Hailey & Justin Bieber are expecting their first child, Hailey’s six months pregnant?

Last week, I saw a tweet with some fan photos of Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin in Hawaii, and Hailey was seen in a billowy dress from behind. There was some chatter at the time that she was definitely pregnant. But I appreciate that the conversation didn’t make it to the mainstream outlets and Hailey got to announce it in her own way: Hailey and Justin are expecting a Bieber Baby! Congrats to them and congrats to us.

As you can see, Hailey kept it simple for her IG caption, merely tagging her husband and letting the “bump” photos do the talking. TMZ’s sources claim that Hailey is already six months along – if that’s so, she looks like she’s carrying pretty small. Granted, she’s a small woman anyway, but still – I wonder if she’s more like five months along. In recent Instagram photos, Hailey did look like she was covering up her midsection but she really didn’t seem to be showing much. Maybe those photos weren’t taken recently though.

Hailey and Justin also renewed their vows while they were in Hawaii. They already had two weddings – one the simple ceremony in 2018, then a larger wedding in 2019. I know it’s absolutely none of my business, but I like that Hailey waited several years before getting pregnant. Justin was clearly ready for babies several years ago but she kept saying “not yet” and he respected that and waited until she was ready. I genuinely hope that these “just the two of them (and their animals)” years were a good foundation for them and they’re both really ready for this.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, IG.

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29 Responses to “Hailey & Justin Bieber are expecting their first child, Hailey’s six months pregnant?”

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  1. It Really Is You, Not Me says:

    I’m glad for them. I don’t think anyone can be fully ready for a child. My husband and I were 33 and had been together for 10 years before we had our first and it was still hard. Still, based on their comments about having a family it seems that this baby is very much wanted and planned.

    Now I’m wondering about her dad’s post about them needing prayers. Wasn’t that just a couple of months ago? If he forced her to defend herself in public while she was having first trimester complications, he is really an a-hole. Who does that?

    • Smart&Messy says:

      I don’t mean to hate on Bieber, but to it seems like he is completely self centered and very needy. Like it’s always about him and his feelings. I also believe he has serious mental health struggels and all of the above is shouldered by Hailey. That is not to say they shouldn’t want or have a child, it just looks like a lot of work for her.

      • LooneyTunes says:

        That was my first thought “poor Hailey.”

      • Wagiman says:

        Smart & Messy that’s a lot of people and parents. At least they have money and support. I’d rather that than how me and my husband grew up. I don’t like beeb, but he was used too as a child..

  2. Smart&Messy says:

    Congrats, I wish them the best. And I wish her patience and strength. Biebs just posted a photo of himself crying a few weeks ago. He looked unkept and thin at his coachella appearance. From the outside it doesn’t look like he is in a good place.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      I was also going to make a similar comment about Justin looking thinner, disheveled and a bit older. He is 30 now and he should change his wardrobe to look less like a teenager. Other than that I wish them the best with their first baby. They certainly can afford nannies and everything a child needs to be happy.

    • Cass says:

      Have you been keeping up with the news on him lately? Involving pdiddy?

      Justin has come a long way from his messed up years, no one I’d perfect but he’s put in work to grow. Let’s he honest, how many of us are in a good place? By who’s standards? Be gracious not judemental

  3. Wagiman says:

    Congrats to them. It’s seemed like they wanted this for quite a long time.

  4. goofpuff says:

    They seem like a couple very happily into each other so I wish them all the happiness.

  5. Serena says:

    I thought for sure they would divorce, they’ve been looking so miserable lately and he looks still mentally unwell. Anyways, best wishes.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Same here. I hope for them that wasn’t the case because band-aid babies are a terrible idea (first-hand experience, as the baby…).

      • Ang says:

        That was my first thought, the band-aid doesn’t always stay on. Especially with such immature people

  6. Normades says:

    I really hope he’s in a good headspace to become a father. I wonder what that crying vid was about

  7. riteaid says:

    Stephan must be elated bc now if they split it is 18 years of child support; Biebs supports her whole family.

  8. Amy T says:

    They seem solid, and congrats to them.

    • Mimi says:

      Really? It looks like she’s doing the emotional heavy lifting to me. He seems like a needy mess. And babies are needy messes. She’ll have two “babies” at once. I feel sorry for her.

      • ME says:

        I agree. I watched some of their reality show they did a few years ago. She was literally like his mother. Now that a baby is on the way, he won’t be able to cope having the attention off of him.

  9. Ameerah M says:

    A lot of women carry small with their first baby. My friend was seven months along with her first baby before she really started showing and had to start announcing it. Congrats to Hailey and Justin!

  10. MaryContrary says:

    He looks like a mess-so hopefully behind the scenes he’s actually okay.

  11. Mimi says:

    On a superficial note, I bugs me that she looks dressed up and beautiful for their vow renewal and he looks like he’s going to the supermarket.

  12. lucy2 says:

    Congrats to them.
    I don’t pay much attention to them, but he’s struggled a lot in many ways, hope he’s in a good place now and everything goes well.

  13. JustMe says:

    They’re having TWINS!!!

  14. Kitten says:

    I feel like a lot of people who achieve stardom at a young age often have kids at a young age. They tend to grow up fast and yearn for the kind of normalcy and stability that a family provides. I’m pretty sure Bieber would have had kids right away and maybe they tried and couldn’t or just decided to wait. Anyway, best of luck to them.

    • Lens says:

      Bieber had young parents. Seems to me like (just anecdotally) if your parents were young when you were born you want that too. But they waited five years.

      • ME says:

        I remember in an interview Justin saying he wanted to be a “young dad” but it was up to Hailey because “it’s her body”. I thought that was mature of him to say.

    • Marcia says:

      He’s not that young. He’s 30. She’s 27.
      But he still looks really young. Like a man-boy.

  15. Elizabeth says:

    It’s a bieby!

  16. Bread and Circuses says:

    I never thought these two would last, but they seem like an incredibly solid couple, don’t they?