Two more of Tiger’s mistresses named, a 40-something and a hostess

UPI POY 2009 - Sports.
I had a hard time keeping up with some of the breaking details in the Gosselin case earlier this year, but compared to Cheatah’s massive indiscretions that was small potatoes. The Tiger Woods scandal is insane, and every day there are new salacious details and new mistresses coming out of the woodwork. Yesterday we saw Cori Rist, a 33 year-old single mom, defend herself on The Today Show while she confirmed a two and a half year relationship that began when Tiger was first married. Rist said she’s not a prostitute and never accepted any money. Tiger told her that his marriage was on the rocks but that he had to stay with Elin because she was pregnant. Rist claimed Tiger broke off the affair when she refused to fly around the world to see him. (Here’s a link to a video of her interview.)

Meanwhile Tiger’s maybe number one mistress, or at least the one that’s gunning for the slot, Rachel Uchitel, is down in Florida where Tiger is thought to be chilling on his poorly-disguised yacht. Uchitel’s mom lives in Palm Beach, not far from where Tiger’s yacht is moored, but that’s probably just a convenient coincidence while she offers Tiger a sympathetic ear and warm body. Tiger’s poor wife Elin is also still in Florida and hopefully she’s staying on dry land. She was spotted pumping gas near their mansion in Windemere, Florida – and she wasn’t wearing her wedding ring. (She was also smiling and wearing some really awesome boots.)

Two more of Tiger’s mistresses have been named. One is a 40-something single woman named Theresa Rogers who dated Tiger for five years. She was with the world’s number one golfer both before and after his marriage to Swedish beauty Elin. This is likely the same women who allegedly tried to get pregnant by Tiger and secure an even bigger payday. Rogers is allegedly represented by famewh*re lawyer Gloria Allred, although Allred refused to comment.

Radar is keeping track of Tiger’s mistresses and the number is up to 14. One of the previously unknown women has been named by TMZ, which also has photos of her partying. Julie Postle worked as a hostess at an Orlando nightclub and TMZ has the photos to prove it. They also claim that Tiger told Postle his marriage to Elin was just for “publicity.”

And OK! Magazine has a list of the “Top 11 Unfortunate Tiger Woods Ad Taglines.” My favorites are “Have You Got the Balls” and “Strategy 80%. Exit Strategy 20%.” Oh Tiger, you gave us gossip hounds quite an end of year present while royally screwing your family right before Christmas. At least his wife found out while the kids were too young to really remember. She’ll be able to pick up the pieces and live well off the massive amounts of money he’ll be handing her. For Elin’s sake I hope Tiger invested in more than just ‘hos and real estate.

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53 Responses to “Two more of Tiger’s mistresses named, a 40-something and a hostess”

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  1. Firestarter says:

    Goes to show what a really gifted golfer he truly is. Imagine the time it takes to juggle all these women and sexscapades, plus a wife and children. That leaves very little time to devote to golf practice.

  2. Lantana says:

    Geez, Firestarter has a good point. I wonder if he wold have been better or worse. At golf. Could he have been much worse at marriage?

  3. Lway says:

    I really hope that he has learnt his lesson and that he never pulls this dumb shit again.

    Elin is really a wonderful person and giving him another chance is not something he deserves. But she’s prepared to try again and i agree with the ultimatim that she’s given him.

    Hopefully Elin has also learnt a lesson from this

    Anyway – lets see if Tiger is really as serious about his wife as he is trying to convince the rest of the world

    @ Lantana – i think he was a lousy husband. He is always miserable in the photo’s with his wife. Never smiling and happy. It’s obviously hard being happy when you have 14 skeletons in your closet

  4. Then Again.... says:

    When is cheetah coming out of the closet?

    I say he moves to Europe. His career is ovah.

  5. Bonfire Beach says:

    I thought the same thing – when the heck did he fit golf into his life?

    I really, really hate Rachel Uchitel for some reason. I hate all the other hos too but Rachel really bothers me. She seems entirely fake.

  6. Newyorking says:

    How many more to go? I am sure there are more and each wants payment now. Why pay them to be quiet since they have already talked to the press?

