Lindsay Lohan’s friend Pootie says he didn’t steal her designs


Yesterday, we had a grand old time looking at Lindsay and Ali Lohan putting on a weepy, Oscar-worthy performance for the cameras in St. Barth, as they stood around a yacht, fake-crying for the cameras. I had several theories about their fake tears, mostly involving an alleged incident in which Lindsay punched a random dude hitting on her sister, or perhaps they were crying about Casey Johnson. Soon after I posted the story, Us Weekly published an exclusive statement from Lindsay and one of her “friends” claiming that Lindsay’s “friend” Patrick “Pootie” Aufdenkamp (in the photo above) had stolen Lindsay’s “sketches” for her new clothing line. As if that’s why Lindsay was crying. I thought the whole Pootie situation sounded like bullsh-t for many reasons. First, I seriously doubt Lindsay was sitting around St. Barth, getting high and “designing”. Second, why would anyone steal from Lindsay? Three, drugs.

Anway, Pootie gave Perez Hilton an exclusive statement about what really went down. Apparently, Pootie had been hard at work helping Lindsay with her new clothing line and he accuses Lindsay of basically taking credit for his work… I think. Here’s his statement:

I stand by my integrity as an artist and my morals as a business person. I would like to see any shred of evidence that supports those ridiculous allegations, there is no evidence and there will be nothing Lindsay or her company can find to show otherwise. I’m way too creative of an individual to need to steal anything design-related from that girl.

She knows how much my new line means to me and has seen first hand all the HARD and HONEST work I have put into bringing it to life. The fact that she is trying to take that away from me with a guilt free conscious and can still sleep at night, is in essence, (for those of you who may not already know) exactly what kind of person she is right now.

Throughout our entire friendship I have always respected her, her privacy, and wanted nothing but the best. It breaks my heart to see someone I once looked up to, turned to, and considered a sister, stoop to a new kind of low. Just because her career is stuck at a stand still, mine is just taking off. I could not be more thankful for the place I am in today. And am far too creative to need or want these designs of “her’s” that simply don’t exist. I give credit when it is due and my line that is about to come out next month is 100 percent, my own. I think she should start off this year by addressing the REAL issues that face her life first…

“From the bottom of my heart, I wish her nothing but a happy & healthy 2010.”

(I am relieved to say I have finally made it home SAFE, and am exhausted, overwhelmed and drained from everything that I have endured on this trip, one day soon this will all make sense to you, but right now that’s all I can say)

Thank you all for the support.

[From Pootie’s statement via Perez Hilton]

Eh. Crackheads never learn. And I’m talking about both of them, Pootie and Lindsay. They both sound like they have problems of the drug variety. So, should we feel sympathy for Pootie because he enabled Lindsay long enough for her to turn on him? I actually believe his side of the story. Lindsay probably looked at Pootie’s sketches and was all “those are mine, you stole them, get out!” Which is probably how she steals all of that jewelry too, come to think about it. If you had a deranged, cracked-out Lindsay Lohan screaming “That’s mine!!!” at whatever you had, wouldn’t you just give it to her and run?

Patrick “Pootie” Aufdenkamp on December 18, 2008. Lindsay Lohan weeping dramatically for the photographers on January 5, 2010. Credit: Fame and Spread Pictures/Fame.


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29 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan’s friend Pootie says he didn’t steal her designs”

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  1. stinabelle says:

    Lol, that is a lovely picture of Lindsay.

  2. Firestarter says:


  3. ,,,, says:

    “Pootie” scares me. It’s like the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and an Oompa Loompa had a cracked out baby. He’s giving me nightmares.

  4. Whitey Fisk says:

    ,,,, that’s hilarious!

  5. LolaBella says:

    TEAM POOTIE! Hell, it makes me snicker just as much to type that as it does to say it! LMAO.

    I guess we should stand by for the EPIC cracktweets that will be forthcoming from Lindsay about this situation.

    Although anyone who saw her ‘designs’ for Ungaro would know better than to believe that someone would steal her designs.

    Looking for a tell all book from Pootie (snicker) next month as part of promotion for the launch of his line.

  6. canadianchick says:

    Pootie just steer clear of Coke Snootie if you want a career.

  7. Tess says:

    Right Firestarter, it’s Pootie.

    Hmmmmmm….Chanel, Ballenciaga, Dior, and Pootie.

    The name just shrieks instant credibility. Still, I’d take his word over hers.

  8. e says:

    A guilt free conscious?! Is this misuse of the English language the work of Perez or Pootie?

