Princess Kate is ‘ready to let it go’ and reach out to the Sussexes

Death, taxes and princess feuds – the only things we can count on anymore. By all accounts, the Duchess of Sussex has not spoken in person to Prince William and Kate since September 2022, during Queen Elizabeth’s funeral period. Meghan left that island and she’s never come back. Reportedly, she’s possibly spoken on the phone with King Charles but that’s probably the only communication she’s had with anyone in the family in over two years. Royal sources are constantly raging about how Prince William would never “allow” Harry and Meghan to do this or that, and how Kate feels the same way. But now there’s a report that Kate would like to bury some hatchets in the new year.

Kate and Meghan Markle will never be friends but the Princess of Wales is considering reaching out to the Duchess of Sussex, according to a source. Kate now wants to heal the feud between her husband Prince William and Prince Harry as well as her own rift with Meghan, a source has claimed.

An insider told Closer: “With all the water under the bridge and everything she’s been through this past year, she’s come to a place where she wants peace in every aspect of her life. Not just for herself, but for the sake of William and Harry, she’s very worried about what this long-running feud is doing to the both of them.”

A second source said: “This isn’t so much about wanting to be friends with Meghan – that’s never going to happen.”

They added: “A lot of people still think Kate would be justified to hang onto a grudge after the way Meghan has behaved, but she has no interest in that. Sure, there were hurt feelings a while ago but she’s ready to let it go – time has been a great healer.”

Meghan Markle has not travelled to the UK since September 2022 when she attended Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral. The Duchess of Sussex opted not to attend King Charles’s Coronation in May 2023. Prince Harry has frequently returned to the UK over the last two years during solo appearances without his wife.

[From GB News]

“A lot of people still think Kate would be justified to hang onto a grudge after the way Meghan has behaved.” Meghan hasn’t done sh-t to that woman. Meghan only corrected the record after Kate and her terrible mother spread racist lies about Meghan for years. Notice that even in this keen fantasy, it’s more about Kate wanting to see or speak to Harry more than anything else. She wants to bury the hatchet with Harry and once again try to convince him to abandon his wife and children so he can be his brother’s scapegoat. They’re still going to be doing versions of this story when William is king, you know.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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98 Responses to “Princess Kate is ‘ready to let it go’ and reach out to the Sussexes”

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  1. somebody says:

    Kate is the one who has been behaving badly and even on camera for the world to see. The question should be is she ready to apologize and is MEGHAN willing to let it go.

    • seaflower says:


    • Jais says:

      Listen, how many times has Kate behaved badly in a church for all the world to see? She has no grace. Imagine acting like a petty biddy in front of the cameras.

      • Kat says:

        I have always noticed this abut her.Disgusting behaviour in church, dos she not know where she is?

    • Can’t is a mean girl bit*h! She will never admit she has done anything wrong never ever. I’m not sure what this new fresh crap is other than let’s keep Cants name out there as the good person ( she isn’t).

    • Ohwell says:

      1. Meghan moved on there is nothing for her to let go.

      2. I don’t believe GB news.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Worse than the Fail for being economical with the truth.

      • Asantewaa says:

        These people are incapable of telling the truth! Kate was in cahoots with the media to lie about the crying. This lie went on for years, till Meghan set the records straight. Even then they want to give excuses. Kate can’t be friends with Meghan because Kate is too much of a jealous individual and rather shallow and vacuous, what would they talk about apart ftom fashion, hm?

    • LRB says:

      Just my opinion – Meghan is a good person, if Kate offered a genuine apology, and Willi and Kate spoke out against the on line hatred of Meghan,. I think she would consider forgiving them. I still don’t think she would come back to the Uk though. Why would she? But if that gives Kate peace, then I think Meghan would do it. The key word in all of my theory is ‘genuine’.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      She will make the first step to mend because this will serve her. There is a hidden agenda and I presume it’s because apparently there is a rumor Charles will be stepping down. So goodie kate will make it seem like she is the greater one reaching out. Malborough for george, her not coming back same as before, william daring to say Harry’s name a few weeks back points to that possibility in my opinion.

