Alan Ritchson: ‘Trump is a rapist and a con man,’ why do Christians support him?

I waited too long to read/skim this Alan Ritchson interview in the Hollywood Reporter. Ritchson is a star because of his lead role in the mega-successful Reacher series on Prime, and he’s currently promoting The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. Ritchson’s THR interview is epic, and he’s incredibly upfront about where he is and what he believes. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder as an adult, he’s in therapy, he uses drugs recreationally and he identifies as a Christian, all while loathing the political right-wing “Christians” who worship Donald Trump. This piece details a lot of what Ritchson went through in his early modeling days, where he was sexually abused and harassed. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

He’s gotten into tattoos: “Tattoos, I realized, are very much an opportunity for me to tell my story and the things that matter most to me: family, the story of my wife and our connection, what loyalty means to me, faith. But this right here…is as close as I’ll get to a personal identity. It has a dual meaning for me in the extremes — the happy, the sad, the ups and the downs — as somebody who lives with bipolar and ADHD on a daily basis. Being bipolar has wreaked havoc on my life many, many times. I would wish it away if I could, but it’s so much a part of who I am now that I should celebrate it a little or, at least, accept it. Mental health is an everyday conversation for me. I was just texting my psychiatrist on the way over here for my daily check-in, and she asked, ‘How are you?’ I was, like, ‘I’m great!’ That, to her, is not always a good sign. ‘Are you really? Too great?’”

He was told he was too beefy to model: “The first thing I heard when I walked into the Next offices was, ‘We’ll put you to work but you have to lose weight, get smaller and you have to shave your armpit hair.’ I was like, ‘Shave my armpit hair? I’m a man who waited 19 years for this.’ Plus, I was always fighting my body’s natural desire to be 205 pounds. I would fight it and run and run and run to stay small. I wouldn’t use weights. I would do pull-ups, push-ups, dips and sit-ups in a park. They made me feel like some kind of gross ogre at 205. I did a little bit of runway, but I was too big for most of the Milan runways. Those guys were like 135 pounds and built like birds.”

He did not enjoy modeling. “There are very few redeeming qualities to working in that industry. Let’s be honest, it’s like legalized sex trafficking. The industry is not regulated, and it’s a widely known secret that if you’re hired on a job, you’re basically being passed off to a photographer to be trafficked. The number of times and situations where I was put in horrific environments where sexual abuse was the goal and the paycheck that you were desperate for in order to survive was the carrot, I can’t count on two hands. It was quite often.”

He did MDMA and it rewired his brain. “I had never done drugs but I was truly, like, ‘Well, I might kill myself tomorrow, what do I have to lose?’ So, I did it. I swear to God, the biggest light bulb went off, and it rewired my brain in the best way. MDMA is a proven therapy to treat PTSD in veterans, and it’s something that can work in cognitive therapy settings. The moment it hit, I looked at my wife. We had not really seen each other in a long time because I was just missing things around me. I said, ‘We are one. We are one,’ over and over again. I held her and we talked about suicide, and she’s like, ‘Please don’t do this to us.’ I kept saying, ‘I won’t. I won’t.’ But the problem is I loved it and wanted to do it every day. She never did it again. But, for me, for a year or two, it became like therapy. It allowed me to write and be productive. Thankfully, I was able to move past it.”

He wore a t-shirt which read “Arrest the cops that killed Breonna Taylor.” “That was a tragic case. Cops get away with murder all the time, and the fact that we can’t really hold them accountable for their improprieties is disturbing to me. We should completely reform the way that we do it. I mean, you shouldn’t have to spend more time getting an education as a hairstylist than as a cop who’s armed with a deadly weapon. We should make it very hard for people to make mistakes or abuse power in our institutions.”

On Christianity & Trumpism: “Christians today have become the most vitriolic tribe. It is so antithetical to what Jesus was calling us to be and to do,” he explains. It also upsets him that some Christians have so closely aligned with former President Donald Trump. “Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child and it’s unreal. I don’t understand it.” His mother remains staunchly Catholic, but he quickly swats away any associations. “It’s worth saying that the atrocities that are happening in the church that are being actively covered up, even to this day with people not being held accountable, is repulsive. I can’t for one second support the Catholic Church while there are still cardinals, bishops and priests being passed around with known pedophilic tendencies.”

[From THR]

I’ve heard, before now, that Ritchson is a good guy – like, the MAGA types watch Reacher and they thought he was one of them, and he disabuses them of that belief constantly. It’s amazing. I’m sure he has a publicist and I’m sure his publicist is constantly like “do you have to say ALL of that?” But I’m glad he is. “Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child and it’s unreal. I don’t understand it.” What’s to understand? It’s an admission that modern, organized Christianity isn’t actually about the tenets preached by Jesus, it’s about control, authority and institutional misogyny.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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47 Responses to “Alan Ritchson: ‘Trump is a rapist and a con man,’ why do Christians support him?”

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  1. K8erade says:

    Everything Alan says is only reinforcing the fact he’s hot as f*ck. Part of me wants to say his wife is a lucky woman but I can see him being pretty difficult to live with so I compliment her fortitude for putting up with his newfound fame and his ups and downs.

