People: Prince William was ‘upset & angry’ about the ‘where is Kate’ conspiracies

The Times of London has been burying information about the Princess of Wales in their coverage of King Charles for the past week or so, as I pointed out in a previous post. Sources indicate that Kate is “expected to be away from public duties for some time” and that William is brave and courageous for… having a wife with health problems. This is what I will continue to underline about the wacky messaging from Kensington Palace: the stories are never about “Kate’s brave cancer battle” or “Kate’s courage in handling her health issues.” The centering of William, William’s bravery, William’s courage, how WILLIAM is doing, it’s all very strange, to say the least.

In a Times piece last weekend, a “friend of William” dropped this unhinged quote: “I don’t know how he managed to keep doing all of that, knowing what he was going through, while the world was ridiculing and throwing sh-t at his wife while she was having chemotherapy. That speaks to his character, grit and determination to go out there and do the job that is expected of him. He has taken most of it on the chin and got on with it.” As I said, very recent royal history is being rewritten before our eyes, like we don’t have receipts on how all of this sh-t really went down. Well, People Magazine also got some calls, because they’re mirroring these same talking points of how hard it was for William to see social media explode with speculation about Kate.

Prince William felt frustrated by the social media firestorm surrounding Kate Middleton’s health earlier this year. Before the Princess of Wales, 42, disclosed her cancer diagnosis, she stepped out of the public eye following an abdominal surgery in January. Despite the palace sharing that she wouldn’t return to public duties for several months, conspiracy theories spread online questioning her health and whereabouts.

The rumors left Prince William, 41, feeling “upset and angry,” a former staffer tells PEOPLE exclusively in this week’s cover story, adding that the future king has managed to “compartmentalize it.”

“William is strong-minded, stubborn sometimes. That, and his emphasis on family life, will give him the backbone and strength to get through this,” says Valentine Low, author of Courtiers.

The Prince of Wales needs that focus now more than ever. Princess Kate’s health, which she has not elaborated on in terms of cancer type, presents the most significant challenge among several hurdles William has faced this year. As he treads the tightrope of duty to his young family and to that of his country, Prince William’s primary focus is steadfastly supporting his wife.

“For William, everything hinges on Kate’s well-being,” says royal biographer Ingrid Seward, author of My Mother and I.

[From People]

William was “angry and upset” at the rumors about Kate, so his answer was to have Kensington Palace lie about her condition, draw attention to the weird situation by skipping his godfather’s memorial, manipulating a palace-issued Mother’s Day photo (and blaming cancer-stricken Kate for it) and staging all of those crazy photos with at least one Fake Kate? Like, they really think that the word “cancer” washes away all of William’s shenanigans here? He didn’t compartmentalize jacksh-t either.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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84 Responses to “People: Prince William was ‘upset & angry’ about the ‘where is Kate’ conspiracies”

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  1. Lorelei says:

    Even loyalists like Low and Seward must know they’re lying when they spew this BS, which is so clearly not what is happening, and everyone can see it in real time with their own eyes.

  2. sparrow says:

    I bet he was, because, whereas some people were seriously concerned by her absence, far far more were having a great deal of fun at her expense. Made the same point yesterday: the amount of ridicule aimed at this couple, here and abroad, shows just how lightweight they are, nationally and internationally. Their greatest moment so far has been public enjoyment of Kate memes and theories and laughing at the frankenphoto. So much for their wish to be considered world leaders and to break America.

  3. Red Snapper says:

    The reason why she had surgery is the answer to everything. That’s the secret they’re hiding.

    • Agnes says:

      Somewhere someone knows, and eventually we all will too. In the meantime, where’s Kate?

      • That one. says:

        That one.

      • therese says:

        It just occurred to me that perhaps if Kate was put in a coma, it was so she could receive the feeding and nutrients severely needed, and to stop her chucking everything up because she was at a very perilous point. Just hypothesizing, because I have nothing else to go on.

