There’s a video of Princess Kate walking briskly at a Windsor garden center

Kensington Palace saw all of the outrage for their “Kate and William went to the garden store in Windsor on Saturday but no one took any photos of them” story. Magically, 24 hours after the Sun published their first story, a video was procured and published in The Sun AND TMZ. There was also some kind of coordination with the Daily Mail, which published their story (with credit to the Sun and TMZ) just a couple of minutes later. Here’s the video:

LMAO, out of all of the alleged “photos of Kate” in the past fortnight, this is definitely one of the weirdest. Although they’ve all been weird, right? If this video is 100% legitimate, then Kate is not puffy from steroids or physically compromised or locked up in a basement somewhere. She’s feeling well enough to walk briskly in Windsor, wearing leggings and sneakers. It begs the question… why all of the f–ked up secrecy about her condition, and why the delay for Kensington Palace putting out unedited photos or videos? TMZ reported on the newly published video:

Nobody around looks to be bothering them … and Kate, sure enough, does indeed look pretty cheerful here — smiling wide and even carrying on a conversation with her husband.

One of the eyewitnesses who saw them, Nelson Silva, says … “I noticed a couple choosing loaves of bread and the woman turned her face and I felt like I had seen the face before. It was familiar. I knew it from somewhere. I went to my car and as they came out of the shop I just filmed them. I think they walked out through a gate out of the grounds. They just vanished and I didn’t see a car. I just wanted to share with my family footage and show just how normal they were.”

Silva finishes … “Kate looked happy and relaxed. They look happy just to be able to go to a shop and mingle. Kate looked relieved like it was a success going to a shop. It felt natural.”

The couple was walking at a relatively brisk pace … and Kate, on its face, seems to be okay. Frankly, it’s as if nothing was ever wrong with her … although, of course, we know she was in the hospital for a while for a serious procedure that took her out of commission.

BTW, for all the skeptics who might not believe this was taken as it’s been relayed to us — we’ve delved into the metadata … and there’s no doubt, this was filmed on Saturday right near the Prince and Princess of Wales’ home in Windsor. So yes, it’s a legitimate video.

[From TMZ]

Yeah, I believe it’s really her as well, although we shouldn’t rule out the idea that she got some plastic surgery during her absence from public view. In fact, that would make more sense for the timeline and all of the edited photos and weirdness, if she needed to heal from some “face work.”

As I’m writing this, there’s already a lot of speculation that this is a body double/Faux Kate situation. While I don’t agree, I don’t blame anyone for spinning those conspiracies. The past three months have been bonkers and no one involved in this situation has any credibility, not the Windsors, not the royal reporters, not the British tabloids, none of them.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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228 Responses to “There’s a video of Princess Kate walking briskly at a Windsor garden center”

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  1. Alix says:

    I dunno, that’s an awfully brisk pace and heavy bags for someone who’s not yet able to “work.” And when have she and Huevo ever looked that happy to be together?

    • ML says:

      I don’t know if it’s her or not.
      If it is, she’s walking upright at a swift pace with a bag full of stuff. W is not carrying her bag, which is odd.
      I’ve got friends who have had major surgery due to cancer, hysterectomy, kidneys, pancreas, Crohn’s… many of them don’t walk like that (in the months directly afterwards), they got kind of stooped over. If she had major abdominal surgery, she’s recovering really quickly in how she’s moving and strength wise.
      So, if that’s her, I no longer think she’s had abdominal problems. They lied.

      • Becks1 says:

        This definitely does not look like someone who had abdominal surgery that was so extensive she had to stay in the hospital for two weeks and they couldn’t guarantee her appearance at Trooping in June as a result.

        this looks like someone who *maybe* had a minor surgery and then said “you know what? not working for the next 6 months.”

        which honestly….kind of fits. She had the surgery Dec 28, by the time January 17 rolled around she was refusing to tour or whatever (but was completely fine), so they came up with the surgery story (not a complete lie), and then they’ve spent the past few months trying to get her to do something…..and she put out that photo to be passive aggressive…….and then for some reason they finally got her to do this appearance.

        Throw some plastic surgery into the mix and it starts making more sense.

      • Seraphina says:

        But did they not have a tour on the books for January? I think I read the Vatican????

      • Lorelei says:

        I do think it’s Kate, although she sure looks VERY different. The only thing about this video that seems “normal” to me, if it is in fact W&K, is that she’s trying to engage with him and keeps smiling at him, and W, as usual, is basically ignoring her and not smiling back at all.

        The only way I can explain her carrying her own shopping bag is that 1) we know William isn’t a gentleman and not the type to offer, or 2) one of the witnesses say they were looking at loaves of bread, so it could be that the bag she’s carrying is extremely light.

        But everything about this video is hinky. I don’t see Xmas decorations, but I’ve never seen this store before and people who live nearby say they can see them, so I defer to people familiar with the shop.

        I honestly didn’t think she could be skinnier than she was the last time we saw her (for real), but nope, I was wrong. Somehow (??) she is even thinner than she was.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Becks1, no, this doesn’t look like someone who has had abdominal surgery as the usual restrictions are for at least 6 months of not lifting/carrying anything greater than 5 pounds. Plus, she looks much like Kate but something is off……. And yet suddenly has this video has magically been released from ONE source but no one else came away with more photos to show???

    • equality says:

      As the witness said, “Frankly, it’s as if nothing was ever wrong with her … although, of course, we know she was in the hospital for a while for a serious procedure that took her out of commission.” Although, she is wrong on that last part. All we know is that they CLAIMED that she was in hospital for a while for a serious procedure.

      • ML says:

        And lest we forget, WILLIAM TOOK OFF BECAUSE OF KATE too. Sure, he had a few appearances (some really bad), but if she’s had plastic surgery and HE took off for that?!

      • Shawna says:

        Either way, they lied: either they set up this doppelganger video or lied about the nature and seriousness of her surgery.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Not only all of what you said, Alix, but that just isn’t her gait. She walks with her hands facing forward and has a George W stride.

      And tight leggings? After abdominal surgery? And socks pulled up over her leggings? She’s always worn ankle socks with sneakers.

      I’ve also seen people posting that there are Christmas decorations up in the photo which are no longer there at the shop. And not one single person is looking at them?

      I suppose it’s her, minus 20+ pounds, minus some inches, plus longer legs, a new gait and better posture, but there’s so much here to be skeptical of and that fits various conspiracy theories.

      • She doesn’t and hasn’t walked that way,I’ve never seen a photo of her with the socks over leggings thing,and is the weather so that they couldn’t have taken down Christmas decorations yet?
        Lots of weirdness.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        The witness says he didn’t see a car so in addition to walking briskly and carrying a bag, they walked some distance to a car or all the way home. I call bs on all of this. If she’s well enough for this kind of outing, she should have been back to work weeks ago.

        And TMZ again? Are they in the rota now?

      • Smart&Messy says:

        The gait is strange to me too. This woman has Kate’s proportions and the posture of a deflated balloon, just like Kate. But the hands are not facing forward and the gait is different.
        I used to comment a lot about her forward facing hand an shoulders, until a CB commenter let me know that they have thr same posture and which they hate and i made them feel bad with my comments. I apologized and stopped doing it, of course, but now I’m wondering if this is the issue Kate had the surgery for. Is that even possible to fix??

      • SAMESAME says:

        @Smart&Messy i remember well your comments about her forward facing hands and ever since I can never unsee that. It’s one of the first things I noticed about this video.
        Face aside, she just looks off.
        At this point, I am starting to believe the Ma Middleton car photo over anything released by KP&Co

      • Another Anna says:

        The current prevailing TikTok theory seems to be that this is a woman named Heidi Agan, who is a professional Kate-alike, and “William” is actually her boyfriend, also a professional lookalike.

        I hate feeling like a conspiracy theorist, but none of the stories add up. Why would they go buy bread? I thought the royals never carried money, and had an entire staff dedicated to making sure they don’t have to buy bread. And why would they carry the bread instead of having it delivered to their palace? If Kate had abdominal surgery and isn’t able to work, then why is she hauling ass in this video? Plus a zillion other questions that you pointed out.

