Taylor Swift’s security used crime scene tape at Travis’s home & turned away trick-or-treaters

Taylor Swift skipped the Kansas City Chiefs’ game last Sunday, where they lost to the Denver Broncos. Tay said she’ll go anywhere for her man but not Denver. We heard, the next day, that Taylor would skip her tour rehearsals for a few days to go back to Kansas City this week though. She probably arrived in Kansas City on Monday, and she and Travis Kelce spent Halloween together at his original mansion – he hasn’t moved into the new mansion, in a gated community, which he purchased a few weeks ago. The “gated community” issue is a big one, because the neighborhood kids wanted to ring Travis’s doorbell and get candy from Taylor on Halloween. Instead, Taylor’s security put up crime scene tape and kept children away from Travis’s house. Amazing.

Travis Kelce, holed up in his love nest with girlfriend Taylor Swift, put up crime scene tape to keep trick-or-treaters away from his house, as a security guard told children ‘nobody’s home today.’ But the families weren’t buying it, especially after lights turned on inside the $1million Kansas City home.

‘Liars,’ one mother told DailyMail.com as her pre-teen daughter in a pink Barbie jacket sniffed that she didn’t get to hit up the Chief’s star and his pop princess girlfriend for candy.

‘Why is it blocked off over there mom?’ another young devil asked. ‘They’re not handing out candy, you believe that?’ the mom snipped. ‘Well, we know they’re lying. Swifty is here.’

A security officer sat in his sedan parked in the driveway, as tape attached to his side view mirror stretched over the sidewalk and around trees lining the property. He shooed away the families strolling up and down the residential block knocking on doors.

‘I don’t get why he’s sitting in the car telling us nobody’s home, when clearly they are,’ said another mom who was turned away. ‘Why don’t they just not answer the door.’

Others seemed to understand. ‘We love you Taylor!’ one boy dressed as a dinosaur hollered.

Taylor left Kansas City on Wednesdy morning and was seen arriving to her private jet, leaving behind her new beau. On Monday, Taylor jetted to Kansas City on her private jet to comfort the tight end after his team’s loss to the Broncos in Denver. She arrived at noon, pulling into his driveway with a security motorcade, and remained there, sheltered from the cold as the sun set on Halloween. Kelce last week teased that he was going to host a Halloween dinner gathering, but the early evening at least appeared to a romantic evening for two, with guards making sure there would be no interruptions.

[From The Daily Mail]

I get that it’s Halloween and there were probably a lot of neighborhood kids wanting to trick-or-treat at Travis’s house, but it kind of reeks of entitlement from the neighbors? Like, no one is obligated to give free candy to your children! Some people just want to have a private dinner and adults-only fun on Halloween, for goodness sake. I enjoy the fact that Taylor’s security put up crime-scene tape too, you can see the photos at the Mail – it actually does look like Kelce decorated for Halloween, like it’s supposed to be “scary.”

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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52 Responses to “Taylor Swift’s security used crime scene tape at Travis’s home & turned away trick-or-treaters”

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  1. Dena says:

    For once, I’m going to side with Taylor’s team on this one. We know she’s received threats, had stalkers, etc. opening the door to any random person who rings the doorbell sounds like an honest to God security nightmare. Given how public the location of his house is, the security team would have no way of knowing if a serious threat had grabbed a costume and decided to drop by.

    That said, they could have put out a bucket of candy (which would have turned into a free for all 🤣)

    • Arizona says:

      yeah, I agree. plus we saw what happened with Antonoff’s wedding when people knew she’d be coming out of a building. can you imagine how swarmed it would get if people found out they were passing out candy? it just doesn’t seem feasible, and I think the moms are just annoyed they couldn’t post it on Facebook lol.

      • Kate says:

        Paul Rudd was giving out candy in Brooklyn and my friend said it was a complete mob scene. Cannot imagine what a nightmare it would have been if Taylor and Travis had actually been answering the door. Would have caused a stampede!