    • Anna M says:

      More like, Kate is ready to reach out to Meghan to ask her, “Meghan, I’m sorry for the jealous, one sided competition, you’re fabulous, please give me some tips on how to be a superstar and get the front page coverage for anything and everything. I miss you and Harry, he was very kind to me and made me laugh, I’m miserable in my marriage. Thank you! Sincerely, your only future queen consort, sister in law”. Lol

  2. Rapunzel says:

    Translation: Kate wants the Sussexes back to take the heat off her lack of work and distract from weirdness in her cancer narrative.

    • Barb Mill says:

      She also wants to be the one to take credit for having a forgiving spirit. It would be her legacy if William and Harry forgave each other or at least acted civilally.
      However I don’t believe this story. It just a new twist on Kate is the peace maker.

    • The Duchess says:

      You got it. The Sussexes being out of the picture has left a daunting hole that cannot be filled. It has left W&K exposed like never before and you can see they are not dealing with it well.

    • Becks1 says:


      I’m also interpreting part of this as “she wants Harry back to deflect some of William’s tantrums and rage from her to Harry.”

      • Where'sMyTiara says:


        Both the Waleses are staring into the gaping maw of Public Expectations now.
        Soon there will be no Chucky & Seabiscuit sidepiece to act as a buffer, allowing them to hide away doing naff all.
        They know the press is going to eventually eat them alive if they don’t bring the Old Scapegoat back (Harry).

        They’re still mad that Harry said “no chance” to coming back (even with a full apology to Meghan & himself). But…. the Waleses are getting increasingly desperate. As are the tabs.

        Love that the Sussexes have taken their power back and aren’t willing to cede it to Salt Island.

      • StarWonderful says:

        Also, Kate just wants Harry all to herself (she still has a crush on him), especially since she and Willard are separated (imv). There’s an ulterior motive. I’m not buying she’s ready to “forgive,” etc. She should be ready to apologize to Meghan. Harry doesn’t trust Kate — and neither should Meghan!

    • Cj says:

      And she’s tired of listening to Willy rant about his brother

  3. Alicky says:

    Another piece of pathetic fiction. Peacemaker princess, my ass.

    • J Wms says:

      🤣 LOVE this comment! TY!

    • Honeybee says:

      Because Kate has no stories to make up to her birthday. Usually she steals the spotlight of popular royal women. Copying Queen letizia to bragging Queen Mary’s coronation, etc. Now after the trailer meghan is popular and bully bonka will never allow her to write any piece relating to him. No suprise she wrote this.

  4. Afken says:

    Meghan literally called Kate a good person in the Oprah interview. Meanwhile Kate had sat back and watched her supporters hurl racial abuse at Meghan for YEARS and said nothing. The person who should’ve held a grudge is Meghan.

    • Nic919 says:

      And it was after that Meghan called her a good person that Kate almost publicly lunged at Meghan during the funeral walkabout, over a year later too.

      Kate has to humbly request an apology.

  5. Libra says:

    So now the DM is using a fake Kate storyline to get the Sussexes back to the UK to be ripped to shreds yet again. They’re going low and desperate.

  6. Eliza says:

    I think she took the fall for William on the racist stuff. Would explain why she’s getting her way on stuff now.

    These people thrive on jealousy, backstabbing and intrigue. I guess you could say it’s typical “king’s court” kind of stuff. I would think it’s exhausting.

    • Nic919 says:

      Kate was the one physically recoiling when a Jamaican government official tried to touch her hand. Maybe let’s not give her the benefit of the doubt here.

      And Harry’s book more than confirms she was standoffish toward Meghan from day one.

    • Square2 says:

      “I think she took the fall for William on the racist stuff.”

      Nah, she IS racist, probably more so than her husband. Remember, she flinched & stepped backward when a black woman ( whose responsibility for that day was to show WanK around) touch her hand? The discomfort & strange look when she took photo with King James? There were plentiful existing evidences show her to be a RACIST & mean girl.