        Basically it all boils down to why are we getting these weird Bigfoot-esque sightings, rather than a ten second video of her saying “I’m fine, don’t worry.” Why on Earth go with the least believable option that will only keep the rumor mill going?

      • BeanieBean says:

        I swear, it’s the weird socks that did it for me! Kate has never, ever, pulled up her socks over her pant legs UNLESS she was wearing her hiking boots. Never has she done this with sneakers. And I’ve never seen such weird socks on her; they appear to have an interior, or at least a cuff, of fleece or shearling. Are those her house socks & she just slipped on her sneakers because she all of a sudden needed several loaves of bread???? Or were they her Christmas socks from the kids & she’s going to wear them no matter how much she hates them? (the socks I mean, not the kids)

      • Queenie says:

        yeah kate would never be caught dead in that fit

      • Lorelei says:

        @Shawna, 🎯 — they’re lying about *something*

        Has anyone gone back and found any proof that Kate wore any of these items before? I don’t recognize the sneakers, but that doesn’t mean much.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Brassy Rebel, Murdoch bought TMZ, that’s why we are getting these “latest” videos of Keen. Nothing more than Murdoch and his consistent publishing BS. The man doesn’t have an ounce of integrity towards journalism, not that TMZ is in that category but Faux News is.

    • Not buying it’s Can’t or Peg. They have used body look a likes for this video. There are now more questions.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Brassy Rebel, I feel like TMZ posted what the “witness” said, but it comes across as a bit snarky, IMO. Like, it seems like they know how ridiculous it sounds.

        I’m glad that TMZ is finally on the Kate case because they will *not* drop it. They’ve realized how much $$ there is to be made with this story, and they’ll be like a dog with a bone, trying to get any intel that they can, especially photos and videos. Since none of the British outlets will cover this critically, at least someone is. (Must add that I think TMZ is vile and intrusive, but they’re also usually right.)

    • The Robinsons says:

      No, that’s not Kate.
      I am an artist and am well acquainted with the bone structure and facial construction of the human face. That is ANOTHER woman… her face shape is oval, her chin is wider, her hairline comes in much closer to her face, her smile lines are elongated as they touch the edge of her mouth, her neck is long and thin, and her left eye brow does not arch at a high angle. Now examine Kate’s former photos… her facial features are more chiseled, her forehead is wider, she has a narrower chin, her natural hairline starts further back, her smile lines are wider and don’t touch the edge of her mouth… her neck even when thin is more athletic and her left eye brow is always noticeable arched even when she wears less makeup. Just because the OTHER woman’s skin is of the caucasian persuasion, does not make her Kate.
      I wish the BRF, RR and the BP would stop this they are digging a deepergravefor the British Monarchy, with lie upon lie.
      We Squaddies have been scrutinizing Kate’s pictures long enough to know, we smell a rat on the Salty Isle.

      • DARK says:

        This is not the same person as the one who was in the car with william the other day. In the car photo you can see a little looser skin like a pouch on her profile I don’t know if that is the best word for it but just not super taut skin like the person has in the garden pics. It’s possible that she has had some type of plastic surgery but this isn’t something that would change within a couple of days.

      • Andrea says:

        In the car photo facing the wall you can see her jowls, in this video she has hobbit ears, and the proportions look off… Kate has a very long torso, even when sitting next to William they are eye to eye and in this video she has long legs which could just be her pullover masking but something about the non existent thighs in this video. Kate has NO HIPS but her thighs pop out..look at Windsor walk pic with W,H&M and a 1000 others. The lack of leg muscle, she wouldn’t have lost all that muscle in 3 months. I think the best representation of Kate is the first one w/Mom. I think the second was altered and this one while it is Katesque something is off

      • windyriver says:

        @The Robinsons – I find your perspective as someone with a specialized area of expertise quite interesting, one of the few things that stands out at this point in the constant stream of comments over “is it/isn’t it her”. This isn’t a criticism of the many people here validly trying to figure out what’s going on, just that this fiasco cooked up by KP and furthered by the BM has gone on so long, it’s becoming mostly just a stream of background noise for me. Occasionally something like your comment pops up and really catches my interest. On another article someone with dressmaking skills discussed ways to use clothing to disguise body proportions (e.g., Kate). And on yet another, someone presumably with mental health background analyzed how the institution failed William at several very vulnerable points in his life, and what could have been done differently. The explanation sadly made a lot of sense, though what keeps me from having more sympathy for Will is that as an adult he never, ever, seems to take responsibility for anything that goes on, including for the need to address these various issues leftover from his upbringing..

        Anyway, I enjoyed hearing your thoughts.

    • Drea says:

      My guess at the beginning was that she had an appendectomy and was milking it.

      I’m back to that line of thinking with this.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        That was my theory for a long time, but then why did they release fake photos and back-of-her-head pap photos? It doesn’t make sense.

  2. Stephanie says:

    If it’s her, the most striking feature are the cheekbones. That’s what stands out to me. If she’s fine it begs the question…why the photoshopped Mother’s Day photo?

    • Agnes says:

      I don’t think it’s her because 1. too tall 2. even skinnier than Kate 3. she looks relaxed around Bully 4. the shot was set up by someone in KP, not a bystander 5. too grainy and easily manipulated 6. walks too fast 7. Christmas decorations on sheds 8. Nobody is noticing The Missing Princess 9. Murdoch has Bully in his pocket 10. No security 11. Why would Kate “shop” for her own food? Especially since she only eats chicken breasts and oat bran?
      KP is taking a leaf out of Russia’s playbook and filling the world with LIES

      • Andrea says:

        Yep..too tall. I compared other photos of them in sneakers and she is way shorter. She has a long torso and short leg, this person has long skinny legs.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Buttons does *not* have cheekbones like this. This is probably some old footage submitted by some average person who initially thought it was buttons & egg & was proven not to be the Wailses (!), but it was conveniently trotted out- is this yet another prod at W&K to cough up some info for the tabs to feed their readers? Another shot across the bow, as it were?

  3. Acha says:

    I am so mad I almost cared about this lady going off to get some work done or whatever. They could have posted more than just cobbled together or darkened nonsense, and the whole world could have moved on. Instead, we have the Colbert narrative which is worse for KP. My god this has been such a mess.

    • Lorelei says:

      I’m so mad that I STILL don’t have a clue what to believe. I rewatched that video an embarrassing number of times and I still don’t even know if I think it’s her or not 😣

      • Acha says:

        And my question is, why did William skip out on his godfather’s funeral if Kate was just fine?

  4. Tessa says:

    Williams full face is not seen. Kates hair looks odd I don’t think it’s Kate
    Why not just send a real picture.

    • SAMESAME says:

      And William’s very noticeable cleft chin is standing out to me, too. I don’t think his is quite so prominent. William aside, bc this is about Kate…nothing adds up.

      I’ll now defer to everyone else’s comments bc you are all always so on the ball

    • Erin says:

      That’s one of the things I noticed right away as well. Her hair looks like a piece attached to the back of her head and although we all know she wears wiglets this looks a lot bigger and haphazardly thrown on. It doesn’t move like naturally long hair. It’s hilarious to me that this is supposed to be the best they can do. If this was her she looks to be back to normal and if she is back to normal just post a normal feckin video or picture on SM and be done with it. For these reason though I don’t think it’s her but whatever at this point. It’s amazing to me that in the year 2024 we are still to believe that people carry around flip phones and those are the only candid video of these people that get published. Truly bizarre.

      • Andrea says:

        Lol that piece of hair stood out to me, it’s really the only reason I thought it was her

  5. Renae says:

    When did “Kate” become an elf? Those are elf ears!
    Don’t think it’s her at all.

    • Harper says:

      Keebler Kate. Real Kate has zero elfin features. Keebler Kate’s mouth is too small and her forehead is not right. That isn’t Bones’ bone structure. I think some random shot this video at a Christmas time yet to be determined hoping he had something to sell. It may be one of Kate’s office staff or one of Huevo’s paramours and the Sun sat on it for a long time.

    • LBB says:

      The ears, the teeth, her shape……..I just don’t think it is either of them? I do believe the photo of her with her Mother is real and she was puffy. But these folks, I just don’t believe it is them. And know I think I have crossed the conspiracy line,

      • Charlene K Brooker says:

        I agree. I think the car with her mom photo was real and she did not look well. It ws not Pippa –she has a much narrower face than Kate even when she isn’t puffy.

