“Julia Roberts was an a-hole at the Globes” links

Julia Roberts is an a-hole: Part one million and one. [The Blemish]
If Bill Paxton actually said this, he is an awful human being. [LaineyGossip]
I absolutely hated Tina Fey‘s dumb dress. [Go Fug Yourself]
Alexander Skarsgard & Kate Bosworth were all over each other last night. [D-Listed]
Amy Adams was adorable last night. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Monica Bellucci is pregnant with Vincent Cassel‘s baby. Swoon on all counts. [PopEater]
Michael C. Hall breaks my heart a little. [Starpulse]
Fug fashions from The Art of Elysium gala. [Hollywood Rag]
Christina Hendricks‘ boobs are… enchanting. [Egotastic]
Julia Roberts is an a-hole at the Globes: Part one million and two. [The Frisky]
Carey Mulligan: BYOV (Bring Your Own Vodka) [Jezebel]
Mischa Barton is (playing) a prostitute. [A Socialite Life]
Best foreign language films of 2009. [Pajiba]
Octo-Mom bikini pics are finally here. Gross. [Celebslam]

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57 Responses to ““Julia Roberts was an a-hole at the Globes” links”

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  1. Bubulle says:

    I can’t stand this homewrecker, she’s so annoying and overrated.

  2. bros says:

    ugh, she was an a-hole. from her snarky drunken comments to billy bush to her bitchy ‘who’s natalie’, to AGAIN making the presenting all about her (she has done it before), to not making an effort to dress up and looking like she was out for a fancy lunch, to acting glib about passing up the role sandra bullock took in the blind side because she is all about her kids (yet still found time to be in that stinker coming out- “valentines day”) total wanker for the evening.

  3. Tazina says:

    Roberts was giving out an award toward the end and it was there I noticed her attitude problem….something like let’s get this wrapped up so “I” can get out of here. She turned the presentation of the award to talking about herself and her kids….do I care if they’re in bed or not….!!!

  4. Firestarter says:

    Julia Roberts is so 1990!

    To be honest, when hasn’t the woman been a giant A-Hole?

  5. heb says:

    Oh gosh I hope Bill said Dexter

  6. lucy2 says:

    I always get the impression from Julia that she feels she’s gracing everyone with her presence.

  7. Cathy says:

    haha drunk mess. Love “who’s Natalie??” at the end.

  8. BitterBetty says:

    “you passed on the blind side, didn’t you” ahahahaha BURN!

  9. gillie says:

    julia roberts needs to go away. her whole “im special” act is about as endearing as Ho-hans.

  10. Taya says:

    Julia Roberts an asshole? Nothing new there. The terms homewrecker, whore and bitch are much better words to describe the ‘not-so-great’ Julia.

  11. gloaming says:

    I tried to post that Bill Paxton link twice today, strangely it was marked as spam.

    It looks like Paxton said “I got beat by Cancer” when Michael C Hall deservedly won. What an awful thing to say if he did. I’m not sure. Maybe he said “wasn’t Twister awesome!

  12. Rachel says:

    I love Julia roberts, i thought she was hilarious, i wish she was my friend we’d have a blast.

  13. hatsumomo says:

    I had to watch it a second time to get the ‘ who’s Natalie’ thing.

  14. padiddle says:

    By all accounts Bill Paxton is a really nice guy, and seemed to be there with his kids. I’m betting he said ” I got beat by Dexter”
    I watched the video like 20 times and it seemed impossible to tell what he was saying at all, but maybe I’m just crazy. He looked really happy, not pissed so I doubt he was saying something as mean as “I got beat by cancer”

  15. Samantha says:

    It TOTALLY looks like he is saying Dexter, why are people so horrible in trying to find evil stuff everywhere? Dang.

  16. TG says:

    I used to love Julia in the 90’s until I realized she is so obsessed with herself. She wore that hideous long-sleeve dress last night to cover up her not so svelte arms and tummy. She is a has-been and Sandy is so much classier than Julia could ever pretend to be.

  17. lucy2 says:

    I watched the Bill Paxton thing a few times, and I seriously doubt he said cancer. 1 – only a heartless monster would say that. 2 – only an idiot would say that knowing that the cameras could be on him. 3 – someone around him would have looked surprised to hear that.
    I’ve always thought he was pretty dull as an actor (though I like Big Love) but I don’t think he’d say anything like that. Most likely someone said “who won?” not recognizing the name and he replied “I got beat by Dexter”.

  18. Besides being an a__hole…….she is a has been. Her looks are gone.

  19. Firestarter says:

    @Lucy2- Exactly!

    But let’s go with the rumor of him saying “I got beat by cancer” so we can paint him as a terrible man, and make something out of nothing. Typical internet b.s!

  20. juiceinla says:

    She was Hammered. I like big time celebs who get hammered and then give interviewers shit. I like it a lot.

  21. jo says:

    Can not stand her!! Totally home wrecker thinks she is all that!! Bitch!