      To Kate Middleton: Stay away from the Sussex. Stop riding Meghan’s coattails. Don’t contact H&M if you are not sincerely going to apologize to them & change your “white woman superior” mindset, they don’t need you & your husband’s toxins.

    • HeatherC says:

      I agree. She took the fall for William. She is undoubtedly a mean girl racist…she’s shown us who she is many many times…but I think it was William who actually SAID it out loud.

      No one mentions much anymore that Charles was also mentioned as the vocal racist. This is by design. Harder to do if both king and heir are vocal racists. Easier to pin it on the married in that William is showing he wants gone (Summers Eve commercial and all)

      • Square2 says:

        1. So, did Harry lie to Meghan about who had concern about his unborn kid’s skin color & had several conversations with him to express their “concerns”? I don’t think so.

        2. KC3 wrote to Meghan after the Oprah interview, “discussed” the skin color issue and Meghan wrote back. Charles’ people read t he contents of those correspondence and leaked it to RR, so they knew who they (royal racists) were, and it’s 2 persons, and only one has contacted Meghan, The other one never reached out to her.

        3. Of course there are many racists in the current BRF and some of them were “concerned” about the skin color, hair texture of H&M’s children (and WillNot might be one of them) but only two of them talked with Harry about their “concerns”.

        4. I do not give sympathy to abused people who abuse other people.

      • HeatherC says:

        Please don’t miscontrue. I do believe they’re throwing Kate under the bus. I also think she deserves it and once the bus is done backing over her a couple of times, I hope it falls off a cliff.

        There’s no way Kate reached out to either Harry or Meghan, this whole “peace maker” thing is all from the lap of Pimp Mama CarolE to recenter her as some white savior and nothing more.

  7. Sylindria says:

    In other words, if I offer an olive branch to my Brother-In-Law and his wife will they come back and do ‘Royal Work’ for us again so we don’t have to? I apologise but I feel deeply cynical about this. Does it then become ‘Kate offered an end to the feud, was snubbed and now it’s all their fault again?’ – this feels like more spin at this point

    • Anna M says:

      @Sylindria, Kate is missing his crush, Prince Harry, and still can’t forgive Meghan for snatching him away from her. That’s where the jealousy with Meghan came from. Harry respected Kate and treated her with kindness and dignity more than her husband does, so she tried to run Meghan off so that she could have Harry to herself but it backfired. William probably blames Kate for contributing to the running off of his only brother, ally and support system, due to jealousy, envy and petty one sided competition. Their loss!

      • Jan90067 says:

        Nah, I think it’s more that Willie crushed hard on Meghan from Suits, that stirred the first pangs of jealousy in Kate. *Then* when it became real, IRL, and Harry started dating Meghan and was smitten from the start, I think *Willie’s* jealous* rages started (“Why would she choose to be with HIM when she could be my side piece?”). Wouldn’t doubt this at all. THEN, when it was obvious M&H’s relationship was going the distance to the altar, W&K’s jealousy and insecurities bonded them against M.

        K&W were, and still are, immensely jealous of H&M’s ease with people, how effortlessly and authentically they interact with people of all ages. Plus W’s rage that NO ONE can upstage “the heir”, and K’s jealousy of Meg’s sense of style, all of this, added to the inherent racism, puts us where we are now.

        The fact that if H&M sneeze it blows up the BM, well…it’ll never be “ok” btwn brothers. W&K are way too stunted emotionally for that.

      • Jais says:

        I don’t know that I think Kate had a crush on Harry so much as she had a crush on getting good photo-ops and looking desirable. It doesn’t seem like they spent that much time together except for public events. Some sure but not a lot. Even back then, in public, William didn’t interact or give her enough attention for her to have a huge smile or to be seen beaming from male attention. Harry was always game to be charismatic and attentive in the name of the crown. And he genuinely probably cared about Kate feeling comfortable in front of the cameras. And she loved the attention and the opportunity it gave her to smile and look desirable in public. I don’t think she cared about Harry much beyond that. Honestly most of the pictures of him with her are probably from when she’s bizarrely freezing in a smile for the camera. William does not give her that at all. And she does miss that. Deeply.

