Jennifer Lopez’s visual album ‘This Is Me… Now’ has a trailer & it is bonkers

For more than a year, Jennifer Lopez has been teasing her next big project, something called This Is Me… Now. This whole time, I thought it would be a studio album, with maybe a cute personal documentary attached, something which would showcase her life with Ben Affleck. Boy, was I wrong. Now, there is a studio album. And attached to that album is a FILM. Like, with some kind of plot, and acting, and characters and dialogue. At first, I was like “is this J.Lo’s version of Lemonade?” But here’s the thing – Lemonade was not a “movie,” it was mostly a collection of music videos and cool imagery adjacent to Beyonce’s album. This Is Me…Now is something else entirely. The trailer came out yesterday and people are gagged.

“She thinks I’m her employee!” “Being with you feels like home… but I left home for a reason.” WHAT? The cast list is bonkers too… Derek Hough AND Fat Joe? Ben Affleck AND Keke Palmer? Neil DeGrasse Tyson AND Kim Petras? The one nice thing I’ll say is that I’m looking forward to the dancing. Jennifer is a great dancer, and I’m absolutely positive that many of these “scenes” were setups for dance breaks. Anyway, it comes out on Prime on February 16th. Mark your calendars.

The vinyl covers for This Is Me…Now.

Vinyl covers courtesy of Norman Jean Roy/J.Lo’s Instagram, photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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68 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez’s visual album ‘This Is Me… Now’ has a trailer & it is bonkers”

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  1. It'sJustBlanche says:

    Pretty sure none of that was necessary.

    • girl_ninja says:

      Oh, I’m pretty sure that this is ABSOLUTELY f!cking necessary. I will be watching.

      • Barnabus says:

        If I’m mad enough to read an article about the trailer for This Is Me . . . Now, and then watch the trailer for This Is Me . . . Now, I most definitely will watch the completed film of This Is Me . . . Now. And then I’ll probably order some J.Lo product from Prime because they will have taken over my brain at that point.

    • Blithe says:

      Most things aren’t.

      But I get it. I totally get it. I remember the horribly racist press and harassment focused on Lopez back when Lopez and Affleck were a couple the first time, and I applaud the power in Lopez’s efforts to put out her own story in her own way. I hope she enjoyed the process. The clip looks stunningly over-the-top. Go for it: fly fly Fly Girl!

  2. Lisa says:

    Ben Affleck co wrote this. Cmon y’all are dying to see it. I’ll wait til March to cancel Prime

  3. SarahLee says:

    I don’t even know what to say. Truly. I’ve got nothing.

  4. Amy T says:

    That was….a lot.

    • Seraphina says:

      Yeah. A whole lot. At times it looked like a musical, at times like a DG cologne commercial and at times a Gucci commercial. Is it based on her life???? Good Lord. I am not sure if I’ll see it. It also seems dark for some reason – like a Dali painting. And please do not think I am referring to her on that caliber of artistic genius. I mean more the visual aspects and darkness.

    • Mustang Sally says:

      I got 34 seconds in and couldn’t watch anymore.

  5. gah says:

    I love the audacity!!!! she is leaning into bonkers and I can’t wait! I hope people dont go after her before it even comes out because men artistes are allowed to do all kinds of weird shit and get praised for it. (I’m thinking of that painter/director who is really fat and always wears sneakers with silk pajamas and glasses blechhhh.) why can’t JLo use everything she’s got to produce something from the heart that is cray? I love her for this.

  6. Olivia says:

    I am seeing Melania Trump 2000s… what is happening to her face? I mean the work is good, but she no longer is Jenny From The Block.

    • girl_ninja says:

      Melania Trump? Not even close.

      • Erin says:

        I thought Melania, too. It’s because she’s had cheek implants or filler to the degree that it makes her eyes look slanted. Particularly the left eye. She looks great, but def suggesting Melania

    • K. Tate says:

      Oh I can’t WAIT! Dancing Jenny!!!!

    • Holly says:

      That’s true of a lot of these stars once they reach their fifties, to be fair. You reach a certain age and your only choice is to look old or weird.

      • FuzzyBritches says:

        “our only choice is to look old or weird”

        Ok, this is so true and absolutely hilarious at the same time. Kudos to everyone who embraces getting older!