      • Robert Phillips says:

        What I don’t get is why couldn’t the assistants and security hand out candy? They were already outside. Just give them bags of candy to hand out. Have a couple of security farther out. And only let the kids go up to the house. Then anyone complaining would for sure be called out for only wanting to see Taylor.

    • Delphine says:

      It would have been cool if the security gave out candy but I guess that would get in the way of doing their job and be kind of a security risk.

      • North of Boston says:

        A friend of the family worked in high level security and one time years ago he wound up giving out Halloween candy at Dick Cheney’s house.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    It’s not that serious. Don’t make Taylor write a song about Halloween now!

  3. SKE says:

    Is this the worm starting to turn on the public perception of this relationship? I don’t see how these people are ignorant to the security risk that would come with the most famous woman in the world repeatedly opening the door to strangers. Hasn’t TS had stalkers break into her home before? But also, eff her for continuing to use her private jet like a taxi like the world isn’t on fire.

    • Boxy Lady says:

      I would think that her security risks are why she uses her private plane instead of flying commercial.
      “Taylor Swift is on our plane?! Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!”
      Can you imagine that kind of pandemonium?

      • K-Peace says:

        Oh please. Like she couldn’t put on a wig or hat, some sunglasses, and a Covid mask, and go ride a regular airplane like everybody else does. Nobody would be able to tell that she’s Taylor Swift, if she put those simple things on.

        I’m so sick of the idolization and worship of this woman, just because she writes & sings some pop tunes that people like. Motorcades? A huge security team? A private jet she uses even for short trips (with no regard for the incredible amount of damage to our environment each trip causes)? It’s all just over-the-top ridiculous. I can’t wait for the tide to turn, and for the public to wake up to the fact that she’s not worthy of this ridiculous amount of obsessive adoration and worship.

      • Arizona says:

        @K-PEACE that’s like expecting Beyonce or Prince Harry to be just chilling on your commercial flight with you. you’re talking about someone who regularly has swarms of people outside of buildings they know she’s in and has had multiple stalkers break into her homes. she’s as A list in music as it’s possible to get. it’s not realistic to expect her to go about her day like most celebrities, let alone most people.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Arizona Prince Harry regularly flies commercial, so that’s not the point you think it is.

        Taylor uses her private jet like an uber and that’s not really debatable.

      • Bumblebee says:

        When someone famous books a plane ticket, there is always someone willing to sell that information, including seat number. And the person who bought that information goes on to buy a seat on that same flight. As close as possible to their obsession or target. That’s why if they can afford it, celebrities don’t fly commercial.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Taylor is not the most famous woman in the world. She is one of the most famous women in the world. There are a several before her. One especially, who has had more headlines about her over the last 7 years. If? headlines are a gauge. Not discounting Taylor, but Beyonce is greater in numerics. ( I’m working real hard not saying Meghan’s name.) Ooopsl That said. This article is bullshit. Any true fans of Taylor or Travis aren’t yapping at a British Media publication. True Fans respect privacy and the need for security.

      I’m not faulting Kelce or Swift on this bs. D*mn, we worked all day on the Saturday of our trick or treat. Came home from working, had bags of candy and a box of 50 snack bags. We were tired. Turned the porch light off, snuggled in comfy clothes watching whatever Halloween movies on tv and hubby is in heaven of snacks & treats.

      See. now. I want the Kelce brothers to do a podcast on this. It won’t happen because the Kelce’s mind their own business, but, but, but, if they ever had the chance to take down the BM. Now iw the time.

  4. lucy2 says:

    There’s no way they could have given out candy, it would have been a madhouse, and yes, those parents are grossly entitled.

    • Becks1 says:

      I wonder if Travis has given out candy before? It just feels weird to me to assume that you could walk up to a star TEs house and get candy on halloween, so I wonder if its something he’s done in the past?