  8. acha says:

    I completely agree with Kaiser here — This sentence alone is unhinged: “A lot of people still think Kate would be justified to hang onto a grudge after the way Meghan has behaved, but she has no interest in that. Sure, there were hurt feelings a while ago but she’s ready to let it go – time has been a great healer.”

    – The way Meghan has behaved…when everyone was driving her to suicide? Or when Kate was asking racist questions about her son’s skin color?
    – Hurt feelings: because Meghan told the truth? Turns out that if you don’t lie, you don’t have to get caught out in public! Amazing how that happens.

    “This isn’t so much about wanting to be friends with Meghan – that’s never going to happen.”

    – Lol.
    – I’ll say. I can count Kate’s remaining female friends on one finger, and I think it’s just her sister.

    • Gabby says:

      They will never be friends because Meghan is no fool. She can spot the phony act a mile away.

      Frankly, I wouldn’t be so quick to count Pippa among Kate’s friends either.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      I don’t think she even considers her sister a friend. The only reason she’s ‘close’ to Pippa is because Pippa is a Middleton, and Khate was raised to believe that her birth family is the only one that ultimately matters. It’s how CarolE could control everyone and use them to fulfill her social climbing ambitions.

  9. Hypocrisy says:

    Someone wanted a rota article about themselves…even for Waity this looks desperate.

  10. Inge says:

    So the netflix trailer on twitter gets 47 million views & counting and suddenly Kate is intetested in Meghan?

    Leechy Limpet…

    • Eurydice says:

      Yup – If you can’t beat them, join them.

    • ML says:

      Exactly, Inge! You can see the cartoon thought bubble above K’s head with an asterisk in it in reaction to those numbers. And the pearl clutching.
      I also agree that she wants to step back into her historic role (in the tabloids) as peacemaker between the two brothers (ie, Philip’s funeral/ Diana statue unveiling). And she definitely wants her BIL around to hrlp with those pesky comments about certain royals who are not providing enough considering how expensive they are. She was not nice to Meghan at that polo match or thr queen’s funeral, she’s lied, she slurred her M, A and probably L. Curious timing, this.

    • Jay says:

      Yes, suddenly Kate would very very much like to be involved in this conversation! She’s hoping that every article about Meghan’s show will also mention her, and it gives the rota an angle, too. “How Kate Middleton’s family paved the way for Meghan to have a show on Netflix!” “How Kate Middleton’s personal style inspired Meghan” “Meghan probably owes everything to the Middletons!”

      It seems like somebody in the Rota has gotten the message that ranting about Meghan’s “big fail” of a series and how lavish (?) her self-funded California lifestyle is going to singlehandedly tank the economy was making them sound just a teensy bit unhinged. Nah, Kate is going to hitch her wagon HARD. It’s the only thing she’s ever been good at! Yet another #katemiddletonsuccessstory!

  11. Dee(2) says:

    I think this is completely made up nonsense but it never ceases to amaze me when they complain about Meghan’s ” behavior”. Which is never anything verifiably horrible just having the audacity to advocate for yourself and not be willing to be treated poorly because of made up hierarchy. That’s what really gets these people, they would willingly hold out their neck for the ax if a royal asked them and they just don’t get why she said yeah this is enough of this crap.Im sure Meghan is perfectly happy not speaking to William or Kate, and honestly I feel like Harry is too.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Exactly. What is Meghan’s objectionable behavior? She outed the royal family in one interview. Meanwhile her husband was also in that interview then wrote a whole book! Nothing else has been substantiated and sounds more like people whining about having to work or not having their own agency to ask for clarification. The Wails’ are the ones who need to do some introspection and apologize. It is not normal to get so mad at your adult brother that you violently shove him. It is not normal to publicly pout then lunge at your SIL at a walkabout. She would be lucky to have Meghan as a friend. Not sure why she would rule that out.

  12. s808 says:

    I guess someone is remembering how good they had it when the biracial princess was the one always under the microscope. Her best years were when the press and the institution had Meghan to abuse.

    • Jais says:

      That’s really the truth. She seriously thought it was just gonna stay that way too. But nope, Meghan got out and lives in beautiful montecito with her sweet family and loving and sexy husband.

