Kim Kardashian posted an inauguration pic of Melania Trump on her IG Story

Kim Kardashian has been cozy with the Trump family for years now. I always believed it was purely transactional, that Kim worked an angle with Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and Donald Trump so that she could get various pardons for certain people and highlight her work on justice reform. I also believed that Kim’s personal politics veered more to the Democratic Party, but that she was making a point to do the “both sides” sh-t. Well, there’s been a larger “masks off” movement since the election, and I guess Kim is showing us that she’s a full Trumper now. She posted this on her Instagram Story yesterday:

What’s weird is that this was her only post/story, this photo of Melania. Kim didn’t even post a pic of her friend Ivanka (who looked like sh-t) or Jared or anyone else involved in the inauguration. Just a single photo of Melania in that deranged hat. As you can imagine, even people who sort of liked Kim or sometimes defended her are pretty mad. Was this intended as an endorsement? Or a preview of coming attractions?

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images and Kim’s IG.

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28 Responses to “Kim Kardashian posted an inauguration pic of Melania Trump on her IG Story”

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  1. crazyoldlady says:

    unsurprising. they have a lot in common.

  2. Sumodo1 says:

    Mel has gone completely Evita.

  3. No surprise here that she is a Kartrumpian.

  4. Wilma says:

    I think we’re seeing how many people are opportunistic instead of idealistic.

  5. ThatGirlThere says:

    She and that big headed fool Khloe are showing who they are.

    Kim really thinks she’s untouchable with all of her money and popularity. Let her keep making those ugly duck faces, butchering her face and cozying up to racist Nazis. I hope that her fall is painful and public.

  6. JMoney says:

    Kaiser – this was always Kim and her family. Don’t forget about Kim’s son liking that incel anti Kamala video on YT last year. Or her endorsing Rick Caruso over Karen Bass. Jared Kushner is an investor in skims since the beginning. The Hiltons (whom she grew up with) are staunch conservatives. This is who they’ve always been. Remove the skimpy clothes and honestly it tracks

    • sunny says:

      To say nothing of their history of cultural appropriation. She has always been terrible.

    • Naomi says:

      Totally. I mean, I get the sympathy for Kim in the *specific* context of her divorce with Kanye, but just because the divorce occurred when Kanye’s Nazi came out doesn’t mean that the other party (Kim) has progressive politics. We don’t know them as a couple and don’t know why they divorced– though can make some solid conjectures– but it’s safe to say politics was not one of the reasons…

  7. Vanessa says:

    Is anyone really surprised Kim and her family have shown people who they really are for years now . Her eight year old son was posting Kamala conspiracy theories on his YouTube channel just because someone has black kids that doesn’t mean they are not prejudice against black people . Kim and her sister were nothing but cultural vampires once they got wanted now Kim and Khloe are showing their true colors for everyone to see they don’t care anymore .

  8. Amy Bee says:

    The Kardashians have always been Republicans. I don’t get why people are surprised by this.

    • wendy says:

      This right here — we know who Caitlin has always been and they are chips off the old block.

      She was straight up doing Cowboy Carter cosplay a couple of weeks ago and not a peep — she got a pass until she went MAGA? She has ALWAYS been MAGA.

  9. Mel says:

    They have been cos-playing black women for years and fetishizing black men also but they cry their tears about their poor choices and everyone wants to pat them on the back because “Oh Kanye is so mean to her” “Tristan keeps cheating on her “. Uhm,Kim ganged up on other women with him, she knew exactly who he was when she married him and she only married him so he could legitimize her fame and get her into the fashion crowd. Khloe is just an insecure mess. They have been a dumpster fire.

    • Rene says:

      Thank you, Mel. I agree 100% with your comment. So true….

    • sunny says:

      Absolutely this!!

    • sunshine says:

      i’ve BEEN saying this exactly for YEARS! it’s exhausting that people refuse to see what’s in front of their eyes until it becomes impossible to keep defending their favs. these people have always been problematic (for a bunch of reasons, especially the cosplaying black women part), i’m glad it’s crystal clear now.

  10. Sue says:

    Isn’t she close with Caitlyn? Trump declared yesterday that Caitlyn doesn’t exist. But Cait still seems happy about the dicktator reclaiming power, too. Confusing.

    • Debbie says:

      What’s confusing? Some people (or groups) sit back and enjoy the benefits of Democratic policies, then turn around and vote for Republicans. Nothing confusing about that. It’s opportunistic but, sadly, not surprising.

  11. TN Democrat says:

    The wealth a lot of these people have is smoke and mirrors. Loads going out to maintain the lifestyle and all manner of hangers on and taxes. All them are wealthy beyond the wildest dreams of most, but not the untouchable billionaires they claim to be. How many uber wealthy people went bust when the stock market crashed in 1929? How many people are going to be buying overpriced shaping underwear and lipgloss or any of the products they endorse when mango crashes the economy with tariffs and horrific policies targeting immigrants?

  12. Rene says:

    Kim has been friends with Ivanka Trump for years….way before Trump’s 2016 election. Somehow Kim gets a pass with a story of “she was doing it for prison pardons”….uh no! She has been friends with Ivanka for years.

    I really don’t understand the pass the Kardashian’s get. I truly do not.

  13. Lucía says:

    Guys…she has four kids with Kanye West. Nothing remotely surprising about this lmao.

  14. Aurora says:

    The Kardashians have always been trashy Republicans, just like Caitlyn Jenner. They were just smart enough to keep their mouths shut about it longer than Jenner did.

    Melania looks like she’s about to bust a move and start singing Smooth Criminal in that hat. I can only imagine how much Elon paid her to move back into the White House.

    • CLOVE says:

      You are so right! Caitylyn Jenner should be an advocate for her community, but nope. I have long been done with the Kardashians, and what Kim allowed her son to post about Kamala didn’t shock me. What is going to shock them is when they go into the real world being biracial and people telling them what they are.

    • Betsy says:

      I love that Caitlyn thinks she’s special, like she’s not at risk like every other transgendered person out there.

      If anything happens to her, I’m not going to have the same degree of sympathy I would for someone who didn’t happily vote for the demise of the groups they belong to.

  15. GlammaGeeGee says:

    She has a bunch kids from her Nazi ex, so no surprise.

  16. Betsy says:

    Trash seeks trash. I’m glad I’ve never given this horrible woman or any of those rancid losers any money.

  17. Trash person does trash things. Not surprised.

  18. Em says:

    Caitlyn Jenner is obviously MAGA and she and Kim have seemed very close lately. I also have always believed that Kris Jenner is a Republican (though not that invested in politics overall). So, I believe that Kim grew up in a Republican household, veered away from politics during the Obama years, and now has evolved into being fully MAGA. She is a POS and we should have known, honestly. All the signs were there.