  4. Peg is incandescent with rage that people don’t believe the smoke he is trying to blow up people’s a**es. He is frustrated that people are seeing what he is doing with fake pictures and videos and that they don’t just believe him because he is the Prince of Wales and future King. The dam will break and I hope it’s soon,

    • K-Peace says:

      Yup, that’s exactly what he’s angry about—that people didn’t believe his bullshit and called out the fake photos & videos.

      And yet again, not a word about how Kate is doing, what she thought of all the speculation….ANYTHING!!! Just SILENCE about Kate the person. This is very telling, and it’s so sinster. This is NOT how things would go if she were really dealing with cancer issues and getting preventative chemo. It’s almost like she’s just GONE….

    • Underhill says:

      That AI cancer video held most people off for awhile. But eventually even the most placid start to ask questions, when no one, and I mean no one, has seen her, or can admit to having seen her. This has gotten too too bizarre. It is as if, to borrow a phrase from Kurt Vonnegut, she was “squirted out of the universe like a watermelon seed.” Most curious.

      • K-Peace says:

        Exactly. It amazes me how many people don’t see this. They just blindly believe what the palace tells them. The palace/William are known liars,, so why would anyone believe them?? They’re just doing what they always do: lie, obfuscate, and bullshit. The “cancer announcement” video was so obviously A.I.-created. William has been releasing fake photos & videos of Kate. A lookalike was hired for the farmstand video. Why would they need to do that, unless the real Kate wasn’t around? They’ve obviously got a BIG secret that they’re hiding. All signs point to Kate being gone, or incapacitated. I hope more & more people start demanding answers.

      • Libra says:

        I thought the cancer announcement video was valid, until I saw what AI did to Katy Perry with the Met Gala fraud. Her mother even believed that it was Katy on those steps at the Met. So believable, so now I’m thinking hmmm.. could it be another fraud? Guess I’m too gullible.

    • esquire says:

      Yes @ Susan Collins, agreed 100%! He is worried that in this day of SM, the truth will not remain hidden forever. It must be terrifying for the royals generally knowing that they cannot keep the public in the dark in the days of SM, even with AI and Photoshop to counter.

      Edit: I raised the issue of KP’s AI images and it was alarming as to how real they were.

  5. Interested Gawker says:

    I’ll bet he was…

  6. Afken says:

    I’m sure Harry was angry and upset when his brothers fans were spreading conspiracy theories about his wife but nobody cared. Perhaps William has gained a shred of empathy for what his brother was going through, but I doubt it.

  7. equality says:

    So when PH was upset by tabloids/SM comments, the derangers made fun of him for actually reading and knowing about it. Maybe they should send their advice to PW.

  8. Shawna says:

    Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.

  9. Hypocrisy says:

    So people asking where she is and what’s going on really has him shook up🤔🤨.. then try telling the truth for a refreshing change. I have zero sympathy for WanK even if she does have cancer this is ridiculous, and these articles are deeply disturbing.

    • kelleybelle says:

      So many don’t believe she has cancer. I’m one of them. I think it’s a smoke screen for what’s really going on, or a sympathy ploy. They were getting too much bad publicity (due to their own actions), and couldn’t handle it.

      • Harper says:

        Nothing makes the peasants shut up faster than playing the C card. I would not put it past him. Not that I’m saying he absolutely did put out a fake AI cancer announcement. But it was a sudden U-turn from the KP sanctioned Windsor farm shop appearance a few days earlier that was meant to show the world that Kate was out and about in public and doing well.

      • JEMMY says:

        @kelleybelle – Thank You –
        I hope those who were up in arms against what I said hear this – @sparrow & @shawna?

      • Shawna says:

        Okay, @Jemmy, we still disagree. News at eleven.

      • Liz says:

        I agree Kelleybelle

      • esquire says:

        I agree but my comments keep disappearing regarding this!

  10. Eurydice says:

    I notice that nobody uses the word “intelligent” when describing William. “Upset and angry” seems to be his default (but not unwarranted here, considering what was being said on SM). The issue is what to do about it – and he chose to be profoundly weird and stupid.

  11. Liz says:

    He seems like the type who’s always angry about something. Which is what has led to this situation.

    • esquire says:

      Yes; that seems to be his life mantra. He even frowns. A lot. But I think he wants everyone to think he’s intelligent, so he frowns, as in, he’s deep in thought. He’s as shallow as a puddle.