      • Harper says:

        Kate and CarolE in the five-wheeled rented Audi with the Swiss Alps reflection in the car door is what’s real. CarolE has possession of the real Kate, not KP.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        The Audi was British, though – the car they were in was a right hand drive model (ie designed and built for countries where they drive on the left hand side of the road) which means it definitely originated in the UK. It may have been a hire car, I don’t know, but it is basically impossible to hire a right hand drive car in Europe.

        If the photos were taken in Switzerland, then that means that the car was purchased or hired here in the UK and driven all the way to Switzerland, which doesn’t really make sense – surely you’d fly then pick up a hire car in Switzerland?

        It’s far more likely the photo was taken in the Scottish mountains, which are identical to the Swiss alps.

      • Becks1 says:

        I thought the Swiss Alps theory was reaching, because it was based partially on a reflection in the car door that really could have been anything. and the car was a british car.

        But what was interesting to me was that the car appeared to be a rental. Why would Carole and/or Kate need a rental?

      • Harper says:

        @Samuel Whiskers the Audi was photoshopped onto the scene (hence the five wheels). I easily flipped the photo in photoshop to make it Switzerland road ready. It took two clicks. You may be correct, but it’s hard to trust these images that can be so easily manipulated.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        The image wasn’t flipped because the sticker on the window and the tax disc would’ve reversed if it had been flipped, and they weren’t, and Carole’s face has not been flipped. It’s easy to tell if the photo of a person’s face has been flipped as faces are not symmetrical.

        There’s honestly no need to invent conspiracy theory on top of conspiracy theory on top of conspiracy theory, just because one single person online claims to have the superhuman powers to be able to identify one specific mountain from zillions of identical mountains just from a few square millimetres of blurry photo reflected in a car door.

        Occam’s razor: it’s a British car, on a British road, with what looks like British scenery in the reflection. The photo was therefore taken in Britain.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Harper, I totally think you’re spot on. Kate is with Carole and nowhere near Will. The tell is that the Audi pic is the only pic the British Press didn’t print. It’s the one Willyboy doesn’t want you to see. She is getting post surgery treatment for a breakdown or ED. Ir explains why they say she’s fine but won’t confirm her return to work.

    • Fancyhat says:

      It’s the ears that make me doubt it is Kate. The hair is also off but that could be a wig. But there is no reason her ears have changed.

  6. Seraphina says:

    I’m not buying what they are selling. I agree with Twitter KateGate – The face shape is off, she is carrying bags (why isn’t Will carrying them – after abdominal surgery???), the ear shape is off too (yes they are comparing ear shape/size) and lastly Wills also has way too much hair around that baseball cap. Oh yes, then there is the fact that no one really is looking at them. I won’t even get into the graininess of the clip/pic.
    At this point I trust nothing from a royal family that the press has called out as well. I will wait and see if she shows up at Easter – whether it’s the March date or Orthodox date remains the question.

  7. Jk says:

    OMG STOP THE CLOWN SH@T already. If this really who was in the car with carole ?? The puffy face disappear that quickly ?? If she is able to shop why she didnt attend Irish guard?? Royals and rota completely lost control this is nothing but clown. Also when does William went shopping with kate ?? Why she is wearing her socks above her pants?? She is wearing skinny Jean’s?? Omg this is hilarious because from this moment even when she comes out , there are people who is going to believe that’s body double. Trust me it’s not the conspiracy theory you want . But make these two king and queen already because their reign is nothing but clown show.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      Yes exactly.

      IF this is Kate (super skinny, has lost tons of weight, sculpted cheekbones) then the woman in the car with Carole (gained weight, extremely bloated and puffy face) was certainly not Kate.

      So which one of them was carting a lookalike around?

      KP need to answer why they’re simultaneously claiming Kate is so healthy she can gambol around shopping, yet can’t possibly be expected to sit in a chair for 5 minutes THREE months from now!

      • Nubia says:

        I dont believe this is Kate but I do believe that two weeks is a reasonable amount of time for swelling to go down or feel better.

      • ML says:

        And they need to explain why William has needed so much time off as well. The woman in that video clearly is healing at a rapid pace, which means that W has been acting very oddly. Maybe that’s not her?!

      • acha says:

        Exactly. If she’s well enough to shop, she shouldn’t be f-cking off on her work.

    • Shawna says:

      I’m still sticking with the Kate in the car with Carole being a recent photo of actual Kate. That one reeks of desperation—why fake something that lets Kate look “bad”?—and isn’t as laughable as the Mother’s Day picture or this video. In the War of the Waleses, one party wants to project a perfect image of Kate while the other doesn’t. And weirdly enough, I think it’s William who is trying to push a “perfect Kate” photo at the moment, not Kate. Divorce negotiations are not going well.

      • swirlmamad says:

        It’s been running through my head….who does the perception of a recovered and healthy Kate help the most? It helps someone who is dead set on ending his marriage but not completely imploding his image as a long suffering husband who has grown apart from his wife, but isn’t so heartless as to leave her when she is seriously ill. 🤔

      • Shawna says:

        Exactly! William damages her reputation again by showing her being suspiciously bouncy, giving the public a reason to keep focusing on what Kate has supposedly done.

    • K says:

      This was set up, ‘Kate ‘is smiling at the car that had the camera. Dont see any security around them, clear view of both. Dangerous no ??.

  8. ML says:

    KP has a huge problem with trust. Not all of the Dutch news sites are showing this video or stills from it. They’ve got a link and old photos of K up from verifiable public appearances. That means that real news sites don’t know if this is genuine.

  9. Becks1 says:

    Okay, so this just adds to the weirdness.

    1) if this is Kate (and I think it is) – why the frankenphoto that was allegedly taken a week prior to this video? it doesn’t seem like it was necessary, she looks fine here. Too thin, maybe, which is alarming for her considering how thin she was before, but fine. So why cause an international uproar over a doctored photo?

    2) the timing of this is just so weird. She was allegedly at this garden center and then there were no pictures or videos so this random person was like hey! I’ve got a video! and there are no RPOs in the video and no one stopped me from taking it (although we know the RPOs have stopped people before from filming them) so its perfectly legit and natural and not at all a set up!

    I mean I’m seeing derangers insist on X that Kate and william don’t have their RPOs unless they’re doing official business and that’s just….not true at all.

    3) I was always one who thought there was no way this was just about plastic surgery. But now looking at her – this was definitely just about plastic surgery. I wonder if she had a minor abdominal surgery (like gallbladder removal, appendectomy) and had a facelift done as well and used the surgery as an excuse for months off.

    4) if she looks like this, and is moving like this, why the eff are they being squirrely about Trooping?

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      If this was about plastic surgery, it was minor in the way Jennifer Grey had a minor nose job.

    • Seraphina says:

      So many layers where do we begin??? First I agree it could be gall bladder or appendectomy – coupled with a face lift – but that is A LOT to recover from and if this is what it is, more power to her.
      The face just looks so off that this will noticeable come Easter. People will tear her apart with comparisons if that is what it is.

      • Becks1 says:

        If she had a basic gallbladder removal or appendectomy with no complications, she’d be completely fine within a week or two at the most. My appendectomy took me about 2 weeks to recover from but that was more because of where they cut me to try to avoid scar tissue from c-sections. My mom had her gallbladder removed at 70 and was fine within a few days.

        I think she had a basic, uncomplicated surgery, and used that to negotiate for an extended vacation and some plastic surgery.

        No bowel resection, no colostomy bag, etc. Just Kate wanting an extended vacation yet again and not caring how she got it.

      • Seraphina says:

        My sister bounced back from gall bladder surgery within a week – 3 cuts. Mine last year took five cuts – no complications BUT it took so much more time to recover. I remember my agony so pairing it with facelift, I find unimaginable.
        I will say this, if your theory is correct – I have no words for what I think of her (I do actually but I can’t say them here or I may get flagged).

      • Becks1 says:

        @Seraphina I know. It’s enraging to think about.

