Katherine Schwarzenegger throws shade at the Met Gala for not being ‘chic & classy’

Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger have really leaned into the conservative branding. Katherine is basically the celebrity version of a tradwife and Pratt has given off MAGA-adjacent vibes for years. Like, I don’t actually hate them and I think they’re very well-suited for each other, but they definitely get on my last nerve sometimes. This is one of those times. Katherine’s mother Maria Shriver posted some old photos of when she attended the Met Gala with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Katherine reposted the photo on her IG Stories with these words: “When the Met Gala was chic and classy.”

Katherine Schwarzenegger doesn’t seem to be a fan of some of the more recent Met Gala looks.

In a since-expired Instagram Stories post, the New York Times best-selling author, 34, expressed her opinion on how times have changed.

Following the annual event on Monday, May 6, Schwarzenegger reshared a photo that her mother Maria Shriver posted in an Instagram carousel. The upload was a recap from a year that Shriver attended the gala.

“When the Met Gala was chic and classy,” Schwarzenegger added above the picture.

[From People]

I get it, a lot of people complain about how there are too many B-listers and nobodies at the gala these days, that the atmosphere has changed and it’s become a much more commercial enterprise. But man, that’s a surprisingly loaded statement. I know Katherine was trying to compliment her mom and she probably should have just ended it with “back when the Met Gala was chic.” “Classy” is such a loaded word though, it suggests that the gala needs more gatekeeping, that “certain people” shouldn’t be allowed in. Which brings me back to Chris and Katherine’s politics and their branding… do you think they’ve ever been invited to the gala? Is this sour grapes?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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55 Responses to “Katherine Schwarzenegger throws shade at the Met Gala for not being ‘chic & classy’”

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  1. KS says:

    Katherine…you in danger, girl. We all know Anna Wintour holds a grudge.

    • JRT says:

      Katie S needs to STFU! She’s only jealous cuz ‘the most hated’ Chris and her boring white paint persona isn’t enough to get her invited. Hope Wintour continues not inviting any of the Schwarzeneggers!!! People don’t forget….

    • Lau says:

      I hope she wasn’t waiting to get an invitation for next year because this is probably not the best way to get one. Also does she think that her husband is “chic and classy” ? Because that is not the case.

    • Isabella says:

      You shouldn’t talk about class when you were born into enormous wealth and are now married to a uber-rich actor. Like mother, like daughter. Dear God. At least Arnold and minor Chris earned it. These 2 women …

      • Al says:

        Maria Shriver is a respected reporter/correspondent with a decades long career on the national stage. She has extensive involvement with several charities, including ones she co-founded. She spent years leading various women’s initiatives as First Lady of California.

        Her daughter is nothing like her.

  2. Tuesday says:

    I hope I’m still alive to see her eat crow.

  3. Jais says:

    “Chic and classy” says the woman who just tore down an architecturally historic home so that she could build some generic farmhouse-style McMansion. Not sure she’s the one that should be judging what’s classy right now.

    • Kristen from MA says:

      Thank you!

    • Kitten says:

      Exactly. She knows all about tacky.

    • macduffer says:

      @Jais, you hit the nail right on the head. The selfish entitledness of destroying an architecturally significant house to build another basic modern farmhouse is appalling. Talk about tasteless.

    • Sarah says:


    • lucky says:


    • Lurker25 says:

      @jais, EXACTLY 💯 🎯

      No one with “class” uses the word “classy” seriously

    • Hypocrisy says:

      So not someone I would ever take advice from, especially about fashion or taste. I don’t understand why she is even quoted.. she was born to famous people and married the worst Chris there is other than that she is just the bored nasty housewife in suburbia building another Bigfoot nightmare of a home.

    • Emme says:

      Can’t say I disagree with her to be fair…. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. Bettyrose says:

    Did the statement come with a soufflé recipe? I have a new oven and could use some trad wife expertise.

  5. Beana says:

    Can’t wait to see how Anna Wintour puts this Nepo Baby in her place. You know she’s got a list!

  6. Jan says:

    When my dad was banging our housekeeper, in our parents bed, classy went out the window.

    • Nanea says:

      * and got our housekeeper pregnant

      Otherwise 👍👍👍

    • J. Wms says:

      THANK YOU!!!!! Some people need to be reminded.

    • Int says:

      She’s not wrong. Katherine is a Biden Harris supporter and is pro choice. I remember when she posted about being sad that they took away roe v wade. I remember when she got a lot of hate comments on her Instagram page for that. She’s not afraid about being outspoken. Katherine is right about this event as well. Doja cat showed up in a towel. There’s a reason why more people skipped it this year

      • Mario says:

        It’s a themed fundraiser for the Met’s COSTUME institute. It’s fashion/haute couture as costume. The laye 80s and much of the 90s was subdued in general, with the Reagan administration and the rise of the religious right, but that doesn’t make it classier. Get a grip. Love her parents, have been so unimpressed with Katherine.

    • lucy2 says:

      Honestly that was my first thought too – was the photo of her parents being “classy” before or after her father’s affair with their employee?
      She and Pratt really are a well matched pair, aren’t they?

  7. SIde Eye says:

    Background I watched one episode of Real Housewives and was so disgusted I never watched again. I have never ever seen a single episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. And I never will.

    I’ll be honest. I am one of those people who thinks Anna tanked Vogue when she put Kanye and Kim on her cover and I admit seeing reality tv people inject themselves into award shows, events, etc. gets on my last nerve.

    That having been said, it is a loaded statement, and given their MAGA adjacent vibes, it could be interpreted as borderline racist like before these rappers were allowed at the party. It may not be how she meant it but I admit my chin dropped a little.