    • Christine says:

      This is really the truth. It’s hilarious.

    • Mtl.ex.pat says:

      Yeah considering the vast majority of the comments under the Becky English article were negative (“Kate’s lazy, doesn’t work, she’s spoiled,” etc etc) this makes total sense. Come back and take the fall for meeeee!

  13. sevenblue says:

    I am waiting for the article where Kate tried and threw her hands in the air after H&M refused to make peace. It is the same news cycle from royal reporters. I am not even sure Kate knows about these briefings. She doesn’t give any new material to the RRs, so they are rewriting the old articles again and again.

  14. seaflower says:

    Interesting. Yesterday it was Kate won re schools, today its Kate wants to bury the hatchet. Either RR are trying to get something from WanK, or K’s not been as successful in the negotiations and she’s trying to goad W.

  15. Lili says:

    So this is what they mean by Dont forget about Cattttthriiiiiiiiiiiine!

  16. Beverley says:

    I don’t believe it for a second. Just like so many white women, KKKhate has a great deal of anger and resentment towards Meghan for daring to marry Harry and make a family with him. The fact that Meghan is beautiful, brilliant, and hardworking destroys their tiny, racist view of who/what Black women should be and the cognitive dissonance is too much for them. KKKhate doesn’t want Meghan back.

    This is all wishful thinking from the media that is struggling to write interesting content about the boring, unattractive, lazy Left-Behind royals. The media NEEDS the Sussexes to come back to the UK.

  17. Lady Digby says:

    This is just recycled BS :olive branches/ lynchpin peacemaker versus implacable resentment, pearl clutching and ridiculous claims that Meg slapped the real Queen with a fish in the face, which is so unforgivable!

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Lady Digby – Meg slapped the real Queen with a fish in the face? What?!!! It reminds me of that old Monty Python sketch – The Fish Slapping Dance. 😂

  18. Maxine Branch says:

    Those folks fail to accept the Sussexes do not care for Kate’s supposed forgiveness or her, they have moved on. Because of how much of an empath the Sussexes are, pretty sure they wish her well while they continue to move forth.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Exactly. They’ve moved on with their lives. And I’m willing to bet so has Kate; it’s just the crazy rota rats who have to churn out this drivel day after day–multiple times a day!–who haven’t.

      • Lady D says:

        I sincerely doubt Kate has moved on from the Sussex’s. They are informing her every move and haunting her thoughts regularly.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    This comes from Closer so I’m taking this with a huge grain of salt. But even if this was true, Meghan was the victim here not Kate.

  20. Rapunzel says:

    I’m still of the mind that Will wants H&M to divorce so he can. Is this why Kate wants them back? Is she desperate to ditch Willyboy? Or does she think getting scapegoat Haz back will fix her marriage?

    • StarWonderful says:

      Kate wants Harry.

      • Me at home says:

        Doubt that. Kate wants the crown so badly that she pursued William for 10 humiliating years. Harry can’t give her a crown.

    • Bren says:

      The queen died over two years ago, and she was the original excuse for why William couldn’t divorce Kate. I think William is free to divorce Kate whenever he pleases. He won’t because the appearance of an intact marriage prevents the British tabloids from going open season on him, as they did with his parents when they publicly separated.

      William is afraid of gray men, tabloids, and public scrutiny, which is a hundred times worse with social media and the 24/7 news cycle. I believe they live separate lives. Carole and Kate shake the table whenever they need William to return to negotiate something big, and I believe that was the motivation behind Kate’s disappearance last year.

  21. Walking the Walk says:

    child….what grudge? One of them lied on the other repeatedly and one of them was a racist POS. That was Kate both times. Oh the delusion.

  22. Tessa says:

    After the way Kate has behaved. Lunging at Meghan. Kate playing peacemaker is a bad joke . Kate let a lie about Meghan stay in the media.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Let’s not forget Kate saying riding in a car with Meghan on their way to greet the grieving public was THE hardest thing Kate has ever had to do! I had to ride in a car with a Black person – says Kate feeling faint, angry, and downright abused!