        So many of us (I was one) assumed that there was something “embarrassing” about the surgery (bowel related, etc) and that was why KP was being so secretive.

        but now I think the people who were like “oh she’s just hiding out to recover from a face lift” were probably closer to the truth.

    • Cate says:

      I am kind of thinking facial surgery also now, and if she got something abdominal is has to have been pretty minor b/c of the bags and the brisk walking pace and all. I’m not an expert but I’m seeing no sign of the jowls that were definitely popping up at public events and overall something about her face does just look a bit younger/fresher. We’d all been commenting about how bad her fillers, etc. were getting…maybe she noticed too and decided it was time for something more drastic (and maybe she actually went to a decent practitioner this time? I guess we’ll know better when she emerges more formally!)

      She does also look super skinny but I honestly couldn’t say if she’s lost weight or not because she almost always looks way too thin.

    • Nic919 says:

      The way the British media trotted this out as proof of life as opposed to their refusal to show the TMZ car photo at best shows that this was staged and if this is kate then there is no reason for her to not be doing engagements.

      KP have been assholes with this constant blurry photo and video nonsense and any trust has been destroyed with these games.

      The body double theory will go on because these twits refuse to show an HD video of this woman.

      No one with serious abdominal surgery is holding bags and trotting like this two months out and she sure could have attended the St Patrick day event which is standing for a few minutes.

      The facial structure looks off in the video, especially the jaw, so if this woman really does show up with a new face, there needs to be intense criticism because lying about a serious abdominal surgery for a vain cosmetic procedure is disgusting.

    • Eurydice says:

      I think the most logical answer is what we’ve always known about W&K – they’re lazy, entitled and deeply stupid. When we look at their various disasters, the question is always “What were they thinking?” and the answer is always “they weren’t thinking, they weren’t prepared, they don’t care what anybody thinks.” They seem to care when something blows up in their faces, but then they go right back to being the same old W&K.

      They’re just going to sail on, pretending that none of this happened, taking their many holidays and doing the bare minimum the rest of the time. The royal sycophants will keep licking their boots, and the public will be “whatever” and William will become king, either tomorrow or in 20 years.

      • Becks1 says:

        Honestly, @eurydice – I think you’re right, the correct answer to all of this is just the most obvious and logical like you said – “I think the most logical answer is what we’ve always known about W&K – they’re lazy, entitled and deeply stupid.”

        that pretty much seems to sum it up.

      • Seraphina says:

        And that is why we with half a brain went down rabbit holes – because how could these two BE THAT LAZY AND STUPID?

    • EasternViolet says:

      All excellent questions. This video also benefits William more – quelling the rumours about DV, divorce etc. This only prompts us to ask a lot of questions about Kate.. why the Mothers day frankenphoto, why is her return date being pushed back, why can’t she do trooping?
      If her surgery does involve work on her face, then this photo hints somewhat to cheek implants.

  10. Zapp Brannigan says:

    So she is well enough, after an abdominal surgery with a long recovery no less, to be out and about spending money that she didn’t earn and carry her shopping but is not well enough to honour her commitment to the Irish Guards, which involves pinning some shamrock to a very cute dog? She continues to stick two fingers up at the people that pay her way in the world. Nice PR there KP, well done.

    • Jacinda says:

      That photo caption Sunday about “sad Seamus” the dog looking lost without her lives in my head rent free.

  11. sevenblue says:

    The most interesting thing she ever did in her life was to disappear. There is literally no limit to K&W’s laziness. The army is gonna be pissed that they couldn’t get an approval for an engagement on July, while she is happily walking to the market.

    Anyway, I am happy that this chaos showed everyone how BRF has the full control of the british media.

    • Shawna says:

      The Army can’t be happy. William didn’t hesitate to throw them under the bus.

    • Royal Donwnfall Watcher says:

      OMG you are so right Sevenblue! This is literally the most interesting thing she has ever done. How flipping sad.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yeah, that’s what I was thinking yesterday. The most interesting about Kate, ever, is her disappearance. She’s such a nothing-burger otherwise.

  12. Dee(2) says:

    Her cheekbones are INCREDIBLY prominent now so if she hasn’t had work her surgery caused some changes. That being said. If she’s good enough to look like she’s walking a 5k with huge grins why do her and her husband need so much time off? Let’s be serious neither of them work a job that’s physically demanding. There’s no reason then for either of them to be on ” light duty”. I’m not discounting the stress of recovery but if she was really struggling she wouldn’t be looking like that.

    • Moondust says:

      Totally agree. And if they don’t want to go out, they could still show up on zoom.

      They really have no dignity.

  13. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Their plan to have her come out with oooohz and aaaaahz is fckd whatever it was. She has to strut. she’s amazing: she can walk fast, hold a bag AND carry a conversation with eggplant.

    • SURE says:

      She’s clearly playing up to camera whilst pretending she hasn’t been caught out manipulating a second photo. Who’s the “brazen hussy” now?

    • Shawna says:

      The Kate impersonator is so happy to have a real royal gig 🙂

  14. s808 says:

    I think it’s her and if she looks like this in back to my original theory: abdominal surgery with MH/ED related rehab to follow. What I’m still stumped about is the fake photo, team middleton’s pap photo and KP jumping down the MoD’s throat about Trooping. Makes no sense!

    Part of me wants to say this extended break time was used to negotiate a postnup or WoW (war of the wales) happened and kate won hence she’s now cooperating but idk. If middleton debts are suddenly paid, Kate gets a new separation home and her her credit cards back (her clothing & beauty budget was visibly slashed last year), I’ll be more confident that the break was used to try and iron our divorce details and kate was able to hold it off. She wants that crown no matter what.

    • Blujfly says:

      I agree with you. They probably kept her in as long as they did in order to feed her, whether by tube and mouth or just tube. Any treating physician must be deeply concerned about her ability to regain weight and the fact that she’s probably the happiest she’s ever been – because she is the most underweight she has ever been.

    • FHMom says:

      I think the fake photo was just laziness. They figured they would put it out there and nobody would notice. It’s not so easy to wrangle 3 kids and get a decent photo.

  15. Jks says:

    Their credibility is completely destroyed.

    Kate sightings are like apparitions. Very blurry and quickly vanishing.

    I do think it is her. She must have had abdominal surgery on her face though.

    • Br says:

      “Abdominal surgery on her FACE” lolololol Perfect summary of this dumpster fire.

    • morgfunk says:

      Agree on facial surgery. Occam’s razor people. Everyone’s like, “how can she go from being that puffy to what she looks like now?” When that’s exactly what would have happened if she had a face lift. FFS, this isn’t rocket science. and so many people were commenting that the car photo was photoshopped, it was Pippa, they were in Mystique! No Switzerland! When the real elephant in the room (festooned with buttons of course) was all you had to do was zoom in on her face and see the black eyes, to understand she had facial plastic surgery. I don’t think Huevo blackened both eyes, that’s just my opinion. I’m not saying he doesn’t suck or isn’t abusive but I don’t buy that he beat her face in. She definitely got a new face tho.

      • JackieS says:

        @morgfunk, I totally agree. I have always thought it was simply a facelift, and she couldn’t be seen until bruising and swelling diminished. She wouldn’t admit to obvious botox, so she’s never going to admit to a full-on facelift. I do wonder why the grainy video, but I do think it’s probably her.

  16. FeedMeChips says:

    That is 100000% not Kate. I’m undecided on whether the man is actually Peen. It looks like too much hair under the hat to be him.

    Are we sure that wasn’t a shady effort to roll out Peen’s latest mistress or something?

    • Elizabeth says:

      Someone pointed out on X that Kate somehow seems to have grown three inches in the past few months.

  17. equality says:

    Metadata can be edited. There is also shooting a video of a previous video to have the metadata be more recent.

    • Cathy says:

      Exactly! Thank you for saying it! Metadata can be altered. It’s very easy once you are shown what to do.

    • Harper says:

      Or press record on a separate phone and now you have a video shot this weekend. Never mind the Christmas garland and decorations hanging from the huts. Now my neighborhood still had a few snowmen and reindeer up recently but even those lazies took them down over the past week. It’s hard to believe a bustling retail outlet would still display Xmas decor alongside its Easter and spring merch.