  22. Tom says:

    a DRUNK a-hole…

  23. CB Rawks says:

    When these actors feel the need to point out that they passed on a role that turned out fabulous for someone else, it makes them look really petty, insecure and thoroughly asshole-ish. How can they not see that?
    “You’re only a success because I allowed you to be! wah wah waaah.”

  24. lucy2 says:

    Just rewatched…have to agree with juiceinla, she was hammered. And while I agree that I love anyone who rags on Billy Bush (how obnoxious is he!) I still find Julia a whole lot to take.

  25. badrockandroll says:

    When Elizabeth Taylor won the Oscar for Butterfield Eight shortly after she cheated death for like the fifth time, fellow nominee Shirley Maclaine said that she had lost to a tracheoctomy. Not commenting as to what Paxton might or might not have said, just saying that it’s been done before. I will say that Julia Roberts looks like Madonna here. Her face is too tight and her hair needs some hot oil pronto. Can’t stand her, never have.

  26. benny says:

    Aren’t they making a Secretariat movie? That would be a great role for Julia (and I don’t mean Penny – she’s already been cast with the georgeous Diane Lane).

  27. Charity is Chic says:

    Man, the haters on this site are showing their true colors. She had a little fun in front of the cameras, that’s all. She’s no more glib and no more “Ain’t I special” and she’s no older than that charming little effer George Clooney. Where’s the hate for him? When is it time to call him an a-hole who is over the hill and full of himself? Yeah, thought so.

  28. anon says:

    i don’t really see what she did wrong, she didn’t even bring the blind side thing up that was the interviewer?

  29. Judy says:

    SO glad to see that others agree w/ me regarding Julia being overrated. I dated two guys who didn’t find her the least bit attractive even in her peak. I’ve never seen anyone with that many teeth or a bigger mouth, except Rachael Ray.

  30. corine says:

    @Charity. Me too, I don’t think she did anything wrong. It was cute when the camera panned to her and she was chatting with Paul McCartney. He seemed smitten. As for the endless homewrecker comments–you don’t know what happened. Some of you sound like angry villagers, circa 1770. Why don’t you brand her with a scarlet letter A? Will that make you feel better?

  31. jess says:

    she’s an a-hole because she told the truth?

  32. Exiled says:

    it looks like paxton is saying ‘maybe next year’ ‘next year’ and ‘dexter’ look similar.. i can’t beleive anyone would say i lost to cancer.

  33. CB Rawks says:

    No, she’s an a-hole because her behaviour is weird and petty and sore-loser-ish. If you can’t see that it’s nicer to be gracious and happy for other people, then you might have an attitude problem.

  34. canadianchick says:

    she has become a drunk bitch. Next!

  35. juiceinla says:

    Good point on billy Bush, Lucy2! Such a tool.

  36. WTF?!? says:

    “I lost to a tracheotomy.” That story is EXACTLY what I was thinking. Spot on.
    I didn’t see Paxton’s mouth say “I lost to…” even, but I’m not a lip-reader.
    Who cares either way? It’s not like he *gave* Hall cancer.
    And Julia Roberts is a horsey-faced no-talent, and sadly for her, she’s not funnier when she’s drunk.

  37. Popcorny says:

    She’s an a-hole for many reasons, but one thing I especially can’t stand about this insecure fake is her bandwagon mentality.
    Example, her “tirade” on some photographer a year (or few years) or so ago -it only came after George Clooney spazzed and got extra press. So all of a sudden she turned her lame self into a mini-sean penn. It was embarrassing to watch her “take” (copy) a (someone else’s) stand.
    So, of course she’s going to gratuitously bash on NBC, monkey-see monkey-do.
    As for attractive, hell no. I won’t get into the details so as not to offend others that have similar traits, but I think all the bullshit about her being attractive came from other women, not men so much. She’s never been “that kind” of attractive.
    There’s also plenty of damn good reasons why she had body doubles.
    Ugly inside, ugly outside.

  38. Rory says:

    Julia and George Clooney have the same attitude. I am gracing you with my presence and my ho Italian girl with a barbwire tat on her arm. You better knee before me and kiss my ring.

    I cant believe that she was trying to be in directly mean to Sandra who is always nice.She also could not even stop her self she kept on going …I wish she was pissed like Mariah cos Mariah spoke slowly and you can see that Mariah was collecting every single brain cell to make a decent sentence. Julia just went on like road kill.

    Sandra has not slept around and stole hubbies. Julia had no right. If anyone should be bitchy its Jen Aniston for sure HA HA HA

  39. Anastasia says:

    I’ve never understood the appeal of her, even back in the day. A middlin’ actress (who has gotten worse with time due to her big head and just phoning it in) with middlin’ looks and THE most obnoxious laugh ever.

    Now she’s just past it. Over.

  40. SageAdvice says:

    I thought Billy Bush was being really inappropriate and invasive.

    “Let me see your Iphone, your kids are so cute!”…Um weird and gross.

    I thought she was being a bit silly and obnoxious. And Billy Bush brought up the Blind Side thing and she simply said she passed on it and he pressed and she said it again and again to get him to let it go.

    She didn’t seem very a-hole-ish to me.