    I’m also really here for the hot celebrity men like Alan, Pedro, and more recently Michael Sheen on The Assembly, discussing their vulnerabilities in a public forum. It must be scary but really helps people like me connect to them.

    • Lynn says:

      Wow, exactly. I wouldn’t normally pay much attention to him but after reading that – YES, PLEASE! Hot, hot, hot.

    • Rainbow Kitty says:

      Yep. I didn’t think I could love him more.

      • Kat says:

        This is what the Rock should have said. 🤦🏻‍♀️

      • StarWonderful says:

        I agree, Kat. I wonder if The Rock is planning a surprise at the Republican Convention…he could throw his hat in the ring, as it were.

      • MissF says:

        I agree, I love his honesty and hot damn he is incredibly tasty. Fell in love with him in Reacher.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      “Everything Alan says is only reinforcing the fact he’s hot as f*ck.”

      I didn’t know he even existed before watching him in ‘Reacher’, but count me as a fan now. He’s also quite straightforward and this interview is no exception.
      I’d bet his publicist suffers from multiple headaches constantly haha

    • Caribbean says:


  2. Lurker25 says:

    Wow, what bring an ally looks like. Especially from someone who looks like this – he’s like every incel/right-wing/Christian nationalists AI prompt for “Alpha Male”…. Love it.

  3. Pinkosaurus says:

    He is the exact opposite of the Rock in that the more he talks, the more I like him. He’s so fantastic and charismatic on screen, I’m glad he’s getting more and bigger roles.

  4. Bettyrose says:

    Why do churches actively support candidates whose primary platform is cutting taxes for the wealthy and strengthening corporate rights, knowingly contributing to the myth of family values to gain votes? And why again are churches tax exempt?

    • StarWonderfull says:

      Churches should pay taxes, at this point. This march toward f*scism has been in the works since Reagan, thanks to the wealthy Koch brothers (of which there is only one today) and all of their right-wing think tanks and other political funding.

      • Flamingo says:

        The mega churches should be paying taxes. But the local church’s still struggle and aren’t rolling in dough. Like the Joel Osteen and his ilk.

        And don’t even get me started on Scientology! Another tax scam.

      • bettyrose says:

        @Flamingo – The church my partner’s parents attend in a rural midwestern town is small and might be struggling, but it still tells the congregation how to vote – even if they don’t say a specific name, the push hard on voting for gun rights and against women’s rights, all of which is essentially GOP propaganda to getting blue collar/agricultural communities to vote against their own best economic interests. The church is heavily complicit in that, so they don’t deserve a tax exempt status, even if they aren’t rich.

  5. mblates says:

    compare this to how the rock sounded in yesterday’s post. it’s nice to see someone who’s not afraid of what his fan base might think.

  6. Lucy says:

    I’ve been following him on social media since reacher started, he’s genuinely nice and interested in everything. He can also sing really well, it’s impressive. Occasionally when he’s talking about faith stuff I can hear some mania under it, I dunno how to describe it. The biggest surprise for me in this was that he was raised Catholic. Some of the church directed criticisms seemed like they had to be from an evangelical background.

    He also named names of a few of the photographers that assaulted or attempted to assault him, and expressed real empathy for female models who are in the same positions but can’t physically fight their way out.

    Something interesting about the tattoos they left out is he started getting them during the strike, and he got them quickly, one after the other.

    Interesting piece! He seems like a truly nice guy, and his wife is clearly very stabilizing and grounding for him.

  7. Nicole says:

    I did not know this man. I like what I’m reading. I’m glad he’s speaking to the hypocrisy. Good on him for leading an authentic and ethical life.

  8. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    I’m in awe. The anti-Rock: courage, honesty and inclusiveness and more. Talking about his mental health and the consistency it takes to live well, also that it can be celebrated is what many need to hear. Bella Ramsey did similar statements and I have nothing but respect for them. It’s also true about industries that remain covers for abuse. Blerg! There’s so much healing to be done and we keep getting pulled into non-issues by those who profit from hate. So, long story long, I’m grateful for the hope represented by Alan Ritchson’s words. Life is complex, nuanced, worth the effort and we’re better served by expecting, and demanding, better, honesty, love and putting in the work for the care of ourselves and others.

  9. Jais says:

    Wow. Good for him. Trump is a rapist. More people should just say it how it is. Am now considering watching Reacher😂

  10. girl_ninja says:

    I have watched Reacher too many times to count and he’s the main reason. He wore an Arrest the Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor t-shirt and posted it to Instagram, so he’s always been about that equality and justice life.

    This makes me laugh even harder at Dwayne The Rock Johnson because we have Alan who’s got looks, acting chops, has comedic timing, can sing, and is 10 years younger. Alan is about to get that Action star coin and beyond.

  11. lucy2 says:

    I really, really appreciate him being so open and honest about his health struggles, and standing up against predators (the orange man included). Some who looks like him, and is seen a certain way by many men, speaking about such things is really important.
    I remember seeing him as young Scully on an episode of Brooklyn 99 and was happy for him when he landed Reacher. The first season was great, second a little less so IMO, but I’ll gladly keep watching. He seems like a really good dude.