  12. Water Lilly says:

    When is William not upset and angry?Incandescence is all the pathetic sausage has going for him.

  13. Oh come on. says:

    I mean, if they hate the speculation so much, she could show her face in public? Do an unedited interview in person or even by Zoom? Wave from a balcony?

    Any of that would put the rumors to rest better than publishing a Frankenphoto, blaming her for it, sharing blurry video of Fake Kate, and throwing a fit when SM calls BS.

    When he makes the story his own bravery for soldiering through his own big feelings about her illness, it makes it sound like she isn’t in a state to be brave or express feelings about her own condition.

  14. Royal Donwnfall Watcher says:

    Was at the grocery store yesterday and saw some magazine cover (I can’t recall if it was People or US or something like it…) with a pic of Kate from the coronation, smiling, and the cover title said something akin to “Future Queen!” I was surprised to see that. Not to thread jack but I found it interesting. They are just scrambling for stuff to fill pages at this point.

    William being upset at all the speculation shows (IMO) he was mad no one was believing his BS (I think another person here said the same) The fact that NO ONE is mentioning KATE’s brave struggle, KATE being upset is all very alarming.

    My heart does go out to her and her kids. I hope they are okay. No child should have to see their mom ill. All the gold in the world doesn’t heal that kind of pain. But having their father be who he is, I can’t imagine he is giving them the support they need and that is terribly sad. I hope for their sake, they have someone to lean on.

    • CherieG says:

      eh, none of the US rags have sources in the BRF — InTouch, US weekly, People etc. — they recycle stuff all the time and/or just make it up and attribute it to a ‘courier’ and we spend hours trying to decide who leaked what to whom. Either that or repeats of what the Fail has to say.

      • Royal Donwnfall Watcher says:

        Good point! They just needed to publish something….anything will do

    • esquire says:

      As I keep repeating, those kids are not regular kids. They are raised by nannies. Their affection for their mother is not the same as ordinary mothers. Their emotional turmoil is grossly overstated, IMO.

      • Liz says:

        That’s a great point Esquire. Particularly when Kate wanted them raised old school, with the nanny in uniform and eating in the nursery. The opposite of Diana who didn’t want the kids stuck upstairs with the governess.

      • esquire says:

        Thanks Liz and yes, Diana was a “hands on” mother. Diana lived out of home in her teens and worked to pay her bills. Kate was dependent on her parents until she became a welfare recipient marrying into the BRF. She can’t even function without her own mother, who is probably more hands on with her grandkids. Kate is very immature.

  15. tankerbelle says:

    Does William know where Kate is? If (as I believe) she’s doing some sort of residential program and he’s not allowed to see her it would go a loooooong way towards explaining all of William’s weirdness since her disappearance.

    Also, we all know how much William and his staff like to leak to the press. Maybe the only reason we don’t have leaked tidbits about Kate is because William is being kept firmly out of the loop.

    • Underhill says:

      That option is on the short list of remaining theories here. Another is obvious and much discussed, the coma/stroke/head injury theory. A third, which has emerged recently, is that she underwent treatment for cancer earlier in 2023, and has suffered, among other things, a reoccurence. Someone claimed that Ovarian cancer dx was leaked from her chart. Who knows? But if I had a reoccurence of ovarian ca (which means that it has spread generally), with all that implies, I would ditch my public life and concentrate on my family. Not sure why she couldn’t be seen at all, but maybe they went to mustique or something. Who knows.

      • Louisa says:

        What I don’t understand is that if it is ovarian (or any other type of ) cancer that is not something to be ashamed of. There’s no reason for the secrecy and honestly I think if they were open about it, she would have so much support from the country.
        She wouldn’t have to be out and about in public but a statement every now and again, encouraging people to get tested, offering support for others with cancer… but there is none of that. Instead we get fake videos and pictures and William acting weirder than usual like he has something to hide.
        And come on, her 70 something year old FIL has cancer and is “working” and meeting people. But she needs to be hidden away indefinitely? Doesn’t make sense.

