“Natalie Portman wore a very pretty Dior at the Gotham Awards” links

Natalie Portman wore a sweet Dior at the Gotham Awards. Man, the gossip about her marriage sure quieted down, huh? She’s not wearing her wedding ring. [RCFA]
My nemesis Laura Dern showed up at the Gotham Awards wearing a Barbie shirt. Meanwhile, Margot Robbie wore another Barbie-doll look. [LaineyGossip]
Why is Hollywood so veneer-happy these days? [Pajiba]
What is your holy grail hand cream? I use the Vaseline Intensive stuff. [Go Fug Yourself]
Andrew Scott is giving “serial killer” in these photos!! [Just Jared]
Tina Lawson claps back at Beyonce’s haters. [The Root]
I’m sorry, this is supposed to be Sharon Stone?!? [OMG Blog]
I’m sorry, this is supposed to be Zac Efron?!? [Seriously OMG]
Congrats to Charlie XCX, she just got engaged. [Hollywood Life]
Comparing Dr. Biden & Melania Trump’s Christmas decorations. [Buzzfeed]

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58 Responses to ““Natalie Portman wore a very pretty Dior at the Gotham Awards” links”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    I definitely enjoy hearing all the royal coverage but the coverage that was bullet pointed in “links” is interesting too. I’d love to hear Celebitchy writers thoughts on all of these.

  2. Plums says:

    Dr. Jill Biden’s Christmas White House looks like the most joyful winter wonderland, omg. If I lived near DC I’d totally try to get a tour for that.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      It really is spectacular! I love the theme rooms in particular. I’m jealous of anyone in the DC area for the holidays who can find time to take a tour.

    • ML says:

      Dr Biden understands Christmas. Melania did not have a cosy vibe.

      My holy grail for hand cream is a Lucovitaal Manuka honey-based salve that has totally rescued my dry, eczema attacked hands. I did use vaseline intensive care in the past and it isn’t bad, but this stuff works much better for me.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I loved the ice cream cone ornament! May have to get one of those!

  3. Korra says:

    My holy grail for hand cream is the Trader Joe’s brand, which is a reasonably priced dupe of the L’Occitane hand cream. But when it is deep into winter and my hands are chapped as hell, I find the Balmex ointment to be a lifesaver.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      When my hands get really bad, like in the winter, I use Body Shop’s hemp hand cream. Works wonders.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I like the standards, Vaseline Intensive Care, Neutrogena’s Norwegian Hand Cream, Kiehl’s Intensive hand cream, Weleda’s Skin Food, l’Occitane’s Shea Butter Hand Cream, and Aesop’s Aromatique Hand Cream. They all work well for me in the winter & on flights. I tend to go with the scent-free creams on flights so as not to annoy seat mates.

      • windyriver says:

        @BeanieBean, just FYI, with the exception of the Fragrance Free version of the Hand Cream, Neutrogena is discontinuing all its Norwegian line products – lip balm, foot cream, Original version hand cream (surprised at that one). Don’t know if this’ll make it hard to find in stores. I noticed this a couple of months ago, when I was trading info with Rosie about them discontinuing something in the Hydro Boost line.


      • BeanieBean says:

        @windyriver: No wonder I can’t find it anymore! I thought my local Target was just ill-stocked or something.

    • Juls says:

      You’ll have to rip my baby magic baby lotion out of my baby smooth hands. It’s the only thing I’ve tried that doesn’t leave a greasy film on my hands. And smells heavenly.

    • Anners says:

      I have really dry hands, especially in winter, so my holiest of grails hand cream is La Roche-Posay cicaplaste hand (the one with the hand on it, although their lipikar cream is also decent in a pinch). It’s scent-free, thick without being greasy, and can generally last me through a second hand wash. I love it!

    • Giddy says:

      When my hands need help beyond lotions I get out my white cotton gloves from Amazon, 5 pairs for 8.99, and put them on over my Vaseline coated hands. It’s an overnight miracle!

