“Kendall Jenner & Bad Bunny reunited at a Met Gala afterparty” links

Kendall Jenner & Bad Bunny possibly reunited after the Met Gala! I actually forgot that they broke up. Anyway, it wouldn’t surprise me. [JustJared]
Wendi Deng & Lauren Sanchez were invited to the Met Gala. [LaineyGossip]
Who did not attend the Met Gala: Rihanna, Beyonce & Taylor Swift. [Jezebel]
Yeah, I can tell that Bill Maher wants another Donald Trump term. [Pajiba]
Jokes & memes from the Met Gala. [Buzzfeed]
Who is comedian Murray Hill? [Socialite Life]
Kim Kardashian’s half-assed explanation for that cardigan. [Hollywood Life]
Kylie Minogue & Janet Jackson look great! [Seriously OMG]
Scream totally would have worked in a 1950s setting. [OMG Blog]

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29 Responses to ““Kendall Jenner & Bad Bunny reunited at a Met Gala afterparty” links”

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  1. Kaye says:

    For a site that’s not primarily known for its fashion coverage, this thread was amazing. Thank you, Kaiser, for all the hard work and research going into these posts. I can’t imagine how much effort it took.

    • heather p says:

      Second! Great coverage, thank you. I love having my one stop shop for all things gossipy.

    • Nanea says:

      Thirded. Well done.

      Totally agree, it was great to see so many people covered, but everyone here must be tired now from putting this all together.

      And let me add, this site/the team has gotten a lot better at doing this, and that incudes the award show cycle too.

    • Abby says:

      It was really well done and enjoyable!! Thank you Celebitchy team!!

  2. tealily says:

    I mean, at least she’s trying with an explanation. Better than nothing.

  3. Kitten says:

    LOL Kim was inspired by her wildest night in a garden when she had to put on her boyfriend’s sweater?? How does that translate into cropped pilling cardi?

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Her boyfriend’s sweater? That raggedy wrap looked like she got it at a grandma’s yard sale.

    • Truthiness says:

      …and her boyfriend is a petite size small? Lmao let’s see the short king. She plans for the Met like it’s the invasion at Normandy, she needs a better lie.

    • Fabiola says:

      Was Kim holding that sweater together the whole night?

      • Tiffany :) says:

        That was my thought. Holding it all night would hurt your arms, and it looked awkward on the carpet.

  4. Laura says:

    Jerry Seinfeld has always been a terrible, terrible person.

    • Nlopez says:

      He has the ick factor ever since he had the high school girlfriend , Shoshanna, when he had his hit tv show Seinfield. Interesting that he seems to have been given a pass for it, where as others have rightly been castigated for doing ths same thing.

  5. girl_ninja says:

    Kimberly’s explanation makes so much sense…😉

  6. Mollie says:

    Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Maher are both awful people.

    • bettyrose says:

      And neither one will be exempt from persecution if we elect a fascist.

      • MissF says:

        Bill Maher lost his proverbial shit over George W. Bush getting a second term, but Cheeto “Rapey” Mussolini he’s indifferent to? The sheer elitist privilege of him, and that tosser Seinfeld.

  7. Lolo86lf says:

    I didn’t think that Bad Bunny and Kendal Jenner had anything in common.

    • Normandes says:

      They run in the same friend circles but had absolutely no heat or intimacy in their (fake) “relationship ”. So they go and leave the same venues at the same timel? Not a proof of anything more

    • Isabella says:

      I have to say they both look good here.

  8. Normandes says:

    Aside from zendaya or jlo who were hosting their were no A+ listers at the event. Even goop said awhile ago that it’s for the plebs and wouldn’t be caught there again. The met lost it’s shine and they’re even lucky to get the kklan.
    Edit: ok I take it back there was some a list peeps but I still think the met is not what it used to be

    • Carmen says:

      That sounds like sour grapes to me. Goop most likely wouldn’t be invited. Her time is over.

    • Isabella says:

      Nicole Kidman is an A plus . Loved her gown and high drama posing. Hey Siri
      Nepo Goop calling aspiring stars “plebians” is really ugly. I enjoy the famous models and musical acts. Cardi is a hoot every time.

  9. NJGR says:

    Murray Hill! I love Murray, right down to his pinky rings!

  10. JFerber says:

    I love to watch Lorry Hill on Youtube about celeb plastic surgery, and Kendall had A LOT of work on her face, as much as Kylie, in my opinion, but just not so blatant as Kylie’s, with those blown up lips.

  11. Maggie says:

    Kendull looks so drastically different without her clown makeup. She definitely wears strings under her hair.