British media: The Sussexes could be evacuated because of the LA wildfires!

British outlets heard that there are raging wildfires in Los Angeles County, and they decided to make it all about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Prince Harry and Meghan live in Montecito, which is part of Santa Barbara County. That’s about a hundred miles away from LA. While it’s possible that Montecito may be affected by the wildfires, let’s be clear: this is the British press trying to draw Harry and Meghan into a wider tragedy. These people do not understand that the Sussexes live some distance away from LA.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may be forced to evacuate their $14 million Montecito, Calif., mansion as the Pacific Palisades wildfires continue to ravage Los Angeles. A spokesperson for Southern California Edison told the Telegraph Wednesday that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s property falls inside a “high fire risk” zone.

Power shutdowns could occur in the ritzy enclave of Santa Barbara County due to “a Red Flag Warning and increased risk of wildfires,” the spokesperson shared, adding that “affected customers” were being contacted in several communities, “including Montecito.”

It is unclear whether Harry, 40, and Markle, 43, have been contacted. Their reps did not immediately respond to Page Six’s request for comment.

The couple has been residing in the 18,000-square-foot home with their two kids — Prince Archie, 5, and Princess Lilibet, 3 — since they resigned from their royal duties in 2020 and moved to the West Coast. The manor boasts nine bedrooms and 16 bathrooms, while the sprawling property features a pool, tennis court, tea house, rose gardens, century-old olive trees, children’s cottage and a two-bedroom guesthouse.

Other celebrities living in the area could also face evacuation, including the royal couple’s neighbors Oprah Winfrey and Gwyneth Paltrow. Winfrey, a close friend of Harry and Markle, memorably experienced damage to her property due to mudslides caused by wildfires in 2018. Thousands of residents have already fled the Pacific Palisades as roaring fires ripped through the region Tuesday and Wednesday.

[From Page Six]

There are outages in neighboring areas and power outages could affect Montecito. Over here in the mid-Atlantic, we had an especially icy and snowy weekend, and thousands of people lost power. I got a call from my power company telling me all about it. I would imagine many Californians are getting those same automated calls from their power companies and emergency services, keeping them updated on what’s happening in LA County. But, again, let’s be clear: this is mostly about the British media trying to drag the Sussexes into the wildfire tragedy AND say that the Sussexes’ Montecito mansion could burn down.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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71 Responses to “British media: The Sussexes could be evacuated because of the LA wildfires!”

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  1. AnnaG says:

    To sum up: BM are salivating at the thought of H&M loosing everything and coming back. What a nice, Christian spirit.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      BM is very MAGA at the end of the day.

      • GTWiecz says:

        I always say. The British monarchy, or monarchy in general, is a right wing organization based on privilege, supremacy, control, and superiority over others. Even the charities to appease “the poor”, while being supported by the taxpayers.

    • Tessa says:

      And the wails will forgive them if they admit they are wrong and will be taken back. Coming up next how Meghan and her new show upstaged kates birthday

    • Temi says:

      As someone who lives in Los Angeles county in Inglewood which is very close to LAX and 405 freeway I have not received any notification from my power company(SCE) about this and this story probably very much made up

      • Sparky says:

        My dad lives in Santa Barbara near the Sussexes. He actually DID receive the call from Edison about the preemptive cutting off of electricity. Given that he’s 96 we (the kids who live in LA and Orange Counties) did have discussions about whether to go up and bring him down here for a few days. In the end we decided on a wait and see approach as my dad has a generator. So bottom line, my dad lives in a high fire risk area but the only person who needed to evacuate was me in Santa Monica.

      • Carmen says:

        I got a notice from SCE this morning. I’m in Placentia, 50 miles away from LA.

    • That’s it exactly! They want the worst for the Sussexes but they don’t have a clue that Montecito isn’t LA.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        The British Tabs might not have gotten the distances right, but at least they didn’t find a way to blame Meghan for the fires starting!

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      I noticed they didn’t fail to mention the sixteen bathrooms again.
      What in the name of sanity is going on with the British press’ obsession over the damn bathrooms? Are they that constipated that they’re jealous?

      Of course this is the press, the courtiers, and the BRF actively wishing harm on the Sussexes yet again, and it’s disgusting.
      They can all get stuffed (and I don’t mean with roasted pheasant).

