Foxy Brown would like to be let out of prison. Thanks.

Foxy Brown, the rapper with a crazy sense of entitlement, has requested that she be let out of Riker’s Island prison after just four months into her year long sentence. Her argument is that she’s having trouble with her cochlear implant, and needs to go to Los Angeles to have a specialist look at it. No, the New York doctors aren’t good enough. And she’s not asking for a few days or weeks, but feels that – due to the problems with her hearing, she should just be let out altogether, and not held responsible for any of her crimes. And the woman has a crazy long rap sheet. So to speak.

“I am terrified of not hearing a fire alarm go off, or being locked in a cell, and someone not being kind enough to let me out, since not everyone understands the severity of my condition,” Brown wrote in a four-page letter attached to her attorney’s motion.

Two surgeries to ease her cochlear comfort failed, attorney Laura Dilimetin wrote in the petition filed on Brown’s behalf in New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan. “If her hearing is damaged any further, it will affect the way she hears, and it will affect the way she sings. It will have dire consequences on her ability to maintain her profession and livelihood.”

Brown, whose real name is Inga Marchand, wants to be out by Jan. 30 in order to “have her cochlear implant reprogrammed and repaired” at the House Clinic in Los Angeles, “or else face imminent harm to her hearing,” Dilimetin wrote. “Her condition is worsening in jail since she cannot obtain at Rikers the proper treatment,” the motion states. “Ms. Marchand does not want to risk such a sensitive and complicated process to centers that have failed her in the past.”

[From E! News]

I love the line that she’s afraid there might be a fire “and someone not being kind enough to let me out.” Honey that has nothing to do with your hearing, you’re just afraid of that. If you could hear just fine, there’s still the same chance someone “won’t be kind enough” to unlock the cell and let you out. That’s part of prison – if there’s a fire, it’s going to be problematic. And another part of prison is that it’s scary. You don’t get let out because it’s scary, you don’t commit crimes in the first place because it’s scary.

Brown also said prison is serving no purpose and isn’t helping her, so they might as well just let her go.

Yes, I’ve made some bad choices and stupid mistakes. But please understand that sitting in a prison with murderers and criminals is not rehabilitating or what I need to deal with my inner issues,”

[From E! News]

First off, you’re sitting in a prison with criminals because you are a criminal. And odd as it is, criminals don’t get a say in what they need to deal with their inner issues. Maybe once you’ve served your debt to society, but we have a retributive, not restorative justice system. Like it or not, this isn’t about making you all better. Part of me wishes it were, but the other part of me knows someone like Foxy would just take advantage of that. This is about punishment. You don’t get your fancy specialists, 600 thread count sheets, or diamond rings in prison. It sucks. That’s the point, so you won’t do it again. Give someone a reason to believe you’ve already changed, and then we’ll talk. But when you miss the entire point of your incarceration, and your argument is based on it, then the whole thing gets thrown out the window.

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