Did you realize that Prince Edward and Sophie were in Scotland last week? I barely saw anything about it, but they were in Kincardineshire, Scotland last Friday, the same day the Princess of Wales announced her cancer and chemotherapy treatment. Which is probably why Edward and Sophie’s trip barely got any attention. While they are now the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, they go by the Earl and Countess of Forfar when in Scotland. Which is also weird! You would think their Edinburgh titles would be their Scottish titles. They visited the Bogenraith Equestrian Centre and touched some horses. Edward is reportedly uncomfortable with physical contact, but he was really putting his paws on those horses (and the horses seemed into it). Meanwhile, did you know that Edward is the monarchy’s new secret weapon?? Usually that designation is saved for his wife, but now Edward is getting some of that attention. He is truly the last prince standing! From this dumb Telegraph column about how Edward is a big manly man because he shoots deer.
A completely different picture is emerging of Prince Edward, who seems destined to be the Royal Family’s new “leading man” – albeit temporarily – thanks to both the King and Prince William curtailing their public duties. Although some eyebrows may have been raised over him abandoning his training as a Royal Marine and for embarrassing the Royal family through dabbling in show business, I heard from a man who had a different view entirely of the youngest of the late Queen’s four children.
“He was a really tough bloke,” said a former Balmoral gamekeeper, who took Edward deer stalking in the hills around his mother’s Highland home.
With King Charles suspending his list of public engagements while he is treated for cancer and now William, the Prince of Wales, expected to do the same at least until the middle of next month while his wife, too, receives treatment, Prince Edward may now become an even more central figure in the nation’s life. Edward will be the senior male involved in royal engagements, although his older sister Anne, the Princess Royal, is already heavily involved in supporting the monarchy through this incredibly difficult period. Edward, who recently celebrated his 60th birthday, was third in line to the throne when he was born after his elder brothers Charles and Andrew. He has now slipped to 14th.
One person who always thought highly of him was Sandy Masson, the former head stalker on the royal estate at Balmoral. To this hard as nails countryman, Edward was “the best of them all”. Nicknamed “Massacre Masson”, by Edward’s father, the late Duke of Edinburgh, because of the number of stags the stalker shot in the estate’s annual cull, Masson regularly took members of the Royal family stalking. He was in no doubt about which of them he respected most.
Of the three senior Royal princes – Charles, Andrew and Edward – Masson declared to anyone who’d listen in the Climbers’ Bar at the Glen Clova Hotel: “Edward was easily the toughest of all the princes. Nothing was too much for him.”
Asked how he explained the Prince’s decision to quit his Royal Marine training, which is renowned for its toughness and for the “beasting” endured by recruits, he replied: ‘That’s easy – he didn’t want to waste people’s time. He didn’t want to be a Marine. Simple as that.”
Masson, who died several years ago, introduced several generations of the Royal family to this sometimes controversial sport – earning some unflattering headlines years later when he “blooded” the then teenage Prince William after he’d shot his first stag.
I had met Masson several times when he had a cottage on the edge of the Balmoral estate and as is typical of gamekeepers and stalkers everywhere there was no ‘them and us’ in the relationship with the Royal family. To Masson, the man who’s now King Charles but was then Prince of Wales, was simply “Wales” but it was clear from these conversations over a dram that he had a special regard for Prince Edward.
This is where we are. Not just the endgame for the monarchy, but an endgame for British masculinity. Like, one of the few things I actually like about Edward is that he seemed arty and a bit sensitive – now they’re trying to butch up his image and pretend that he’s secretly been the “toughest” of all QEII’s sons. Notice I didn’t say “all of QEII’s children,” because everyone knows Anne is the toughest one. Anne is not arty or sensitive or squeamish or delicate. Anne would slice out a beating heart and squish it and then go to her next three events. But Edward? No. I don’t believe it. And I’m appalled that they’re applying these toxic-masculinity standards to poor Edward. Just let him do his artsy theater stuff, please.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.Earl and Countess of Forfar ) attend engagments in Kincardineshire visiting The Barn Arts Centre. Featuring: Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh Where: Kincardineshire, United Kingdom When: 22 Mar 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.Earl and Countess of Forfar ) attend engagments in Kincardineshire visiting The Barn Arts Centre. Featuring: Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh Where: Kincardineshire, United Kingdom When: 22 Mar 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.Earl and Countess of Forfar ) attend engagments in Kincardineshire visiting Bogenraith Equestrian Centre. Featuring: Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh Where: Kincardineshire, United Kingdom When: 22 Mar 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.Earl and Countess of Forfar ) attend engagments in Kincardineshire visiting Bogenraith Equestrian Centre. Featuring: Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh Where: Kincardineshire, United Kingdom When: 22 Mar 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.Earl and Countess of Forfar ) attend engagments in Kincardineshire visiting Bogenraith Equestrian Centre. Featuring: Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh Where: Kincardineshire, United Kingdom When: 22 Mar 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.Earl and Countess of Forfar ) attend engagments in Kincardineshire visiting Bogenraith Equestrian Centre. Featuring: Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh Where: Kincardineshire, United Kingdom When: 22 Mar 2024 Credit: Cover Images
I know little of Edward and his family other than what I have encountered here. What I have observed is he is a sad looking man who needs a better tailor. He has no presence and seems to be uncomfortable when interacting with the public. His wife appears to try a little too hard and comes across as needy and under whelming.