  7. bella says:

    Seems like this mess just keeps getting worse and worse. No way would I ever stay with a man who cheated on me. But one who also called our marriage “publicity”? He needs his ass beaten, not just his public image.

  8. Lantana says:

    Ita w Newyorking. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are 50 or 60 other women just in the past 6 or 8 years. Hell I imagine there are nights he did 3 at a time. Poor Elin. It would be just humiliating as a wife. My husband keeps saying he can’t imagine cheating anyone “that hot” which evolves into an almost-argument about if it would be OK if she wasn’t “that hot”. It is just a flammable subject.

  9. Skins says:

    Is there any proof that these pigs had affairs with Tiger or can any bimbo make up a story and sell it to the tabloids and have it be reported as fact? All these ho’s are saying they were with Tiger for years and this and that but I am finding it harder and harder to believe. Tiger is a busy man and there are only so many hours in a day, yet he is supposidly spending all of this time with countless other women while still fulfilling all of his other obligations and practicing enough to keep his game at the level it is. Not saying he didn’t have affairs, that much is obvious but I think the tabloid vultures are accepting any lame story just to sell papers. I just cannot believe that he could spend all of this time with all of these other women and not have the wife suspect anything. This whole thing is getting very fishy

  10. fizXgirl314 says:

    The only thing that pisses me off is how someone can make more money than god just playing golf… it just doesn’t seem right… how screwed up is our society…

    BTW, is anyone doing any actual investigation? If not, then any ho off the street can claim to have ties with him…

  11. mel says:

    Hopefully when Tiger/Cheetah is 70 yrs old he will look back and realize he made the biggest mistake of his life and appreciate what he has lost.

    p.s. I heard there is a love child and we may hear about that soon.

  12. J says:

    One mistress, 50 mistresses, does it really matter now? OK he sleeps around, so?

    I truly feel sorry for Mr Woods — I guess it’s not “political correct” in American cultural context.

    In my half-French blood, I do believe that what belongs to private life should stay private. People should leave him alone. Professionally, he never did anything wrong. He, up to today, is still one of the greatest golfers. Let him continue to play.

    The only people he needs to deal with is his family.

  13. diva says:

    It seems like Tigers only requirements were that the women be drunk party girls with no real careers.

  14. snowball says:

    @ diva – I’m starting to wonder if his standards are just a willing orifice and a pulse.

    I can’t believe how bad this is getting.

  15. crash2GO2 says:

    Back in the day, the men married a respectable woman to bear their children and banged ho’s on the side. Or maybe it’s not so back in the day…

    I have a headache.

  16. happymom says:

    How do you go from this type of life to “being the husband/father your family deserves”? I hate to be cynical-but c’mon.

  17. bella says:

    @ happymom,

    That’s what I’m saying. Why do you wait until all the dirt you’ve done becomes public and THEN say you’re going to focus on your wife and children? Shouldn’t the focus have been on them all along?

  18. Feebee says:

    I’m starting to feel bad for Tiger. Yes he’s a major a-s but it’s getting ridiculous. I wonder what the standard of proof is for these women. We’ve reached critical mass. Whether it’s 14 or 40 it doesn’t really matter now.

    The first major is only a few months away. I don’t think he’ll miss it. I think the family situation will be sorted by then, one way or another. I’m thinking he’ll be in his big Jupiter Island estate alone, no wait, not alone, just family-less.

  19. Linda says:

    Chances are if you live in Florida, you’ve had sex with Tiger Woods.

  20. Linda says:

    It’s going to get worse because there are pictures out there somewhere.

  21. wow says:

    There are so many opportunities in a day to cheat, if you are a person intent on doing it.

    I don’t feel his career is over. Once the jokes subside, and he gets back out there and start winning, people will move on. His wife is sticking by him, so that will basically be a “f*&K you” to all of those mistresses and the majority of the public who thinks she should leave.

    You can tell a lot about a person based on how they act when you’re not around them, and what they tolerate. I don’t feel sorry for either of them. In fact now I understand now why they married each other in the first place. 😉

    @Feebee – I think a lot of these other women are lying. They haven’t given any type of evidence like voicemails or text messages as with the first two. All we’ve seen are pictures of the women themselves, but nothing other than that. With that being the case, then we ALL can send in a picture and a story and claim spots 15-200.

