Telegraph: Donald Trump could really create problems for the Sussexes!

As always, no one in the British media can keep their stories straight about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s popularity, relevance or cultural cachet. The Sussexes are such a big deal that throughout his “presidency,” Donald Trump repeatedly whined and cried about them. The Sussexes are such a big deal that Trump, who is the de facto Republican nominee for president again, is clout-chasing Harry & Meghan and openly threatening them. Well, please enjoy some highlights from this very stupid Telegraph piece about how Trump could make Harry and Meghan’s lives difficult in America. The Telegraph, like seemingly every other media outlet in the world, wants to focus on Trump’s celebrity grudges and not the fact that he’s a rapist, terrorist, fascist, white supremacist, broke-ass moron.

Trump’s threats to the Sussexes: On the campaign trail this weekend, things seemed to come full circle with an unexpected dire warning for the Duke of Sussex. Prince Harry will be “on his own” under his presidency, Trump warned, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference near Washington DC. “I wouldn’t protect him,” he said. “He betrayed the Queen. That’s unforgivable. He would be on his own if it was down to me.” Of the Bidens’ approach to the Sussexes, he added: “I think they have been too gracious to him after what he has done.”

Trump could follow through on his threats: Should a future president Trump wish to prove a nuisance to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, there is little doubt he could do so. “Harry could be in deep s—,” one US-based journalist speculates. “His life could get very unpleasant should Trump decide he wants to follow through with this.” One renowned American lecturer on US constitutional history concurs. “The powers of the president are very formidable,” he says, adding that he is “sure Trump will utilise them” – although the exact way in which he would do this he cannot predict.

Trump could interfere with Harry’s visa: Trump has already said he would not pay for the Sussexes’ security protection. The couple, through a representative, have said they had no intention to ask the US to foot the bill anyway. He could technically interfere in a visa process, it is thought. Danielle Vinson, politics professor at Furman University in South Carolina, says a president can order a visa to be revoked or denied, although this is normally done “in the context of diplomatic disputes rather than personal grudges”.

More on the visa fantasies: Meanwhile, Christi Hufford Jackson, head of the US Immigration Practice at law firm Laura Devine Immigration, says Prince Harry’s tales of drug use in Spare do not reach a level of admission that could affect his visa status. “Could Trump say ‘I want you to look into his previous application?’ I don’t think he would have grounds to do so here,” she says. “But could a president push buttons below and put pressure on a government agency which reports to him to get it re-examined? Potentially.

King Charles would have to meet with Trump no matter what: All of this presents a problem for the Royal family. It is the King’s duty, after all, to welcome overseas presidents and prime ministers, and if the Foreign Office wants to invite a future President Trump to the UK, Charles will have to host him graciously.

This is what the media is desperate for: Some argue that a feud with Trump is the last thing the Sussexes want. In theory, the high-profile hassle could drive them out of America, either to their beloved Canada or – to the horror or delight of those who have followed their story – back to Britain. The combination of a belligerent president and a father undergoing cancer treatment at home might nudge them into swapping their Montecito mansion for a British country retreat.

Being seen as Trump’s enemies helps the Sussex brand: More to the point, a feud with the Donald won’t do their growing brand any harm. “Amicus meus, inimicus inimici mei”, said a wise man, once. Or, for those who, like Prince Harry, prefer the likes of for inspiration: “My enemy’s enemy is my friend”. In other words, in finding themselves suddenly in the public firing line of Donald Trump, the Sussexes may be embraced by the Californian liberal Left like never before. As the Sussexes build their brand in America, they appeal to a young, diverse, liberal-leaning constituency. In California, being the public face of the anti-Trump movement could finally give Sussexes what they need most: relevance.

[From The Telegraph]

“In California, being the public face of the anti-Trump movement could finally give Sussexes what they need most: relevance.” My sister in Beyonce, you have just written a thinkpiece about how the former president of the United States has a hate boner for Harry and Meghan, to the point where he could use the authority of the White House to enact petty revenge on a family living in a quiet beach community in California. Claiming that the Sussexes are desperate for relevancy does not fit with the million other narratives you’re trying to sell. As for the potential of Trump “winning” the presidency again… like, the Sussexes are so far down the list of his unhinged priorities. That man will send the National Guard into states which voted against him. He will literally lock up all of his political enemies. The republic, as we know it, will be over. And we’ve got Buttons McRoyalist over here, spinning theories about how Trump will f–k with the visa process. Please see the bigger picture.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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58 Responses to “Telegraph: Donald Trump could really create problems for the Sussexes!”

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  1. K says:

    Donald Trump is really going to create problems for our planet. Again.