  18. Amy says:

    The heights are all wrong. Look at where Kate’s body aligned to William’s when they were previously photographed while both wearing flats. This video has her 4 inches taller! the hair seems weirdly stiff. and the face! the eye brows are wrong the smile is wrong. And again if she is well enough to run with a large bag why kan’t she cut a ribbon?

    • Startup says:

      And the nose is wrong. I took screenshots of the video. When she’s looking down the nose is all wrong.

      • Elizabeth says:

        I don’t think it’s Kate; I think it’s someone who works at KP who looks like Kate or one of the many Kate look-a-likes hired for this purpose.

    • LisaN says:

      the hair is off I think because it’s a wig. it doesn’t move naturally at all.

    • Bad Janet says:

      Their heights look fine to me (she is 5’9″ and he is 6’3″ and this seems about right) but I am NOT convinced that is actually her. If it is… I guess she did get some work done in her face. And her hair.

  19. Nubia says:

    I had NO clue TMZ was owned by Murdoch,I truly believed that Harvey was his own boss.

    • swaz says:

      I only found out last year that TMZ was owned by Murdoch, I also truly believed that Harvey was his own boss 😪 The public is being duped, I just learned Tubi TV that I watch all the time is owned by Fox News 😪

    • Esquire says:

      TMZ is now owned by Disney, not Murdoch. Murdoch divested of most of his media interests, save Fox News and a few other interests, to Disney for several billions of dollars.

  20. Shawna says:

    I read all the comments on the YouTube TMZ post so you don’t have to!

    Beyond the obvious problematic parts of the video, some of the more interesting critiques are: William still has hair (so maybe it’s an old video). Kate’s hair grew too fast and is too bouncy. She seems to have longer legs and a shorter torso, as well as being the wrong height. Kate would never wear socks with trainers. There are no RPOs. The video is super-low quality. No one looks at them, even though the world’ most missing woman is right there. The Christmas huts are still up at the farm shop, whose owner won’t confirm she was there. The cars look old (again, maybe an old video).

    Two points I don’t agree with these commenters are that 1) some think it’s Rose (I doubt it, but that would be a stone cold message for William to send to Kate), and 2) the woman is too thin (I say they haven’t seen recent pictures of Kate if they think she’s not that thin).

    The most interesting suggestion is that it’s 2 different videos spliced together around the ten-second mark.

    Finally, “Kate or William” was trending on X because so many people were posting that it wasn’t Kate or William in the video.

    • Shawna says:

      PS – If it’s Kate, she has a brand-new face. The biggest tell, though, is that this lady looks happy to be around William.

    • EasternViolet says:

      Thanks for doing that! Super interesting!

    • Becks1 says:

      Honestly, William is the bigger issue for me here. The last few times we’ve seen him, he has looked almost gaunt and unhealthy. here, he looks fine, like he used to. That’s throwing me off.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      The hair gets me too. Even factoring in Kate’s frequent use of extensions, wiglets, etc., they never quite looked and moved like *this*. Also, this woman has a heart-shaped face while Kate’s has always been round with a touch of squareness. Her chin is far more prominent and her jawline is sharp in comparison to Kate’s. Longer, thinner legs too. I just don’t think it’s Kate.

  21. bisynaptic says:

    I’m not sure this is Kate. For one thing, she and William haven’t been that easy around each other, for ages. For another, in addition to the weirdness around the head/face, which others have mentioned, this person doesn’t have Kate’s posture and gait. No long torso/short legs, here.
    Of course, the video is too short and grainy, to be able to tell.

  22. MoBiMom says:

    So the guy who took the photo saw someone who “looked familiar”, but didn’t identify them as William and Kate, but went out to his car to get a video camera? Also (this from a CB’er who posted yesterday and lives in the area), William and Kate were shopping for bread in the farm shop with products from the Windsor estate, where they live? So sketchy…. all of it. I tend to believe it’s them…. but just a continuation of the games and bullsh”t from the past many months. I notice that this particular little pantomime actually makes me feel angry. If this is really them, it demonstrates (again) a level of contempt for the peasants that is just off the charts.

    • [insert_catchy_name] says:

      Yeah the “explanation” from “Nelson Silva” is creepy and inappropriate. Also it is way too much an an explanation, someone is trying to justify why the initial news article didn’t have a photo…

    • The Hench says:

      Agree – this made NO sense. 24 hrs with no videos or photos and suddenly this conveniently appears shot by someone who just thought a lady in the shop looked familiar?? When I see a face I think looks familiar I rack my brains as to where I know them from and say hello. I do not charge out to my car to make a video of them – especially when, as it appears here – I still haven’t actually worked out where I know them from. Please.

  23. JJ says:

    It may be an actual video of them (?) but I question WHEN it was taken. I’ve seen multiple comments that there are holiday decorations in the background and that some of those shops are only set up for the holidays (and aren’t there now).

    They have lost all trust. Their egregious lies and missteps mean everything they do now will be questioned, and rightly so.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      I commented elsewhere, but those aren’t Christmas decorations. They’re corn dollies, and a lot of bougie cafes have decor exactly like that all year-round. It’s also very common for places to have fairy lights up all year round.

      Britain is an officially Christian country, and Windsor Castle like all royal properties has a remit to represent the CoE church. At Christmas that farm shop/cafe would literally look like the set of the movie Deck the Halls, tinsel everywhere, giant inflatable snowman. Believe me if the video had been taken at Christmas you’d be able to see it from space.

      I guess Christmas decs in America must look very different, because those absolutely aren’t British Christmas decorations. And everyone is wearing light spring clothes, if it was December they’d all be in heavy winter coats.

      Incidentally the little huts aren’t shops, they’re dining huts, which are also extremely common here in Britain. You can see the man in the grey cardigan/hoodie is sitting in one, and if you squint you can see a small black square thing with the number 34 written on it, that’s a table number marker so the wait staff know what hut to bring people’s food orders to.

      • Shawna says:

        Outdoor dining huts? We need more places like that in America!

      • SussexWatcher says:

        But people (who claim to) live there and shop there say that those decorations – lights and the wreath hanging over the hut entrance – are only displayed at Christmas and are not currently being displayed there.

      • Becks1 says:

        yeah Americans never decorate for Christmas, lol.

        That said….I don’t know if this is an older video or not. I honestly feel like I don’t know anything anymore. This is just so weird.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        Corn dollies, for people like me who had no idea what that means:

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        I don’t know, but the decorations on the dining huts absolutely are not Christmas decorations and no one British would ever claim otherwise. It’s a heart-shaped corn dollie, not a wreath.

        You can google and find photos from what Windsor Farm Shop looks like at Christmas, and see what their actual Christmas decs look like. They look nothing like that; those decs are really standard normal year-round decs for places going for the “bougie rustic” aesthetic.

        And there’s absolutely zero chance that every single person in the video would be in shirt sleeves, bare arms, jumpers or light jackets if it was filmed in December. December here is COLD. Maybe not everyone would be in a thick winter coat but most people would be. Yet everyone in the video is dressed for March.

        Don’t get me wrong, I don’t trust a single thing WanK do or say. I don’t buy this video at all. But I often see comments from American posters saying stuff about the UK that is simply not factually correct (which of course is totally understandable – I’m sure I’d make loads of mistakes if I was commenting on American laws, weather and customs!) but if I think it’s important to correct that, because it potentially damages the credibility not just of us (Celebitchy) but of the anti-monarchy movement and those bringing awareness to the RF‘s lies and corruption, and can be used to discredit us.

  24. Ariel says:

    What I love about this is that will and kp have effed their pr up so monumentally that it doesn’t matter if this video is her or not.
    There will always be fake melania rumors about Kate.
    And this is 100% the fault of William and kp and their bed buddies the rota- pr firms who indulge in blackmail and pretend to be journalists.

    A video that seems clear to be Kate or a look alike – did not make this go away, it’s gone too far, gotten too off the rails.

    This is delightful.

  25. Elizabeth says:

    If she’s well enough to go shopping and go to her kids’ sports day, she’s clearly well enough to return to work.

