Ethan Hawke: Thirty years later, ‘I kind of love’ Reality Bites, ‘I like Gen X’

While I’ve loved Ethan Hawke as an actor for a long time, I actually can’t stand Reality Bites, one of his most famous films. Reality Bites is considered a Generation X classic and representative of ‘90s culture (white culture). I couldn’t stand the movie because Ethan Hawke’s Troy Dyer treats Winona Ryder’s Lelaina Pierce like sh-t throughout the whole movie. Like, I get that it was “real” in the sense that it really was representative of “romance” and relationships at the time. But I just hated it. Ethan sort of hated it for a while too, or rather, he didn’t want to be solely associated with playing a loser like Troy forever. Nowadays, he feels differently about it. I mean, it’s been thirty years and of course he’s had an incredibly varied career since then.

Ethan Hawke did not always love being associated with one of his most iconic roles. In an interview with PEOPLE about his new movie Wildcat, the actor, 53, recalls his 1994 classic Reality Bites, a comedy-drama about recent college graduates that cemented Hawke’s status as a Generation X star.

“There was a time when it annoyed me because I was worried it was going to somehow be prohibitive of growing up, but now I kind of love it,” he now says. “I like Gen X.”

“The thing about Reality Bites that I’m amazed by is I think Ben [Stiller] turned into one of the best directors of my generation,” Hawke says. “I think he’s brilliant, and that was his first film, and that movie exists as kind of a great — I’m proud of it as it’s representative of its moment.”

Despite Reality Bites’ status as a cult classic, Hawke says most fans don’t recognize him from the film. “The weird thing about my career is there’s certain people that just think I’m the guy from Moon Knight,” he says, referencing his 2022 Disney+ superhero series for Marvel Studios. “There’s certain people that don’t know I was in any other movie besides Training Day.”

“There’s a certain connectivity between the Reality Bites fans and the Before trilogy fans, and then I have horror movie fans that [know] Sinister or Black Phone, they don’t know I was in another movie,” Hawke adds. “And I’ll get the odd person that doesn’t think I’ve done anything with my life since Dead Poets Society.”

[From People]

People do forget that it was Ben’s first film as a director, and he cast himself as the “suit,” the guy who “sold out” and had a real job, unlike the dirtbag romantic hero Troy. I really wanted Lelaina to end up with Stiller’s character too, but of course that didn’t happen. Anyway, I agree with Ethan that it’s basically a nostalgic period piece and a decent primer on Gen X. At the time, Ethan was probably offered variations of Troy Dyer for several years. But I remember when he did Gattaca and it sort of altered his career trajectory again.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, ‘Reality Bites’ poster.

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15 Responses to “Ethan Hawke: Thirty years later, ‘I kind of love’ Reality Bites, ‘I like Gen X’”

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  1. Mcali02 says:

    I hated Reality Bites too. I didn’t get it. I remember thinking I wanted everyone to take a shower cause they looked so dirty. Lol

  2. Nicole says:

    I didn’t see Reality Bites at the time because I hated the title. My friend introduced me to it in college (and we watched it on VHS) and loved it! It did kind of speak to me, even though I’m on the Gen X tail and on the younger side. That said I was never a big Ethan Hawke fan, but I loved him and Uma together, and I LOVED Gattaca. Still do.

  3. Pinkosaurus says:

    I didn’t care for Reality Bites but it was also 100% accurate representation of my college experience. Glad I chose myself instead of all the pretentious or mansplaining dudes I ended up dating at the time 😂

  4. Lenny says:

    I can’t help it, I loved it. Especially the scene where he suddenly kisses her while they are having a coffee.

  5. Boxy Lady says:

    I saw it in the theatre when I was in high school. I loved it and love it now! My feelings on the Troy-Lelaina romance have changed drastically though. I’m in my 40s now and there’s no way I could tolerate Troy, or any guy like him, at my age.

  6. manda says:

    I love steve zahn, and I thought his character was good, I enjoyed the friendship between the characters. Yeah, troy sucked though, he was terrible, and doubtful they remained together.

  7. Square2 says:

    As a Generation X myself, I got to say the era of 80s & early 90s had the most ugly trends in fashion (mullet, mom jeans for both sex, big hair, even bigger shoulder pads, etc.), but the very Best in music & movies.

    • Square2 says:

      P.S. The movie “Dead Poets Society” (which I love) introduced me to Ethan Hawk & other up & coming actors.

  8. Tursitops says:

    Hands up if you got the soundtrack as part of your record club deal – and still own it.

  9. Ameerah M says:

    I really hate Reality Bites – it felt like a bunch of privileged white kids pretending to be downtrodden and complaining about how hard life was without having actually lived yet. I saw it when it came out – not in theaters – I rented it from Blockbuster!. And even at 14 I got how annoying all of those characters were lol.

  10. Elo says:

    My first serious boyfriend held a strong resemblance to Ethan Hawke.
    Unfortunately he also acted quite a lot like Troy.
    Come to think of it, I’m fairly certain I can blame most of my early taste in men on Ethan Hawkes portrayal of Troy in RB. 😂

    • elizabeth says:

      We Gen X’ers really went through it on so many fronts. Troy Dyer — i dated so many losers because of taht character.

  11. Nev says:

    Yayyyyyy Reality Bites!!!
    That was me in the 90’s with my crew.
    Loved those hazy lazy depressing days. But in the best way.

  12. Kirsten says:

    I love Reality Bites, but so much has to do with Winona Ryder — she was just the coolest when that movie came. (She still is, honestly.)

    Ethan Hawke has had such a varied career. I really like him in most everything and he often gives quite thoughtful interviews as well.

  13. K.W. says:

    I’m a tail-end Gen Xer and remember thinking Reality Bites was a huge cliche when it came oit.