Donald Trump didn’t even bother putting his hand on the bible for his oath of office

I didn’t watch any part of Donald Trump’s second inauguration. Come to think of it, I didn’t watch any part of his first inaugural either. Since this is my job, I tend to microdose this kind of sh-t and just look through the photos to see what storylines are there. Imagine my shock when I came across the photos of Trump taking the oath of office… and he didn’t have his left hand on the bible. Did he forget? Is the oldest president ever to be elected too senile to remember to put his baby fist on the bible? Or is there something happening with his left hand/arm and he couldn’t move it properly? Come and get your village idiot, Evangelicals. This is what you wanted – a demon who couldn’t even put his ugly orange hand on a bible, lest it burn his rapist flesh.

The photos of that ugly man trying to kiss his wife are pretty funny too. As many suggested, that is probably why Melania wore the hat in the first place, so her husband would be blocked from kissing her. Other random thoughts… did George W. Bush fall off the wagon? He had the vibe of a man who started day-drinking.

As for the rest of it… I’ve seen the headlines about his inauguration speech and people are already feigning outrage over “the Gulf of America” and his “two genders only” crap. What did people expect? He didn’t turn into a completely new person? He’s the same serial sexual predator, fascist, moron, racist and dumbass as always. What I find interesting is the guest list – since the inauguration was held indoors, in the Capitol Rotunda, there was a very tight limit on which donors/celebrity guests could be invited. Rupert Murdoch got an invite, as did Elon Musk, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos. Bezos even brought Lauren Sanchez, who looked like a horse’s ass in her exposed lace bustier. What was somewhat shocking is that Logan Paul, Jake Paul and Conor McGregor were also on the shortlist. McGregor, like Trump, is an adjudicated rapist. The Pauls are sleazy influencer types. I’d love to know if all of those whackjob big-money donors are mad that they didn’t get a seat but Conor McGregor did.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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59 Responses to “Donald Trump didn’t even bother putting his hand on the bible for his oath of office”

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  1. Harla says:

    He probably knew that he would have burst into flames if he had

    • Evil would never touch the Bible and swear an oath !!!! This doesn’t surprise me.

    • Blithe says:

      As a kid, there was something we used to do — maybe cross our fingers? — that meant that a promise wouldn’t really “count”. I think Trump’s behavior was deliberate. At some level, he’s convinced himself that he doesn’t actually have to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution — because he didn’t really swear to do so. In his addled, twisted mind, he probably thinks he’s brilliant for coming up with an easy way out — in the unlikely event that he’s ever charged with anything for the crimes that he has planned.

      I just have this horrible sense that Trump — with his decision to not risk singeing his fingers by touching a Bible, and Musk — with his salute, truly think that they are the most brilliant-est, bright-est, white-est, best-est ever as they cackle us into chaos.

    • Jennifer says:

      He clearly made a deal with the devil to get back into office. I say this, not joking at all.

  2. Sasha says:

    I can’t figure Lauren out. Wasn’t she considered smart? She was nice looking. Now she looks like a blow up hooker doll – no matter the occasion. Gotta assume that’s all Jeff.

    They’re all disgusting. I wouldn’t blame W for day drinking before that mess.

    • orangeowl says:

      There’s a funny photo of Mark Zuckerberg staring at Sanchez’s chest. They are all disgusting. It feels more and more like the Hunger Games every day.

      W did seem loopy af, and honestly Laura kind of did, too. I wish they all had said F to norms like Trump himself does and not shown up. I guess they might be targets of retaliation if they didn’t. What a world we live in now.

    • nb says:

      Lauren Sanchez should be in the dictionary next to the phrase “Money can’t buy class.”

      For one day, for one major heavily photographed event, she couldn’t wear a nice shirt or tank top under her blazer. She had to get the fake blown up tatas out for everyone to see, and she must have gotten a face refresher too because it looks like it would be melting if it wasn’t so jacked up full of fillers.

  3. Rapunzel says:

    Two bibles, and he touched neither. Good Christian, my ass.

    The only good thing was the MAGA morons who bitched about egg and gas prices but charged thousands to go to DC, finding themselves SOL for watching the event. The jumbotrons that were supposed to be where the ceremony was originally scheduled got removed by Trump’s inauguration committee. Most had to watch on TV from hotel rooms, 😆

    I’m from CA and my county Sherrif’s Posse raised $100,000 to ride horses in Trump’s parade, and when they got their with their horses, the parade was canceled, and they had to send the horses back. 😂

  4. heygingersnaps says:

    I’m not American but I’ve resolved not to click on any headlines or news alerts that has this poor excuse of a human being in. That’s what the media companies want, all the chaos, click baits and views. I can practically see them rubbing their hands in glee but no, I’m not going to participate and feed the beast. I’m going to be more mindful with what company I used and where I consume information and social media and try to protect my peace. No doubt this four years (if it will end at that) will be a disaster of epic proportions and most people are anticipating that.