  26. LC says:

    The woman in this photo/video looks almost as tall as the man she’s with. And that’s in flat shoes. Kate isn’t that tall! Look at pics of her with William and compare their heights, but take into account the shoes she is wearing, which are usually 3 inch heels.

  27. Possum Magic says:

    Well I’m not convinced. But if it is her then why all the months of bs? These people are loathsome. And they’re still blaming m and h

  28. SamuelWhiskers says:

    I commented in the other article but very late, so I don’t think anyone saw it.

    I’ve seen a lot of speculation that the video was taken in December due to the decorations on the dining huts, and I don’t think that can be true. December here in Britain is extremely cold and people would all be in winter coats, but in the video, they’re all in light jackets or jumpers, which is exactly how people are dressing during our current warm spell. The decorations on the dining huts aren’t Christmas decorations (that’s not what British Christmas decorations look like, and Windsor Castle goes super OTT for Christmas, if it was Christmas it would look super super Christmassy), the decorations are heart-shaped corn dollies and other things which are commonly used as year-round decorations in this kind of twee, posh establishment.

    I definitely think the video is dodgy, but there’s no way it was filmed in December.

    • Ocho says:

      Yup. I agree. The fairy lights and mini flowered wreaths (?) on the dining huts are standard farm shop cafe decor. Not Christmas decorations. Unless people are referring to something else that I missed. And they are wearing clothes fitting for the current weather — not Christmas. The Royal houses and British tabloids would love the public to be distracted by conspiracy theories rather than asking why the heck these folks are funded in the first place.

    • Flower says:

      Not sure if you remember but we had a few weeks last December that were very mild and then the temp sharply dropped.

      Also I have a theory about this video being possibly much older i.e. from a few years earlier or even not W&K

  29. Interested Gawker says:

    This does not look like Kate.

    She is walking quickly, carrying a bag of shopping. Why should this mystery illness preclude her from fulfilling her duties for the Irish Guards or keep William from going in her stead knowing she is not in some sort of peril at home in her health situation that needs his direct support as she recovers?

    The palace needs to clarify the situation by standing by this video as real or denouncing it as fake. They also need to stop the games they are playing and conduct themselves like adults. Someone needs to pin the palace down and make them perform a formal press event that includes non Murdoch media entities to provide proof of life for the Princess of Wales and a well check for Prince George and his siblings.

    • Esquire says:

      As I posted above, TMZ is now owned by Disney after Murdoch divested of most of his US media interests a couple of years back. Disney purchased those interests for billions.

  30. Mads says:

    It’s her and she’s lost a lot of weight, which explains the prominent cheekbones and why they doctored the Mothers’ Day picture. It’s obviously staged: William couldn’t stop himself looking over toward where he was told the “fortunate member of the public” would be standing. KP is panicking and under pressure from the rota, they had to do this. I’m finding it hilarious how the rota has completely abandoned the stance on not showing the TMZ puffy face Kate car pic but this TMZ/Sun (both Murdoch) video isn’t considered a breach of privacy. I wonder what Charles, Cam and the mandarins at BP think of it all? Laughter and large G&T’s all round I suspect.

  31. Amy Bee says:

    This video just raises questions as to why did Kate put out that fake mother’s day photo and why was KP telling the press last week that she may not be in attendance at Trooping? It also shows how much William and Kate are colluding with the press.

  32. Jeanne says:

    william got spooked and called off the divorce. kate is back and very happy. she’s also incredibly skinny which is why her face looks different.

    my guess is that it was always plastic surgery and divorce negotiations. the face and the negotiations seem to have finally settled.

    • Startup says:

      Agree that whatever is going on with her health, there were divorce negotiations and Will clearly overplayed his hand. The Middletons pounced on the bad PR. I also think that’s why we haven’t seen the Middletons – it wasn’t because of Kate’s health but to strengthen their position in the negotiations.

      • Shawna says:

        If so, you gotta admire Carole’s moxie in beating William at his own game, but it’s nasty to want to force your daughter’s husband to stay with her. Kate must have no pride at all to fight to stay with someone who doesn’t want her or respect her.

      • Startup says:

        @Shawna, 100% agree and I would rather die than force my daughter to stay in a relationship like this. But it’s not a real relationship for Kate – it’s her livelihood. From that perspective, it’s all she has and she can’t lose it. Not sure about her parents financial situation but it’s likely a source of income for them, too (i.e., selling stories).

        So Kate being Queen is the family business and they’re fighting to save it.

      • Shawna says:

        @Startup – it IS a family affair, indeed.

    • Ariel says:

      Now this is a theory that makes sense.
      I would totally believe that.
      He wanted her to fade away, negotiations for settlement ensued.
      She refused to play ball pr-wise.
      And he was dumb enough to think the public wouldn’t care if she had stepped away from public life.
      A ridiculous miscalculation on his part.

    • Underhill says:

      It’s beginning to look like you were right. If this is true, they are playing games with the attention of the public. We are riding along with the kids in the back seat while daddy drives drunkenly down the highway at ninety miles an hour, and mother goads him on. If this is true then these two are children who deserve each other and who are unworthy of anyone else’s time and attention, until they grow up. I am done with them.

    • s808 says:

      I agree cause before all this there were clear signs he was getting up her exit. now she’s back and it seems she won out. now she just needs to hold on long enough for Charles to croak.

  33. Underhill says:

    Why should I believe anything having to do with these people, who lie constantly.

  34. Jk says:

    Someone from chinese tiktok found out that rose hanbury house has looted sofa or furniture from qing dynasty. These morons exposing the entire british class to conspiracy theories.

  35. Hummingbird says:

    Have you read the comments from Nelson Silva who shot the kideo? (Not a typo.)
    He says he saw a couple in the bread aisle and thought she looked familiar, like he had seen her somewhere before. Only the most recognisable woman on the planet whose been MIA for weeks and he wasn’t sure??? Snort!
    Once he got back to his car he filmed them leaving. Purlease!
    Someone on X has discovered someone by that name who is from Windsor and works in video media.
    It’s either lookalikes pranking the world or this guy saw a fast buck and spliced something together.
    I am not buying.

    • Jacinda says:

      Yes the person people have found works as a Digital Engagement Lead. One of the job descriptions I’ve found for Digital Engagement Officer is “Digital engagement officers, sometimes also called social media managers, live, eat and breathe social media for organizations. Using a number of different tools, engagement officers monitor what the public is saying about their organizations on social media outlets, plan social media campaigns and report on the performance of those campaigns. These innovative digital engagement specialists must be ready to use the latest software programs and embrace change in order to help keep their organizations putting the best face forward on the Web and social media.”

      Very interesting that the video just happened to be taken by a person with this as their professional area of expertise. His job (if that’s him) focuses heavily on social media, yet in the bread aisle Kate was just someone he thought he maybe vaguely recognized? At a time when her situation is all over social media and international news?

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      At this point in time it would not surprise me if this video was a project by the video guy and two lookalikes to make a bunch of money from TMZ/rota.

  36. JenCF says:

    So I think this is Kate and the reason for these goofy muddy photos in cars and the murky video are yes, they are desperate to stop the “where’s Kate” chatter but have sold the rights to an exclusive first view of Kate to a paper or magazine, which will likely come out on the after Easter timeline. There will probably be some type of explanation of her condition as well. These latest photos have been allowed by the media outlet because they are so bad-unfortunately they aren’t removing the conspiracy theories.

  37. Sunday says:

    The royals are terribly stupid but I don’t think they’re “release a video of Kate where she’s basically running down the street while carrying bags after we’ve made it out like she’s on her deathbed” stupid.

    If they didn’t want to appear as if they were capitulating to internet pressure, they could’ve had her record a video for her Irish Guards for St Pats and called it a day, if she’s so well to be out and about in public. This staged walk only furthers speculation OR, if you believe it’s THEM (bc i don’t think that’s will, either) it makes them look like giant liars. Hardly a desired outcome.

    This is now the 4th “sighting” and each one was more ridiculous than the last. I’m not sure what they’re playing at, but they’re definitely playing games.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Instead, they issued a behind-the-scenes video of the Irish Guards talking about St. Patrick’s Day.

    • Underhill says:

      We are being trolled. But the trolling goes both ways. They have put themselves in that position, and they won’t be able to make it stop.

