Dunlop: The Sussexes need to tread lightly in the wake of Princess Kate’s cancer

Since the Princess of Wales’s cancer announcement video on March 22, there’s been some commentary about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, especially regarding Meghan’s American Riviera Orchard. The commentary is basically: Meghan needs to pause her ARO rollout because Kate is sick, and the Sussexes need to be more undercover, lest they come across as uncaring to King Charles and Kate’s cancer battles. Separate Charles and Kate for a moment, because I think Harry showed the world that he still cares a great deal about his father when he made a point of visiting Charles soon after his announcement. Let’s just focus on Kate then – Kensington Palace briefed extensively that the Sussexes did not get a heads up on Kate’s announcement and, as always, that Prince William despises the Sussexes. The Sussexes, in turn, released a simple statement of support for Kate and then just continued to mind their business. Well, Tessa Dunlop has some thoughts about that.

Prince Harry might be looking at his Spare memoir differently amid Princess Kate Middleton‘s cancer battle.

“When you do discover that your sister-in-law has cancer and you’ve written stuff that can’t be retracted, that’s quite a painful place to be in,” royal expert Tessa Dunlop exclusively told Us Weekly while promoting her book Elizabeth & Philip: A Story of Young Love, Marriage and Monarchy. “I’m not saying it isn’t.”

Dunlop pointed out Harry, 39, and wife Meghan Markle‘s past criticism about the royal family.

“They deliberately criticize the monarchy [and then offer] themselves as an alternative to monarchy. So then when the monarchy is in trouble, we do kind of make a comparison. Can Harry and Meghan really hold themselves off as the caring example now?” she asked. “They’re certainly going to have to be careful of their timing with any releases so that it doesn’t look opportunistic.”

According to Dunlop, Harry and Meghan, 42, will have to tread lightly about what they put out in the public eye, adding, “The big C — it’s kind of untouchable. When that comes creeping in the door, that just reframes everything.”

[From Us Weekly]

My hope is that Harry has had enough therapy to understand that there’s lot of water under the bridge and he told his story and that’s that. Someone might even point out that Harry could have included even more true stories about what William and Kate did to him and to Meghan, but he removed those sections. As for Harry and Meghan needing to tread lightly… I have no idea what Meghan’s ARO rollout timeline was supposed to be, but it actually does look like the launch has probably been delayed a bit, perhaps out of respect for her cancer-stricken in-laws who treated her like sh-t and had “concerns” about how dark her children’s skin would be.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.

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135 Responses to “Dunlop: The Sussexes need to tread lightly in the wake of Princess Kate’s cancer”

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  1. aquarius64 says:

    This is KP fearing the Susexes (namely Meghan) will outshine Kate (and Williiam) in the end.

    • Caribbean says:

      I have come to despise those writers…so are those Cancer Stricken patients going to pay for Harry and Meghan security and lifestyle while Harry and Meghan put THEIR LIVES on pause for them?
      How are Harry and Meghan supposed to pay their huge bills, bills, especially security, that came about because the palace released the hounds?
      I am not insensitive to their cancer, but this is just another way they are trying to abuse H & M.
      I am not hearing anyone telling the brother to stop whatever it is that he is doing…OMG.
      The thing is that SANE people are going to be reading this drivel and shake their heads and say “yes, Meghan should show some respect and decorum and if she does not, I am not supporting her” which is what the ABUSERS want. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MEGHAN or even Harry, other than wishing them well and visit if it is dire. And yes, if it is dire, do not roll out stuff (If They Are Informed Prior) on the day that the situation is announced.

      • Kim says:

        Well said. And it remains to be seen if the rest of the family(working/non working royals) will put their lives on hold because of the cancer diagnoses! But even then H&M lives should not depend on events in the UK

      • Rooo says:

        I bet you know they don’t give the Sussexes notice ever precisely so they DO “look insensitive” …

        … because that is how abusers roll

      • DK says:

        Also, it’s not like Meghan is just doing this blog randomly in her kitchen in her spare time. She’s obviously employing people for this new endeavor. So as an employer/boss, is she…just supposed to say, “Sorry, my estranged sister-in-law has cancer so I’m going to have to put all of your jobs on hold”? Like, in what world would that make sense?

        I’m also curious about the Waleses: their approach has been, “Kate has cancer, therefore we are both taking paid leave.”
        But I wonder how many other KP employees have had partners or children with cancer and been allowed paid leave for the duration of their treatments…

    • Moniquep says:

      That ship has certainly sailed a very long time ago!!

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Probably the real problem in the first place.

    • westcoastgal says:

      Facts don’t change just because someone says they have cancer. Was Pippa treading lightly when she was seen on an exotic location in a bikini? Did Kate’s brother tread lightly when he launched his book or did her creepy uncle tread lightly when he appeared in that bad reality show? NO, but the WOC living in another country, working and not taking taxpayers money needs to tread lightly. No wonder Britain is the second most miserable place in the world to live, Racism, classism, miserable weather and people allowing themselves to be the subjects of a mediocre family and corrupt system. The royal family are the ones who need to tread lightly, the whole world sees them for the racist, sick, nasty grifters they are. Who the hell do these people think they are to tell an American business woman what to do and how to live her life.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        “When you do discover that your sister-in-law has gone through suicidal ideation while pregnant, you chose to share that private information with Valentine Low. When your sister-in-law decided to sue a British tabloid for publicizing a personal letter, you chose to help the tabloid out instead of supporting your sister-in-law & brother. When your sister-in-law/brother suffered through a miscarriage, you chose to double down, once again, on your smear campaign against a WOC that your brother loves and is married to. All because you are jealous racist morons.”. Trying to help Dunlop out. /s

        Nope. They don’t need to stop living their life. H&M don’t need to tread lightly. They did enough of that during QE2’s funeral.