    • the Robinsons says:

      No he won’t, because he will never be President again, not in the iUnited States.

    • the Robinsons says:

      No he won’t, because he will never be President again, not in the iUnited States. The Universe has spoken on this in 2020.

  2. Cheshire Sass says:

    There are many things I’d like to say about ole 45, but my mama taught me to not say anything if you don’t have anything nice to say. The man is a delusional social media power hungry waste of oxygen. I cannot for the life of me understand the following. (sorry mama)

    • PC says:

      LOL!!! Trump has so far been kicked off the ballot in three states. If this trend continues he won’t have enough electoral votes to capture the presidency even if he managed to get the popular vote. The BM needs to realize that Trump will be successful at deporting Harry just like he made Mexico paid to build that wall. 🤣

  3. Dee(2) says:

    Holy whiplash Batman. The press wants them back so badly. I think the family may only want Harry back, but the press wants both. Also for all of their fantasies in this article it’s hilarious the one time the speak to an immigration attorney they’re like, no what Harry said is Spare is not justification for losing his Visa. And we know they’d harass and try to find a reason to get them out of Canada too. The only way the press would be happy was to have them back in the UK, and required to CC the Rota on all emails.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Exactly @Dee(2). Delusional fantasies of ye old annoying salty isle nonces/ rota rats. 🐀🤡💩 🤪🫷🏽🙄🥱

  4. Macky says:

    It’s funny. Trump knows the media is unhinged about Megan and Harry so he throws them in to get lighthearted press coverage. You can tell he is being briefed about them. Probably one of the newspaper guys yapping about Harry’s ravec trial.

  5. Tessa says:

    So donald Trump is threatening to separate a man from his wife and children
    How cruel can be get. The queen never said the sussexes betrayed her

  6. Ocean Girl says:

    If no one else, I hope that at least our fellow Celebitches outside the US will remember that not all Americans are soulless trump followers, I really wish this nightmare would end.

    • Jais says:

      Sure, not all Americans but sadly a fair amount are soulless trump supporters. Currently surrounded by a lot of them where I live. Family members have descended into dark places. It sucks beyond belief. Vote vote vote. Am hoping they are in the minority in the necessary states.

  7. AlexS says:

    God, you can hear them salivating over Trump deporting Harry and forcing him to came back to the UK. You know they want him to came pleading on his hands and knees groveling to be let back in. Its derangement on an whole new level

  8. Spike says:

    The queen should be respected and venerated says the ignoramus who stepped in front of her during a state visit to the UK.

  9. aquarius64 says:

    The Torygraph is assuming Orange-zilla’s return to the White House is a done deal. The menace still needs to be reelected. He still is facing 91 criminal charges including election fraud. Trump’s new residences are the state and federal court houses; you need a flow chart to keep up. He needs to stay out of jail first.

    • Kitten says:

      Well he’s gonna be the GOP nominee, that’s for certain, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he wins a second term given how low voter enthusiasm is for Biden.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Please Do Not give in to this kind of dire, apathetic, ‘woe is us’ thinking. Do your part to make sure this doesn’t happen again! Neither the U.S. nor the world can afford the detrimental imposition of l’orange clown in power for one minute, let alone another whole four years! 🤯😨😱☠️🤬

  10. Lizzie Bathory says:

    CPAC was largely unattended even with Trump appearing & the visa issue has completely failed to gain traction. I was tickled to see that the Telegraph reached out to my old professor Dr. Vinson who provided a typically measured response.

    The rota are in full panic mode, which tells me things are pretty dire with the Windsors behind the scenes.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      So dire that they’re using Trump in their ongoing plots of stochastic terrorism, hoping that some enraged Trumper will accomplish what the BRF’s hitmen could not in NYC during the car chase.

      I’m all for a free press but members of the press who commit illegal acts like phone hacking and promoting terrorist acts for their own profit need to go to prison.

      • BeanieBean says:

        That’s what I find worrisome. trump doesn’t need to do anything beyond send out a stupid tweet & one of his slavering flying monkeys will attempt to carry out the deed.

  11. Get out there and vote blue! That’s the only way to stop the nightmare. Show up at the polls! We can stop it from happening just by voting. This maybe the last time we would be able to vote if this facist dictator wannabe gets in. I implore everyone who can vote get out there and vote. Sorry for the rant.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Here, Here!!! VOTE!!! Vote Blue in droves!!! 👍🏽🫡 🇺🇲 🆘️ Do not give in to apathy, hopelessness, or fear!