  7. K says:

    LOLOLOLOL OMG. I am so tired of my own insanity and inanity I am 1000% down for whatever the hell this is. Bring it Jen.😄

  8. Justjj says:


  9. crazyoldlady says:

    she’s interesting – not in a role model or aspirational sense – but she’s out there living her life and generating creative output that is distinctly her own.

  10. Libra says:

    Vanity project for audience of one.

  11. TheOriginalMia says:

    I couldn’t make it through the trailer. Gonna be a pass for me.

  12. Nikomikaelx says:

    I mean it looks absolutely bonkers and like something different ! Never been a huge Jlo fan, she wasnt as big in my country in the 90/00´s, but ill watch whatever this is.

  13. SarahCS says:

    I have no idea what this is but sure, why not. Count me in. I’m in no way a J-Lo fan (I did love her in Hustlers) but this looks like a great bit of escapism/WTF to entertain us in gloomy February.

  14. Kate says:

    Well….that is her I guess. Looks like singing, dancing and action/romance movie all in one which are all her fav things to do.

  15. Alarmjaguar says:

    This looks…fun? I think I want to watch it. It is way over the top, but I think she might make it work

  16. Elizabeth says:

    I’m totally ok with this. My impression is that the exposition is just an excuse to tie a bunch of music videos together, like skits/segues on an album. Don’t look for much meaning, just accept that its excessive and self-indulgent and fun. I’m with her.

    • you said it says:

      100% this. 🙂

    • SAS says:

      Yeah, I’m so surprised people are clowning on this thinking it has some kind of bOnKeRs narrative. It is so clearly a bunch of music videos strung together. The production looks amazing, I’m in.

  17. Flamingo says:

    “She thinks I’m her employee!” – hello Cris Judd – who by the way is my favorite of all her husbands. He was on the one and done season of the US I’m a celebrity get me out of here. And he was an absolute sweetheart. He has since remarried and has a child. And seems to be doing well.

    I have my reminder set for February 16. Thank you, Amazon, for this masterpiece 🙂

  18. TikiChica says:

    What have I just watched?? It’s either “it’s so bad it’s good” or “It’s so crazy it’s good” or at the very least, just crazy. But I’m not even a fan and I will totally watch this.

  19. honeychild says:

    Count me in as excited to this. I love other people’s drama. LOL

  20. Isa says:

    What a fever dream. I’ll be watching bc I’m curious to see why all these people signed on.

  21. Menlisa says:

    Bonkers!!! I am so tuning in!

  22. Doodle says:

    I think I might be insane because I think I kind of get what she’s trying to do here! I thinks it’s an over the top visual autobiography with lots of metaphors. The dialogue is suuuuuper cheesey, but when she says things like what did you want to be and responds “in love” there’s no introspection there – just in love, no thought for the person or a functional relationship or the work it takes. That circles back to the “you feel like home, but I left home for a reason” – it’s familiar, and complacent, there’s no passion or fire and that’s what she’s always chasing.

    Or I could be totally off, lol.

    • Nev says:

      I think it’s a good pivot for her!!
      It looks like a fun MADDY move.
      I hope it works hahahaaha

  23. Torttu says:

    It’s all so that Ben would think she’s incredible. It’s also as if she cast herself in all movie genres possible, some kind of showcase.
    Sorry I would watch this mess but because it’s her I can’t.

  24. Jensies says:

    I anticipate enjoying this on a Cats level. Which I watch fairly often because it’s bonkers and it makes me laugh. So sure, I’m in.

    • Lens says:

      It’s a crazy bonkers fever dream all right. But didn’t she go all over her love life already with that book she published a few years ago? Oh I guess we all need to be updated because that didn’t have ARod or Ben Version 2 described for us. As if.

      • Jensies says:

        She has decades of material! Which will now be illustrated with costumes and dance numbers! Are you not entertained?!

  25. Becks1 says:

    Is she a welder? What is happening in that factory with the flowers?

    I just kind of tilted my head to the side while watching this and thought “what is going on???” I don’t think I could make it through the full length movie/whatever this is.

  26. sunny says:

    This looks so self-indulgent and ridiculous but I am absolutely down to watch it. JLo wants to control her own narrative and good for her.

    The amount of ham fisted visual references to other films is actually just killing me. There is no restraint or understanding of the visual language of film unless she is aiming for camp.