      • Becks1 says:

        Remember that Kate freaked out when Meghan mentioned baby brain bc “you dont know me well enough to talk about my hormones!” (and in reality Meghan was being gracious and giving Kate an out for forgetting an appointment.)

        Ovarian cancer is one thing, but what if its something like colon cancer? I can see Kate not wanting people discussing her colon. And it would be a shame because being open about it could get more young people to schedule colonoscopies, etc.

        I saw some comments after her video was released about how she is raising awareness and I have to admit, I thought, awareness about what? We know about cancer. It’s not like she’s telling people to get screened, or to take some symptoms seriously, etc.

      • esquire says:

        Whatever is it, IMO, she’s never returning to public life. Ever. It’s been too long sans proper updates. If there was a plan to bring her back into public life, IMO, there would have been further updates. As it is, William seems to engage in avoidance when asked. Quite possibly, it’s a case of mala fide from the entire BRF, at William’s behest, of course.

  16. Lady Digby says:

    Willy discovered that in the wild west of sm has swept away OFFICIAL VERSION narrative intoned by KP. The age of deference is dead and PR messaging just through print medium is as dead as a dodo goo. In real time CC were showing the right way to handle the King has cancer but we are still here, carrying on, stable and visible eg church every Sunday. Willy and Kate BOTH go to ground for weeks then things get very weird and it inevitably goes viral. Now it is Kate is having chemo and will be on sick leave for as long as it takes to recover. However instead of copying Camilla’s good natured acceptance of cards for both Chuck and Kate, Willy acts like it is an infringement of HIS human rights to have muggles wish his own wife well?!

  17. Murphy says:

    This makes me want to write 10 new conspiracies about her right now.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That’s what’s so exasperating, the conspiracy is KP stonewalling the media about every aspect of ‘his wife’s illness’ including issuing entirely fake, fraudulent images to the public to pretend they are being transparent. People on the sidelines spitballing as to the ‘Why’ of KP’s behaviour aren’t the point, KP is the entity acting on William’s behalf making these shady moves and then has the nerve to pretend ‘Kate abducted by aliens’ has anything to do with this and making disingenuous mouth noises about the public ‘attacking Kate’. It’s just more hapless DARVO and tap dancing away from William’s responsibility.

      Nothing any one of us can joke or posit in seriousness about this situation changes the fact that KP are lying liars who lie and, to date, are not being called to account for disappearing the POW. And William has the nerve to complainover the barest pressure even as he still evades true scrutiny and accountability!

      There should be proof of life established for the POW and a true explanation of her condition. There should be a formal retraction in the media of that farm shop video and the participants publicly named. The story of her being seen in public that day went publicised around the world, that is criminal. Production credits AND THE COST of the bench video should be released to the public. We have the right to know if the POW herself is in the position to be her own advocate and make her own decisions, physically in her health status and within her place as William’s spouse. Kate has the right to her own narrative being put forth not what William wants people to think.

  18. Steph says:

    So is he calm and lacking drama or angry and upset?
    That cover photo is beyond creepy.

  19. Sunday says:

    Yet another fawning article all about Prince William. Kate is entirely incidental in this; you can replace ‘Kate’ with any inanimate / nonsentient object and it all reads the same. That’s completely normal and not at all a blinking red flag so gigantic it can be seen from space.

    I don’t want to revive (…poor word choice) the ‘is she with us’ convo – I don’t think she’s literally de*d, but it’s very obvious that her pr is completely de*d in the water, and there’s no chance that a joint comms team for a happily married couple would choose to completely remove one half of that couple from their own story and glorify the other. Yes, we know that the firm must always center the heir, but there are zillions of easy wife-guy tactics they could’ve gone with instead, and they haven’t.