  12. Agnes says:

    ” As for the potential of Trump ‘winning’ the presidency again… like, the Sussexes are so far down the list of his unhinged priorities. ” Lolz, yes. If Trump wins the presidency again, Harry and Meghan are not the only people living in America who will be 100% fccked, by about 329 million.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    Whatever. Biden better get his sh-t together if he wants to be re-elected.

    • AmyBee. Here’s the thing yes Biden can do better and if you vote for him you will be able to vote again. With the little dictator wannabe you are probably not going to be able to again. In his last time in he was asking how to get a third term if he won. He is clearly signaling what he is going to do by saying “. I will only be a dictator my first day”. So if you think Biden isn’t good enough think about picking a poison which one will cause you less problems.

      • Normades says:

        Totally agree Susan. Biden is no rose but Trump will try to end democracy period.

      • Kitten says:

        @AmyBee-You would think the Michigan primary would be a wake-up call but nah. Just utter idiocy to pursue the abhorrent policies that he has in the Middle East. It is inhumane to send unconditional aid to Israel and refuse to call for a ceasefire while millions of Palestinians are suffering in unimaginable ways. But it’s also deeply unpopular among young voters and the broader Dem party. The man is a fool and will likely lose the election because of his arrogance.

      • Dia says:

        Except the state department has been brokering a ceasefire for awhile and Israel hasn’t received aid since October. Further, Gretchen Witmer won her reelection without the Arab/Muslim vote since a notable number of them have been leaning right and even support suppressing LGBTQ conversations in public schools. And many of the leaders of the anti-Biden movement in Michigan are registered Republicans, something that conveniently gets overlooked in media narratives. The Biden admin has offered numerous times to meet with them, just for these groups to cancel last-minute and take more potshots publicly. A lot of illiberal propaganda going on here.

      • @DIA. Yes exactly and it’s not true that the younger voters won’t vote for Biden. I have grandchildren in both red and blue states and I have asked theses grand children who will be able to vote in this election and they tell me that they and many of their friends and other students won’t vote for Trump they want Biden because they see the big picture of being able to vote again. So I have a lot of faith in the younger voters. They seem to get it.

      • Kitten says:

        “Further, Gretchen Witmer won her reelection without the Arab/Muslim vote since a notable number of them have been leaning right and even support suppressing LGBTQ conversations in public schools.”

        That is such an insane and wholly inaccurate mischaracterization of the Muslim community–shameful, really.
        The 100,000 (mostly Muslim) people in Michigan who voted “uncommitted” are freaking DEM voters who voted for Biden in 2020, not freaking Republicans which is why, you know, they voted in the Dem primary.

        And it’s this kind of ignorance and general dismissiveness of a voting populous that can make/break Biden in Michigan (and potentially on a national level) that’s SO incredibly short-sighted. I really do feel like we’re heading to another 2016 election simply because the Dem party perpetually refuses to be honest about their nominee’s failures. So many people are telling y’all NOW how they feel about this guy and you wave them away as if they don’t matter smdh. This is how Trump wins.

        Also, Biden has not met with any local Muslim leader iwho opposes his actions in Gaza. Not once. The mayor of Dearborn Abdullah Hammoud has asked him over and over again and the most Biden offered was to send “staff members” to meet with him, which is insulting AF.

        Also, only 48% of 18-29 year olds prefer Biden.

      • Normades says:

        People didn’t like Hillary and we said they’ll undo Roe and set women’s issues back 50 years and people were like ‘nah’. People don’t like Biden and we say he will absolutely cancel democracy and set back America forever. I understand you have issues but don’t underestimate that Orange fucker.

      • Dee(2) says:

        @Kitten isn’t Michigan an open primary? So I wouldn’t be sure that all those that voted uncommitted are Democrats and not Republicans who crossed sides. My friend does it frequently . Also I think we need to acknowledge that those hundred thousand people that voted uncommitted, is pretty even with the 100,000 or so they voted uncommitted in 2012 when Barack Obama (who I think we all can agree was more popular than Biden as president) was running for re-election so I don’t really think that that’s any key indicator about enthusiasm in Michigan or elsewhere for Biden. Another thing that keeps being ignored while people point out those hundred thousand voters is that Trump lost Michigan by 150,000 votes in 2020. In the primary Nikki Haley and uncommitted got three times the amount of votes that he lost by. It would seem to me that what we should be looking at is how to appeal to those 300 to 400,000 Republicans that don’t want Trump or haven’t made a decision then focusing all our attention on the supposed hundred thousand uncommitted Democrats some who will probably come home in November and some who we never are going to be able to get anyway.

