Avril Lavigne is fine with people saying she was replaced by a doppelganger

Some conspiracy theories die hard, or rather, perhaps they do die and are replaced by a doppelgänger conspiracy. For the last two decades, Avril Lavigne’s been at the center of a crazy conspiracy that she unalived herself sometime in 2003, and was then “replaced” by a body double named Melissa Vandella. Although the rumor blew up in 2011, Internet sleuths have traced its origins back to sometime in 2004-2005, when they allege that Avril’s look suddenly “changed.” It was propelled by a photoshoot around the same time in which Avril has the name “Melissa” written across her hand. It’s a pretty morbid rumor and it’s wild that it still has legs today. I honestly cannot believe it’s still a thing that she gets asked about, but she was asked about it during an appearance on the Call Her Daddy podcast. Avril said she finds it “funny” and “so dumb.”

Avril Lavigne has been laughing off those doppelgänger conspiracy theory for years. While appearing on the “Call Her Daddy” podcast, the 39-year-old “Girlfriend” hitmaker addressed the ongoing rumor while speaking with host Alex Cooper on Wednesday, May 15.

“I mean, it’s just funny to me,” she began. “Like, on one end, everyone’s like, ‘You look the exact same. You haven’t aged a day.’ But then other people are like, there’s a conspiracy theory that I’m not me. Honestly, it’s not that bad. It could be worse, right? I kind of feel like I got a good one. I don’t think it’s negative or anything creepy. We’re good.”

The pop-punk super star insisted that she is “obviously” the real Avril. After Alex asked if her real name is, in fact, Avril, the “Sk8er Boi” singer said, “Obviously, I am me. It’s so dumb. I knew you half believed it.”

Nevertheless, Alex couldn’t help but point out that Avril hasn’t aged a day since she rose to stardom in the early 2000s.

“I’m telling you what’s crazy is you haven’t aged,” the podcast host pointed out. “I’m staring at you. And, like, I’m picturing you with your auburn hair. And I’m like, oh my God. You literally look the same from when you were younger.”

[From Hollywood Life]

The funny thing about this entire conspiracy theory is that Avril has always looked like herself! She’s had the same basic hair do and general style for 20+ years now. It’s not like she disappeared for a little while and then came back with a completely new face. Is Melissa a robot who doesn’t age? Isn’t it more likely that Avril just has good genes and lots of money to help maintain a youthful appearance? This all just goes to show that people have always been susceptible to believing in conspiracies. Anyway, I suppose while it’s just as “dumb” as Avril says it is, it is kinda a badge of honor to be plagued with the same conspiracy theory as Sir Paul McCartney was.

photos credit: John Marshall/Avalon, Dennis Van Tine/Avalon, Faye’s Vision/Cover Images

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6 Responses to “Avril Lavigne is fine with people saying she was replaced by a doppelganger”

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  1. Emily says:

    Avril has always been Avril. I think part of the rumour started when her style changed slightly (the solemn, rock girl from her first two albums dyed her hair blonde and wore a skirt for Girlfriend, which was pure pop).

    On Avril being ageless, its funny. Some people say she hasn’t aged and than all the comments under her Call Her Daddy podcast appearance were haters saying she needed botox.

    Anyways, I’m a lifelong fan and can’t wait to see her on tour this summer!

  2. Kitten says:

    She’s still very pretty but she has aged, like all of us. It’s the gravitational pull on the face for me. I hate how the lower face just starts to fill out and there’s nothing you can do about it. Ugh. 40s suck.

    • SAMESAME says:

      @kitten Exactly this! Selfies are a whole planned exercise now, thanks to the gravitational pull happening around my jaw line.

      Avril looks great but she does look like she’s aged. She definitely looks like a woman and not a teen girl and that is a good thing.

  3. Tara says:

    Well, I went down that rabbit hole years ago. I take pride in having a very good eye when it comes to detecting differences. I believe there was a doppelganger in place (sry), for whatever reason, until – this strange music video came out with her in the front seat and in the back of the car all at once. After that, I believe, it was (mostly) her again. One could detect differences when it came to nose, eyes and teeth – others led with behavior and voice, but that was not my cup of tea 😅

  4. Ameerah M says:

    I mean she has aged…she just hasn’t aged poorly. Literally and figuratively lol.

    • VoominVava says:

      I loved Avril’s whole sk8r image when she came out. (I’m also from Ontario so it was exciting to see her rise to fame!) She really looks almost the same, definitely younger than she is .. but I think she also acts very similarly too. She seems very emotionally stunted to me. She has the J Lo loving love, jumping from “the one” to the “new one” with no rests in between. But she seems like a good person with a good sense of humour and lots of talent. Go Avril. I want to try to take my brother to see her when she comes but tickets are INSANE $$ these days.