    I was going to write an example, but I’m done spoonfeeding comms strategies to kp. So instead I’m just going to re-read the last 2 paragraphs in the excerpt above and imagine how I would feel if that’s all my “loving husband” could muster in support of my battle with cancer – Will gives himself his own backbone, Kate’s problems are the hardest thing *checks notes* Will has had to deal with, he’s trying to balance his children and his country but his needy wife is taking up all his time. I’m sorry, that’s not a loving husband distraught over his wife’s health, that’s someone begrudgingly miming the motions of their duties and resenting every single moment of it.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Will exhibits poor emotional regulation and while he’s ducking behind his sick wife for cover how much time is he really spending caring for her emotionally. Sadly @Sunday it does read like he resents the heck out of being “required” to support his own wife after surgery and further treatment. Just like he actively resents being “put upon” in any situation but especially now. Deep breath, no matter status or wealth there can be unavoidable sickness, accidents, pandemics or collapsing relationships. Nobody is exempt from bad luck or misfortune and it is okay to be shattered and need time to process and reorient yourself to cope with whatever has happened so that you and those you love can cope better. If Will is full of anger and resentment then he is truly poisoning his own system and risking a heart attack. For the sake of his children and wife, Will should get therapy and start actively caring for his family.

      • Ciotog says:

        So People reported that William is calm and that William is upset and angry…on the same day. Which is it?

    • Rnot says:

      Never heard a more perfect description of William: “begrudgingly miming the motions of their duties and resenting every single moment of it.”

  20. Jais says:

    William stopped doing all engagements despite the fact that he wasn’t the one sick, last minute bailed on his godfather’s memorial service and then put out a fake frankenphoto. People logically said wth is going on and he got mad. And now he’s blaming the public for daring to question the weirdness. The entitlement is something else. He can gtfoh.

    • jemmy says:

      I think the reason that he stopped all engagements is that partly he has been benched but also to avoid been asked about Kate’s whereabouts & also to be able to dedicate more time and resources to creating , planting stories & briefing against Harry & Meghan.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      That’s where I’ve been with this for a while, the entitlement of this man is disturbing, and even worse are the bootlickers who run around claiming that to ask any questions at all is horrible to ::checks notes :: “Kate”.

      The only person aggrieved by all of this William, who threw his own wife under the bus and fed the Sun a fake happy healthy Kate days before KP was forced to go with the C card to shut everyone up.

      There hasn’t been one reasonable explanation for why she hasn’t been seen by legit wire agencies. Not one.

  21. Becks1 says:

    I’m sure he was upset and angry. International press was questioning official KP statement in a way they haven’t questioned anything from William and Kate – at least not in a long time. and the public wasn’t buying it either. Add to that that a great deal of the conspiracy theories speculated that William had hurt Kate – I’m sure he was upset and angry. He didn’t have control and he usually does bc the press always capitulates to him.

    But, he has no one but himself to blame. If they hadn’t released the frankenphoto, I think all of this would have played out very differently. There would still have been questions, certainly. But there wouldn’t have been the sense that William and KP were trying desperately to cover up…..something. And then you factor in the car photo, and then the farm stand video….yeah, people were going to question what they were being told and that’s all on William.

    so I’m sure he was upset and angry. Poor man baby.

  22. manda says:

    Given that they make royal woman step outside for a photo-op within hours of giving birth, it is very strange that she has been hidden this long. And PW is stupid to not realize that. If they always lived in the shadows, then this would be expected.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Exactly! Everything was suspicious from the very beginning because KP didn’t cover their tracks by performing the royal script people expected.

      Why say she was ‘at the London Clinic’ for two weeks and then suddenly, on the same day CIII announce she’s home already and not one wave to the public? No thanking the medical staff, photo open on the entrance steps or waving from a car window. When has Kate ever turned down a photo op?

      Why insist she was to be monitored for fourteen days and bedridden afterwards when all modern advice is to get the patient out as quickly as possible to avoid secondary infection and have the patient up and moving in their recuperation?

      Why use American tabloid media and SM bots to push info rather than their own palace coms?

      Why the parade of fake images to pretend transparency?

      Why be such a whiny sot over people asking after your wife’s health when everyone is barred from hearing it from her own perspective?

      Why IS she barred from her own perspective? If ‘she’s doing well’. Did Getty get the metadata and originals from the photographer for the football game with George too? I wouldn’t trust KP as far as I could throw them! Is there any organization of authority to demand a well check for the POW and her children? Anyone to demand accountability and a clear explanation from William about the farm shop video and the Frankenphotos -PLURAL??