      I really wish someone would create a GIF where Meghan squares off and pops Kate in her mouth when she lunges at her, then Kate falls to the ground TIMBER and Harry steps right over Kate, buttoning and unbuttoning his coat calmly walking towards the crowd holding Meghan’s hand as if nothing happened.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        I forgot about that! I’m sure it was hard for her. She looked like she wanted to murder someone when she got out of the SUV. She walked apart from the others and that was before the book came out. So she was mad about people knowing that she made Meghan cry. No one knew at that point she was one of the ones that asked what color Archie would be. I guess looking back, she gave herself away that day. Meghan looked frightened of KKKhate when they walked “together”. Then the lunge when KKKhate had the smirk on her face. She probably saw the women acting like a-holes to Meghan and felt emboldened by that. She’s no peacemaker.

  23. Anna M says:

    Oh really? I think Kate wants some of that Sussex shine to rub on her since she now realizes that she can’t compete with them or beat them, or outshine Meghan. And we all know she tried really hard by copying everything Meghan did (bless her heart!), but her jealousy and envy took over and caused her to drive her brother in law and his wife back to America. I bet Kate regrets what could have been between them, the support and friendship, had she been a little more nicer and welcoming to Meghan, she probably misses the only man who treated her like a human being, and was always kind to her, Prince Harry! Its probably hard watching Meghan’s kind heart, welcoming nature and having fun from afar, with a bunch of girlfriends and a husband who adore her, Kate would have been one of those close girlfriends had she been nicer to Meghan. Oh well …

  24. tamsin says:

    This fantasy scenario is tedious and not worth more than a snort. How long can they go on not specifying how Meghan has behaved, or that Kate is recovering from “cancer.”

  25. Mairzy Doats says:

    Not believable that she would want to mend fences, but very believable that she would be forbidden to make any overture on her own without her husband’s permission.

  26. Whalesnark says:

    This isn’t about mending fences; it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that she’s had a thing for Harry all along. Look at the photos of them from the 2012 Olympics!

    She sees M as the other woman, which explains everything.

    • StarWonderful says:

      Exactly! If there is anything that Kate is “good” at is keeping her eye on the prize, and it happens to be Harry now that she and the Heir are on the rocks. Just like stories about how she and Harry have been secretly in contact with each other, this “forgiveness” narrative is ultimately aimed at driving a wedge between H&M.

  27. kelleybelle says:

    Gee, guess who needs some good press! lol

    This is beyond lame.

  28. Linney says:

    Is it possible that she wants to ward off the William line of “I’m separating from Kate because she drove my brother away?” Is she trying to, again, showcase herself as the great peacemaker? Is she hoping that Harry and Meghan come back to pick up the work? Regardless, this is either an entirely made up story or Kate is working an angle. Pathetic.

  29. BeanieBean says:

    Wow, this line, ‘“This isn’t so much about wanting to be friends with Meghan – that’s never going to happen.”’ Don’t worry folks! Kate still hates Meghan, as you do! You can keep on hating! Good gad, how do these writers live with themselves?

  30. Gabby says:

    Any day this bitch isn’t out wearing a white hood is a day that she lies to the world about who she is.

  31. Tessa says:

    It was creepy the way she flirted with Harry. She could not stand that he and Meghan fell in love and got married. She kept trying to interfere when she had absolutely no business doing so. She was visibly hostile to Meghan. She thinks she can do no wrong, she should have corrected that crying story right away.

    • sunnyside up says:

      If the lie hadn’t been started the incident would have been long forgotten, they were getting ready for the wedding of the year, hardly surprising they were stressed and there were a few tears, not that unusual. We don’t even know where the lie originally came from, but it should never have been allowed to stand. Kate gave Meghan flowers to apologise, that should have been the end of the matter.

  32. L4Frimaire says:

    The tenor of this article is so biased and trashy, I hope Meghan is completely unaware of this. This is the problem with these people, whether Kate or Meghan’s bum father. They never actually reach out or communicate privately in good faith. It’s performative bs with absolutely no intention to do anything differently. The burden is then placed only on Meghan to clear some high bar for her “behavior “ before they bestow this “forgiveness “ on her. This is such bulls*t.