    • Sunny says:

      He films a lot in Toronto and recently he supported a queer owned very popular cookie franchise we have here. They named a cookie after him because he often goes there for treats and they used the cookie to raise funds for a local charity. Yeah, he ain’t shy about what he believes and what he supports

  12. Amy Bee says:

    He seems like a cool guy.

    • Sass says:

      @Amy Bee our family friend coaches youth lacrosse – his son is on the team, and Alan’s son was as well, when they still lived in Florida. Says he’s a really great guy.

    • Barbie1 says:

      Thank you Alan for being a sane individual. Hope he rubs off on others.

  13. Angie says:

    My brother is a conservative Christian pastor & has doubled down on Trump. Frankly it’s been heartening to watch his lifelong also conservative Christian friends absolutely blast his pro-Trump posts on social media. (I’m so done w how selfish my brother is IRL that I don’t talk to him, but my hubby stalks his social media to “see what it’s like to be inside the mind of a madman.”)

  14. Ameerah M says:

    I like this guy. It’s refreshing to hear an attractive white male in Hollywood not be a complete POS.

    • pyritedigger says:

      I never heard of this guy before, but I am fan now. It is refreshing to hear a white guy who could easily be an “alpha dude bro” actually say some good stuff.

  15. jellitate says:

    MDMA is great for couples therapy. It saved our marriage and ushered my husband through remembering his abusive childhood, something that he had been unable to even admit before we started experimenting.

  16. Brassy Rebel says:

    “Christians today have become the most vitriolic tribe “. Yup. A Christian who understands the true meaning of Christianity has become exceedingly rare.

    • I love what you said Brassy Rebel. I would strongly encourage people to watch the documentary just now streaming called God and Country.It’s produced by Rib Reiner and is a great look at how the white nationalist evangelical movement is just that-an unhinged political movement and there is zero Christianity in them.

      • Nikki says:

        Not just watch God & Country but also go to IMDB and give it a good rating. Marg and her band of QMaga have been voting it down and is sitting at 4.5 stars.

  17. JanetDR says:

    Very nice to read! We really enjoyed watching Reacher! Great escapism, but the times when he walks into a second hand store to buy clothes bring me right back to reality because I don’t think he is going to be able to find things that fit that easily.
    Mr R is tall and bulky and it is such a struggle finding shirts that meet the belt line even shopping in a big and tall store. Thank goodness for Carhartts for tees and sweats, but I wish they made a button down shirt!

  18. DaveW says:

    Wow…I don’t watch Reacher, know who this is and only read the story for the headline but dang is he spot on and I need to start following him.
    I’ve said often I do not understand the cult of Trump, especially from the Christian/Evangelicals. I mean, as long as he supports, and takes action, for their side on abortion he can violate all 10 Commandments to heck and back and they’ll still cheer (and fund) his every move.

  19. tinamarie says:

    Not only is he good in Reacher but if you want to see a funnier side to him you should watch Blue Mountain State. He’s hilarious in it. He’s also in an episode of New Girl that just kills me every time I watch it. He’s been around for awhile and I’m glad that he’s finally starting to get bigger roles.

  20. AmyB says:

    “Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child and it’s unreal. I don’t understand it.”

    Well, he’s in good company because the rest of us sane people do not understand it either. 🙄

  21. Blithe says:

    No, not “the entire Christian church”. Christians, even in the US, are not all white or evangelical, or Trump supporters. Remember all of us Black women who helped Biden get the presidency— despite our memories of how he handled himself with the Anita Hill hearings? I’m reasonably sure that a significant number of them identified as Christians.

    I’ve never heard of this guy. I respect him for speaking out about some painfully difficult stuff. But he needs to stretch himself a bit and watch out for over-generalizing from his own world and experiences to the rest of us.

  22. Beverley says:

    Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson should be taking notes! This man has integrity and fearlessness, something the Rock is clearly lacking. Now I want to watch Reacher.

    Enjoy your MAGA fans, Dwayne. You’ve made your bed…

  23. TheOriginalMia says:

    Been a fan since Smallville. Happy to see him have the successful career he’s worked hard for. I wish more people would have the guts to say what he did about Trump & the Christian church.

  24. Margot says:

    I’ve heard of Reacher but haven’t watched it. This was certainly a delightful surprise to read! I will be looking out for him filming in Toronto.

  25. Laura says:

    Welp, I have a new crush. Never heard of him before now but gahdam.

  26. Trillion says:

    I appreciate hearing out loud what I think multiple times a day, as many of us do I’m sure. It boggles the reasonable mind.

  27. bisynaptic says:

    “The moment it hit, I looked at my wife. We had not really seen each other in a long time because I was just missing things around me. I said, ‘We are one. We are one,’ over and over again. I held her and we talked about suicide, and she’s like, ‘Please don’t do this to us.’ I kept saying, ‘I won’t. I won’t.’” 😳😳😳😳😳
    —Is he saying the only reason she’s still alive is because he decided to call off the double suicide pact?