      • Kingston says:

        Dear @Where’sMyTiara:

        Being just as perplexed as you are about the UK-shitmedia obsession with the number of bathrooms in H&M’s Montecito Mansion, I did some digging around the internet and found some very interesting & eye-opening nuggets. Like this one from The Scotsman:

        “The practice of throwing human waste out of windows into the streets was largely stopped in the 1930s in Edinburgh, Scotland. This was due to the city’s proper sewage systems. However, the Nastiness Act, which technically still makes it legal to throw waste out of a window, has never been repealed.”

        In conclusion, its in their DNA to live in and among sh!t ad they prolly feel its unnecessary to have a proper place such as a bathroom, not to mention all of 16 of them.

      • Debbie says:

        Thank God I already ate my lunch.

      • Giddy says:

        Yes, H&M have at least 30 bedrooms, 16 bathrooms, hundreds of thousands of acres etc. Oh wait, it’s Huevo who has hundreds of thousands of acres and is a slumlord who doesn’t have repairs done on his income producing property.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @Kingston Thank you for that informative reply!

        I’ve derived two things from it:

        1. They need to start enumerating all the bathrooms in all the palaces owned by the left behinds, because it sounds like they’re jealous of the 16 bathrooms thing

        2. Everyone in Edinburgh needs to be informed of the Nastiness Act still being very much in force, next time Eeyore and Seabiscuit venture north. Hilarity will ensue.

      • Meredith says:

        To be fair, 4 bathrooms per person IS ridiculous. But it’s not the fault of the Sussex fam that this is what American builders think people want.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        One assumes the amount of bathrooms accommodates the family, guests and staff on property that large.

      • MY3CENTS says:

        My mind is humming 16 bathrooms to the tune of Beyonce’s 16 carriages.

  2. Tessa says:

    Harry and markle as they are called in this article how about harry and meghan.

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    Of course, the Telegraph is having trouble with the difference between high fire risk and actual fire. But it’s the British media so you can’t expect much. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    • seaflower says:

      They will be a high fire risk currently only because the lack of rain for months. Not because of fires south east of them, with winds blowing the fires away from them.

  4. Becks1 says:

    The telegraph called a power company in California during a disaster like this to ask about the Sussexes? Because SCE doesn’t have anything else on its plate right now??

    Geez Louise this people.

    • KC says:

      Yeah, I came here to say this. Catastrophic fires like we’ve never seen in the second largest city in America, in the state that’s the 5th largest economy in the world and the BM is wasting the time of the electric company asking them about a private citizen’s home that’s over an hour away from the primary fires. I would have told them to fuck off.

    • Lady D says:

      At one point last summer, my town was surrounded by 27 wildfires before they consolidated and became 1/2 dozen really big ones. Four towns and two reservations were wiped off the map. Five, ten, 15 nights of barely sleeping, bags and cages in the car, waiting for the knock on the door and the get out, get out now, being screamed before they run to the next house to repeat. Days of waiting to see the fires crest the mountains in front of us, beside us, etc. For a while there was only one way out of my area, through the mountains and into Alberta. Three cheers for the Albertans, they were open and welcoming to people fleeing at a terrifying time. Don’t wish this horror on anyone. We also expect this year to be just as bad. Alberta has already declared fire season open.

  5. Chaine says:

    I’m always crying with laughter when the clueless British reporters equate Santa Barbara with L.A. but this one takes the cake! Does no one in the UK know how to read a map?

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      They don’t understand maps made after 1603, I think.
      They also don’t understand basic air currents, geography, or flow dynamics.

    • ilovethedark says:

      They’re the same ones who think they can do a day trip from NYC to Miami then drive to the Grand Canyon. Zero clue on how big the US is.

    • likethedirection says:

      As someone who lived in Santa Barbara and currently lives in LA I find this particularly amusing 😆. I might head north to *escape* the terrible air quality here in LA

    • LRB says:

      Brit here – I was going to ask the question last night – it seemed to me that the Sussex’s were more than safe from this fire because of the distance, but I began to question my own sanity! Serious question though – in the UK if you live in a house known to flood insurance is difficult and expensive – if you live in a known fire area can you get insurance?

      • Simba"a Mom says:

        There have been so many Fires and Hurricanes floods in the past few years it is becoming quite difficult to get insurance in CA and Florida. Even if you can, the cost is becoming prohibitive. These LA fires were spread by 90 miles/hour winds on the first day, almost a hurricane. CA generally doesn’t get hurricanes. But global warming isn’t real…..

  6. Amy Bee says:

    This is embarrassing.