  38. Isabella says:

    I fell for this stunt at first but then read the very fishy photo explanation. It is hilarious, starting with “I noticed a couple choosing loaves of bread and the woman turned her face and I felt like I had seen the face before. It was familiar. I knew it from somewhere. “

  39. Monika says:

    This is such a calculated move. Kate and Willi knew that they had to do something. They did not want to be seen to bow to public pressure in putting out something official so they did a “privat” stroll to the Windsor farm shop where they very well knew people would be and somebody would take a photo/video of them. And then they sanctioned the publication of the photo/video in the Sun so that their subjects could see it. This is such a farce.

  40. fishface says:

    My tinfoil hat take:

    Where are the RPOs?

    Her first outing where she knows she guaranteed to be seen by a ‘random’ and she’s not glammed up to the nines? C’mon….

  41. Elsa says:

    She looks practically skeletal. And that is a new face. She seems almost unrecognizable.

  42. Cynical reader says:

    Well if it is her fair enough, what I will say if the rumours are all true about him having rages and cheating on her, she’s a complete and utter mug. No amount of shiny jewels and posh frocks can make up for a lack of self esteem to stay with a man who has no respect for you. I hope to God her children don’t need therapy in the future.

  43. Jais says:

    The games. I couldn’t be more over it. These people deserve zero respect and zero trust.

  44. Hummingbird says:

    The kideo was shot on an iPhone 12 pro. Does anyone here have that phone who can attest to the quality of video it produces?

    • Water Lilly says:

      I have an iPhone 12 Mini and I can assure you, Apple should sue for defamation 🙄

    • Becks1 says:

      I’m on a 13 but I take better videos in the dark of my kid performing in the school play than this.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      I have an iPhone 11 Pro and the quality is very good. The video like the photo looks like its been altered to add the grainy element. Remember the car shot with Ma – there were so many pro photographers etc.. who said that grain was added in post.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      It does if you manually replace the camera lens with a potato.

      • SIde Eye says:

        SamuelWhiskers I love this comment and your name! Yours was my favorite comment on this thread thank you for the laugh.

    • MsIam says:

      I have an SE (I’m cheap and I’m not replacing it until it stops working!) with a 5 megapixel camera and it takes better pictures and videos than this, especially outdoors during day time. And how is it that if this Digital Lead whatever he is, thought to grab his camera that no one else did either?

  45. Digital Unicorn says:

    Am not entirely convinced its them – from the jaw it looks like Peggy but she looks very different. If it is her someone got a new face thats she’s super keen to show off.

    If it is them and she’s had some serious cosmetic surgery it will blow up in their faces. Cosmetic surgery explains a lot, esp with the photo last week when we saw the back of her head – could be that the swelling has gone and her new face has settled. If she’s seen at Easter with a face that looks 15 years younger then we know what it was – she was rattled about the impending divorce and roll out of the new side piece that she went and got herself a new face to compete.

    No one is really buying this.

  46. Blujfly says:

    She is dangerously underweight. She was even before the surgery and she looks to have lost at least 15 pounds after surgery. She looks 15 pounds more underweight than pippa, who is smaller, more muscular, and also underweight. I fear for her daughter – very little chance she isn’t raised with an eating disorder. And indeed, the one thing we hear about Kate controlling with her family are their meals and food.

    • Underhill says:

      There are two elephants in the drawing room, it seems to me, Eating Disorder and Domestic violence….perhaps i am wrong about the latter, but the evidence of the former has been clearer and clearer over the last few years.

    • morgfunk says:

      Agree re the eating disorder and Charlotte inheriting these bad habits…I was surprised no one noticed on the mother’s day pic if you zoom in you can see Charlotte has the same cuts on her knuckles as Kate always does.

  47. [insert_catchy_name] says:

    I feel like we are really down the rabbit hole now- before people would say something is “fake news” about real news, and now people say “we’ve seen the metadata” about fake news.

  48. DaniM says:

    I think it’s her, probably with a lift. Her slowly-appearing double jowl seems to be gone. I do wonder about the abdominal surgery now, though. Was it as serious as stated, or did they overstate it because she got a twofer with the lift and didn’t want to disclose that part of the healing process (not that people won’t spot the lift anyway as soon as she’s out in public with paps)….

  49. tamsin says:

    I don’t know if it’s really Kate and William or not, but I think this couple looks younger than Kate and William. I also think that the shape of Kate’s face looks very heart-shaped, and I don’t think that is her natural face shape. What I do think is that KP is pulling the wool over my eyes and their PR since Christmas has been shambolic and reactive. I hope soon we find out what the original lie was, and how it snowballed to this sad, amateurish clown show we are currently experiencing. And if Kate is in such good shape and spirits, then why isn’t there an official photo of her and why isn’t she making public appearances as expected of her? KP has managed to become a farce.

    • Kit says:

      If kate got her jaws contoured with plastic surgery, it’d take at least 3 months for the jawline swelling to go away. You can find photos of this procedure on line and it’s usually at 5-6 months, you see big difference.

      Still, staging all the lies, especially about serious abdominal surgery, to get major plastic surgery done is worse than hiding a troubled marriage. One can understand the need to get away to negotiate/regroup if divorce was the concern.

      The abdominal surgery announcement had people and the country pouring well wishes, and fear for her well being. The public wouldn’t be happy if they were lied to because no one wants to be taken for a stooge, just to satisfied Kate’s vanity. The abdominal surgery narrative certainly competed with Charles’ supposedly very real cancer announcement.

      None of this explain the Mother’s Day photo, the weird 2 photo leaks. The nasty fight with MoD or the way Willy behaved throughout. The fact that the video, if it wasn’t fake, showed a vigorous, bouncy, “relaxed” Kate. Quite a different image of Kate (the poor, ailing Kate who needs complete privacy and to be left alone to recover) which KP and the British media have been using to scold the speculating public for.

      These two set the stage for conspiracies and fuel speculations deliberately. They are hiding serious sh*t.

    • Harper says:

      @tamsin I agree. Kate has a strong oval face whereas this elfin version has a more delicate facial shape. I first saw the video stopped as a still and immediately felt that the face shape and the nose was off.

  50. Chaine says:

    It’s her, she just even more painfully thin than in December. Cheekbones and chin are not sharp from surgery, they are just more prominent because her face has lost all vestiges of normal fat. If nothing else this should put to rest the rumors she was away in rehab for an ED.

    • Pamela says:

      This. She is even thinner than she was, if that is possible. I do think she was seriously ill. And i do think it looks like her. Just way thinner.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      But cheek pads don’t lift from losing weight, and jowls don’t lift from losing weight. Skin hangs more when someone loses weight, not less.

      This person has the facial contours of a 20 something year old.

  51. Just Jade says:

    I don’t believe that’s her and why TMZ not their regular BM rats 🐀 at this point everyone is asking one more question.

  52. Chloe says:

    I’ve always thought she had that puffy alcohol bloat in her face. If she was somewhere in treatment, it would explain a lot why her face is thinner. It’s just not that bloated puffy anymore.

    Still doesn’t explain the March 4 car picture, though. Does anyone know how long it takes for steroid bloat to disappear?

  53. Bookie says:

    So, I had a neck lift, brow lift and upper eye blepharoplasty surgery on January 9. I was back on Zoom calls within a week and out and about in public in a week and a half with minimal use of concealer to cover some bruising. It does NOT take months and months of recovery from a facelift. There’s something else going on with her.

  54. SCAR❤️❤️❤️❤️ says:

    Kate ‘Kardashian’ Middleton has more eyes on her NOW than she ever has had before. Let’s see how she spins her FAKE photo ( & oh yes, after seeing her, I do believe SHE frankensteined that photo herself). scandal into $$$, more 👀, global ❤️.

    • mary Pester says:

      It’s NOT HER or William, William has lost weight his face is a lot thiner. The hat is hiding the fact that this bloke has more hair and not a royal solar panel, and the woman is HEIDI, a well known keen impersonater. Wonder how much she and her mate got paid by the chap who must be the only man walking the planet that doesn’t know what Kate, looks like
      Yeah good use of your media skills mate, only next time, try and makes the film on the same day as the story appears!
      The Palace is spinning because they didn’t think of this. NO COMMENT COMING LOUD AND CLEAR!!