      • AMTC says:


    • Mumsy says:

      Aquarius64, H&M outshining Willy and Kate has already happened and happens continually. Everywhere H&M go, they are THEE story.

      It must absolutely madden the left-behinds. Even serious illness doesn’t interest their subjects as much as Meg selling jam and cute kitchenware.

    • Jacqueline Thurman says:

      Afraid Meg’s store will be successful! Whenever she launches I am definitely supporting her

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      It’s the same thing they did to Meghan when she was “in” The Firm: they told her to be less. Do not shine.

      Well they fired her and her husband and they left for America and don’t work for The Firm anymore, just like The Flop Four wanted.

      So she can shine like a diamond now. She doesn’t have to dim her lights for annnny damn body anymore. Rota can cry and chew the scenery around BP and KP, makes no difference to the rest of the world.

      Rottie and Huesa can pin on Granny’s Chips, the Cullinan IV brooch, the flipping Koh-i-noor, and dress themselves in the ENTIRE Greville bequest – and they still won’t be able to outshine Meghan.

  2. Snuffles says:

    Screw ‘em. Drop them jams and jellies, Meghan!

    • SouthernCrone says:

      Insert Michael Jordan meme … eff them fools.

    • Cessily says:

      Couldn’t agree more! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I read the Tigs final day was April 7 maybe she is waiting for the anniversary date? I don’t think it will be long now though.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        I hope so! The day ARO came out was the freedom flight day I think!

    • swaz says:

      Exactly, can you imagine if that cancer announcement was from Meghan, Kate and William would be all over England smiling 🙄🙄🙄

      • Moniquep says:

        I would venture to say that they would be throwing garden parties.

      • Kingston says:

        So indeed, KP, BP and their bossom-buddies in the shitmedia and very likely the govt are working together to “save the monarchy” bcos one of the key personnel to the future of the monarchy has done something so egregious that the truth of the matter cannot ever be told.

        I do believe the situation with MIA kHATE is at the level of “save the monarchy at any cost.” I:e, Bully (in whom the future of the monarchy is vested at this time) has done something so egregious that if the public knew the truth, it could signal the end of the monarchy.

        Hence these weird ruminations from the gutterpress: wondering if Bully could be charged for a crime; thanking kHATE for ‘saving the monarchy’ (supposedly by taking the blame for whatever has happened to her. ETC.

        So yeah. Yanking out “the Big C” for sympathy is not beyond the monarchy nor their fall-in-line foot-soldiers in the gutterpress.

      • KC says:

        When my MIL and SIL and granny-in-law all had cancer at the same time I did not quit my job.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        What the what @KC!!! You didn’t stop working or living your life when your MIL & SIL& granny-in-law had cancer. OMG! How dare you to live! /s

        There is only one person I know that has expected people to drop everything for them. My husband’s sibling who he hasn’t communicated with for over 2 decades. She’s had every known disease/condition ever (not in reality). She dropped the C card 7 years ago. (her/DH’s parents aren’t speaking to her either) When that came out to be false (like a soap opera), she then decided that MS was her new disease/diagnosis. Cane and all. That too, was discovered as being bs.

        I believe I’ve mentioned this customer before. Her husband died a day or two before her scheduled appointment. She showed up. I’m like, “You could have cancelled-no hard feelings-we get it.”. Her response, “Life still needs to go on and he wouldn’t want me to not take care of things.”. Apparently, the BM is overwrought with what people that live at least 5 thousand miles away? do.

        Harry & Meghan have been more dignified & graceful than I could ever be.

        Yep, screw them. Drop the ARO stuff now!

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Yeah screw em!!! Let’s not dim down our shine because of whatever happening where we have no control over. Her own family/Sister/brother/royal family in the UK went on vacay the whole time she was sick in the hospital for “major surgery”. I dont see why the sister and brother-in-law living far away in another continent since 4 years could not do what they want to do. It’s just another royal attempt in manipulating THE SUCCESSFUL couple again.

    • Norvy says:

      Tell ‘em! Kate’s “illness” has nothing to do with Meghan. The British Press has the nerve to suggest Meghan should put her business on hold because another Royal reports she’s ill with cancer. If Meghan’s work outshines Kate, it’s because Meghan is better at everything she does than Kate, who is not accomplished prior to marriage and not too bright.

  3. Liz says:

    I think Harry did tread lightly in Spare – there’s a whole lot more he could have said.

    • SarahLee says:

      He said as much. I believe the implication being that there was enough content for 2 books.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      He’s got at least 400 more pages he could say about the royals.

      • Lorelei says:

        Every time I’m reminded that those hundreds of unpublished pages exist, I remember how much I hope we see them eventually 🤞

  4. Naye In VA says:

    Any justification they can find to tell that black woman to make herself smaller. Amazing

    • Mel says:

      THIS!!! Make yourself smaller so she can have all the attention. Aside from the obvious what’s so dumb about this is that they are still deluded believing that Harry and Meghan should be falling in line behind them and living their lives according to their unspoken rules on the other side of the ocean. Kate and William’s business is Kate and William’s business, not theirs.

    • Truthiness says:

      X 100. They wouldn’t even be satisfied if she were invisible.

      • lanne says:

        Honestly, her being alive at all pisses them off. They are like the crazy ex husband divorced for 4 years who still thinks he should have a say in who his ex-wife dates,

    • SouthAfricanGirl says:

      This! Why must Meghan’s world come to a stop because Kate is ill? Sorry, that’s not how the world works. Keep moving Meg.