  9. jen says:

    Oh great, we’re already awash in useless *cough* “celebrities”, now we’re going to have to see pictures of useless Whorehan’s FRIENDS in the press? I give up *throws in the towel* LOL

  10. Annabelle says:

    She looks scary when she “cries.” I’m sure there are no sketches, andvits just giving her an excuse for her company as to why she never turned in anything in time fir their line to launch. “I swear I designed all kinds of stuff, but they were stolen! That’s why I don’t have anything for you and we won’t have a fall launch!” anyways, I doubt she does any designing anyway- prolly just puts her name on stuff from a designer on the payroll. And I’m sure if there were designs from this guy, she’s just mad that he won’t let her use them for herself

  11. MSat says:

    Why am I envisioning Lindsay’s “sketches” looking like stick figures, and done in crayon?

  12. Jojo says:

    Does Pootie’s cocker spaniel know that he stole it’s hairstyle?

  13. mollination says:

    Ugh, the unneccessary comma! They even gave a shout out to these comma-abusers on “Nobody likes you”.

    “They are 100%, my own.” Just because you paused saying that in your head does not mean the english language needs you to seperate “my own” into it’s own stand alone sentence. gar!

  14. Angel says:

    *Patrick’s statement is well written and intellegent. Lindsay’s statement’s are delusional schizo ramblings of an uneducated addict.
    *Don’t know about Patrick’s creativity or talent, but I do know that Lindsay doesn’t have talent for much of anything.
    *Patrick has always been in the background supporting Lindsay (who bbsits Ali when LL is in a stupor?) in everything she does. Lindsay is reduced to begging, lying, stealing, porno photo shoot, drug addition, alcohol abuse.
    *Everyone else that matters has kicked Lindsay to the curb so in retaliation she kicked Patrick to the curb because she is lashing out. You will see many fresh cuts.

  15. Tia C says:

    I just love those pix of her crying on the deck. I still want to know the real story of why she is crying. What a cracked out drama queen!!

  16. kermit says:

    Lindsay starts the new year on a $180 million yacht with her best friend, a good friend, and her beloved sister Ali declaring no more drama. Then this. Who knows what this guy’s character really is like or the details surrounding the drama. But, they were very close friends of seven years. There’s one constant in drama created. Lindsay Lohan. There’s a new cut on her right arm. In the end Lindsay is not alone as Ali is with her. Ali…

  17. Jessica says:

    something doesnt look right with her chest in the center pic… weird.. are they supposed to hang that low??? lol

  18. prettytarheelfan says:

    Pootie and Kim Kardashian team up on a new fragrance… “Fart Blossom.”

  19. WTF?!? says:

    Anybody whose nickname is derived from a bodily function is suspect.

  20. teri says:

    I don’t agree with the image you used! This girl just got devestating news that a close friend just passed away. I know some will say this is a gossip site but it’s tasteless.

  21. buenavissta says:

    @teri: I recommend Whitey Fisk’s spot-on comment from yesterday:

    “You know, usually when I am crying over a friend’s death, I step inside the yacht and try to compose myself, as opposed to standing on the deck and directly facing a group of people who are taking my picture. But that’s just me. I’m shy like that.”

    p.s. Whitey, I like the cut of your jib!

  22. Jessica says:

    She looks like a donkey in the header pic!! lol.. hee haw.. hee haw…

  23. Emily says:

    “If you had a deranged, cracked-out Lindsay Lohan screaming “That’s mine!!!” at whatever you had, wouldn’t you just give it to her and run?”

    Thanks, Kaiser, I think I know what my nightmares will be about tonight!

  24. la chica says:

    i love how her right eye is crying but the left one is busy scanning for the cameras. lol!

    as i said in another post, she was crying bec Pootie and Jessica abandoned her and Ali in St. Barts and they had to find their own way home. (she has since confirmed this via twitter).

    the entourage that followed Hohan around for the past few years is disintegrating and she feels abandoned. in response she re-tweeted a tweet by SamRo and reached out to her last remaining friend, Davida Williams. but SamRo did not respond. she never responds. which means that Lindsay has 1 friend left in H’wood. but i’m sure she’ll acquire a new entourage soon.

    all you have to do is check Paufdenkamp’s website and you will see that he has been a stylist for a long time. i suspect that Lindsay hoped to cash in on his designs and he decided to keep them for himself. that is not stealing. if there is a thief in this former partnership, we all know who that is.

    my prediction: jail before the end of 2010.

  25. Sally says:

    Hahaha! Is she laughing or crying in that pic?

  26. thepickle says:

    white girl’s overbite?

  27. PigskinMama says:

    Yikes, it just gets worse and worse for old Linds.

  28. Lia says:

    Holey moley. She looks hideous when she cries. She was too stupid, I guess, to run and hide from all cameras with her face looking like that. She looks like a gasseous rabbit. Good Lord.

  29. RYAN says:

    So believe it or not me and 6 of my friends were on board that same flight to LAX w/ patrick he had the worst attitude, he was actually sitting in front of my cousin….. unaware of the entire lindsay situation he thought he was goina’ take his bitchy ass attitude out on everyone else, we PUT HIS ASS IN CHECK REAL QUICK!!!!, that’s rite Pat, and ya kno this!