      William is offended that people won’t roll over and ignore his wife and children like he does. Well too bad!

  23. Brassy Rebel says:

    All that said…so where is Kate?

  24. Enough already says:

    The only thing that’s got him through this difficult time is occasionally watching football or those few occasions he managed to drag himself out and try to lap dance for celebrities

  25. Steph says:

    Why is the centering of William weird to you. This is how they always operate. When do they center anything else? Not when they visit any charities or anything.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Because the Middletons are quashed and every time Ma Midds looks like she’s getting back in the game BRF shut her down. They ‘always’ center William but the other side of the coin was ‘always’ Kate and her mother running their own coms. We anticipated Kate in her bedjacket smiling bravely from her sick bed, out on her mother’s arm taking walks but that never came. Even just print media quotes about Kate’s recuperation from her own perspective has been missing both from the palace’s AND the Middletons. That counterpoint being absent and immediately put out by KP with fire blankets whenever Ma Midds looks to be getting a toe hold back in is a sign KP ‘centering William’ in this situation is defending him from being scrutinized, hiding from being made to explain the discrepancies and being defensive in a manner that is not just business as usual.

      Is the POW silent or silenced? The longer nobody hears or sees Princess Catherine the shadier and scarier this all seems to be. People, even me, acknowledge she’s on the back foot with no power and ‘expendable’. We know that but how far has that gone now? Where is Kate?

      • Steph says:

        I see what you mean, but it still feels normal to me bc that centering was always to cover up something. This time it happens to be the state of Kate’s health. And yes, it’s scary.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        You aren’t wrong, that was always how they operated. When it was marriage issues it seemed tit for tat, equal, because MaMidds had the ability to get her talking points out there. Now it’s one sided enough to be noticeably sinister. This is the longest period of watching these two that has continued with zero embiggening on the ‘Team Middleton’ side. William conducting his business as usual on BOTH their behalf is not at all the norm, enough that the occasional attempts to fake it are so divorced from the way MaMidds has worked they are a red flag. Silencing his wife and her family, making it about him; a timid KP plant, on camera, asking ‘can I ask about your wife?” at an engagement and he still couldn’t act normal about it in a puffball encounter engineered to be as non confrontational and controlled by KP as possible. That’s what makes it weird and telegraphs ‘abnormal’.

  26. Miranda says:

    Well, maybe don’t lie, obfuscate, and carry on to the point where ACTUAL CANCER starts to look like the most benign scenario?

  27. Amy Bee says:

    If he should be angry about anything it should be his and KP’s incompetence in handling this whole situation.

  28. Concern Fae says:

    William, dear, you could end this at any time.

  29. SamuelWhiskers says:

    If it’s a day ending in Y, William is angry about something.

  30. meredith says:


    He doesn’t feel for her. He feels for HIMSELF.

    He does not want to be king but thought he could get away with doing nothing for at least another 15-20 years.

    He is mad Harry got out, and now is incandescent that not only is Harry free but his father likely will not live another five years and he’s going to have to take the crown in his mid-40s.

  31. QuiteContrary says:

    Wow, wait until William finds out that his poor, sick wife was blamed for that Mothering Sunday photo fiasco!!

  32. Serena says:

    “do the job that is expected of him.”..which is what, sitting in his other home with a bottle?
    Nobody expect anything anymore from the future zoom-king, please, we know he’s allergic to work. The school run excuse is not gonna last forever.

  33. Over it says:

    I think the way these people have Kate handling her cancer is all wrong. First off , many people have cancer but they like to get on with life to stick it to cancer so cancer doesn’t get to win that easily. What is Kate afraid of? Loosing her hair? Well she been wearing wigs for years so just continue to do that . Makes no difference. Is it the weight loss? Kate loves that she is super skinny. So again no big deal, she should see that as high praise that she is so skinny. Never bothered her before being rail thin. So if those are the biggest issues, then they are both not real issues for her . Charles is old and he still goes out there to at least look like he is fighting back against cancer . Kate seems like she is just giving up and it seems wrong to put that message out there . I know it’s her life and her battle to fight but I think she could do so much good for people who are suffering with cancer if she is seen to be getting back to as normal a life as possible. It’s not like she has a 9-5 job so she is definitely not over doing it at work