    • LRB says:

      Completely agree. Cancer is horrible, so are many many other illnesses. I have sympathy for Kate the Mother and I wish her well in her recovery because her children need her.
      However, there is no justification for Harry and Meghan who live on a different continent to put their lives on hold.

      Wasn’t Pippa cavorting in the ocean in three different bikinis a day recently? No reason at all why she should not do that, but if Kate’s beloved very close sister can enjoy a holiday and enjoy being on the front pages of many papers/magazines, why should Meghan have to hide away?

      If this is being fed from KP, then shame on them, because they are the ones ‘using’ the cancer diagnosis, not H&M.

      • equality says:

        James was on holiday at the same time. All the royals have had holidays during that time frame. PW and KC haven’t slowed down their sales of products. Only H&M are expected to hold off on life.

      • Feeshalori says:

        And Uncle Gary didn’t cancel his appearance/cavorting on Celebrity Big Brother either because of his delicate sensitivities about his niece. He certainly wasn’t treading lightly there, so they know what they all can do with this blatant hypocrisy.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Why yes @LRB! Pippa was enjoying a vacation while Kate was “recovering” from whatever. Apparently, Meghan & Harry living their life is subjected to different standards?

    • Kimmy says:

      …and I’m fuming mad at this shit: these effing dowdy no-talent British “journalists” attempting to control what this American black woman does is outrageous. These lazy MFers still do not understand what racism is. Duchess Meghan, it’s time to drop them goods NOW! I will shop like crazy…

  5. The Sussexes don’t have to do sh*t to accommodate Cants diagnosis. They are free to do what they want and when they want. It’s not their job to not outshine Can’t. It doesn’t take much to outshine her. I’m tired of the weaponising of that diagnosis.

    • Debbie says:

      I am too and I think they’re definitely trying to rebuild WanK’s lying liar reputation at the expense of the Sussexes.

    • Dutch says:

      This is a refrain we’ve heard often enough that’s to the point of crying wolf by the BRF and the rota. Past Sussex projects were inappropriate because of the impending Jubbly, because QE2 was sick and now it’s the dual cancer diagnoses. Nothing that the Sussexes announce/release will be appropriately timed because the BRF and Brit media don’t control it. It’s part of the background noise for Montecito and there’s no reason for them to move forward.

  6. Tessa says:

    Kate never did tread lightly with Meghan letting a lie about Meghan stay in the media. Kate plays victim afyer her bad behavior to meghan

  7. Square2 says:

    Cancer battle oftentimes is long & hard. However, why should other people, especially one is not the patient’s closest family, stop working & put their lives, career on hold? I’m sorry you have cancer but using your cancer diagnosis to control people is despicable. (So is any person suggesting weaponize the cancer diagnosis.)

    • Yes cancer can be a hard and long journey and I can say having had it and being a survivor of it that I don’t like the diagnosis to be used against someone else hence weaponising it.

      • Moneypenny424 says:

        Agreed! Fellow cancer survivor here. I mean, if they did the launch the next day, that would not have been great. But now? Life does not stop because your sister-in-law has cancer. I certainly didn’t expect my family to put their lives on hold for me!

    • Christine says:

      I completely agree with you. Meghan and Harry are just like anyone else with bills to pay. Their security alone is a massive expense! It is revolting that anyone on Salty Isle would choose to stand on their necks while screaming, “CANCER!!!!!!”

      • Jasper says:

        Especially when you consider that it’s the actions of the press, with the FULL complicity of the palaces, who have created a situation where Harry and Meghan NEED top-notch full-time security.

    • Dee(2) says:

      This is always their goal though, something has happened so Harry and Meghan shouldn’t be seen or work. First it was Prince Philip is sick, then his funeral, then it’s the Queen’s Jubilee, then it’s her funeral, then the coronation and in between there it’s Trooping and birthday’s and Earthshot, and Early Years launches, etc. Basically its always rude or inconsiderate for Harry and Meghan to exist, but not for people to hold things on their kids actual birthday. They don’t want them to be able to make money or be visible, that’s the point.

    • Cessily says:

      Weaponizing Cancer is beyond vile. I am so disgusted by this narrative, and this sure seems to have a KP stamp of approval.

    • kelleybelle says:

      I’m not convinced Kate even has cancer, nor Chuck for that matter. There’s been too many lies and screw-ups around it. I think it’s a sympathy ploy to stall all the bad press.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      My MIL battled cancer for years. Even before I met my DH. She never asked him or her other children (or anyone else) to stop living their life. DH told me about how, 2 years? before I met him, she was in the hospital during Christmas. MIL, essentially told him to go away, enjoy the holidays as much as you can. I will disagree with my MIL on a number of opinions, not this one.

      People that love you don’t expect you to stop your life because….

      The British Tabloids/Media/sycophants apparently have a different ignorant opinion.

  8. HeatherC says:

    I, like many posters on here, am a cancer warrior. Luckily I’m currently in remission. And I HATE this take.

    Being diagnosed with cancer does not automatically make you a better, nicer person. The things that Harry wrote about Kate happened. Her having cancer does not change that. (Also, cancer is NOT a karmic punishment either btw)

    Kate can be a royal ahole racist AND have cancer, the two are not mutually exclusive and cancer cures and changes nothing. If anything, having a life altering diagnosis should make KATE reflect and make changes/amends.

    The Sussexes hit the right note. Sorry you’ve got cancer, best wishes! and went on with their lives. Their lives were separate from the wails before the diagnosis and continue to be separate after the diagnosis. They have no involvement.

    • Aries48 says:

      Reminder, they found cancer in post operative tests not during, so the chemo is to prevent a reoccurance not treat anything that’s present. CATE doesn’t have cancer.

      My father had pollops removed during a regular general checkup that later turned out to be cancerous. The cancer didn’t penetrate the lining, so prevention was the course of treatment, but he no longer had cancer while receiving the treatment.