  22. MsTriste says:

    He’s obviously a sex addict.

  23. Kim says:

    There is a I had sex with Tiger website. I’ve wondered what proof do these shows get before putting these women on . Besides the girl Jamie with the voice mail and a couple with text messages . Where are the pics, hotel or airplane info etc

  24. Kolby says:

    @Linda – I used to live just a couple of miles from him, and I swear I’ve never even met him. I should sell tee shirts, “I’ve never slept with Tiger Woods. Seriously.”

  25. Sudini says:

    There is absolutely NO reason to feel sympathy for Tiger Woods, and I think it’s an extremely deluded, confused, morally weak and (perhaps unkowingly) misogynistic person who does.

    Bottom line, Tiger Woods made the VERY conscious decision over, and over, and over again to lie, cheat and disrespect his wife, someone who devoted her heart and her life to him. He also gambled with his children’s future welfare by making the choice again and again to lie and to deceive and ultimately destroy his family.

  26. ligeia says:

    why did he even get married is what i don’t understand. he could’ve had some tough bachelor image and still get good endorsements i think?? and he could have a new woman every night with no negative consequences ever because he is a guy.

  27. Anastasia says:

    I’m convinced the number is really more into the hundreds, rather than dozens. I’m also convinced he’s probably a sex addict.

  28. Feebee says:

    @ Kolby – DO IT!!! Strike while the iron’s hot, you could make a fortune. 🙂

  29. the truth says:

    wow tiger must be hot in bed, lol how the heck did he find time for all these women. lol

  30. mollination says:

    yes, because massive amounts of money raises kids just as well as a father figure. yeesh.

  31. Pete says:

    The reason why you can believe most of these women, if not all, is because if one of them had lied Tiger would have all but certainly come out and say so.

    Besides, how many scores of women has he slept with that are choosing to remain out of the spotlight? I’m guessing tons.

    @J: The issue is the hypocrisy. He sold himself as the epitome of wholesomeness. It’s not about the affairs, but the fact that the man who was screwing around presented himself as Mr. Perfect.

  32. Bobby the K says:


    How can a guy’s womanizing ways go un-noticed by a girlfriend let alone a wife?
    Is it not apparent that he wasn’t exactly coy and discreet about all this?
    She must have been willfully blind and/or in denile.

  33. guilty pleasures says:


    Aren’t you afraid you’d only be able to sell 8 or 9 shirts??
    Maybe some of us old bats would qualify!

  34. gg says:

    Forget the “he’s just a poor horny golfer exercise” — the guy is a giant liar and is a walking STD, spreading disease everywhere. Poor Tiger my ass.

  35. MaryAnn says:

    He’s not only a sex addict but also an extreme narcissist. I guess he needs to love himself, because the general public consensus is that he’s an asshole.

  36. Cheetah hunter says:

    @ Kevin

    Pure excellence, man. But you forgot one:

    Q: What’s the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa Claus?

    A: Santa Claus stops at three hos!

    Ho,ho,ho! Merry Christmas!

  37. La Angel says:

    Well, if he stays the course, I’d expect 4 more mistresses, to bring the total to 18 holes.

  38. nj says:

    Every bit of my sympathy goes to Elin. Tiger deserves every ounce if derision, scorn, and shame he gets. Usually (because I can be a pathetic softie inside) I do feel a little sorry when stupid people meet their downfall, even when it is entirely their own fault. I have ZERO empathy for Tiger. None whatsoever. Whores in his HOME? Cheating through her pregnancies? He has a billion dollars- he couldn’t find something
    fun to do? I sincerely hope she gets another whack at him with that club.

  39. mia says:

    Tiger’s true character has been revealed by his dogging Elin out by saying the marriage was on the rocks/the marriage was for appearances only. Real charming! Pondscum toxic waste. Tiger and all his nasties deserve each other.

  40. fizXgirl314 says:

    Seriously, what does being french have to do with any of this? the french don’t have scandals? *big eyeroll*

  41. Mann1 says:

    Guys like George Clooney’s careers don’t suffer b/c of a playboy image. Why couldn’t Tiger have gone the same route if he wanted to be such a slut? By all accounts, the marriage was for his public image. In which case, I don’t think in this case that the public should just leave him alone. He has this coming.