  33. QuiteContrary says:

    The way Meghan behaved?

    Does the writer mean the way Meghan acted with grace and dignity while being mean-girled by Kate and the other royal women at QEII’s funeral?

    Or the way Meghan insisted during the Oprah interview that Kate is a “good person” and that people don’t have to hate Kate to like her? And refused to name the royal racists’ names?

    Or the way Meghan understandably recoiled when Kate lunged at her after the walkabout?

    • Tessa says:

      Amazing how the media just “let it pass” that Kate visibly threatened Meghan.

      • Beverley says:

        Not. One. Word.
        But best believe if it had been Meghan who had lunged at KKKhate, the media would STILL be histrionically screaming for Meghan’s head.

  34. sunnyside up says:

    I believe that this story has just been revived or made up by the journalists.
    The picture where Harry is supposed to be holding on to Kate’s arm is photoshopped
    Harry’s hand is blurred and Kate’s arm is in focus but the hand must be the same distance from the camera as the arm so both should be in focus.

  35. Over it says:

    Lazy heifer just wants Harry to look at her because her wank of a husband won’t. B needs to accept that Harry is Meghan husband and he will never choose buttons mc lazy over his wife and children. The man literally just said he just wants to be the best husband and father he can be . These hags need to move the f on .

  36. Flower says:


    Meg has been in the news too much recently for working and good things, we need to shoehorn Kate’s name in there somehow. We can’t repeat the lie about Meghan making Kate cry but we’ll remind everyone Meg is the mean girl.

    And also now that Meg has an insta page and a trailer for a show that’s had 50+ million clicks (cough more than Chuck’s) coronation – we want some of that shine but we want to kick Meg down again for being able to garner that sort of interest which we do desperately need – sob sob

  37. Shoegirl77 says:

    Here we go, the keen peacemaker is back for 2025.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Why do I get the feeling this is All about Kate so if anything were to develope it’s Saint Catherine that initiated

  39. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I can’t remember how many articles have been written about Bone Idle being a peacemaker. She’s singularly incompetent at the job. Perhaps she should be counting linens instead.

  40. Kate says:

    KATE IS NOT THE VICTIM. KATE IS THE ABUSER. Kate abused Harry by not respecting his choice in wife and welcoming her from the very beginning, as he did for her. She abused Meghan with a lie that she allowed to be used to emotionally and mentally abuse her during all three of her pregnancies, resulting in the death of one of her children and the online threats against the other two. Her behavior has been evident to see for all who have seen her walk into a church with Meghan in attendance, and it is appalling to witness such behavior in the House of the Lord. She abused Archie and Lilibet in her concerns for how their skin tone might affect the royal family, as if to say that black DNA is something that makes them less than the other royals. She abused them by allowing that years long lie to continue to be used even when Meghan was suicidal while pregnant. To continue to be used when there were actual threats of harming a pregnant Meghan on their social media pages and in letters addressed to her, all in defense of this horrible and classless woman who thinks that she is somehow better than Meghan even though nothing she has said or done would make that true. They both entered this family as “commoners” yet for obvious reasons, Kate has convinced herself that she is superior to Meghan with no financial, educational or impactful qualities existing to confirm it. The only thing she has to confirm it to herself and others who think like her is that she is white and Meghan is not. Kate isn’t a peacemaker or victim, she’s an instigator and abuser.

  41. Andromeda says:

    Yeah, Kate wants to “bury the hatchet”… in Meghan’s back.

  42. eos says:

    GB News fiction. In their ongoing effort to sanctify Kate and demonize M&H, they go overboard, show their hand and continuously wade into victim blaming. It is hilarious the palaces and their megaphones think this will narrow the separation between M&H and the left behind dim wits.

    “So blaming, is simply a management tactic used to cripple the victim from objecting to horrendous treatment. This extends the abuse and deepens the injuries”.

  43. bisynaptic says:

    Wondering whether they’re yanking Kate’s chain, here.