Maybe I don’t understand British royal fashion but that green, orange, light blue and yellow jacket, shirt and pocket square combo is hideous.
Yeah, the combo is jarring. The hues lovely separately, but don’t work together.
It’s comically large in the shoulders, right? I feel like David Byrne would wear this in a Talking Heads concert. ;-D
I keep thinking of that scene in The Crown where Prince Philip tells the Queen how her family is full of Charismatics and Dulls and she’s shocked by who he calls DULL. This is the real problem with the Royals right now – they’re overloaded with Dulls and the public is losing interest entirely.
He’s almost swimming in his clothing.
Exactly. Why does he wear clothing too big for him. I think that he wears his father’s old jackets. Edward and Sophie struggle financially to manage enormous Bageshot House. Although nowadays I think they are getting a bit more money doing more engagements and Sophie has definitely been spending more money on clothing these past couple of years.
I came here to say just this – please please someone buy or tailor something to fit this poor man
Also leading man….mwah ha ha ha
Can William lend this poor man his valet because he looks like a forgetful grandad who just pulled some completely random items from his closet and barely managed to put them on.
Didn’t W’s valet only help with military uniforms?
NOOOOO…do not allow Willy’s valet within a furlong of Edward!
And why not @Sophie? Moose knuckles for all, I say.
You can butch up a lot of things. Edward would not be one of them.
Also, what is it with this family and all that money and tailors and all their jackets fit like a hot water bottle cover? Big on the shoulders (when their shoulders are small), big on the hips, when their hips are big.. it is just… so bad.
Not a hot water bottle cover 😂😂😂🫠💀
ITA, I commented the same previously about KC. His jackets look too big on the shoulder, generally too loose around the torso and the pants always too wide and never the right length. Don’t even get me started on William, whose tall and trim frame should be the easiest to dress perfectly and yet…
Granted.. there is only that much you can do with a pear shaped body and a double breasted jacket with pinstripes *sighs*
So maybe.. just maybe the tailor is not at fault in that at some point you just give up and take the money.
It looks like he took the jacket off an estate worker and “borrowed” it at the last minute. Doesn’t look like his own clothing, does it?
He washed out of basic training when they tried to make him do a military stint!
One of the sad things is that the grey men put all this energy into trying to turn these human beings into whatever they think the public wants (and will make the least trouble for them) instead of working on convincing the public that this person is what the royal family is now.
Wasn’t it the Royal Marines basic he ‘stepped away’ from according to BP? He’s the only of the Queen’s sons not to have ANY miliary service at all, right? But he gets to wear the tchotchkes during dress up parades.
This article is as shady to me as the last one I saw about embiggening Edward, where they basically called him a laughingstock from birth but he’s really growing into his own now, as he turns 60!
So… what’s the point? Slow news day? Or are they threatening to out him as another patient?
2024 is royal bizarro world. I can’t believe we spent the bulk of 2023 concerned about Edward’s health, only for him to be last man standing.
Last man standing? So William is ill too? Just asking.
Not that we know of but you’d never be able to tell by his work record.
Will is sick and tired of working lol.
Does being tougher than Charles and Andrew make someone exceedingly tough? I could see liking Ed better than petulant Charles and Andrew. I can also sympathize with not being comfy touching people and being all over an animal. Sophie, however, looked happier interacting with PW than she does here with Ed.
I think all the RF women are much tougher than any of the men.
Yikes! Have things gotten this bad in Blighty!
“Prince Edward is the Windsors’ new ‘leading man,’ complete with a butched-up image”
Butched-up image?