      • HeatherC says:

        It might just be me, but my experience with cancer is that it’s a loaded gun pointed to the back of my head.

        They removed each and every tumor out of my bladder, but I have had recurrences. Never penetrated the muscle layer of the bladder luckily. But each recurrence is the cancer telling me I’m still here. And I can set up shop anytime, anywhere.

        I am officially “no evidence of disease” for 3 years running now. But each scan I hold my breath wondering if today is the day. And my cancer was found incidentally as well.

        That said, it does not in any way mean Kate gets a “get out of jail free” card from being a racist, nasty mean girl just because she has cancer. She is still all of that and while I hope she stays cancer free she’s still an awful person and deserves no grace for that.

      • EasternViolet says:

        HeatherC — its not just you. The loaded gun analogy – you unfortunately expressed it perfectly.

      • Jaded says:

        @HeatherC — exactly. I was considered cancer-free after a partial mastectomy in 2016. Whew, dodged a bullet there, yay me! Fast-forward to today and I’m just out of hospital for invasive bladder cancer, bowel resectioning, removal of my cervix and parts of my urethra and vagina. I now have a urostomy bag for the rest of my life and facing chemo. Never EVER forget that if you are a cancer survivor, there will always be that “loaded gun” behind your head. Horrible people get cancer just as much as wonderful people, cancer doesn’t care, and I wish her a full recovery for the sake of her children. But I doubt this diagnosis will be an epiphany for her to take stock of her past history of truly nasty behaviour and change her ways.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Exactly what I have been saying, but the King does have cancer. I really hope they can cure him.

    • EasternViolet says:

      echoing all of this. Cancer does not erase what you’ve done in the past, and expecting others – especially distant family members to somehow change their entire lives to centre someone else’s cancer is psycho. Also having cancer does not make you less of an asshole in the present, either. (Heather C… happy to see you’re in remission. I hope you have many many long and happy days there)

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        This! @EasternViolet. Healthy thoughts to HeatherC & Jaded. Crossing fingers for good things for you both.

  9. Ennie says:

    And still the media wanted them covering for the wails in the UK, only to keep abusing Harry’s small family. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. I don’t wish kate ill, but they have money, resources and clout to get the best treatment. What amazes me is how incapable is their team and william to manage any crisis, instead, they resort to lies. And still, the uk media want the Sussexes to “thread lightly”. Huge eyeroll.

  10. Wednesday says:

    In Spare Harry included very basic and superficial stories that painted the vibe inside the Palace (the lipgloss, fashion contacts, baby brains, Easter presents etc) but I guarantee you the 400 pages he did not include had some pretty dark and nasty stuff in it. And I truly believe the worst offenders were William and Kate. So Meghan can do whatever the heck she wants when she wants. Monarchists will be mad at her no matter what so hopefully she just keeps moving along.

  11. Jais says:

    Tessa Dunlop needs to be specific about the criticism Harry had of Kate. Like what exactly did he criticize? He just described events that happened, like the time she and William were upset bc they weren’t given Easter gifts. Harry very clearly went extremely light on Kate and Dunlop is being deliberately misleading when she just broadly says Harry criticized her. There is nothing that Harry said about her in his book that he should feel bad about now that she has cancer. In fact, I’d say he left a lot out. Recently I went back and watched some of his interviews and whenever he says I’m not going to talk about that or vaguely references something terrible about a family member that he won’t name, I’m convinced it’s about Kate. He had no problem calling out his father or William or Camilla but he holds back about Kate. Possibly out of pity.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I think to them not saying Kate farts vanilla scented rainbows is criticism because of how the press covers her. I mean look at Petronella Wyatt’s column, covered here yesterday. Harry just described situations they experienced and if people took away from that she’s a shallow, cold, egocentric mess that didn’t change because of health issues.

  12. bisynaptic says:

    This woman is delusional. First of all, she misrepresents everything about the Sussexes. Then she suggests that they should —what, delay?—rollout of ARO. Delay, till when? Charles and Kate are presumably in it for long treatments and they might never recover. This is all more palace BS.

  13. WiththeAmerican says:

    We have dealt with terminal cancer in our immediate family. it didn’t change relationships. Cancer is not a GOOJF card.

    reverse take: Kate and Charles might regret having pushed a baby out of the royal family withdrawing security and voicing “concerns” about how dark baby’s skin color would be. This is their chance to atone and make things right. Onus is on them, not on the Sussexes to pretend nothing happened.

  14. Eurydice says:

    Spare was 15 months ago. Since then, there hasn’t been a peep regarding the RF out of the Sussexes, except for cancer well-wishes. On the other hand, there hasn’t been a day when William hasn’t screeched about how much he hates Harry – so who’s doing the treading here?

    • EasternViolet says:

      Exactly. The media needs to tell William to STFU to William and KP while Meghan rolls out her new businesses!

  15. Sue says:

    The other day they were told they MUST beg forgiveness, today it’s they NEED to tread lightly. When are these fools going to realize that Harry and Meghan are not taking orders from the British media?

    • Anna says:

      And above all, H&M are just minding their business and don’t give a second thought (at least publicly) to BRF. And this is what causes most salty feelings on the salty island.

      The RRs are so desperate for a reaction, or even better – a fight back with receipts, that would open the gates for them to spill the stories.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I’m kind of loving that H&M are saying nothing-outside of their last statement.

        Love that Christoper Bouzy might share a report on RR’s and their other (secretive) handles on twitter/X. He pretty much debunked the farm shop video. He doesn’t have chalk in this. He’s seeking the truth and the BM, lol, have a problem with that.