      I feel like this situation could have been avoided had they not been at his house (like at a hotel, or had Taylor just not gone to KC), but at the same time they have the right to be there, so I don’t blame security for taking appropriate measures because it really does sound like people just thought they were going to meet Taylor handing out candy.

      • Wendy says:

        He mentioned in a recent podcast episode that he put a bowl out in previous years but didn’t answer the door because it would have gotten too chaotic and, at the time, people didn’t necessarily know it was his house.

      • Christine says:

        I put out a bowl! I hate running up and down the stairs when I’m trying to cook dinner. This is so stupid, those parents are assholes.

      • AnneL says:

        The trick-or-treating situation at our house is the same every year. Early in the evening I sit on the porch watching the cute kiddos and passing out candy. Then around 7 I go inside and answer the doorbell whenever it rings. Finally, at around 8:30, I just put the bowl on the porch. It usually gets emptied by a group of older kids within ten minutes. Then I’ll refill it. Once it’s emptied again, I bring it inside and turn off the lights.

        Most of the kids are nice and do the right thing, just taking a couple of pieces. But it never fails that one group of older kids just takes all of it. One year they even took my basket, which really annoyed me. What is a 14 year old going to do with an orange and black wicker basket?

        I love Halloween but I wish people wouldn’t be a-holes.

    • Jensies says:

      It absolutely would have been and if they didn’t block the door, it would have been nonstop doorbell ringing and people shouting in at them through the door. I don’t blame them for the tape and security at all.

      • AnneL says:

        I don’t blame them. It’s a genuine security risk and would also probably just get annoying.

    • Kitten says:

      Exactly. It’s absurd to think that this is an activity she could realistically and safely engage in with her level of celebrity.

      • Lisa says:

        Right?!?!? Like I bet there is some part of Taylor that would love to give out candy but she can’t. If she did she’d not only cause a traffic issue for the entire city she’d be endangering her life, Travis’ life and any poor kid that happened to be there if something bad happened.

  5. So the mothers are mad because security said they weren’t home. Would the mothers have felt better if security said they are having a private dinner and Travis will be laying pipe ( I’m using Kaiser’s line) right after they finish having dinner?

    • Miranda says:

      That’s exactly what I would instruct my security to say to anyone who got all huffy over the initial white lie. The euphemism would make it so that the moms who won’t take “no” for an answer would be forced to shoulder the blame for traumatizing the kids when they spend the rest of the evening demanding to know what “laying pipe” meant.

  6. Wiz says:

    Yeah obviously they did that because neighbors (and who knows who came in from other places) would harass them. Why weren’t they at Trav’s new place anyway? Maybe auto lights.
    And good idea skipping Denver, it was snowy and in the 20’s!

  7. QuiteContrary says:

    ‘They’re not handing out candy, you believe that?’ the mom snipped. ‘Well, we know they’re lying. Swifty is here.’

    Holy hell — I would have gone to even greater lengths to keep this mom away from my door. She comes across as a lunatic.

    • Slush says:

      This. The entitlement is absolutely wild.

    • Christine says:

      If I were remotely famous, I would never, ever open my front door. I remember what happened to Rebecca Schaeffer, and her level of fame in 1989 was laughable, compared to what happens now with social media.

    • AnneL says:

      Nice example she’s setting for her kids there, right? Getting pissy over candy, and not even trying to put herself in the shoes of a woman whose had stalkers and needs security at all times. FFS.

  8. Abby says:

    The sources they interviewed in this story are breathlessly rude. Stars do not owe it to people to open up their door a million times a night on halloween. Such a security risk. These moms are jerks.

  9. Truthiness says:

    That gated community can’t come soon enough, not only are kids and moms going to Travis’ house with expectations and judgment but the Mail has stalked the house and is talking to them like this is a story. Gross.

  10. Slush says:

    I wonder if these moms interviewed are just Taylor fans who traveled to that neighborhood specifically to see her or Travis. It seems really odd that locals to that neighborhood would be so annoyed

    • Shai says:

      Yeah it seems odd residents in that neighborhood would be that bothered by a house not giving out candy.

