“It’s Election Day and abortion rights are on the ballot in many states” links

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Today is Election Day! Remember to vote today, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and everywhere else! It’s especially important here in Virginia because our governor is a liar and a misogynist who wants to ban abortion. [Jezebel]
Ariana DeBose wore Jason Wu to the CFDAs. [RCFA]
Ben Affleck & J.Lo went to the LACMA Art + Film gala. [LaineyGossip]
Lily Gladstone wore Gucci at the LACMA event. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Does Stranger Things need a stage adaptation? [Pajiba]
How did you find out your friend was really rich? [Buzzfeed]
Have Damson Idris & Lori Harvey split up? [JustJared]
Diwali party fashion! [GFY]
Kylie Jenner wore a crop top to work out. [Hollywood Life]
Kevin Bacon & Kenny Loggins got Footloose! [Seriously OMG]

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39 Responses to ““It’s Election Day and abortion rights are on the ballot in many states” links”

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  1. Kitten says:

    I’m voting after work. Big battle in my town over Councilor-At-Large. One candidate is a Straight Pride Parade, anti-bike, flag-waving lunatic and the other is a decent, experienced, hard-working guy who has a great vision for our town. Judging by the signage it’s going to be really close…hoping Good Guy brings it home because my town already has a Rep who voted for Trump in 2016 then ran on the Dem ballot (he is NOT) and won in 2021 via special election and was re-elected the next year.

    Everyone–VOTE!!! And vote in EVERY election–the state and local ones are so important.

    • Blithe says:

      Good for you! I don’t have any active elections in my state and county. I’ll be watching Virginia very closely though.

    • bettyrose says:

      What does a straight pride parade look like? Is it white dudes in close-cropped hair and Brooks Bros suits trailed two steps behind by slender blonde women in house dresses and stiletto heels carrying a pie?

      • Lightpurplei says:

        No women.

        Seriously, no women

        Quite a few men in close cropped hair, khakis, and polo shirts, along with the t-shirt & jeans with unkempt beard and hair slob from my neighborhood, who organized one.

        I do confess that in years past, under cover of darkness, a friend and I have decorated the grassy traffic island across from his house with little rainbow flags spelling out PRIDE.

        We haven’t done that the last few years because he’s in custody waiting sentencing for bringing guns into the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

      • bettyrose says:

        Gawd that’s rich. No women in the straight pride parade, and the leader is headed to prison to chill for years with his all male neo nazi pals? I got no jokes better than that. Carry on.

    • Lightpurplei says:

      Voted by Mail to a drop off box 2 weeks ago, as did the other registered voters in my house

  2. Normades says:

    Love and courage to my friends in Kentucky…go Andy!

  3. Normades says:

    Oh Lori and Damson. Need the tea there.

  4. IShouldBeWorking says:

    Ohio over here! Early voted a few weeks ago and hoping my state comes through and votes yes to constitutionally protect reproductive care! I’ve had a few conversations where people who I wouldn’t expect to support the issue voted yes so I am cautiously optimistic and hope I’m right. Because if it fails we are doomed with our far right state government in charge.

    • Matilda says:

      My friend called her mother in Ohio to make sure she voted correctly to be prochoice because the wording of the proposition was so muddled and even she got confused. She had to call a few friends to make sure her mother said yes and not no. Good luck Ohio!!

      • Angela says:

        Ohio here, voted Yes! To abortion rights, agree the wording is deliberately confusing, we just voted about 3 months ago for the same exact thing but it was No that time.
        Slimy underhanded tactic to confuse people. I thought Florida was bad! (Just moved to Ohio)

    • Kztohio says:

      Yay , we did it!!!!

      • Kimmy says:

        Ohio crushed it!

        Indy resident over here, luckily the Democratic mayor was re-elected. That’s about all I’ve got for good news.

  5. Doppelgangers R'Us says:

    Wishing all a safe Election Day.
    And Vote as if you and your State’s future depend on it!
    Because it does!
    Same as in a car, D is for forward
    And R is for reverse.

    • lucy2 says:

      I like that Drive and Reverse. It’s so true.
      I will say it’s easy to vote now, I just go right down the Democrat ticket, no one in the R column gets a glance. I voted a few weeks ago and put it in the secure drop box.

    • dose of reality says:

      Oh I like that…I will have to remember and spread – D is forward; R reverse! Thank you!

    • ML says:

      Also here to show my appreciation for “Drive” and “Reverse.” Brilliant!

      And thanks to all of you who took the time to vote!🤗

      • Christine says:

        As an important FYI, some (maybe all, not sure) Virginia ballots do not list party designation this election. So make a plan ahead to identify who is a Democrat. Your local party probably has a cheat sheet online or is handing out sample ballots.

      • ML says:

        Well done, CBers! Reading the results in Ohio (pro choice), Virginia (go Ds), and Kentucky (go gov), was so heartening! Thank you all for taking the time and effort to vote. I’ll be there next year in the Federal Elections as well. The only big concern I had was the censorship vote on RT passing: that was anti-democracy.

  6. NEENA ZEE says:

    The Kenny Loggins and Kevin Bacon video made my day!!

  7. AC says:

    Happy Election Day! Vote Blue!

  8. Mrs. Smith says:

    Vote! Vote! Vote!