  16. Rapunzel says:

    “The big C — it’s kind of untouchable. When that comes creeping in the door, that just reframes everything.”

    Cancer makes you untouchable and reframes everything? Is this a hint about something?

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Rapunzel, I wonder what people in the UK who have/had cancer, or their family members have/had cancer, think about this? I’ve had two family members who died from cancer. If everyone had put their lives on hold it would have been disastrous. People had to work to pay their bills–they had families themselves. Were they supposed to abandon their families and sit by someone’s bedside? If they didn’t do this, they’re horrible people? This entire article is insulting in so many ways.

    • StarWonderful says:

      @Rapunzel I guess what they’re saying is that the ;Cancer Card’ trumps the ‘Racist card’ (to put it in terms they understand). The RF and media minions think they have the better hand, as it were. But having cancer does not erase what an A-hole a person has been their whole life. H&M should just roll out their projects as they see fit.

  17. slippers4life says:

    Okay so don’t set boundaries and stand up for yourself against racism and other cruelties because one day the racist cruel person may get cancer?

    Also, I’m sick of this, “they deliberately criticize the monarchy” crap. This is the narrative that really gets to the heart of why so many who subscribe to that way of life are hellbent on destroying Harry and Meghan. They see criticizing the monarchy as blasphemous. Putting the whole debate about the concept of monarchy aside for a second, Harry and Meghan were actually very careful to not criticize the Monarch (QE2), OR monarchy and Harry had even said he still believes in monarchy.

    Monarchists believe that during a corronation, the person goes in a person and then magically comes out a Queen or King…a different entity. Harry has criticized his father’s treatment of him and his wife. His brother’s treatment and Kate’s treatment of he and his wife…not the monarchy as a stand alone concept.

    Again, they continue to exploit Kate’s cancer for PR and its gross.

    • Deering24 says:

      “They see criticizing the monarchy as blasphemous.”

      The RF and RR are also irrationally terrified that H&M will “set up a rival court,”–like this was 1430 or something. 🙄🙄 They are so steeped in Middle Ages/Game Of Thrones thinking that they simply can’t conceive that H&M got an existence outside and away from the monarchy. And they don’t want H&M to have that–or anything else.

      • Jais says:

        I do not at all think that Harry and Meghan have set up a rival court in montecito. However, I do think the RF, courtiers and BM already see the Sussexes as a rival court and treat them as such. Bc they’re petty antiquated and lame.

  18. s808i says:

    I hope H&M go full steam ahead in living their lives, announcing their whatever they want to announce, doing whatever they want to do, everyone else’s problems be damned. W&K and their issues have nothing to do with them and if the roles were reversed no one would expect W&K to live their lives around H&M.

  19. F says:

    Doesn’t everyone talk about what their kids will look like? I’m Hispanic, my husband is Italian. I remember talking about whether or not my kids would be lighter like him, or darker like me. If they would have hazel eyes, or brown eyes. Red hair like my grandmother, or blonde hair like my husband had when he was little. Are we racist?

    • lanne says:

      Okay, I’ll take one for the team.

      Yes, people talk about what kids will look like. You talked about what your kids would look like. But did you talk about how dark your kids would be and if that darkness would affect the standing of your family as a family?

      I doubt it. If you want to ignore racist behavior, that’s on you. But this community doesn’t let tacit racism (yours) or overt racism (theirs) stand. The British media and the royal family is where you need to go for that.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        @lanne, I had to laugh at you writing “Okay, I’ll take one for the team.” That’s perfect.

        And I totally agree with your analysis.

      • deborah brangman says:

        👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Well Said Lanne!

      • Jais says:

        LORDY. People are really out here still trying it. Thank you @ lannne. Yes CONCERNS about how dark a baby might be is racist, especially when all the white family members are talking about those concerns with the white husband and behind the mixed-race mother’s back. And yes if you think that’s not racist, then yes you have some work to do.

      • Lady D says:

        LOL @lanne. I appreciate your sacrifice.

    • Wednesday says:

      There is a difference between wondering what your child will look like and what features they will get from each parent and having CONCERNS about how dark a child’s skin might be and the implications for the family. That’s the difference.

    • Nic919 says:

      If you talk about having concerns about how dark the kid will be then yes you are racist. The Oprah interview was clear in that it was people expressing concerns about Archie’s skin colour. That’s racist the end.

      • MsIam says:

        And lets not forget that along with the “concerns” about how dark Archie’s skin might be, Meghan also said there were conversations about whether he would have a title and security once Charles became king, like his other (white) grandchildren. They didn’t want Archie to have a title at all. Now, what could be the motive for those “conversations”? Here’s a hint: racism. I hope this clears things up a bit.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        I was rather amused when Archie and Lilibet both inherited red hair from the Plantagenet ancestor’s of both their mum and dad. I read somewhere that Meghan is descended from Edward III just like Kate and William as well. All distant cousins. Perhaps it would be better if they remembered that.

    • Nerd says:

      Please let’s not pretend like the word CONCERNS wasn’t mentioned during these talks about the potential skin tone of their children. Did you have CONCERNS if your children would be darker or lighter in skin tone AND how it would LOOK for your family? Because if the answer is no, then no you aren’t racist. However if the answer is yes and you had CONCERNS and WORRIED about how it would LOOK for your family, then the possibility is yes you are a racists. It is the CONCERN solely with their children’s potential skin tone and how it would LOOK for the royal family that is the problem because CONCERN implies that there is something to fear, worry or be embarrassed or ashamed of if their children’s skin tone doesn’t fit a certain standard. No one has fears, WORRIES or CONCERNS about what color a person’s eyes or hair color is because what exactly is the fear about. We might fear if a child inherits a hereditary medical condition or illness but no one who isn’t racists has CONCERNS, FEARS or WORRIES about a potential skin tone because that implies that there is something wrong or deficient about someone’s skin tone. There lies the issue. Making the assumption that there is something wrong or shameful about a person’s physical traits like race or skin tone (racist), age (ageism), gender (sexism) and the list goes on.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      They expressed “concern” about how dark Archie’s skin would be and then REMOVED HIS SECURITY.