    • Chaine says:

      Same. Ths time around, I don’t want make the same mistake of engaging with the whole outrage machine, all it does is give sites clicks they want in return for deteriorating my mental health. I wish Celebitchy could be a Trump-free zone. I want light celebrity gossip and fashion and movie set scuttlebutt.

      • Becks1 says:

        I’m with you both. I don’t want to feed the media beast this time around. 2016 we watched MSNBC religiously every night. I haven’t turned it on in months. Even the media shows and sites that were “against” trump still profited hugely from his presidency and I think you saw that reflected in 2024 and how they handled the candidates.

        I’m also just generally disgusted – this has been for years now – with how Democrats are handled in the supposedly liberal media vs the Republicans. Trump threatens democracy with his very core but do we think the Obamas are getting a divorce?!?!!

        I’m trying to figure out the best way to get news now. I unsubscribed from WaPo, I unsubscribed from NYT years ago. I’m about to cancel my X account so wont get headlines there.

      • Nutella toadt says:

        Reuters and AP Are in my opinion good sources because they tend to be just the facts stories because they are used as baseline newsfeeds for outlets across pretty much any viewpoint. The opinion part comes in on the network.

      • Miranda says:

        @Becks – If you’re willing to pay for a subscription, I’ve been happy with Ground News. They present news stories with ratings based on where the source falls on the political spectrum, the source’s reputation for factuality, and who or what owns the source. They have different subscription levels, I think the highest is only like $9 or $10/month. Their About page explains it a lot better than I can.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        Becks1, I’d suggest MeidasTouch and The Contrarian Substack (the latter was co-founded last week by Jennifer Rubin, who was formerly at WaPo).

  5. Miranda says:

    So Melania is just gonna go full Jocelyn Wildenstein, huh?

    If W. fell off the wagon, well, this is the first time I’ve ever felt any sort of kinship with him.

    Lauren Sanchez with her tits out and “just got f–ked” hair, oh my God. You’ve already got one of the richest men in the world, lady, why are you trying to pick up trade at the f–king inauguration?

  6. Amy Bee says:

    The CEO of LVMH and his son were also in attendance.

  7. Lucky says:

    What a clown show. From Musk’s Nazi salute (!!!) which he did twice with Republicans cheering (!!!!!) to the scum of the Earth attendees to the threats and stupid boasty talk. Wtf happened to the US? Like, really?

  8. Tessa says:

    Alice Roosevelt wore wide brimmed hats. Lyndon Johnson said he could not kiss her if she wore a wide brimmed hat. That s why I wear them she answered

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      I had the same thought when I saw the photo of Tr*mp trying to kiss her – she can’t stand him and needed a way to keep him off her in public.

  9. ThatGirlThere says:

    It doesn’t matter what he does or doesn’t do; people will support him regardless. The result is that many will suffer and die due to the blind loyalty of billionaires, the media, and politicians.

    And folks were really questioning everything including the kitchen sink as to why FLOTUS O wasn’t there. What a joke.

  10. PunkyMomma says:

    Melania’s hat giving off serious Hamburglar vibes.

    • Jan90067 says:

      It was Spy vs Spy (MAD Magazine) for me (yes, I’m dating myself, and yes, I find it very apropos for all attending this event)

    • JustMe says:

      Maybe it’s Putin in disguise or more likely the fake Melania

  11. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    I’m cancelling Jeff Bezos from my life. No more Amazon orders, cancelling Prime, no more Amazon streaming (which has sh*tty functionality anyway), and no more Whole Foods. He doesn’t need my help undermining our democracy. I’ve always hated Zuckerburg and his lack of interest in social responsibility in his companies / allowing disinformation, so I’ve never used Facebook or Insta. As for LVMH, there are plenty of other luxury brands out there, and I can’t afford them anyway.

  12. Bumblebee says:

    They were really crammed in there. I watched the clip of the Navy Academy Choir entering and the cadet at the front had to shouldercheck two people standing in the aisle out of the way, so they could walk through. Then when they lined up, the ladies were singing inches from guests and the people just stared directly in their faces.
    And you have to watch Hilary Clinton laugh when Trump said he was going to rename the Gulf of Mexico. She DGAF.

