  21. TheVolvesSeidr says:

    They are setting the stage.

  22. J.Ferber says:

    TheVolvesSeidr, Setting her up for an “accident,” like Diana’s “accident?” But why would Kate say that, then? Even I can see it’s a terrible thing to say you when your husband would love to get rid of you.

    • Cecile730 says:

      I doubt they will use an accident…but that information can be used as a way to pretend an insane fan attacked her while she was swimming which they learned from the media. It will definitively bring way more bonus points than an accident….

  23. sparrow says:

    This is utter rubbish. She’s trying to sound ‘out there’, daring, as if she has this great secret life the public can only guess at. In reality she is as dull as ditch water, which I suppose is some kind of cold water she’s familiar with, hence why she comes up with this crap.

  24. bisynaptic says:

    Must be a slow news day.

  25. The Old Chick says:

    It’s meant to be beneficial for mood and weight loss. There are a lot of health claims and most celebs seem to be doing it. Ice baths are a HUGE thing. Also Dr Michael Mosley featured cold water swimming on one of his specials. It’s basically free if you live near very cold water. Same thing as a brief cold shower.

    On another note, Wank have the WORST posture! That back to back pic is painful. For someone who exercises a lot, I can’t believe her posture isn’t better. His hip thrust just looks uncomfortable

  26. Milady Digby says:

    I agree. Cold water swimming is a thing and Kate might very well enjoy it (unlike her overheated husband) but as a story even of mild interest this barely qualifies.

  27. Proud Mary says:

    I really don’t know who’s more boring, william or kate. This is the second time I’ve heard this yawn of story about her swimming proclivities; seriously, both she and William are trying way too hard to appear cool. Wake me up when she starts talking about that time when uncle Gary, the Baron of Le Maison de Bang Bang, took her and Pippa shopping.

  28. February pisces says:

    As with most things kate says, I’ll just assume that this is another lie. My guess is another women kate knows and is jealous of, maybe rose or Pippa, probably does cold water swimming, and Kate decided to hijack that hobby for herself and add the night time element just to go one further.

  29. J.Ferber says:

    February Pisces, that does make sense for Kate. She hijacks other women’s outfits, why not their lives, too?

  30. NotSoSocialB says:

    Well. This all makes so much sense. She’s soon undertaking a metamorphosis like a Stephen King supernatural villain. How very appropriate!