  11. FancyPants says:

    Lots of people do the equivalent of turning off the porch light, and that’s their prerogative. If word got out that Travis and Taylor were answering the door, traffic would have been backed up all the way to Arkansas (and that woman with the Swifty quote sounds deranged!).

  12. Kate says:

    I would have had the security guy hand out candy! He was sitting out there anyway and that would still be a cool story for kids to share at school or whatever.

    • goofpuff says:

      If he’s handing out candy, he’s not doing his job (security) watching the house for threats aka crazy fans/stalkers.

  13. Grumpy Ginger says:

    While I absolutely believe this story, I absolutely do not believe any of the supposed accounts listed. There were plenty of other houses to go to and kids don’t care; they would have just moved along to the next house.

    • phlyfiremama says:

      EXACTLY. This was parents trying to use this as a ploy to get to meet the two hottest celebrities around so they could either brag about it on social media OR potentially monetize the encounter. Kids would just shrug and want to keep moving to increase their candy haul.

  14. Lucy says:

    Travis has mentioned he usually has bowls of candy out instead of handing it out (in the four podcasts I’ve heard). And that there’s usually a few kids who take the whole bowl, which is what he did as a kid. This is just drumming up drama. Kids trick or treating in a million dollar neighborhood aren’t going to go home without candy.

  15. Boxy Lady says:

    What a bunch of entitled adult brats. Thank goodness he’s moving to a gated community.

  16. Lisa says:

    I am truly shocked at the woman in the article. No one is required to hand out candy famous or normal person. It is a choice and to be a grown ass adult and throwing a tantrum your kid couldn’t get candy from a specific house is nuts.

    Now see I am petty so if I were them I’d find out who said this and send like a semi truck worth of candy and dump it on their lawn. This is also why I would be a terrible famous person.

  17. bisynaptic says:

    I’ll take “neighborhood conversations that never happened”, for $1500, Alex.
    Interesting/clear that the DM has knives out for Taylor Swift. I wonder why?

    • Abby says:

      I wonder if it’s because she’s not dating a British guy for the first time in like… 10 years? I dunno. DM is trash.

  18. A says:

    Can you imagine the ensuing pandemonium if they were at the doorstep with candy?!

    People were posing outside the house in their Halloween costumes on TikTok. Between fans and the Daily Mail photographers, the sooner he’s able to move to his new place the better.

  19. Kelsey says:

    What a bunch of entitled losers. I’m not even a fan of T.Swift but I constantly feel the need to defend her because people really do get irrational about her and how she’s supposed to move. Big weirdo energy smh.

    • NaTalia says:

      I changed up my screen name because I saw another Talia here. I didn’t want to cause confusion.

      I am not a fan either. I really don’t listed to her music. I am not in a cave or anything. Her music doesn’t show up in my feeds.

      I feel protective of her and sorry for her. She is the biggest star in the world now. The biggest star in history in a social media world. Historians are going to be writing about her long after she is gone. She is still a woman trying to navigate a normal life in a media circus.

      How did these people know they were home? Because the home was lit up? Stupid entitled reasoning. The home was lit up because a dark home a security risk. They could have been at his penthouse.

      Even if she could or would give out candy there is another risk. She is about ready to embark on a world tour. She can’t get sick. She has thousands depending on her for their wages. Entitled parents don’t think about those things. It is ok with the entitled parent if little Suzy give Taylor Covid or Strep.

      They both don’t owe anyone anything at all. They both are givers. These super fans are takers.

  20. J.Ferber says:

    It’s absolutely a security issue and they did right to listen to their security team and stay off limits. Not to be a bummer, but poor Rebecca Schaeffer got killed opening her door to a psychotic stranger.

  21. Bianca says:

    Lol they should have come to my house. I dressed up as Taylor for Halloween. Handed out candy as her.