    • VoominVava says:

      I’m already at the cracking fingertips stage and it just started getting wintery cold here in Ontario where I am. I love using the Aveeno baby eczema cream .. they stopped making the non baby one I don’t know why. I just found a new cream I swear by, though ., it’s called Flexitol. 🙂 https://flexitol.ca/ It’s amazing hand cream for VERY dry skin. It soaks in and isn’t filmy or sticky at all. I’ve been using it for 3 days and went back to buy some more while it is on sale.

  4. LeaTheFrench says:

    Sharon Stone is a gorgeous woman – not “for her age” – gorgeous woman, full stop. I hate that they photoshopped her to make her look like some 20 year old model. This is ridiculous. It’s normalising the idea and standard that wrinkles make you unattractive. Had they kept her natural face, everybody could have seen that the opposite is true.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      It reminds me of the Ralph Lauren adds where they photoshopped a model to look as thin as a praying mantis. So now I wonder, why do they bother to start with real women, when they despise how real women look? It’s only a matter of time before they go 100% AI, to always have the perfect woman.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Exactly. Sharon Stone, in her ‘natural’ state, is pretty enough on her own. They simply did not need to do this.

  5. Kirsten says:

    Natalie looks fantastic. I love those shoes.

  6. Pinkosaurus says:

    Natalie’s dress is lovely. She definitely gets the prettiest and most normal of the Diors, which I think are very hit-or-miss b

    I’m not sure if it’s going to be covered, but it’s terrible that the Gotham Awards cut parts of Robert De Niro’s speech from the teleprompter text without telling him, to remove comments critical of Trump. De Niro was accepting an award related to Killers of the Flower Moon and one of the edits removed his mention of Trump using “Pocahontas” as a term of insult. Really outrageous.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Came here to say pretty much the same – Natalie gets the prettiest, most classic Dior dresses. Charlize gets the most dramatic ones. It’s a pairing that has worked well for both women. Everyone else gets whatever they’re handing out that day

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      @Pinkosaurus, thank you for the news about editing Robert DeNiro’s speech. I am outraged. The treatment of Native Americans is absolutely relevant to the message of the movie being awarded.

    • Lux says:

      I think Dior looks best on the most petite, feminine women, whose bodies don’t distract from the structure and drama, and whose tiny waists emphasize the shape they’re going for. They had no idea what to do with Jennifer Lawrence, who had the pick of the litter.

      That said, while I think Natalie looks great, she’s been dressing especially girly and youthful lately (super short hemlines paired with empire waists, etc). I definitely feel like what her husband did is affecting her choices.

  7. Flamingo says:

    My holy grail for hand cream is the Dionis Milk & Honey Goat Milk Hand Cream. I order it from Ulta. Makes my hands soft like a baby!

  8. bettyrose says:

    Andrew Scott plays cartoonish villain so well, which is a huge part of the hotness. Check my psychological profile if needed, but do I tell a lie?

  9. Megan says:

    The White House Christmas decorations are all made and displayed by volunteers. Part of the reason Melania’s decorations were so stark is because no one was willing to come help her for free. Her mom and Barron could only do so much.

    • sevenblue says:

      It was weird because of the red christmas trees? Do you really think the first lady of USA decorated white house by herself with help from her mother and her son? You know, there are people who love Trump & Melania, who are as horrible as them, right? If they needed free help, they would get it.

    • Bumblebee says:

      Okay, I doubt that. I lived in the DC area in the Obama and Trump years. There are permanent volunteer committees that run holiday White House events. It isn’t just the decorating, it’s who is invited to participate. Military families at the multiple bases in the DC area. Trees are donated each year by different tree farms, each state decorates a tree, they pick different organizations to make the decorations, 4H clubs, veterans organizations, kids sports groups, business associations. There is also the annual White House Christmas ornament, that is designed, manufactured, and sold nationwide, to pay for all of this, because our taxes don’t. And the First Lady/Gentlemen consults and coordinates with these committees. In the Trump years ALL of the outside White House Christmas activities and decorations still happened as usual. Only the decorations inside the White House were minimal. Many charitable and business organizations from all the states benefit from this. And a majority of volunteers are active or retired military or federal workers. It’s more likely that Melania rejected their help, then all those people just decided to throw away months of planning, free advertising, and the chance to decorate the White House. Especially the kids? Who know in 2 years they will be moving.