  7. Moniquep says:

    Before we get the Kate birthday overshadowing, we’ll get the Meghan should shelve the show because of the fires in LA, and people losing their homes. Similar to the NO tragedy.
    I’m pretty sure that all the rota rats are gleefully rubbing their hands together at the thought of any possibility of Meghan and Harry losing their beautiful home.

  8. JENNIFER says:

    I have been saying for years the British media want to Diana, Meghan. And now they’re salivating at these fires wiping off the entire family.
    Yesterday, Daily Mail on TikTok were claiming they’ve been ordered to evacuate. And hundreds of their racist followers were celebrating.
    Make no mistake, this is also the wish of William, Kate, Charles and Camilla.
    They think, they’ll have the same outcome as th demise of Diana.

    • ecsmom says:

      I can’t help but think this is the “stand back and stand by” call to the derangers. The Sussex’s may be forced to have less security or on the move in a crowded evacuation. It is absolutely terrifying to watch this is realtime.

      • LRB says:

        My worry if they are opening their home ( which is clearly the right thing to do) some idiot will take pictures, count the number of bathrooms and take photos of the children. Let’s hope not.

  9. HeatherC says:

    I don’t know if generators are a thing in the UK but I would be surprised if Harry and Meghan’s property does not include a generator for emergencies. Gotta power that water heater for the 16 bathrooms after all LOL. I mean, I have a generator and I only have 1 bathroom.

    • finny says:

      Same here. We live in North Carolina and after lost power for 4 days when Florence or was it Matthews hit, we invested into a Generac generator. Peace of mind is a great thing.

      • HeatherC says:

        Best investment I ever made. I put one in last year after we lost power for 5 days in the winter in NY. Now watch….I’ll never lose power for an extended time again!

      • Meh says:

        @finny and @HeatherC — Could you recommend what generator you purchased, and any quick tips one should know about purchasing and using? Thank you!

      • HeatherC says:

        @meh I have a full home back up now, Generac, pricy but worth it for the peace of mind. Until then, when we’d had minor outages I had used gas run generators to keep the fridge running (I have a gas stove so I didn’t need a generator for that, just a lighter lol). I liked the Honda brand generators, not too loud, worked well for what I needed in the short term.

        Last winter we lost power for 5 straight days with subzero temperatures, running the furnace on the generator we had was just too much (refilling it every few hours instead of letting it buzz along for 10 hours for just the fridge) before going to a hotel for a few days and paying to board my cat in a warm place, so I made the plunge for a full home back up.

    • Lucy2 says:

      I have to think they have a generator. My parents got one after being out of power for a couple of days a few summers ago, and of course haven’t lost power since, lol.
      I live in a hurricane prone area and lot of people here have them, but the last time I had a really big storm, hurricane Sandy, the gas company shut everything down anyway.

    • Deering24 says:

      A generator for the security system alone would practically be a requirement.

  10. MsIam says:

    What’s really stupid is this was in Page Six an AMERICAN paper. And yes I know they quoted the Telegraph but still you would think some American editor would be able to correct this and say “But the Sussexes are not close to the fires”. My daughter lived in Burbank which is much closer and she was talking with friends and they haven’t been affected yet but friends who live in Santa Monica may have to evacuate.

    • sevenblue says:

      Why would they allow the truth to prevent them from creating click-bait stories about H&M? Especially, when we are getting close to the court dates against Murdoch.

  11. KA says:

    Obviously this story is dumb and they will do anything to drag Harry/Meghan through the press.

    BUT… someone told me yesterday that you could fit the entire state of Delaware and Rhode Island into LA County. I always knew it was big.. but that really put it into perspective for me. I am not sure most people outside of CA understand that reality.

  12. Miranda says:

    I was wondering how long it would take for them make a desperate, tenuous connection to the Sussexes. A little surprised that they didn’t accuse Meghan, the Wicked Witch of the West Coast, of starting the fires herself.

  13. A Guest says:

    How many bathrooms? It seems like the number changes from article to article.

  14. Chantale says:

    British Media wishing tragedy on the Sussexes. May it boomerang to them.

  15. Lover says:

    H&M living in a risk zone for wildfires doesn’t mean their home is at risk for THIS fire. And then the article ends a paragraph about a mudslide that happened in Montecito seven years ago with a sentence about how people are now fleeing the Pacific Palisades fire, which is 90 miles away. The Telegraph is just conflating things nonsensically to deceive their readers.

  16. Mel says:

    Even if their home burned to the ground, they STILL won’t come back to live there. Keep dreaming!