      If that’s how you roll in your family, I’m very sorry to hear it, but not everyone has such low standards for their children.

    • StarWonderful says:

      When it’s a case of curiosity then it’s not necessarily racist; when it’s concern, then it is. I guess a person could be both curious and concerned, but if it’s purely the former (i.e. without malice or from a place of racial superiority) then no.

    • HeatherC says:

      If you’re wondering who your kid will resemble more, you or the partner, that’s not racist.

      When you’re CONCERNED their skin may be too dark, like the in-laws, that’s racist.

    • Sarge says:

      You’re missing the point. Meghan and Harry complained the RF had concerns, not curiosity

  20. Blithe says:

    If people like Dunlop stop making/writing/publishing “comparisons” and holding the Sussexes up as “alternatives”, there wouldn’t be any need for reframing. The Sussexes moved thousands of miles away from the British tabloids. That’s what “treading lightly” looks like.
    Do your bit Dunlop!

  21. Just Jade says:

    What are they suppose to do hide under a rock? These people are unbelievable! They made it unbearable, unsafe and chased out of the country because the leftovers were being exposed for laziness but now they suppose to just put their livelihood on hold because Mr. Idle is sick. Sure Jane!

    • Moniquep says:

      I believe sackcloth and ashes, while retreating inside your home with all blinds and drapes closed and never stepping foot in the light of day, sounds about right.

      Note that this person is promoting yet another book, which although being about QE11 & Phillip, will somehow manage to be all about Harry &Meghan.

      • Deering24 says:

        Ehehehehe. Hilarious how whenever these scumbags have a book out, they never focus on the tome itself. They always have to drag H&M in to make their crap seem relevant…

      • Feeshalori says:

        While cancer is horrible, it doesn’t give anyone carte blanche to dictate to others how they should conduct their lives as this delusional person feels.

  22. KeKe Swan says:

    More nonsense. There has been zero unsolicited public commentary from H&M about the members of the RF since Spare. Zero. The criticisms that we keep hearing about are passing comments blown up to massive proportions to deflect from Harry’s pointed and damaging criticisms of media chicanery and the courtiers who are in a symbiotic relationship with it. Nobody in the US gives more than passing attention to the state of KC3’s and Can’t’s health. The Sussexes should and will carry on like nothing’s happening because they don’t live or die by the news headlines (unlike the BRF, which seems to have the cockeyed idea they do) and none of the shenanigans on the other side of the Atlantic has anything to do with them.

  23. L4Frimaire says:

    I think the Sussexes aren’t doing anything that indicates they’re being more out there. I think over the years they’ve turned down or put stuff on hold due to how it would be perceived in Royal land. As for Meghan’s new venture, she hasn’t indicated anything or a timeline of when or what she’ll launch. If anything, the royals will use these illnesses to undermine the Sussexes. The Sussexes will announce or roll out something, and the next hour or day will be a royal health update or a how dare they scolding. People like Dunlap say stuff like this as if Harry and Meghan don’t know who exactly they’re dealing with over there. Already they tried unsuccessfully roping them into this health drama and can’t help themselves with this constant negative spin when the Sussexes are just going about their lives.

  24. Amy Bee says:

    Let’s hope that Harry and Meghan are not holding back because the other royals are sick. The whole reason they left was so that they could live their lives the way they wanted to. The rest of the Royal family are carrying on their lives as if nothing happened so why can’t Harry and Meghan?

  25. Over it says:

    First they abused her . Lied about her . Smeared her in the media. Has sick people threatening her life and that of her children and husband on a daily basis and now they want her to become 25 percent less of herself because 50 wasn’t enough so that the white woman who has contributed and still contributes to all the above mentioned can continue to live why she barely survives? Nah . We not about that shit anymore. Kate problems are not Meghan problems to bare . Tessa and the rest of the British gutter rat press needs to know that the days of black folks making themselves smaller to make room for white folks is over. Meghan wish Kate health and healing and that’s because she is a good person . She didn’t even owe Karen Middleton that after the hell she put her through/ so these people better step the F off Meghan back

  26. Cel2495 says:

    Why they should care that Kate is sick? They have made it very clear that they don’t care for them… and he no longer speaks to his shitty bother. I don’t see why they have to wait around for an appropriate time… is never appropriate time with those fools and they will always find a reason to complain about Harry and Meg . I say, keep living and focus on your 💰 and life and screw that family.

  27. Julianna2 says:

    We know that the so-called royal reporters and authors aren’t capable of any type of analysis. “Thick as a plank” would be a good description for them. While Ms Dunlop (my Nanny taught me to be polite) is saying “They’re certainly going to have to be careful of their timing with any releases so that it doesn’t look opportunistic.”, King Charles, for the first time, will open up Balmoral Castle for tours from July 1 to August 4 at 100 pounds per person.

    The article says 4 tours per day with 10 people per tour x 100 pounds/person x 35 days means that King Charles will earn 140,000 pounds.

    Who is being opportunistic and why is Charles wanting to earn this money for his private residence? There are other examples that both Charles and William avail themselves of both large and small- Highgrove House Shop for Charles (a small example) and Duchy Originals for William (a large example), but you’ll never see comments or analysis of these – only the activities of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who are not active nor financially supported members of the Royal Family.