  10. Juliette says:

    My go to is Cerave Moisturizing Cream. It’s the best, great for my sensitive skin and absorbs really well without leaving you feel greasy. I use lots of the Cerave products, seem to be the only things that work for me.

    • Ameerah M says:

      That’s my winter go-to as well. I also really like the LaRoche Posay Lipikar cream. That one really healed my hands last winter when I had some dry patches.

  11. Hannah says:

    I’m poor. So my 3 go to hand creams (especially in winter with indoor heating drying my skin out terribly and chapping them) are:

    In no particular order

    Kiehl’s Ultimate Strength Hand Salve
    The Body Shop Hemp Hand Protector
    Neutrogena Norwegian Formula

    And Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Visibly Renew Supple Touch Hand Cream SPF 20 for day (everyday/all year round)

    • BeanieBean says:

      Always looking for a good hand cream with SPF, thanks!

    • windyriver says:

      @Hannah – see my comment to @Beanie above about what Neutrogena is discontinuing.

      • Hannah says:

        Windyriver 😭 I saw your comment / response to Beanie (before I saw your reply to me) thanks girl 🫶🏻 Sh!t… Appreciate the heads up. Thank you

  12. Emme says:

    Totally agree about the crazy fad for veneers instead of perfectly normal teeth. It irks me no end when watching a film or a tv programme and the lighting makes actors teeth look blue. You then know it’s because of fake teeth! Who wants blue teeth ffs??
    And normal teeth give a face personality. Fake teeth make for fake smiles and a fake looking face. Enough already!!

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I don’t understand why people would ruin perfectly healthy teeth, just so they can put in fake and blindingly bright artificial veneers (that only last about 10 years before having to be replaced). Putting in a crown because you broke a tooth is one thing, but intentionally grinding your healthy teeth down to nubs so you can have a whiter smile, is insane. This is a perfect example of “what’s wrong with society.”

      • KLaw says:

        Totally agree. It seems so short-sighted, and it totally freaks me out. If you are morbidly curious, the twins on the Discovery show Darcey and Stacey go to Turkey and chronicle the entire thing – little teeth nubs and everything. Terrifying.

    • Concern Fae says:

      I was watching the Criterion of Moonrise Kingdom just last night. One of the extras is phone videos Edward Norton took while standing around waiting for the shot. In one of them, Frances McDormond says she doesn’t trust actors with white white teeth. They look like robots. What if you want to play a heroin addict? All you can play are people who live in LA and have too much time on their hands. Norton chimes in with White teeth don’t win Oscars. McDormand replies White teeth don’t win friends. Anyway. DVD extras are usually super PR these days, but these little shots showed people just standing in their spot, waving their arms, doing little dances, while other people are getting direction, waiting for the camera to roll. Fascinating. And down with fake teeth.

  13. QuiteContrary says:

    That Dior dress is gorgeous!!!

  14. Grant says:

    Sharon Stone still looks like herself, albeit photoshopped to high-heaven. She looks incredible in real life IMO.

    Zac Efron, however, got the Khloe Kardashian special and appears to have a whole new face. Apologists are trying to argue that this is the result of his jaw surgery (from over ten years ago…?) but that doesn’t explain the very obvious filler he has in his whole face.

  15. Kaye says:

    Holy grail hand cream is Flexitol Very Dry Skin Cream. It works wonders. One warning – it also leaves white marks on clothes and furniture.

  16. Abby says:

    My holy grail hand cream is Rodan + Fields Active Hydration Total Body Replenishment. It’s so rich that a little goes a long way and I use it all over my body. Before that I used Cerave cream,.