    • HeatherC says:


      Sorry Salty Shudder Island, they’re not coming back. You got what you wanted, they left, Meghan came back home to the US, now wallow in that bed you made.

    • MsIam says:

      Now, now of course they will come running back to the UK if their house burns down! It’s not like there are any other homes in CA they could buy or that they could rebuild/repair the damage. I mean it’s not like Harry and Meghan have home/fire insurance or anything. /s These people have lost their fricking minds over the Sussexes. Common sense has completely left the building, if it was ever there in the first place.

      • Deering24 says:

        MsIam–right? Heaven forfend H&M have anywhere else to go than back to England!! They can’t rent, buy, rebuild or anything. The horror…🙄

  17. Is that so? says:

    The anti-Sussex press’s favorite sentence starter, “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may be forced. . .”

  18. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Geez, I’m startin to think we need to start a Go Fund Me and collect as many maps and atlases as possible to send to UK ‘reporters’. I realize there is no need to teach geography of the US in the schools there, but do they not teach how to look something up and find out the distance between two points?

    • Debbie says:

      You make sense but, much like some serial killers, the British media has reached the point in their degeneracy that you wouldn’t want them to change their modus operandi. So, like Nelson Muntz, let’s all just point and laugh at their ignorance.

  19. Beverley says:

    May everything that the British media and the Left Behinds wish upon H&M come to them…in spades.

    Gleefully hoping that someone’s home burns down in a disgusting low for the rats.

  20. Anna M says:

    These people are exhausting! They’ll do anything to report on the Sussexes. They’re hoping for an evacuation so that the Sussexes can return to their island for more harassment and abuse by the, also to make the rota more money. They are abusers who can’t stand the Sussex success.

  21. Jaded says:

    There actually are fire warnings for the Santa Barbara/Montecito area including power shutdowns due to strong Santa Anna winds.

  22. Debbie says:

    Can I just say I am becoming increasingly irritated by the ongoing disrespect shown by the media. This latest bit of tasteless fluff says “Harry, 40, and Markle, 43” I know who Harry is (disrespect too where is his title) and Markle – who changed her name on marriage. Why couldn’t they use “The Sussexes” but maybe a tad too polite for their purposes of putting into place a woman they still feel is above her station!!!!

    • Meredith says:

      Harry doesn’t really have a last name, otherwise I’m sure they’d call him by it.

  23. L4Frimaire says:

    While not directly affected at this time, I’m sure Meghan’s friends who live down there are. posted links to resources and how to donate on their site. California is a state prone to natural disasters and we’ve had so many devastating fires. I’ve had family and colleagues lose properties in wildfires and their areas are still being rebuilt, years later, years later. While the British media are being creepy and insensitive hoping this will affect the Sussexes home, thousands of people have been displaced, the fires are still burning and rebuilding after this devastation will be a massive effort. This headline shows how unserious and spiteful these outlets are.

  24. Anon says:

    I don’t think Santa Barbara is in any danger, and if it were, I would imagine H&M have a fire suppression system. They expensive, but in the aftermath of a fire like this you can exactly which properties have them.

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    Not going to dignify this reporting with a response. But I do wish California Celebitches peace and safety as your state deals with this tragedy.

  26. Brittney B says:

    I’ll save my full comment for tomorrow morning’s inevitable article, but I’m reading Vanity Fair and enjoying some schadenfreude right now. Guess those 16 bathrooms came in handy after all!!!!

  27. AC says:

    The BM needs a lesson of CA geography. Santa Barbara and Montecito are not part of La county. LA county is huge and diverse – from the Canyons to the Angeles Natl Forest to the Mtns and coastline. Santa Ana winds and fires have been part of SoCal climate for Years. There’s some years we have no rain and everything is dry/low humidity. And LA county ( they prob think LA only consists of Hollywood and Beverly Hills 🙄) actually has a lot of forests around it , with a lot of trees, brushes and vegetation. Mt Wilson is the highest point in LA. It can be snowing up there but you go down that mtn and surf on the Pacific Ocean the same day. Dry climate and high winds is always dangerous. Altadena is one of my favorite places in LA county as it has a small town feel in a big city, and the more you go up these hills the more its like a forest- beautiful place which has been devastated.

    • AC says:

      One more thing and Something lighthearted: In a way, I call Mt Wilson our own natural Eiffel Tower. As we can go to the top and on a clear day, we’re able to see the amazing skyline of LA all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
      California – we’ll get through this.