    Some examples of the Duke of Cornwall estate are “Some of the estate’s more unusual holdings include Oval cricket ground in central London – which has been leased by Surrey county cricket club since 1874 – as well as Dartmoor prison, and a plant nursery and garden centre at Lostwithiel in Cornwall. The duchy’s net assets were valued at more than £1bn at the end of March, the bulk of which came from investment property assets.”

    It would be nice if the British media would remind the public of just how wealthy the Royal family are, but other than the Guardian’s articles before Charles’ coronation, I haven’t seen any analysis.

    This is one more example of why these articles are fan fiction for the Royal family and not true journalism.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Hm, right, so Charles opens up Balmoral to the public for the first time at 100 pounds a pop, no less, but Meghan should postpone the launch of ARO? ‘Cause Katiekins has cancer? And the logic behind that is what (other than the obvious)?

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Thanks for the Duchy originals I’d forgotten about them, Meghan is being criticised for selling jam, but William sells sausages and biscuits. and just think it was the King that started that business.
      Actually the biscuits were very nice.

  28. Mads says:

    Dunlop plays both sides of the fence. Before the cancer disclosure she was all bashing KP and saying William has been so protected he can do whatever he wants, now she’s back to bashing Harry and Meghan. ARO will ramp up soon; Meghan and Harry just updated their website to include events on March 21, the day before Kate announced her diagnosis, so they took the decision to hold back on posting any work related updates for a couple of weeks in light of the news.

  29. Brassy Rebel says:

    How lightly did Kate tread when Meghan was pregnant and suicidal? These media scumbags just keep acting like the leftover royals haven’t brought all of this on themselves. They think we all have amnesia.

  30. QuiteContrary says:

    Do none of these morons remember Meghan calling Kate a “good person” and insisting in her conversation with Oprah that “if you love me, you don’t have to hate her. And if you love her, you don’t need to hate me”?

    Meghan has already given Kate far more grace than she deserves. Meghan owes Kate NOTHING.

  31. HuffnPuff says:

    I’m failing to see the opportunism with Meghan’s ARO launch. Kate fans won’t be flocking to it and Meghan’s won’t be going to it for any reasons other than that like Meghan and want to see what’s there. So the “big C” doesn’t change a flipping thing for the Sussexes other than it gives the BM an opening to drag the Sussexes into the BM’s same old tired stories.

  32. Nic919 says:

    I’m not reading the article but does Dunlop say anything critical about Kate’s own uncle going on a reality show while she was recovering from surgery? Or her siblings going on holiday and getting papped? Or her brother promoting his book?

    Why are all these standards for a sister in law?

  33. Isis says:

    When the heck did they offer “themselves as an alternative to monarchy.” ???

    • L4Frimaire says:

      Right??!! Like where is that even coming from? That shows like they’re so worried that they’ll be the face of the monarchy just by being out and about.

  34. Schrodinger's Kate says:

    Oh for goodness sake! If Pippa can go “flaunting her toned pins” in a bikini right at the height of the “OMG! Where’s Kate?” panic (in which I was a proud and bemused participant) and James can release a weepy memoir about his dog, then the Sussexes, who are not kin even by marriage (according to the way the Middletons treat them) can launch any business when and how they please. If Kate wants special care and respect paid to her, she should have paid care and respect to Meghan when Meghan was suffering.

    I say they are not kin because I can’t imagine being more disowned by a sibling and his spouse than Harry was when William and Kate were asked if they were excited to be an uncle and aunt to Meghan’s baby and William said pointedly that he already was an uncle and Kate blathered nonsense about babies in the spring. In that stinking response William and Kate effectively disavowed kinship. That happened well before Spare or Oprah. That’s on them!

    And let me just say that while I absolutely love dogs and love stories about dogs, I really can’t find it in me to care one whit about James Middleton or his dog. He seems like a kindly fellow compared to the rest of them… but…nah. I’m not expecting a Marley and Me.

    Meghan and Harry are the only people doing anything truly noteworthy. The rest of them better accept that outside the aging monarchists, public interest in them is in their dysfunction and their buttons. It didn’t have to be that way but that is all they offer anymore.

  35. Cathalea says:

    Just like their world stopped since QE2 died? This is the year of the truth. So hopefully there is more to come 🤞

    Like I said, (but I can’t find my post or it wasn’t uploaded, for reasons unknown to me) the minute the Khate cancer news dropped: I DONT BELIEVE IT.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Cathalea, I don’t believe it either. I think it was suspicious because it allowed Bone Idle to take as much time off as she wants. I suspect the real issue is that Billy Idle is wanting a divorce and it’ll be interesting if they finally are honest about that. I cannot imagine Billy & Bone being King and Queen-Consort, because I think people will just forget about them. Bone Idle (IMO) is more of an embarrassment when she’s out and about on engagements. They really need someone who can walk and chew gum at the same time.

  36. Mary Pester says:

    Listen up ms Dunlop, I’m about to educate you. A TRUE cancer sufferer takes stock of their own lives and through self introspection looks at how they have lived and, if there are people they could have treated better and others they should have jettisoned sooner, most of us find there are a few “yeses” in both categories.
    So answer me this ms Dunlop, did bone or Billy show either sympathy or empathy when Megan and Harry were being torn apart by the press, NO THEY DIDN’T, they added more fuel to the fire. Did Billy or bone offer sympathy or empathy when Harry and Megan suffered a miscarriage, NO THEY DIDN’T. Did Billy or bone offer sympathy or empathy when Megan was suicidal, NO THEY DIDN’T. Did megan defend bone in the Ophra interview, YES SHE DID. So take your stupid fking comments and stick them somewhere the sun don’t shine. Billy and bone are making a fortune from her tax payer, just like Charlie, but Charlie wants more and more. So the only thing Megan and Harry have to be careful about is hacks like you., oh and bones reprobate relatives

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mary Pester, I think the real issue of the article is that H&M always overshadow the brf when they do something. They do things of substance and not just performative. They work hard at showing up and doing good. They are working to get long term income streams for their and their childrens’ protection.

