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It’s time for our monthly(ish) check-in on Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes! Last time we paid them any attention, they were talking about how difficult it was to leave their “perfect-looking” families while starting an “emotional affair.” Well, they’re still talking about themselves, but this time, they’ve actually managed to land on something that’s relatable to the rest of us. Like a lot of us, Amy and T.J. have been watching the Summer Olympic games in Paris. T.J. was so into it that he got up in the middle of the night to watch the women’s marathon swim event as it was airing live. Amy was not cool with being woken up at 2:30 a.m., and made T.J. GTFO of their bedroom.
Amy Robach admitted she kicked her boyfriend and former “GMA3” co-host T.J. Holmes out of bed in the middle of the night earlier this week — all because he was playing the TV too loud.
Robach, 51, revealed the details about the late-night affair on the August 8 episode of her podcast with Holmes, “Amy & T.J.” The couple has been watching and reporting on the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics on their podcast, and just as they were in the home stretch of the thirty-third Olympiad, the games drove a wedge between the two.
“We’ve been watching, we watched the marathon swim this morning,” Holmes said on Wednesday before being cut off by Robach.
“You watched the marathon swim,” she interjected. “Let’s just be honest.”
“This one actually started earlier than the other event,” Holmes replied. “This one is at 1:30 a.m.”
“You got up at 2.30 this morning,” Robach added. “To literally watch women swim through a river.”
“Babe, you’re insane,” Robach said with a laugh. “So he came, he put it on while we’re both lying there. And normally we all know TJ likes the TV on. And I can drone [sic] it out. But for some reason, the commentating, I just, I started getting into it and then I couldn’t fall back asleep. So you had to go into the other room.”
Holmes admitted he was fully absorbed in the competition.
“Because you have to, this is a sport,” he added. “It’s not like constant, it’s constant action, but you can’t really see action. It’s like watching a NASCAR race. At some point, you just think they’re going around in circles. You have to really pay attention for the nuance. And I had to have all the nuance explained to me.”
“So you had to turn up the volume a little,” Robach recalled, revealing the exact moment that Holmes had to leave the bed. “And that’s when I was like, babe, can you turn down the volume? And so you just left the room.”
Okay, I can totally understand T.J.’s enthusiasm for the Olympics, but if my husband turned on the bedroom TV at 2:30 a.m., I would kick him out, too. If your partner is trying to sleep, it’s just common decency to do that in another room, especially at that hour in the morning! I need total darkness (I use a sleep mask) and no noise to sleep, but over the years, we’ve compromised on brown noise. I can fall asleep with the TV on, but will inevitably wake up within an hour and need it off so I can achieve full deep sleep. So yeah, if I were Amy, I would have kicked him out, too.
That said, I do have one somewhat related story about watching the Olympics. On Saturday night, my six-year-old went to bed around 9:00 p.m., after watching about an hour of the Olympics with me, Mr. Rosie, and his 10-year-old brother. While we were watching the Men’s 5000m finals, the three of us started yelling loudly at the TV as we saw Grant Fisher make his move to come from behind and finish in third place. We were literally screaming at the TV. We thought my six-year-old was asleep by that point, but when it was over, he opened his bedroom door and very pointedly snapped, “Hey! I’m trying to get some sleep here!!” He feels Amy’s pain, too.
I agree with Amy telling him to gtfo and watch in another room. Sleep is non-negotiable for me and as I recall, these two are marathon runners. I mean, the training doesn’t stop just because you’re not racing that weekend. It’s constant and sleep is a huge part of that. Even I get that and my ass is usually parked on the couch!
This is why I never have a TV in the bedroom—full stop.
Imagine when these two break up and they have separate competing podcasts to share every exhausting detail of their separation. Will we never be rid of them?
We’re a no tv in the bedroom couple too, but my husband has worked odd shifts for most of our marriage and he snores like a freight train so I’m pretty unbotherable!
Sixlet’s sleeping comment is the most wholesome thing I’ve ever seen on a T.J. and Amy post. Thank you, Rosie – and yes, Grant Fisher is amazing!
Wait your husband has a ten-year-old brother and his son is only four years younger.