Travis Kelce surprised by Jana Kramer claiming he’s ‘always drunk’ since he’s never met her

Jana Kramer stepped in it this week when she inserted herself into the Travis Kelce/Taylor Swift news cycle. On the most recent episode of her podcast Whine Down, Jana and her guest, a friend named Josie, ended up talking about Travis and Taylor, leading Jana to infer that Travis may have a drinking problem. The topic comes up when Josie shares that a listener of her podcast had dinner with Travis and Taylor and sent her a picture as proof. Josie declares that she’s obsessed with the two of them and that from what she’s been told, their love is the real thing. This prompts Jana to say that Travis reminds her of her ex-husband and that she’s “heard things” that she doesn’t “love.” She also says that she hopes Travis is filling Taylor’s emotional needs because, to her, “he’s always drunk.”

“He was taken aback as he’s never met her and is just living his life,” one insider says in response to Kramer’s recent “Whine Down” podcast episode in which the “One Tree Hill” alum, 40, said the Kansas City Chiefs tight end, 34, is “always drunk.”

Our sources emphatically deny that Kelce has a drinking issue, with a second insider pointing out exclusively to Page Six, “The guy is under a microscope, basically being watched everywhere he goes. Of course you’re going to see him drinking. He’s being watched everywhere he goes.”

The source adds that if the pro athlete indeed had a drinking problem, it would be very hard to hide given his notoriety.

“It’s not like he’s passed out somewhere,” the insider explains. “If he was passed out somewhere, I would totally understand, but that’s not the case whatsoever.”

The source says Kelce is just a “normal human being” who is “doing the same thing” as everyone else, except “they’re not in the public eye.”

We’re also told that the three-time Super Bowl champ is “in training right now” in preparation for the upcoming NFL season, so “if he was drunk, it would be a bigger problem.”

In April, Kelce turned heads when he chugged a beer at his honorary college graduation during the live show for his and brother Jason Kelce’s podcast, “New Heights.” However, Jason, 36, later came to his younger brother’s defense, highlighting the fact that the light-hearted event wasn’t an actual graduation and the siblings were there to raise money for student athletes.

Sources close to Travis conclude that Kramer, for her part, is just following her usual modus operandi of attaching herself to someone who is more famous than she for headlines. A source also told TMZ that Kelce thinks the podcaster was just “clout-chasing.”

“This is what Jana Kramer does,” one insider says. “She latches onto people to get attention.”

Page Six has reached out to Travis and Kramer’s reps for comment but did not immediately hear back.

The mother of two has also not responded to the backlash she’s received for calling out Travis or claiming that the sports superstar is a bad influence on his girlfriend, Taylor Swift. (Kramer also said on her podcast that the Grammy winner is “drinking more now” since she began dating Travis.)

However, her silence has not stopped Swifties from coming to both the pop star and her beau’s defense.

“Someone who is on their FOURTH marriage shouldn’t be taking about Taylor & Travis’ relationship especially judging it based on short clips at SOCIAL EVENTS,” one fan wrote.

Another added, “The things you said about Travis and Taylor were uncalled for and none of your business. Imagine talking about him and attention when you used their names to make headlines. Talking about his drinking was low and just plain nasty. Do better since you are always preaching about it.”

[From Page Six]

I think maybe Jana needs to watch more videos of Travis. I’ve watched plenty of clips of him on New Heights and he’s never seemed inebriated to me. If there really was a problem, it would have leaked, right? That said, welcome to the really big spotlight, Travis. The sh-ttiness is a real thing. As for Jana’s assertions about Taylor being shown drinking more nowadays…Did we see a lot of images of Taylor and Travis drinking during football season? Sure, but those pictures were at football games and post-game celebrations. We have no idea what they do in private. TayTay’s been using drinking metaphors in her songs and shown drinking at award shows for quite some time now. I’m not going to police a grown man or woman’s drinking habits like this.

So yeah, if you want to get attention, coming for Taylor Swift’s boyfriend and risking the wrath of the Swifties is certainly a bold move. Honestly though, after listening to the whole segment, I’m not sure if Jana expected her comments to blow up this much, but I don’t know how she couldn’t. I get that she prefaces her opinion with “I’ve heard things,” but at the end of the day, without actual receipts, it’s just meaningless gossip. Dare I say it’s…so high school?

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Photos credit Faye’s Vision/Cover Images, Getty and via Instagram/B4859/Avalon

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26 Responses to “Travis Kelce surprised by Jana Kramer claiming he’s ‘always drunk’ since he’s never met her”

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  1. Nubia says:

    I know high functioning alcoholics exist but Taylor and Travis both have professions were it would physically hinder their perfomance if it was out of control. It’s not like their behind a desk ,they physically have to be their best to do their jobs and it would be very obvious if they couldnt.