      Tell me again, because I forgot. What do Billy and Bone Idle to?

      • Mary Pester says:

        @saucy&sassy, what do Billy and bone do? They lie Saucy, they lie with a little side serving of photo shop and edit and holiday they take lots and lots of holidays (after they leak sht about harry and meghan of course

  37. MsIam says:

    No one else from that family on that side of the pond has stopped “working” since Charles and Kate’s diagnoses. In fact they sound like they are trying to recruit new hands to help out. So for them to think that Meghan 5000 miles away should go into hiding is ludicrous. They wished Kate well and Harry went to see his dad which is more consideration than the Sussexes have ever received from that bunch. So this Dunlop witch can kick rocks.

    • equality says:

      Kate’s family hasn’t stopped vacationing. The royals have been vacationing. Anne and Cam have still been “working”. KC and PW are still merching items and opening estates for tours for money.

  38. Nerd says:

    Illness and death are aspects of life that every single one of us experiences so it is ridiculous to assume that Harry wrote his memoir without the knowledge that there is a potential of illness or death with anyone in his family, especially since the Queen and Philip both died prior to it’s released. It’s obvious that his family haven’t cared once about the potential pain their leaks and attacks have caused Harry, Meghan, their children or any of the other family members impacted by their abuse. But it’s Harry who must have great pain from a book he released over a year ago and not the others who experiencing the same pain for what they have done to him and his family? What does that say about his family that they are okay with a woman becoming suicidal and losing a child due to the stress of their attacks? Or that they aren’t pained or bothered that two small children are attacked and even threatened with harm or death because of this hate campaign they have been part of for years?

  39. B says:

    Maybe its delayed maybe not. I personally think the instagram account was meant to go live and generate buzz she was never going to be immediately posting things. I think ARO is connected to her new podcast and we see Lemonada highlighting a new episode of Archetypes every week. I think once all 12 episodes are done the new podcast will debut and ARO will begin their rollout. But that’s just my theory.

    Harry has made it clear he wants a relationship with his dad and its space with his brother. I think Meghan and Harry both have a lot sympathy for the fact that Kate is stuck in an institution and marriage that does not value her but they aren’t stopping any business deals or changing any big plans.

    Do I see them not releasing photos the same day or week of the announcement? Sure! Photos can be released anytime and why allow the media to weaponize a sick women’s diagnosis right after she was forced to announce it because her husband caused chaos by throwing her under the bus and not protecting her. But changing a rollout? Nah they aren’t that close and she was never kind enough for that level of consideration.

    • martha says:

      I also think slow rollout for ARO is a good thing. Launching a new sales website is a tricky business!

  40. Is That So? says:

    If telling the truth about someone’s treatment of you comes off as negative criticism, then that someone should have behaved better.

    I dislike the mindset where whiteness, wealth, power, and tradition excludes certain people from the responsibility of behaving like a decent human being. And feel worse about the sycophants that work to browbeat people into accepting that belief system.

    No one is obligated to center these indulged delusional “royal”. No one believes in their divinity. Therefore people are allowed to prioritize their own their own interests, without regard to the health of strange people, living in strange lands well protected and well resourced

  41. Mina_Esq says:

    Like everyone, I was shocked and saddened by Kate’s diagnosis. Having said that, cancer doesn’t absolve her of her past sins and transgressions. They are treating it like some kind of trump card. Like this sad situation somehow makes everything she did and said in the past OK. It doesn’t. It affords her sympathy to be sure, but nothing more. Sussexes are under no moral obligation to let bygones be bygones, IMO.

  42. Just Me says:

    This is an SOS from the Salty Isle’s Vile Kp and Media to Meghan and Harry! Help! Help! We need you to SAVE US!!! We Cannnot Survive without drawing you into our daily lives! We desperately NEED (I say NEED!!!!) you to survive our disturbed and malevelant lives. Nevermind our lies, our malice and our subhuman behavior. IT IS US, the mostest of the most who are drowning in the wake of our distorted moral compass! We are doomed without you! (BY the way We Don’t wish you health, wealth or happiness because we are without character, wisdom and honesty!) But nevermind that!
    Help, help us to survive and look relevant to the world (sans human kindness and truth) WE NEED (DESPERATLY NEED) you to STOP BEING SUCCESSFUL AND HAPPY! WE SAY STOP!
    The Cancer is not just of two major royals but it also impacts all the rest of us! You see KP and all Media Mouthpieces have cancer of our minds and souls! Oh yes! Just a reminder We HATE YOU!

  43. A Magi says:

    No one who has had any awful disease in my family ever expected extended family, especially ones that live overseas, to stop working because it would be disrespectful to the ill patient to continue?!?! What!?!?! Especially as this particular patient and her husband have expressed through the media how much they hate the other family. Then again, I also don’t know any ADULT that expected and demanded Easter presents or family members to diminish themselves so the others could shine. How entitled are they? What an odd and unhealthy way to live.

  44. Anna says:

    – You have to thread lightly if you ever want to come back!
    – We don’t want to come back
    – You have to thread lightly!!!
    – Not coming back.
    – You have too!!!!!!!

  45. AOC says:

    To the RR rats and that taxpayer – funded useless family – if you don’t want to be called a racist -then DON’T act/speak like a racist. SIMPLE, huh!!
    As a twice cancer sufferer I resent intensely these entitled a****les weaponising their ‘diagnosis’ to attack a besieged family to cover their own inadequacies.