  17. Northernlala says:

    Melanie couldn’t even do a memorial service right. Everyone wore the customary black to former First Lady Rosalynn Carter‘s service except her. I cant believe she had the nerve actually show up. So disrespectful.

    • Libra says:

      She showed up because she is a former first lady and it appears that she was invited. To not show up would be disrespectful. Why no black coat? Maybe she didn’t get the memo. Or she decided grey is close enough.

      • BeanieBean says:

        A long time ago I read some old rule about funeral colors: black for family, navy blue for friends, grey for work acquaintances, or something like that. At least she went, her husband didn’t, did he? I would hope not, he was such an SOB at John McCain’s funeral.

    • AnneL says:

      I mean, these days it actually is considered appropriate to wear other subdued colors, such as gray and navy blue, to funerals. I wore a beige and black dress to my father’s funeral service and it was approved by my mother, who is quite traditional. But yeah, you’d think she would have checked to be sure gray was OK in this case. It was the funeral of a former First Lady and she was the ONLY one not in black.

  18. paintergal says:

    The Biden Christmas decorations are way too cutesy child-like for me. Enough with the candy. Melania’s fit her complete lack of personality. I’ll stick with my humble but quirky decorations.

  19. tamsin says:

    Melania and staff seemed to have made no effort at all or have any clue about the many traditions and stories around Christmas. the atmosphere was Scroogie, Grinchy, Dark, and Misanthropic. They appeared to have ordered trees, undecorated and by the dozens in a single colour year after year. Leafless trees- not evergreens. I’ve never seen Christmas decorations look sinister before. And the whole thing was very claustrophobic. Those huge bare trees took up a lot of space and blocked a lot of light. I watched the Rosalyn Carter memorial service yesterday, and Melania managed to make herself stand out in the front row- amidst a sea of black, she alone wore not black. I’m surprised she was even there, but like it or not, she is a member of the first ladies club.

  20. Northernlala says:

    Just because she was invited doesn’t mean she had to go. And to go and stand out like that- that’s disrespectful! But as she showed with that famous green jacket, she doesn’t really care now does she?

  21. JaneS says:

    Veneers: I grew up poor, dental care was minimal.
    HW teeth are a big biz but, when you learn what they do to your natural teeth to put in veneers, holy cow!

    Hard. Pass.

    I hate to say this because I find him Hot, and a terrific actor but, Timothy Olyphant has obvious veneers. Too big, too blindingly white. As he ages, he is going to need to rework all of it.

  22. AC says:

    The Christmas decorations at the White House this year are so beautiful. Do not have that other lady ever do it again- red Christmas trees 🙄.

  23. AnneL says:

    The veneer thing is so weird to me! My sister-in-law has them. I didn’t even realize it until we went on a family cruise and one of them cracked the second day. She had a perfectly nice smile before, too. If there was anything wrong with her teeth I certainly didn’t notice it. Imagine going through all of that (not to mention the expense) to make a change that isn’t even that noticeable!

  24. Crystal says:

    Mary Kay satin hands

  25. NaTalia says:

    I love Jills decorations. It is a magical land. I am Slavic so I kind of get Melania’s decor too. It was dreary. I loved the idea of red trees. Red trees with lights and beautiful Slavic ornaments are elegant. Her trees were creepy plain like the Shining twins were down at the end of the hall.

    I love Dove Intensive Cream in the tub. You get it at Dollar Tree. It is a miracle with my dermatitis.

    People are stupid about Beyonce. She was under bad lighting.

  26. cerise says:

    holy grail affordable hand cream: 0’Keefes Working hands ( the one in the green jar). It is a miracle worker !
    Ditto for their lip repair balm – you can see a massive difference overnight.

  27. Whyforthelove says:

    Gold Bond’s new hand cream and overnight moisturizer creams are outstanding and surprisingly lux feeling for a $4 cream.