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “the way these people have Kate handling her cancer is all wrong”

      That’s why getting a proper interview and actually seeing Kate talk, herself, is important. We don’t actually know if Kate is in a position to advocate for herself. Kate made Prince Phillip’s funeral into her personal glamour shoot and staged her own picnic to step into the king’s news cycle at the flower show, it isn’t credible that she would turn away from everything you’ve suggested. It stands to reason Kate and her mother would be all over that kind of tailored pr. The fact that she isn’t is likely not Kate’s fault. Until we her from her this whole period of time has been radio silence from Kate and the Middleton camp. KP staff says they have not interacted with her at all. That doesn’t sound like choice. It sounds enforced.

    • LisaDawn says:

      I was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer in 2008. I’ve been on and off chemo for years. Every time I’m on chemo I’m forced to take steroids to reduce the risk of anaphylactic shock, which always makes me rapidly gain weight. A lot of the drugs you are given mess with your skin as well and cause rashes or an almost crepey like appearance. I was also pushed into chemo induced menopause at 38. If all of those things are happening to Kate, I could see her not wanting to be seen in public.

      All that said, I still think something terrible happened that involved William, but don’t underestimate the side effects of the cocktail of drugs taken to get you through the chemo. I am not vain and have simply been thrilled to still be alive. I think Kate’s vanity is a little different than mine.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        But let it be her choice, not her husband taking her choices away from her. And having witnessed the realities of cancer treatment in real life up close and personal I am not underestimating anything.

        The point is we have genuinely no idea how Kate is or what is true or false her health issues, whereabouts and ability to advocate for herself. She could incapacitated or kept somewhere against her will, she could have had something entirely different to a cancer diagnosis happen to her. We are entering five months without anyone hearing or seeing hide nor hair of her and her mother has been sidelined too. That is suspicious.

  34. MsIam says:

    William is mad that nothing is going his way, period. He has all that money but still, he can’t stop Harry and Meghan, he can’t make people on the internet shut up. There has been a real effort to shut down any channels on YouTube that talk positively about the Sussexes or criticize the royal family. Nothing has worked so far. William must be a real terror to be around, Charles too probably.

  35. Mrs. Smith says:

    I don’t understand why he would be upset and angry about people asking after K? He also seems exasperated accepting get well cards for her too. 🤔

  36. Eos says:

    “I don’t know how he managed to keep doing all of that,..”
    Well, friend of William aka Times, have you considered alcohol & drugs?
    Dude was swinging from his heels, fighting nausea, vertigo and what not presenting an award, which btw, he dropped. He couldn’t wake up from whatever he was on and was unable to show up for funerals, memorials etc… That’s how he “managed” the courage, grit, blah, blah , blah… Backbone? Sheesh! Spineless more like!

  37. Just Me says:

    Why was a possible connection not made or inquired about between the black and blue marks on Willie’s neck and the black eye that Timothy Laurence, Anne’s husband, sported at the same time?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      And Roya Nikkhah who was seen on camera in March with visible bruising under one eye, on TV discussing the Frankenphoto on an American breakfast show.

      • Libra says:

        What does she (Roya) have to do with Tim L. and Wm? Hard stretch to think all 3 of them were in the same brawl.

    • Liz says:

      Must’ve been at the same Eyes Wide Shut party

  38. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    Has any of the royal sycophants even TRIED to explain why William was so angry about people speculating over Kate’s health? Because what difference does it make to him? By contrast, the racists rants against the Sussexes were alarming, because the retired security chief said there were very credible, very disgusting threats against their lives by white supremacists. And credible, disgusting threats against the Sussexes’ lives did not (according to the royal family) warrant Harry and Meghan getting mad or commenting in the press. So what, specifically, triggered William by the speculation over Kate’s health, that he has a right to be so upset? I didn’t see any threats against him or his family. I didn’t see anything that rose to the level of what the Sussexes faced. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if these people talking about William are to be believed, then William needs professional therapy.