Demi Moore got a new face for her ‘Wanted’ perfume ads


Of course Demi Moore is never Photoshopped. Of course not. Why would we think that? How could we? Why are people so cruel? Why can’t we just acknowledge that Demi Moore grows a new face every year – NATURALLY, damn it. It is always Demi’s natural face and her natural body and her natural no-hip and her natural skin and she just photographs this way naturally! Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge it is just a jealous hater waiting to get sued by the almighty Demi.

So, anyway – here is Demi in the new ad for ‘Helena Rubenstein – Wanted’. That’s the perfume that Demi is the “face” of. God knows what kind of modeling contract it is, or how much it pays, but you’d think that if Helena Rubenstein is laying out the serious money for Demi, they’d want to actually use her real face. This sh-t isn’t just “Oh, someone got a little heavy-handed and made her skin look flawless and ridiculous.” This sh-t is like “Oh my God, who shaved Demi’s cheeks down and made her look like a cartoon?!?” This is some Jessica Rabbit looking stuff. But she’s never Photoshopped, and of course Demi really looks like that, right?

The behind-the-scenes commercial thing is crazy too – Demi looks… her age. Ridiculous!

‘Wanted’ ad courtesy of Dlisted and Photoshop Disasters.


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41 Responses to “Demi Moore got a new face for her ‘Wanted’ perfume ads”

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  1. lucy2 says:

    It’s quite a pretty picture, but barely even resembles her now. There was a recent paparazzi pic where you can see her age in her jaw line, but not here! And since when does she have bright green eyes?

  2. Ron says:

    This has to be the same person who photoshopped Madonna in the Louis Vuitton ads! Skin with no pores is amazing, just ask Barbie!

  3. Firestarter says:

    What? Is that a fruit bat clinging to her neck?

  4. *Lee* says:

    I think it’s kind of sad. Without the photo shop Demi Moore is beautiful and distinctive looking. I mean, this is clearly a woman who takes care of herself. But with it, she just looks like every other cover and ad. It’s like one big blur, with only hair color as a difference.

  5. juiceinla says:

    Did ya’ll hear- apparently she refused to attend the Golden Globes because of a bad hair day….

    Over it, and her.

  6. Jill says:

    When WILL they run out of these absurd ‘fragrance’ (to me they all smell like the interior of Walgreens) names? They’re supposed to make us insecure with jealousy that WE aren’t ‘Wanted’ or whatever. Doesn’t work on everyone. I can’t believe it works on ANYONE.

  7. KelBear says:

    The way they shaved off her cheek bones makes her look more like her daughter Rumor(sp?).

  8. Michelle says:

    She looks more like her daughter, Rumer.

  9. BitterBetty says:

    bwahahahaha @ Firestarter

  10. Sumodo says:

    Helena Rubenstein? Where do they sell Helena Rubenstein anymore?

  11. marge says:

    Her armpit looks too cut and clean, not a single crease… way too unnatural. Had to match the face I guess.

  12. Anna says:

    Well, anything that starts with “stylist Rachel Zoe” is a doomed project in my opinion. The most ridiculous thing is, Demi didn’t even look like that when she was 20 years old, her face had a totally different shape. This is awful.

  13. la chica says:

    she looks as if they painted on a layer of plastic and then photoshopped it.

    lawsuit coming right up?

  14. Sigh. says:

    Are those even her damn hands!?!?!

    Who photoschlocked this, American Candle Company?

  15. buenavissta says:

    Firestarter, you’re killing me today.

  16. Lisa says:

    It looks like they completely erased her chin, that’s why it does not look like her, the chin is too delicate. They also did a number on her eyes and nose.
    She’s not that old she’s just not aging well, Heather Graham who is 40, to compare these two would be like night and day.

  17. NicoleB says:

    Demi Moore is a great looking woman…who doesn’t even need all the photoshopping…i agree that now she just looks generic…and I love how they gave her a “twinkle” in her eye. When you look at the “real” Demi in the video she looks more amazing than the photo….but Helena Rubenstein is way more popular in other countries than here, when I was in Spain the photoshopped the hell out of EVERY ad so I am sure this will do well.

  18. princess pea says:

    Oh, hi Barbie! I like the brown hair… Did you finally get tired of the blonde, or was it yet another terrible safety-scissor haircut? That shade of lipstick is such a classic on you, I think you’ve been wearing it since the 70’s. Ken’s looking a little, uh, stubbly. I like how you come with a perfume bottle in your hand; does it change into a charm bracelet for me?!