I really think a huge portion of these sickeningly sycophantic royal stories are actually meant to be taken with a helping of sarcasm. Like, they’re not seriously trying to get their readers to believe in a butched-up Prince Edward, they’re openly mocking him.
(right? they have to be, right? surely?)
It seemed more mocking than anything else, that was my perception. Super snark.
I literally snorted too. 😝🤪
My reaction was: Edward who ?
Hey, if the dead games keeper says Edwards is butch, then so be it. Poor Edward, He always looks so lost.
And presumably he met Sophie when he clubbed her over the head and dragged her back to his cave?
Next person up in a long, boring, lazy line of secret weapon duty. Let’s see, we had Kate – but nope she was too lazy. Then Anne – too boring. Then Sofiesta, but no one noticed or cared. Then Camzilla – but she left the country for some shooting. And now Edward, who most of the world (and probably the UK as well) looks at and says, “who?”
Well, the horse is gorgeous and well worth some press pictures. The last photo I saw of Edward was with the giant tortoise so maybe he should only/always pose with animals to make anyone care enough to cover his work.
Edward is an accomplished horseman and enjoys riding so is perfectly at ease with equines. Perhaps more than with humans.
If only we could get the “accomplished horseman” to stop hunting down and killing animals.
You’re absolutely right–last “newsworthy” picture was BECAUSE OF THE TORTISE.
When you have the dead gameskeeper’s words as a testimonial for Edward, things are pretty bad.
I know, I love how all the many quotes of admiration work their way down to “who died several years ago.”
RIGHT?!?! I’m reading along, la la la, and then its like a screeching halt – wait, he died several years ago? That’s the basis of this article? an old gamekeeper who is now dead said that Edward was the toughest?
And I dont think dropping out of marine training bc “he didn’t want to be a marine” is a good look either. he didn’t think of that before joining?
@Becks: I think as a royal he was required to join a branch of the British military. Perhaps the Marines was the wrong unit to send Edward who was waited on from the time he was born. He has no problem wearing military uniforms now though.
I mean he may have been “required” to join but was then clearly allowed to drop out pretty early on, which is a worse look IMO than not joining at all.
So, the gamekeeper realized Edward was a really tough bloke because he observed him during deer stalking?
One of the most revolting “tourist” sights I’ve ever seen was at Blair Castle, an otherwise lovely Scottish stately home with wonderful gardens in a beautiful location (also a filming location for one episode of PBS Victoria series). Was on a tour of Ireland/Scotland, walked into the house’s Victorian Ballroom, and was taken aback by the decor – according to VisitScotland there are 175 pairs of “antlers” mounted there – they omit the fact that it’s not just the antlers (those interested in details can check the Blair Castle website). There’s at least another 25-50 sets along one of the corridors in the house. This is what I picture when I hear about deer hunting in Scotland. Forgive me for not thinking the way these items were processed and the obvious pride with which they were mounted (in a geometric pattern in the ballroom) is the sign of tough manly men (or women). It’s easier to win the battle when you’re the one with the gun.
There’s also the serious environmental and wildlife issues around the management of lands in Scotland (and elsewhere) to protect and increase the number of grouse for hunts – but that’s another story.
That dead animal on the wall thing has always creeped me out. I’ve visited a few historic castles & lah-di-dah estates over the years & they all have them! These super rich/royal people go to other people’s countries to shoot & kill their wall decor. So bizarre! Although I do rather enjoy the Seussian variety: https://www.drseussart.com/taxidermy
They are all aging like milk. What is going on over there? The only one left that “looks” healthy is Andrew. Maybe he has decided to really be the last one standing.
Healthy?? Fat, sweaty Andrew? Give me a break 😂😂😂
Is this not satire?
Scraping the slimmed down, bottom of the barrel much?
So it was Edward allalong that would be the next savior manly man. I didn’t have him on my bingo card.
I think it’s a hit-back from when Sophie hinted that he may be gay.
This seems more like the obituary for the gamekeeper.
Does a Countess curtsy to a Duchess ?
No, Royals only curtsy to the monarch.
Well, to be fair, there is no other prince left working 😭😭They have to make fetch happen.
What’s even more sad about this piece is that they could get somebody who’s alive to vouch for Edward’s toughness. Who still boasts that they can kill innocent animals these days?
As I heard once on a television show somewhere: “Let’s give the deer a gun and a vial of your pee and see who’s the superior hunter.”