    • Fortuona says:

      And is currently doing 4 jobs at the minute as he is acting again for Ryan Murphy’s new show

      And the only thing he is drinking is a lite beer compared to a normal beer so he is not out downing spirits by the bottle

    • Kelly says:

      It’s odds because we have way more examples of Jason being drunk in public than Travis right? But she didn’t mention him. (Not saying Jason is an alcoholic either as we have only seen him drink at special events)

      Jana has always been trash. The moment she said she had never even met him was the moment all comments went out the window

  2. It Really Is You, Not Me says:

    Calling out someone you never met for alcoholism based on rumors just to promote your podcast is a shite move, especially coming from another celebrity who knows how damaging it can be to have the public make assumptions about you based on paparazzi photos and rumors.

    • goofpuff says:

      Agreed, This is nothing but a shameless attempt at promoting herself to make money as a rage bait podcaster.

    • lucy2 says:

      It totally is, and given who it is, I’m not a bit surprised. That woman likes attention, and figured out a new way to get it.

  3. Jais says:

    This is kind of gross. She’s heard things?

  4. Nikomikaelx says:

    This is just .. ew. His drinking isnt any of her business, or ours. Even if he drank a lot, it doesnt mean he would be a alcoholic.

    Maybe its because im from a country thats known to drink a lot, branding people alcoholics so easily feels condescending at the least.

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      I truly don’t know who she is, but she has a platform, clearly. Also, yes condescending. Like any addiction, alcoholism is devastating and throwing out random whispers has no purpose.

  5. SarahCS says:

    If someone is regularly falling around drunk in public we can make some (somewhat) informed assumptions about their life but we have no idea what goes on behind closed doors so the fact that you have seen someone with a drink in their hand a few times tells you nothing about them.

    Did she expect this to blow up so much? Maybe not. Did she know that talking about Travis and Taylor would get her attention? Of course she did! Why else is she doing it on a podcast?

  6. martha says:

    Something tells me Josie’s listener won’t be having a second dinner with Travis and Taylor.

  7. Concern Fae says:

    Meh. Back in my younger days, I’m sure there were people where I was less than sober every time they met me. But that’s because our social circles only overlapped at big parties with booze and loud music. They would have had an entirely inaccurate view of me, because that’s pretty much the only time I ever had more than one drink.

    My response to Jana would be that she has a friend who is a star chaser who hangs out at clubs where you can spot celebrities.

  8. K says:

    I am shocked and horrified. Jana Kramer was on OTH?!?

    • Elle says:

      She played Alex (I had to google) in the Bro’s before Ho’s story arc and was an aspiring musician I think. Her character was….not very memorable or likeable from what I recall. Wasn’t the worst, but not the best.

      Anyway, she seems annoying and these comments are uncalled for, and are especially bad if he actually does have a drinking problem which I am confident he does not based on his career.

  9. Izzy says:

    I wouldn’t call myself a Swiftie but I enjoy some of her songs and think she and Travis are a lovely couple who seem to genuinely care about and support each other.

    Jana Kramer, on the other hand, I inly know of because of her messy relationships and verbal diarrhea. And I have no idea who this Josie person is.

  10. Looty says:

    It’s ridiculous for anyone to make these accusations from afar. BUT, Travis Kelce aside, can a person hide a drinking problem while under the public eye? Absolutely.

  11. Emily says:

    Oh no Travis drank after winning the MF Super Bowl, in Vegas and at Coachella … all totally normal situations to drink in. He’s also a big guy and can handle more than a beer. Jana isn’t relevant.

  12. Lisa says:

    On one hand he wanted to become really famous and he got it.

    But really this is just gross! Like you don’t call someone an alcoholic you’ve never met based on seeing them celebrate winning the Super Bowl! Like come on. This just crosses every line. We don’t know these people we see them out at events and celebrations, and the thing with his podcast was a planned performance.

    • Sparky says:

      The thing is we see Travis out and about beyond celebrations. He’s beginning his 11th year in the NFL. To maintain the level of physical fitness required to perform at such a high level over so many years means that Travis is not drinking 24/7. Football is so time consuming that a lot of his side projects such as shooting commercials are completed in the off season— again meaning that while he may be in a celebratory phase, he’s still showing up for work.

  13. pottymouth pup says:

    Kramer has “heard things” about him that she doesn’t like? Interesting since we’ve all heard things about Jana Kramer and her issues that aren’t exactly things to like. The difference is that Jana Kramer is the one whose told the world all those things about herself because she’s desperate to center herself as some sort of wise sage when she’s really just a messy person who is thirsty AF

  14. SpankyB says:

    That would explain some of his fashion choices. 😉

  15. pollyv says:

    I’ve never heard of Jana Kramer. Had to google her. She sounds a little on the sketchy side.

  16. Lisa says:

    Addiction is not a punch line for some dimwitted podcaster who needs attention. This is distasteful at best. If he truly does have a problem, this is not the way. Her 15 minutes are up.

  17. Maggie says:

    Maybe because I’m not a drinker…….but to me they seem like they drink a lot.

  18. Douglass Abramson says:

    I’m not a Swiftie, or a Chiefs fan; but they seem to make each other happy and this Janna person sounds like a real bottom feeder. If she has sponsors and/or a company that distributes her podcast for her; the Swifties should go after them until they stop doing business with her. She MIGHT learn a lesson about unfounded gossiping.