    I can’t help but think about how Greta Gerwig used a ton of visual film references in Barbie but never beat you dead with them they way this trailer does. The Singing in the Rain reference along- LMAO.

    I can’t wait to see this. And yes to women artists getting to take risks even(and especially if it doesn’t work out).

  27. Mandy says:

    OTT…egomaniacal vanity project. This gals thirst can never be quenched. It’s always a little too me, me, me for me. I appreciate her talent & drive but she’s always flooring the peddle…take a breath Jen. There are other things in this world besides you & your love life.

  28. Emily says:

    It seems like a semi autobiographical story but also in the sci-fi/fantasy/musical genre. It’s outrageous and I’m here for it.

    • ME says:

      It seems like something that would be interesting to watch. I am sure it will all make sense when you watch the full hour video. Good for J.Lo! I am a fan…but also seeing Post Malone is in it makes me want to watch it even more.

  29. Jenlee88 says:

    Did I watch the same trailer as everyone else? Maybe there’s a randomizer involved, lol? Because that was a sci-fi space movie and no else has mentioned that she is playing an ASTRONAUT. Ok. Thanks JLo.

  30. JaneS says:

    JLo is really a Diva. She makes all other Divas look weak.
    Aretha? Maria Callas? Maria Carey? Adele? Celion? Patty LaBelle? Whitney? Patti LaPone? Diana Ross? Babs? Babs singer, actor, director = beat that JLo.
    All more vocally talented vs. JLo.

    But JLo, has an unquenchable EGO. She just can not stop building herself up, posting, attention seeking at 500%, for decades now.
    She must be exhausting IRL. I can not imagine how she is must be as a Mum/StepMum.

    I still say she and Ben will not go the distance. When they split, it is gonna be Ugly. Really Ugly.

  31. QuiteContrary says:

    I cannot freaking wait. Whatever the hell this is, it’s going to be epic in some way. Epically terrible, probably, but epically memorable, too.

  32. kasxyz says:

    Hard pass

  33. GiveMePizza says:

    Bonkers is the right word.

    I wonder if this will get a Golden Globe nomination.

    • Marietta2381 says:

      If she buys it maybe.

      Hard pass for me, couldn’t get through the trailer. Not wasting 2 hours of my life I can’t get back, I’d rather watch paint dry. I kind hope this blows up in her face. Would serve her right, she wonders why Hollywood doesn’t take her seriously. This right here is why Hollywood doesn’t take her seriously.

      • Lens says:

        Not two hours!! I’ll watch it maybe for one hour but I can’t see it going past that. Nobody is as interested in jlo’s love life more than jlo though -NOBODY! Can’t think of anyone who not only did songs about their love life but also a whole book on it as well as a…movie (or tied together music videos still not sure)

  34. adrienne says:

    I saw this on twitter at about 2am last night and was crying laughing for at least 10 minutes. Fat Joe as a therapist? Some sort of steampunk factory dance scene? The sex and love addiction group? Neil DeGrasse Tyson???? This is the most bonkers film trailer I’ve ever seen and I will be seated for it.

  35. Jaded says:

    Just more J-Lo self-aggrandizing. How does Affleck put up with this…stahp Jennifer, just STAHP.

  36. East Villager says:

    Not sure about the rest of this but I am 10000% down for a movie featuring Fat Joe as a therapist.

  37. iisaidwhatiisaid says:

    Like she’s not a good actress, she can’t sing, she’s pretty thanks to surgery. The only thing mayyybe real about her is her body since she works out but like ??? She’s past her prime, married a bunch of times, and no longer relevant. Just go away and live your lifeee no one cares. Back in the day everything was JLO but she’s been surpassed by all the other artists now and that’s what happens….she’s so extra it’s nauseating tbh.

    • FuzzyBritches says:

      I’ll give her this-she was cute before the plastic surgery (google before and after pics), she is a mediocre singer & actress, and GREAT dancer. Also has an ego that is astronomical, even by Hollywood standards. She is so over the top it is cartoonish, and it is fun to make fun of her. Even with her huge posse of sycophants, fawning fans, and millions of dollars, I have to hope deep down inside there is a small kernel of awareness of that, which is instantly pushed away by the ego and narcissism.

  38. Shoegirl77 says:

    That trailer AND Trevor Noah?? Count me in!!