  9. Sass says:

    CO here and I turned in my ballot weeks ago as we have early voting options plus mail in. We are seeing an intense mayoral election in our city which is more of a suburb of a larger nearby city but is legally its own city. The favorite to win is someone I know personally and she is just such a garbage human being. She has done nothing in her time in office on city council and it’s so blatantly transparent that this is merely a stepping stone to her ambitions for Washington. She’s smug asf and keeps referring to herself as “your next mayor” because the current mayor endorses her as do many state reps etc. She has literally nothing on her list as far as actions to make change happen except a playground she got redone for her son’s school (in HER neighborhood) in 2014. All I can say is thank god we have term limits, but if she wins the next 8 years are gonna make me wanna tear my hair out.

  10. Seraphina says:

    That my dear CBs in the first pic is Glen Younkin. Keep your eyes and ears open on this character. He has had his eye on the White House since before he was sworn in as VA Gov. If he flips the Senate in VA, he will be headed for DC. He will also take back VA 30 years in education (already doing that), he is against abortion, a friend of Trump and Amanda Chase. His is the GOP’s shiny new penny. A business man with no expertise in legality or how the Commonwealth of VA is run. We saw how great that went on a national level in 2016.

  11. Plunkett says:

    Virginian here. Vote vote vote! Thanks, Kaiser, for the link – for anyone who doesn’t know Glenn Youngkin (and I probably wouldn’t know that much about him if I didn’t live here!) it’s very informative about the type of politician he is.

  12. C.Tolentino says:

    Everybody definitely vote Democrat- We need to save Democracy in the USA – The alternative is a nightmare, a violent lying fascist – who knows he lost the election in 2020 but is so mentally unwell he wants to steal Bidens win and be president even though he lost. I can’t believe how the republican party fell from grace, I never liked there politics,but you could have a civil conversation without threats of violence in person and on the internet– now all they do is threaten your life, call you horrible names– it’s ridiculous and getting kinda scary!The lack of compassion that conservatives have for LBGTQ communities, POC, Women,and people that practice a religion besides Christianity disgusts me– we need to go forward with our thinking not backwards to the 1950s and what conservatives are doing to women will backfire– we have fought to long and too hard for a man in political office to tell me what I am doing with my vagina!Vote Democrat- protect Virginia, and vote these Republicans out of office!! Keep Virginia a BLUE state!

  13. lanne says:

    I might get slammed for saying this but I’m going to say it anyway because it needs saying.

    White women need to come through for the sake of democracy. Black women can’t keep doing it for you. We show up, we vote. But there aren’t enough of us to carry all women. White women, please talk to your friends, your mothers (especially your mothers), your sisters. Please please vote blue even if you have to stand in lines, even if dinner doesn’t make it to the table on time, or any other reason not to vote. This isn’t the time to be ambivalent. These votes will go the way white women vote. These votes will go the way white women vote. I can’t say it enough. I know we have a lot of white women here fighting the good fight and I thank you profusely–I don’t mean to dismiss your efforts at all. Just that we need them. Desperately. I don’t live in a state with a major election on the line or I’d be voting, even if I had to drag a one year old with me. And if I have to drag a 2 year old to vote next year, I will. It’s that important. We’re not voting for the possibilities of a future. We’re voting to have a future, as women in America, period. I never thought I would witness the death of democracy in my lifetime, but that spectre fills me with absolute terror. If any of you have read the 2025 plan of the republicans, the plan is to end.democracy. They want Gilead. I’m not exaggerating.

    I say this mainly in advance of next year. White women will determine the future of the USA. Wouldn’t it be ironic if they vote their very freedom to live and work and reproduce on their own terms out of existence?

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Ianne, I agree with you (I’m white). I live in a state that has a higher voter turn out, but it’s still not where it should be. I think that between SCOTUS, the far-right state laws, and the idiots in Congress it has been a huge eye opener for many people–particularly women. I’m a senior, and granddaughters have been told for years that Roe v Wade could be taken away. They didn’t believe it. Well, the Republicans have p!ssed off a LOT of women. I actually have a lot of hope because of that. I think we have to keep the pressure on and make sure everyone knows this is a war that we’ll be fighting for a long time and not just the next election.

      I agree that white woman HAVE to vote. I just think too many of them got complacent and didn’t think this could or would happen in our Country. Well, if the Republicans wanted attention–they got it.

    • Josephine says:

      Amen. I don’t understand women who vote to lose rights, be treated as second class citizens, lose the right to no-fault divorce, be paid less for the exact same work, be thought of as too stupid and emotional to lead, etc. etc. If you do not care about your own protection, vote to protect your daughters from the predators so prevalent in the republicant party.

  14. Little Red says:

    Yup, that’s Trumpkin right there. I made sure to go vote late this morning and will be keeping my fingers crossed that the Democrats maintain control of the VA State Senate and maybe grab control of the House of Delegates.

  15. Karmaflower says:

    I voted in Ohio. So did my daughters. Our bodies our choice.

    • Same.I’m an Ohioan.Had to bring my daughter home from college last week for a doctor appointment.
      We went and voted early.So proud to do something so seemingly easy but so extremely impactful,as mother and daughter fighting for our rights as women.
      My husband came home tonight showered and went to vote YES to issues one and two and for every democrat running.
      OH👏👏IO .
      I pray we win this!

  16. AC says:

    Looks like Dems scored big wins tonight. Thank You USA!

  17. Blithe says:

    YAY Virginia!!!!! And Ohio!!! And Kentucky!!!

    I feel relieved — and heartened.
