Is Gwyneth Paltrow pregnant? (update)


Gwyneth Paltrow was admitted to New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital late Monday night with what media outlets were calling a “mystery illness.” Her publicist refused to comment, saying only the Gwyneth was now find and resting at home. The Huffington Post reported that Gwyneth was doing a five day fast from Organic Avenue, and she did indeed have their food delivered to her room. However Rush & Malloy are reporting that Gwyneth is in fact pregnant, as she was on the hospital’s maternity ward.

Did a pregnancy complication put Gwyneth Paltrow in the hospital? Husband Chris Martin was seen pushing the Oscar winner into Mount Sinai Medical Center here Monday. “They looked very serious,” a witness tells us. “She looked upset. They went right past everyone and into the elevator. It seemed like they were expected.”

Paltrow’s rep, Stephen Huvane, declined to discuss what was wrong with the actress, who last year underwent knee surgery. “She’s fine,” said Huvane, adding that Paltrow had returned home. But our spy did report that Martin and Paltrow entered Mount Sinai’s maternity wing, the Klingenstein Pavilion.

Last August, Paltrow, 35, told an interviewer she and Martin wanted to expand their family, which now has daughter Apple, 3, and son Moses, 1. While Martin wanted to adopt, she said she was open to having “two [babies] in a row, really quick again.”

Huvane called speculation about a troubled pregnancy “guesswork at best. This is a private matter not for public consumption.”

[From Rush & Malloy]

You’ll note that the rep didn’t actually deny that Paltrow is pregnant, just that everyone was speculating about it. I’m guessing that perhaps Gwyneth was pregnant and lost the baby. Again, total speculation, but considering Huvane didn’t refute the pregnancy rumors, but instead chose to nitpick at them, it makes me wonder what was actually going on. The Huffington Post found out that Gwyneth was doing Organic Avenue’s fast by simply calling the store and asking an employee what she had delivered. I’m surprised the employee just gave it up, but the Huffington Post is pretty accurate, and the reporter’s story seems credible. I would seriously hope that Gwyneth was never pregnant and the reports of her being on the maternity ward are inaccurate, because it would be terribly irresponsible for a pregnant woman to be on a fast. Either way, let’s hope she gets better soon.

Update: Commentors Diva, Beanie and Minx note that Gwyneth’s husband Chris Martin lashed out at a photographer outside the hospital in a video available on TMZ. Chris went off on the photographer after he said “congratulations” and the general consensus is that it is likely that Gwyneth suffered a miscarriage. That’s incredibly sad and our thoughts are with them at this difficult time.

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