  41. Blitz says:

    I think Roberts has been cited before, for making moments about HER that weren’t – although in this particular clip, she’s being asked about turning down the role. In general I think Roberts hasn’t figured out that the days when her million dollar smile was enough, have passed. Her earliest films were her best. Once Blanchett (who stays more private) became widely recognized, Roberts was looking at the sunset of her 1000 watt career, even if she hadn’t taken time off.

    And why should we comment on George Clooney? Has he tried to inappropriately steal any scenes lately?

  42. ashley says:

    anyone check out the bill paxton link? if he said what i think he said, and it really looks like he said what i think he said, what a flippin douche bag!

  43. archiepelago says:

    I don’t know where the “I lost to cancer’ thing started but it doesn’t remotely look he said that. I don’t even see ‘I lost to Dexter’. He just has a passing conversation and people are treating it like Watergate. Sheesh.

  44. Bete says:

    Nadia isn’t as gross as male celebrities with man boobs, like Gerard Butler.

  45. BitterBetty says:

    I think he said “I got beat by the cancer card”? whatever, I’m sure he’s a dick either way like most celebrities.

  46. Jazz says:

    It reminds me of that Family Guy episode where they had Julia at the tsunami telethon saying “But don’t worry, I’m still around because it’s all about me. Me, me, meeeeeee”

  47. Granger says:

    I can’t stand Julia Roberts, but I must admit, I didn’t think she was being an a-hole in that clip. A self-absorbed diva, yes — my god, that woman has an overwhelming voice and laugh! — but I really think she just honestly didn’t know who Bush was talking about when he said Natalie’s name. And I’m not sure how else she was supposed to react when he brought up the fact that she turned down The Blind Side. I guess she could have said, oh yes, I did, but wasn’t Sandra wonderful? But then we all would have thought she was being fake.

    The most priceless part of that clip is the frozen smile on Rita Wilson’s face as she watches Julia’s shenanigans. I know she and Hanks probably hang with and enjoy Julia, but even your best friend can find your centre-of-attention antics over the top sometimes!

  48. IceKitty says:

    You people are out of your FREAKEN minds if you think Bill Paxton said that. First and foremost you cannot read his lips. The camera moves to fast. Geez lets pull out the microscope and find something wrong. Paranoid much??

    That’s pretty sickening and could be very damaging to an actor’s reputation.


  49. lucy2 says:

    Ditto on Rita’s frozen smile. I’d imagine in that circle, Julia is one of those people you have to put up with now and then, but secretly roll your eyes at and complain about behind her back.

    I think she definitely could have said something nice about Sandra, like the part was meant to be hers, she did great, etc, but I think she was a bit too tipsy and/or self absorbed to say anything like that. The “who’s Natalie” is what convinces me of the tipsiness – how many red carpet interviews has this woman done over the last 20 years? Anyone with half a brain can see he’s trying to send it back to another “reporter”.

  50. snowball says:

    Why is it when someone presents their opinion, someone who disagrees always has to toss down the “grow up” card? When in all caps, it looks even more ridiculous.

    I think the only time I liked Julia was in Steel Magnolias. She’s sort of like Jen and Angie – doesn’t matter what the role is, her personality (and ego) overwhelm the character.

    What really made me intensely dislike her was when she presented the Best Actor award at the Oscars years ago. Denzel Washington won and she went ape, grabbing him and making an ass out of herself. I know she worked with him before that and obviously was friendly with him, but she practically stood on top of him when he gave his speech and again, when he was done, she was all over him again.

  51. CiCi says:

    i’m confused. who IS natalie. someone please explain. lol

    and julia roberts is ALWAYS an asshole – who even cares anymore. more props to her for doin’ her thang. let her dig her own grave, who cares.

  52. snapdragon says:

    julia is a bad actress…i hate that big, fake horse-laugh of hers.

  53. pickelhaube says:

    Julia is ugly inside and out. I have never liked her, she thinks her sh*t doesn’t stink even though she stole her ugly loser husband from his first wife. Looking at her slab face and toothy, grotesque gremlin smile actually turns my stomach. I wish she’d go far, far away so we could be spared her holier than thou antics. She’s repulsive.

  54. Neelyo says:

    The Denzel Oscar thing was hilarious. Especially because I dare anyone to find a pic of him and his Oscar WITHOUT Julia. You would have thought it was her award.

  55. Leek says:

    She sucks.

  56. Jorge says:

    Who are all of you to call her a home-wrecker? I guess her husband may not have had a choice. The fault is always placed at the woman and I´m a man.
    I loved her in Erin Brockovich but I still think it was so stupid to reject that movie because of money.

  57. Catherine says:

    Stop with the Bill Paxton thing. There is NO WAY the guy said that after seeing the clip. How absolutely mean for people to even start that rumor and I sure hope it doesn’t hurt his career.

    Julia is a tool. She ruins every movie she is in and if I were Clive Owen, I would think twice about letting her bring down his movies a 3rd time.
    Is it me or does she look more and more like Skeletor each time she is photographed?? Yikes.