      • Deering24 says:

        Come on, Kitten. 🙄 No one can afford for liberal/wannabe third-party voters to pull this “the Dem presidential candidate just is not liberal enough/perfect is the enemy of the good” bullshit again. If Trump gets in, it’s game over. For everyone.

  14. Normades says:

    As long as they stay in California they will always be safe with their powerful allies. But yea if Trump gets elected I’d be worried about their trips to red states. Please America don’t let this madman get re-elected again.

    • MsIam says:

      Oh I don’t know, Texas is about as red as it gets and Harry and Meghan have been warmly welcomed when they’ve gone. Trump is delusional as usual and is convinced he’s Putin-lite. His rally attendance is dwindling down to the hard core crazies, despite all of the rhetoric in the media. Its why he’s doing desperate stunts like the “shoes of gold”.

      • Normades says:

        Y’all are underestimating him once again and it makes me very afraid

      • Normades says:

        Almost all of the big cities in Texas are blue but the state remains red. Sure they have friends there and I have a lot there too but the state government remains firmly red.

  15. Tina says:

    I do think Trump could make life more difficult for Harry but he’s going to make life more difficult for pretty much everyone. I’m Canadian and am already dreading whats to come. Harry and Meghan could move anywhere in the world if they wanted to. The last place they would go back to is the UK. The don’t need to be based in the US to be successful.

  16. TN Democrat says:

    Vote blue. The money trail that stuck the USA with the orange menace and has given Will-not, Keen, Cowmilla, and King smuck free range to run amok needs explained to the people who believe all the Q mess because they read it online.

  17. HeatherC says:

    Don’t think about Harry for a moment. He’s threatening to make a private American citizen’s life difficult

  18. Mary Pester says:

    Is this the British media trying to tell trump how to behave yes. They are going to continue with this crap right up until and after the election, BUT once again in their determination to rage against the successful Sussexes they have shown their petty selfish arse. Listen you morons in the British rags, if trump gets in the US is in deep sht. Ukraine will be Russian within 2 days. Markets will go into free fall and the UK economy will sink without a trace, because it’s already on its knees. Do you really believe that trump will have Sunak at the White house 😂😂😂he’d rather have Putin or any other despot. But I tell you who he would have to the white house, Billy idol and bone idol, so he could play the big statesman to billy and knowing trump, drool over bone

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mary Pester, I think you’ve given a good overview of what the UK could expect. That’s one of the reasons I don’t understand why the billionaire crowd in the US are still going with fascism. They have to know that the US will become an economic wasteland. First, because I expect wages to take a huge dip. More people will be homeless–some of the red states are already getting ready to pass laws to make homelessness a crime. THERE is where the employers will get their employees and pay them little or nothing. It’s just a way to enslave more people. Putin would love it, because the US would be ripe for the picking.

  19. GDubslady says:

    All the Sussexes have to do is give Trump money and/or say how clever or formidable he is. That’s how the Russians got to Trump in the 80s. Meanwhile the UK will have a William problem just as bad as a second Trump Presidency. Harry may very well find himself as Regent in a time of pure chaos. What does the Bible say in Revelation? Get out of Babylon. Head to the Isles of the East Isaiah 24:15.

    • Bev says:

      The royal family has no real power, unlike a US president.

    • BeanieBean says:

      And Harry has zero obligation to that family. Whatever his position is on paper, he doesn’t have to do a danged thing to help them out.

  20. YeahRight says:

    Harry talking about drugs he did while still in the UK isn’t going to get him kicked out. He’s married to a US citizen and has a job with an American company he has not committed any crime. Dump’s gop camp wouldn’t allow him to waste time on the Sussexes if he did return to office he will be too busy making the rest of our lives miserable. This is only for publicity. They can stop dreaming about him getting the boot or whatever because it’s not going to happen.

  21. phlyfiremama says:

    All you need to remember when you’re voting: do you want trump to be president again?? No?? Then vote for the other guy, it’s that simple. Look at the TEAMS that surround each candidate, which team do you want helping the decision making process?? Who do YOU want appointing life time Judge positions? Who do YOU want passing legislation regarding bodily autonomy?? Who do YOU want making decisions that impact your quality of life, access to healthcare, ensuring a social safety net remains in place, keeping some of your freedoms and ability to pursue life, liberty, and happiness?? Am I happy with Biden being old? Not particularly, honestly. I don’t think he would have run except that HIS sense of duty to our country demands he do what he can to save us from another god forsaken trump presidency. So, vote accordingly.

  22. Square2 says:

    That orange45POS is a Traitor to the USA. Dear American, please vote blue if you want to live in a democracy, free world (even if you don’t like Biden). If the US falls, the world would fall into chaos. Thanks.