  55. JoanCallamezzo says:

    That’s a Kate impersonator named Heidi Agan, look her up.

    • The Hench says:

      I did. Heidi Agan is a lot bigger than Kate – especially in the thigh (which is not to say she’s big – just not skeletally thin like Kate is). Unless Heidi managed to grow several inches taller and lose over three stone, this isn’t her in the video.

  56. BlueNailsBetty says:

    I am stunned at all of this. If this isn’t Kate then w.t.a.f?

    If this is Kate then I’m glad she is obviously well and recovering from whatever she allegedly had.

    If it is Kate then she has made a miraculous recovery from the day of the “pap” shot of her and Carole in a car.

    If this is Kate, and I lean toward it being her, then why the hell did she not issue one word of gratitude to the public who funds her manipulative ass? Not even a simple “thank you for the well wishes”. I vaguely remember a vague statement that talked around her but nothing that definitively was from her.

    How fucking rude do you have to be to allow *waves hands around* all of this when you could have simply said thank you and taken a current photo?

    • Fergus says:

      This. I am also leaning towards this is Kate and that is actually worse for them. If she’s this healthy and this mobile, then her (or KP’s) behavior over the past couple of months is revolting. This is a much worse look for them and further erodes public good will.

  57. MollyB says:

    When have they ever been that smiley and chatty to each other?
    Why wouldn’t they have released this at the announcement?

    Why not just do a straight on video statement?

  58. Tuesday says:

    I actually never believed it was cosmetic surgery until this video. The woman looks like Kate. But I couldn’t say it IS Kate with certainty. I think she’s had some work done.

  59. Over it says:

    Well Kate definitely didn’t have abdominal surgery. No way anyone who had major surgery and can’t work could be able to carry bags , walk so upright and fast . I say whatever the reason was for her absence for months, it was not for her abdomen. So the palace of lies keeps on lying

  60. olivia says:

    Watch out for any news of bestowing new royal titles on Kate or her family. Sure sign there has been loads of dealings in the background.

  61. Ennie says:

    I said it before and I stand by my comments: TEAM FACELIFT!

    The haters already harp on Meghan for daring to correct her teeth when this one already wore braces and believe me, she’s trying to get rid of those jowls.

    • EliseM says:

      I am not sure about a face lift, but I do think she may have had surgery on her jaw. In the bottom picture, you can see her jaw angels oddly to the right side when she smiles. Always has. I wonder if that scar by her temple was to correct the jaw when younger. I have never heard. My co-worker’s daughter had jaw surgery. It’s very intense. Mouth was wired shut and she was puffy for a month. She lost a lot of weight from not eating solids for 3 weeks. She also looks much different now. Could explain some of the changed facial features. All guesses on my part.

    • Fergus says:

      I agree. I think she probably did have some small stomach surgery (maybe an ovarian cyst or maybe a larger surgery like a hysterectomy) but said, hey, since I’m going under anyway, why not do it all in one go? And got a facelift to match her post delivery tummy tuck.

    • MsIam says:

      If she was going to have cosmetic surgery, why do it now when they had all of these trips and events planned? Why not wait until summer when they have no plans and are rarely seen and Kate could recover in peace? Its not like its an emergency unless her face was severely damaged, like from an accident…… or a beating.

      • Jais says:

        I also wondered this. If it’s cosmetic surgery then why not do over the summer? Unless, they know more about Charles’ health timeline and someone wanted to get something done soon…in time for new coronation pics. No idea if this is what’s happened but that would explain the need to do it in January.

  62. Krista says:

    If this is Kate, she had a face transplant & she’s looking spry for a person that isn’t up to the task of ribbon cutting.

  63. Lau says:

    We never know, maybe she’s been let out of the basement for half an hour to make this little pap stroll.

  64. TheOriginalMia says:

    Don’t think it’s her. The gait is completely off. I wonder if William was with his newest mistress who looks like Kate/Jecca back in December. He knows he’ll be a single man soon, so he doesn’t release the video. Instead, it’s held on to and put to use now when Kate is missing.

    I could see him deciding to play in folks faces and pretend it’s his missing wife instead. He’s dumb enough to think he could fool folks, tbh.

  65. Aurora says:

    I do think it’s her. Her emaciation shows without a doubt that she’s been seriously ill or deprived of food. Two weeks ago, a month ago, she must have looked like Skeletor. Regardless of the condition that led to it, it’s understandable she hesitated to let others see her if she was even thinner.
    Even if she seems to be out of the woods for now, I think she’s still in recovery and there was something not entirely orderly behind her dissapeareance and KP’s PR mess.

    • Kit says:

      If you believe it’s her, you have to believe the guy who took the video. He said she looked relaxed and good. From the video, Kate looks 10 year younger, taller, energetic, and bouncy. She looks like she had a lot of work done to her face, if it’s Kate. And wearing well concealed lifts on her trainers.

      She doesn’t look like she’s at death door. She looks fit enough and pretty enough to get her photo taken without a lot of doctoring needed. Certainly, healthy enough to do a zoom on St. Paddy’s Day to the Irish Guards and not cancel out on her June MoD’s engagement so rudely.

  66. Tym123 says:

    Come on everyone……. I don’t believe Kate ever had abdominal surgery…..I believe she had a facelift and the results are so dramatic we don’t recognize her…. she had to hide so that the swelling can go away she certainly couldn’t say that she had cosmetic surgery and spent taxpayers money.

  67. MrsH says:

    Do you know what is fantastic….their credibility is completely shot. It doesn’t matter if it is her or not; it doesn’t matter if it is him or not. They have mismanaged this entire situation so bad that they will never be trusted again save for a narrow slice of the population. William is, sadly, a future head of state and he has shown the world his @ss time and time and time again and everything happening now is just shining a spotlight on what horrible, entitled, lazy, incompetent, manipulative, lying, narcissistic, racist people they truly are with no place to hide.

    I love this for them.

    • MsIam says:

      Hard agree with this. People are always going to give them the side eye after this, no matter how many bots they buy. Even if Kate was legitimately ill, all of this fake picture nonsense will make it hard for anyone to take either of them seriously in the future. They’ve become a joke at their own hands.

  68. MsIam says:

    If she was so ill, why is she out now shopping and carrying bags and bouncing along without a care? And again none of this explains William’s behavior since all of this was announced. Remember KP had this big dramatic story about how he must care for the kids and do the school run and all of the vacuuming and Kate needed three nurses. Due to her facelift? This is the best the Gold Standard advisers could come up with?

  69. Serena says:

    So she’s well enough to walk around and do some shopping but if it’s for work they she’s still ‘recuperating’? Lmao ok.

  70. Briamatia says:

    Do they want all of this insane speculation? How in any way is this good for them? Also literally holding a press conference today! with the REAL Kate moving, talking, etc would quell all of this insanity. They don’t want it to stop? They are in WAY over their heads and can’t control the lies? This is imploding in real time and the cat is out of the bag-where is this going to end?

  71. QuiteContrary says:

    Whatever the truth, this is appalling.

    As I said in another thread, if she’s this perky and fit, she should be able to get back to work pronto.

    And if that’s the case, she milked a minor procedure and caused an international uproar, just so she could take time off.

  72. Jks says:

    I have known people to get into trouble with their insurance company and even lose their jobs after they were caught galavanting about when they were supposed to be on sick leave. But because Kate is a very special white princess, she gets to skip around while claiming she can’t ‘work’. She gets to demand privacy while releasing doctored photos to the world for attention. She gets to claim she’s being harassed and bullied while at the same time claiming she’s happy and healthy and unbothered. She claims to be competent and incompetent at the same time.

  73. Cassie says:

    Just when you think it couldn’t get any weirder it did .

  74. Lucky Charm says:

    ““I noticed a couple choosing loaves of bread and the woman turned her face and I felt like I had seen the face before. It was familiar. I knew it from somewhere. I went to my car and as they came out of the shop I just filmed them.”

    That just sounds creepy. Or a totally fake plant. Who just decides to start taking a video of someone they think looks familiar, but can’t place who it is?!