  42. Stephanie says:

    He is such a self-involved dumbass. Most women don’t put themselves through childbirth – twice – for the sake of “publicity”. Elin has never put herself in the spotlight while she’s been married to him and for him to give out that sorry-ass excuse is insulting to her and their marriage.

    As for these women crawling out of the woodwork that claim they didn’t know, are they Amish or been living in a remote cave? How could they not know he’s married? He’s the most famous athlete in the world. And for the ones who say they knew and didn’t care – they deserve to be scrutinized.

    Yes, I sound like a judgmental bitch but frankly I’m sick of celebrities (and their hangers-on) who obviously lack any sort of moral compass or human soul in order to regard themselves as unaccountable to anyone but themselves.

  43. Maritza says:

    If he wants to live a bachelor’s life, partying out with as many women he wants than it’s best he gets a divorce. His wife is beautiful and she’ll get over it, some other millionaire will probably raise his kids.

  44. UrbanRube says:

    Elin should not go back to him, IMHO. He has a permanent character problem. I hope she spends some of the money on elaborate therapy for herself and those kids so that they can start over. And I hope for their sake that they figure out some kind of meaningful custody arrangement that gives them enough time to know him, but keeps them away from all these other women.

  45. ! says:

    “Yes, I sound like a judgmental bitch but frankly I’m sick of celebrities (and their hangers-on) who obviously lack any sort of moral compass or human soul in order to regard themselves as unaccountable to anyone but themselves.”

    Here, here!

  46. Kathie says:

    You know I keep wondering who does his PR/Brand management Moe, Larry and Curly Joe? They should have had a handle on this from the beginning and if it were me (I promise I know nothing about branding or PR) I would have gotten out in front of this (right about Ho 2 or so), done a full frontal apology, gone to rehab for sex addiction and sent Elin and the kids home to her Mother for the duration, hell I would probably gone to rehab IN Europe. While the scandal broke I would periodically issue statements (through my Spokesperson I am focusing on my recovery) about how awful it was that these..ahem..young ladies were taking advantage of a tragic family situation. Anyway that is what I would do.

  47. John says:

    If golf were more of an European sport all of this would be less of an issue, IMHO. Mistresses are much more accepted over there.
    I am sure Tiger could have found a woman who would agree to be his wife/companion/mother of his children in exchange for a share in his vast wealth with the proviso that she is ok with him having numerous extramarital affairs. Certainly not your average American woman, but I am sure she would have been out there. Instead he married a woman with a traditional view of marriage and no intention of honoring those vows.I wish a more realistic view in these matters could be arrived at. In gay male long term partnerships, after an initial exclusive mating period, 70% arrive at an open relationship. Only 5% of straight marriages are consciously open.Women, especially in the US, are very un-realistic in their expectations of husbands being faithful. Thus the 50% divorce rate.

  48. crazydaisy says:

    I never thought Tiger Woods was hot. Guess I’m in the minority.

  49. slymm27 says:

    @John, what are you talking about? are you saying women should expect their husbands to be unfaithfull, and to believe otherwise is to be unrealistic? what kind of thinking is that? if anyone wants an open reltionship, well go ahead and say so, but when you take vows to be faithfull, then you should sure as hell remain so! WTH?

  50. John says:

    Slymm2,7I think that there would be far fewer divorces if women were more realistic about extra-marital affairs. Vows are are social construct that ONLY work 50% of the time statistically. I will never marry, so I cannot proscribe marital expectations, but clearly the present norm is not working. I have had extra marital affairs with numerous, numerous married men over the years who wish they could be honest about this part of themselves with their wives, but they know their wives would freak. Alas, the divide between men and women is vast and daunting. My wife left me years ago over just porn, not even the touching of forbidden flesh. Happy to be single.

  51. slymm27 says:

    @jOHN, In a way, we say the same thing, if you cant stick to the vows, then dont do it. There is no law saying everyone must be married1….SO

  52. Cindy Kennedy says:

    Gloria Allred loves to represent prostitutes, doesn’t she?

  53. ATL says:

    Tiger Woods gets exactly what he deserves. I hope his wife wipes him out financially. He is a cheater so he deserves it! Nasty nigger!