    Also, is a person who had a baby with his housekeeper and hid that child for the longest and sexually harassed countless women the epitome of class? I doubt it. Consider what Arnold was doing at the time this pic was taken. Hardly classy at all.

  8. Sounds like someone is mad they didn’t get an invite. So sad cry more.

    • QHeatherC says:

      “Even if I HAD been invited, as I should have been (don’t you know who I am?) I wouldn’t go because it doesn’t fit my MAGA lite standards…..as it should have.”

      (Somehow i have a Q in front of my name, same old me though)

  9. GuestWho says:

    You know what extended family is super trashy?


  10. hexicon says:

    Anyone who uses the word “classy” . . . . is not.

  11. Nanea says:

    She would know about classy, being married to Worst Chris *loves guns and shooting coyotes* Pratt.

  12. Isa says:

    Didn’t her husband post a photo of her clipping his toenails?

  13. Chaine says:

    I guess that is when the gala was geared toward middle aged and elderly wealthy socialites? Because those gowns would have me dying of boredom

    • Agatha says:

      She means when the gala was white. She probably has no problem with reality stars. It’s the drop dead gorgeous breathtakingly stylish people of color she fears.

      • MaryContrary says:

        You’re making a ginormous assumption here. For all you know, she’s referring to the Kardashian/Jenner clan-who, despite their best efforts, are still white.

      • goofpuff says:

        That’s usually how they code it by saying stuff like “classy” as in only stereotypical old white people aesthetic is classy but anything else is not classy. Its the same people who come after those who wear cultural dress and tell them its a costume and not “appropriate” for an event.

  14. Myeh says:

    I’ve been hearing the term chic and classy at work a lot recently from women in this lady’s demographic. It took me far too long to figure out it was their code for keeping it just as rich and white as they were. An Indian software engineer’s wife who is a doctor and has a networth higher than the local racists explained to me that they were trying to keep her out of their soirees. They really thought their code couldn’t be deciphered by a woman who went to medical school ffs.

  15. Flamingo says:

    OH Noes! the poor nepo baby/wife isn’t happy with the Met Gala. Sound the alarms call the popo!

    She should be more worried about her and her husband not tearing down historical buildings so they can build a hot tub on it.

  16. Roan Inish says:

    Agree with all of the above comments. However that photo of Maria Shriver at a previous met gala is with her parents not Arnold.

  17. Mslove says:

    Does she also have a worm eating her brain? It would explain a lot.

  18. Bumblebee says:

    ‘Chic and classy’ is code for exclusive and white. Everyone brings up reality stars are now invited. But they never mention all the people of different cultures, races, professions, genders and colors, that we now see walking up those steps. People like Katherine live in such a narrow world that they miss all the fun of the crazy fashion and seeing these different celebrities from around the world. Such a shame.

    • Ciotog says:

      Hence why crazy people thought Melania, of all people, was bringing “class” back to the White House. As if the Obamas aren’t the classiest people on the planet.

  19. JCallas says:

    It’s tone deaf to post this when a black woman (Zendaya) was the face of the Met Gala this year,

  20. Ohokay says:

    I never heard of the met gala or most of those designers until Wintour got ahold of it. The goal of Wintour’s bosses is to make shareholders and themselves as much money as possible. And all this visibility and attention is part of that. The broad inclusion and wild creativity makes money and in a more positive sustainable way. As for classy…well… oof. Gurrl. You live in a glass house. So dumb to throw stones! No need to make a comparison. Especially in those terms. Some of the crassest things I ever heard spoken about women came from your father Arnold Schwarzenegger. And then there’s that matter of your father’s tacky behavior which lead to a second family. Plus the sordid history of the Kennedy’s. The road to their riches is pockmarked with stories and photos of vile, shady, classless behavior. For me, the clothes you appear to be judging seem a world away from bad behavior of your family that actually caused/causes harm. Maybe you can do better in your life. Start by remembering your own family because of their appalling behavior and consistently bad decisions is considered classless trash by many people. Then understand that chic and classy isn’t all about clothes. It’s mostly behavior. Practice humility (which is genuinely classy) by stifling your ignorance, ego and arrogance and demonstrate compassion and respect by saying something kind, or nothing at all.

  21. ElleE says:

    I think she is just saying something nice about her mom.
    Her husband got her involved in the church and I don’t think it is a lifetime commitment for her. Her family will be there for her when she snaps out of it.

  22. Roan Inish says:

    Touché @OHOKAY

  23. Matilda says:

    I was always taught to not say “classy” but use the word “classic”, as classy is practically slang. That said I think she was just referring to the immodesty of many of the dresses, not the guest list. I went once to the Costume Gala before Anna was involved as my friend was working for The Style of the Times and got me a ticket. It was an elegant, lovely fun evening and after the dinner there was an after party where anyone could join for $150 back in those days so people weren’t rushing out to go to other parties. Most guests stayed and explored other areas of the museum. I met so many fascinating people that night. So I get a little melancholy when I see how The Met gala has changed as I would describe it as anything but elegant but hey, the Met is on steroids when it comes to raising money. They’ll take anything from anyone and Anna has raised hundreds of millions for them. That’s why it’s her name on the gallery and not Diana Vreeland.

  24. Anony vas Normandy says:

    Hm . . . do I think a woman who wears bedazzled crosses on her clothes has ever been invited to the Met Gala? Way to be chic and classy.

  25. Tina2 says:

    She is a bore.

  26. smee says:

    After the historic home teardown she’s here to lecture about chic and classy?

    Not that I disagree, but…

  27. Maggie says:

    Oh please🖕🏻Would she call murders, rape, and countless affairs “classy?” She basically married a white trash version of her dad, except Arnold doesn’t kill innocent animals for fun, so maybe Kathy should keep her trap shut.