  13. Caitlin says:

    Who was George Bush winking at?

  14. Olivia says:

    I honestly don’t know how we’re going to get through another 4 years of this baboon and his cronies.

    BTW, Barron looks exactly like a 1980’s teen movie villain – a spitting image of Andrew McCarthy with sinister James Spader vibes.

  15. Green Eyes says:

    As everyone always says there is a method to his madness. You just have to figure out what it is. It was brought to the attention yesterday in one of my local news feeds that there is a reason for the change. it’s the reason all the oil people went to Marlargo. They went there and pretty much came up with this idea and it’s about the time. Trump started calling it the Gulf of America. The.Gulf of Mexico is protected by so many federal rules and regulations regarding drilling and all other aspects that these companies consider a hindrance. If you change the name, there is no regulations of any kind attached to a new name. Problem solved. Especially if the same day said president puts out an executive order that states no new federal regulations! So you see there is a method to his madness and he can’t keep his mouth shut so when he says something to us, doesn’t necessarily make sense, but it has something to do with something. We just always have to figure out what. Anyone else have cringes of another major oil spill That lasts decades in recovery? Oh, it’s coming at this rate.

  16. NoHope says:

    Kaiser, chef’s kiss on the coverage. This is literally the only place I can tolerate reading about this tragedy.

    The FAFO is underway, apparently even for his stupid contributors.

  17. Sue says:

    All I can think is they moved the dictator installation from the daylight into the darkness.

  18. Angelica Schuyler says:

    Kaiser, you said it. He’s a demon through and through. He couldn’t chance taking an oath on a holy book. He’d probably burst into flame!

    He must have signed one doosie of a Faustian contract to get to where he is now.
    As for Lauren Sanchez, all that money and she couldn’t buy herself some class and self respect? I’ve never seen someone spend so much to look so cheap.

  19. Harla says:

    I live in a very rural, somewhat conservative area and while driving around yesterday I was pleased to see flags flying at half mast. It was a little thing but it made me smile 🙂

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I heard they couldn’t raise the flag on the Capitol at first because the ropes had frozen. Jimmy Carter still serving us from The Beyond.

  20. Brassy Rebel says:

    The incoming cabinet was seated behind the broligarchs. That tells us who is running the show. As if there was ever any doubt.

  21. trillion says:

    must’ve been those wrist spurs

  22. QuiteContrary says:

    Seriously mystified by Lauren Sanchez’s face — and all of these overdone faces with pillowy lips. Do they really look in the mirror and think they’re attractive??

    • Stacy Q says:

      Her face is the stuff of nightmares. All that filler has made her face comically large. I always gasp when I see her. She must be beyond delusional if she thinks she looks good.

  23. Luna says:

    The interesting truth is that if Donald Trump didn’t have money and power, nobody would give him a second look or thought. None of his wives would have married him, and with his looks and personality virtually no one would have wanted to have sex with him, much less have children with him. His own wife clearly can’t stand him but grudgingly tolerates him due to her love of money and proximity to power. His money and power are the only reason anybody tolerates him at all, and on some level I’m sure he knows it.

  24. Lau says:

    I don’t think he’s the same as before, I think he’s worse. Hopefuly he had a stroke and that’s why he can’t lift his arm but I think he’s also too stupid and disrespectful to actually remember that he needed to have his hand there. They probably have to tell him that he needs to put his hand to the left side when he’s meant to put it over his heart (and that’s why he was the only one without his hand over his heart at Carter’s funeral, he’s just too stupid).
    Also Melania is not beating those fake Melania allegations with her ugly outfit and hat.

  25. Andrea says:

    I wonder what the Christian nationals and evangelists think of this one?

  26. Molly says:

    Logan Paul, Jake Paul and Conor McGregor? Huh. Zuck and Musk in the same room? I think there was a missed opportunity for them to make up their promise to get in the ring and fight each other as part of the innauguration entertainment. Better yet, as the vehicle for winning a cabinet nomination. Would have been right on brand for that whole crowd.

  27. Stacy Q says:

    Where are the whites of his eyes? He looks like a black eyed demon. He’s pupils always look huge.

  28. JFerber says:

    That’s because he isn’t a Christian or any other religion for that matter. All he cares about are power and money. Those things are his religion, the Oligarch Religion. He’s been writing that bible his whole life.