Soooooo, is Duke of Edinburgh his English title but Earl of Forfar his Scottish title, even though Edinburgh is in Scotland? I guess DofE replaces Earl of Wessex but not Forfar?
I remember when Charles became the Duke of Edinburgh after Phillip’s death, he wanted to use that title in Scotland (instead of Duke of Rothesay, which was his Scottish title) and his advisors apparently told him that Rothesay was a “higher” title than Edinburgh so he kept using that.
Edinburgh is a Johnny-come-lately kind of town. 😂
All that money and staff and no one puts these guys in tailored clothes or tells them to whiten their teeth. SMH.
Yeah, I didn’t realize yellow teeth were a sign of manly men. Maybe matching your teeth to your pocket square is a fashion choice. 🤷♀️
Whew! The toxicity of measuring manhood by the number of stags you’re willing and able to kill. This family is so gross. But I gotta admit “Anne would slice out a beating heart and squish it, and then go to her next three events” is great dark humor.
Lmfaooooooooo what 🤣
Well as the saying goes…that’s a choice.
Nothing says macho like a pinky ring.
Tony Soprano says ‘f*ck yeah!’.
So embarrassing … Sophie is so behind that article. At least she’s nice enough to buy some of the spotlight for her husband.
Before I read the article judging by the title, I was half expecting Edward on horseback minus shirt a’la Vladimir Putin. A parent should try to understand their children. Why then did both Edward and Charles get sent to the forces.? Did they not know Edward was a thespian? As the number of ‘working royals’ got a bit thin on the ground , I knew there was going to be push to the front of both Eddy and Soph, with Soph as we know being a favourite of her late Maj.
Olivia, giggling at the “butch” comment.
Oh puleeze, the only thing “butch” about Edward was probably the name of his poodle 😂
I can imaging the gallons on T being spat across military dining rooms where soldiers are reading this!!!
Mary Pester, your comment about the soldiers had me snort coffee through my nostrils. Not pretty, but hilarious!😆
I know this is rude, but are his ears getting even bigger? Or do they just seem bigger in proportion to his diminishing weight?
Hi QuiteContrary. Ears get bigger with age. I think.
That’s so interesting!
It’s gravity not so much as ‘growth’. I read recently that’s part of a thing when women get facelifts these days, they have a little bit shaved off their lobes, too. Now I’m fretting about my earlobes! My hair is short, I can’t cover them up!
“Announcing the New Edward, says man who died several years ago.”
I can’t help but like him. Ready to be shouted at!
sparrow, I think I understand what you’re saying. When I see him, I wonder how much money he and Sophie get for their ‘work’? I have a feeling that it’s not much, and that’s why we see him in these ridiculously big suit jackets. He tends to keep a low profile, so he doesn’t draw a lot of attention. He just seems to me to be the forgotten child.
The media needs to just leave him alone and let him get on with it which is what he’s done for decades.
Is it possible that he might even become the next king if Will decides to step down himself and also remove all three children from the line of succession?
Saucy&Sassy I know they’ve got a gorgeous house, but apart from that I don’t know anything their income. So, agree there. And Lady Digby. I was saying on earlier posts – William looks close to imploding and I’m not sure whether he’ll give it all up, meaning Edward gets the poisoned chalice. So, agree there, too.
@Lady Digby: as the article noted, Edward is 14th in line, so even if constitutionally possible (I have no idea) for William to remove himself & his three offspring, there’s still nine more people ahead of him who’d have to step aside (again, if even possible).
I had a soft spot for him when he was the only person who actually spoke to Meghan at that CW service. After his wife and Kate made such a classless show of snubbing Meghan in a church. But since then, there have been so many anecdotes that have shown him to be an out of touch snob. The whole “I wasn’t taking notes” during the carribbean tour when they were speaking about reparations. The way he freaked out about the black train worker getting too close to the queen. There’s more beyond that but I’m too lazy to list. I was rooting for him to be a good guy after the CW service but I now think that’s unlikely. Not saying he’s the worst but more like he’s just as disappointing as the rest.
I wonder if the freak out about someone getting too close to QE was about her supposed bone cancer though.
Wait a minute, we’re quoting a guy who died several years ago? From some conversations he supposedly had with a ‘journalist’? And that’s supposed to mean something?
And why bring up the bit about Edward leaving the Marines? That was decades ago & has nothing to do with his life now.
This is mean, I know it is, but that is one seriously unattractive man. Looking at pics of him always makes me feel uncomfy.