    I am going to write Santa about you, Barbie. You are so pretty, and I will be very good this year if he will bring you to me.

    Love always, princess pea

    PS. They just tried to tell me that this is a picture of some actress. I have known you since I was just tiny; it is OBVIOUSLY you. Silly them.

  19. Firestarter says:

    @Buenavissta- Glad I could bring a smile! : )

  20. Sara says:

    That’s a lovely 20-year-old girl in the photo. She didn’t even look that young in “About Last Night.”

  21. Really? says:

    She has never looked that good naturally, ever. She wore out her fame long ago, now she is just known for her stupid twitter updates, her silly boy-husband, and her desperate daughter. She has evolved into a joke. She started out in the soap opera genre, and now 20 years on, she justs twitters and poses for magazine covers, photoshopped into something she is not, twenty and flawless.
    Her acting skills were always questionable too.

    Helena Rubenstein?? My grandmother wore that. Nice.

  22. benny says:

    I’m waiting for Demi to get sued by the model who’s body was used with Demi’s face photoshopped onto it. Demi keeps claiming that was her body. Shouldn’t that count as some kind of identity theft?

  23. MJ says:

    She got the fake boobs for “Striptease,” right? Why does she constantly deny surgery when it’s quite obvious she had a tit job just before she did that movie?

  24. Popcorny says:

    That’s too funny.
    She’ll never be able to make live appearances because of this lie she’s trying to promote (that she looks like airbrushed photos).
    I can’t imagine the wringer Asson gets put through, trying constantly to reassure his delusional mother err wife that she still looks under 45 (while she in turn tries to soothe him that he might be smarter than a 3rd grader).

  25. ViktoryGin says:

    Damn. Profile shots, low lighting, swept hair in her face, and clever editing, of course. In the vid, I love how they tried to expertly mask the fact that the woman’s nearly 50 years old and not 25.

    @ Kaiser….LOL. Fantastic first paragraph.

  26. Madchen says:

    She’s so ‘shopped that doesn’t even look like human skin.

    She’s not bad, she’s just drawn that way.

  27. Cindy Kennedy says:

    Demi Moore was photoshopped – don’t care if she wants to sue or not. She needs to get over herself. She is a used up old hag.

  28. Didn’t she get pissy at someone on Twitter who called her old looking in a Twitter picture that she posted? She replied what whould a women of 48 should look like? Well Demi, no woman of 48 looks like this. She has bought into the youth obsession like everyone else. As if she hasn’t had plastic surgery and been photoshopped to an inch of her life. Does she think that the buying public are stupid? Not that I have any interest in her perfume but if I did this ad would turn me right off. How do you trust a product when the “creator” and face of the perfume is so blantantly lying to the public when promoting it.
    Not to mention the ad is bland.

  29. GracieXDoes says:

    THAT REALLY IS HER FACE, Y’ALL…and I bet she has the ORIGINAL pic to prove it. lol

  30. dizzybenny says:

    she looks like Linda Carter back in the 70’s.

  31. bella says:

    Who is she trying to fool?

  32. Janine says:

    For all the 40+ year old women out there, fuck you Cindy Kennedy. Your comment is offensive and ignorant, irrespective of whether we like/agree with Moore and her choices or not.

  33. Bete says:

    If only air brushing were an art, even Leonardo da Vinci would turn in his grave.

  34. Maritza says:

    This is just plain wrong! They photoshopped every crease and wrinkle she has, even her knuckles! No human looks like this, I know maybe its an A.I. robot!

  35. snowball says:

    Whoa Janine, back off the coffee this morning.

    I’m 40+ and I didn’t take offense. Demi does look like a hag sometimes, although I personally think it’s due to how thin and gaunt she looks. And when I was 20, some days I looked like a hag too.

  36. lastwordlinda says:

    Thanks a lot Firestarter. I think I just peed my pants from laughing too hard.

  37. Ilona M Somogyi says:

    Demi is naturally beautiful, because of her lifestyle, love of her children and husband.I’m an aesthetician, and belive that!

  38. Jessica says:

    Her hands look so fake!!!

  39. snapdragon says:

    that male model looks like a big hairy goiter growing out of her neck.

  40. Ally says:

    By comparison, the French designer Gerard Darel, has just made Robin Wright his new muse/model, and uses photos of her looking like her genuine gorgeous self:

  41. Firestarter says:

    @lastwordlinda- Sowwy! : )