Princess Kate visited the Royal Marsden Hospital last month to thank her medical team

When the Princess of Wales visited the Royal Marsden Hospital last week, she brought cameras and members of the royal rota. Kensington Palace openly briefed all kinds of details about her visit, her chemotherapy treatments at the hospital last year, and something about how she was “smuggled in” for treatment. Kate mostly spoke to cancer patients during the visit, leaving some people to wonder why Kate hadn’t posed with her doctors and nurses, and why everyone working on the cancer ward looked like they were seeing Kate for the first time. Well, Operation Clean Up Keen’s Mess is still in full effect. Wouldn’t you know, Becky English at the Mail got a hot tip that Kate visited the Royal Marsden last month to thank staff.

Her return to the Royal Marsden this week to meet fellow cancer sufferers and thank nursing staff was as moving as it was surprising. The Princess of Wales undertook her first solo public engagement on Tuesday in more than a year as she visited the London hospital where she has secretly undergone her own chemotherapy treatment.

But the Mail can today reveal that it was not the first time that Catherine, 43, has returned to express her heartfelt thanks to the team who, as she so eloquently put it, ‘have walked quietly alongside William and me as we have navigated everything’. In fact, she secretly popped in to the specialist cancer care centre just before Christmas during an ‘under the radar’ festive visit, it can now be disclosed.

She was quietly taken through a back entrance at the hospital to avoid being spotted, just like she did during her treatment. And it is understood she also brought the doctors and nurses hand-picked festive gifts and treats, including biscuits, as a sign of her thanks. A source described the gesture as ‘typically thoughtful’ of Catherine – and yet another indication of how incredibly appreciative she is of all the team have done for her over the past 12 months.

It is not clear how long she spent with them during the strictly private visit, which was not recorded in the Court Circular, the official record of royal engagements. The last time she was there as a patient was before the autumn, when she joyously announced that she had complemented her course of preventative chemotherapy for an undisclosed form of the disease.

[From The Daily Mail]

As I’ve said before, I’m sure there are absolutely people buying what Kate is selling. I’m not one of them. This is a woman who went missing so thoroughly, the Sun had to fake photos of a “Kate sighting” last year. This feels like a story being pushed by the palace to explain why Kate didn’t pose for photos with doctors and nurses during her trip last week.

Meanwhile, this wasn’t the only “Kate sighting” we’ve been told about but not shown. The Mail also reports that Kate “toured two elite north London day schools – sparking rumours Prince George could be educated at one of them.” She apparently toured Highgate School and University College School last month as well, after both schools closed for the Christmas holiday. This comes after rampant speculation that Kate “won” the school battle and now plans to send Prince George to her alma mater, Marlborough. A source told the Mail that while a day school would be an unexpected choice for the heir to the throne, “With the year Catherine has had, she may well have thought to herself that she wants to soak up every drop of George’s childhood and tuck him into bed herself each night.” How would she tuck in her teenage son every night when she’s not based in London?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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39 Responses to “Princess Kate visited the Royal Marsden Hospital last month to thank her medical team”

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  1. Libra says:

    Kate would never pass up a chance for a photo op. Never happened.

    • kelleybelle says:

      I second that. This is absolute bollocks. They know from social media what people believe about Kate’s “cancer battle,” or “journey,” whatever they’re calling this nonsense now. This is just BS to combat all of their own BS.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Couldn’t agree more, it never happened.

  2. Osty says:

    They made a big deal of her stopping infront of the hospital, noting how it felt to be back there once again, implying thar was the first time she went there after her supposedly treatment . These people can’t keep up with their lies . They should really thank their lucky stars that people don’t care enough about them to dig a little . Cos it wouldn’t take much to uncover all their lies cos they are so bad at it . Also kate who adds phone call to the CC, didn’t add a visit in person to her #s . Come on , they really should try a bit more at lying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • Nanea says:


      FakeyKatie strikes again.

      Had she really been there in December, they could have mentioned it then and there, last week.

      But this is just some sort of trying to contain the backlash from these past days that FewchaKween never thanked her team.

  3. SarahCS says:

    Given the lengths they go to padding her activities to create more entries in the court circular I do not believe this for a minute.

  4. Clean up in aisle 5 is right. The other article didn’t do its job so now we have this new one to fix the other. Wonder if the comments on this one will be as bad as the last article or did they get smart and turn them off.

  5. Chaine says:

    I could believe a private visit with no photos. Everything is entirely opaque as to what exactly her illness was and how it was treated other than that she did not use a cold cap. And for whatever reason, the royals want to keep it that way. If there were public photos of the doctors and nurses who treated Kate standing with her it would give clues as to the nature of her illness and treatment, and also open those people to being hounded by the press.

  6. Beverley says:

    Publicity-Thirsty Barbie didn’t bring along her own stenographers and photographers for her “festive” visit? Then I don’t believe it happened.

  7. Aimee says:

    This is a retcon if I ever saw one. Pfffttt!!

  8. Liz -L says:

    Here in the UK we’re dealing with massive price rises (as is everyone worldwide), long NHS waiting lists, people becoming disillusioned with the govt etc

    Even the rf’s remaining fans will tire of this ongoing sychophancy towards a woman who is far more privileged and far less humble and stoic than many of the public currently going through worse problems themselves.

  9. Jaded says:

    Clearly Copycat Catherine has been reading Celebitchy. On a previous post here I mentioned that at my last treatment before Christmas I brought in a big gift basket of cookies, chocolates, teas, etc. and a thank-you card for my nursing team. Too little too late Kate.

    • Beverley says:

      You know it! Of course she’s reading Celebitchy. Poor sausage doesn’t have an original thought in her head, and common niceties like expressing gratitude isn’t her wheelhouse. As far as KKKhate is concerned, her mere presence should suffice.

    • HeatherC says:

      She’s not reading it. We’re far too critical and not kowtowing enough. Her staff is though, or whoever is responsible for babysitting her. They get the ideas and probably approach her with “Do you know what would make you even more amazing than you already are? A visit to a hospital. The peasants would love you more than they already do! Plus, new outfit.”

  10. Lady Digby says:

    Both she and hubby should donate to a cancer charity and cancer research.
    Liz Hatton’s mum has set up a Fundraiser and hasn’t received her target yet. They could make that happen and do some good.
    Also I suggest they no longer turn up to food banks empty handed.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    The staff’s reaction to her visit last week never dawned on me until Kaiser mentioned it. It did seem like it was the first time she visited the hospital. If she was a regular patient the reaction would have been different. I’ve said it before but I don’t believe she was received treatment at the hospital. I think hospital staff were sent to Windsor to give her treatment.

  12. Jais says:

    Lol so did this reported visit happen before or after the ski trip?

  13. TheHufflepuffLizLemon says:

    “have walked quietly alongside William and me as we have navigated everything.”

    This is not “eloquent.” My 13 year old jock-who-hates-ELA writes better and more moving speeches and essays about his speed improvements through plyometrics and foot strike techniques. (Everything is about sports, even school, in our house.) Stop praising the bare minimum.

  14. Feeshalori says:

    Pictures or that visit never happened. Kate would never pass up an opportunity for self-aggrandizement.

  15. Elizabeth K. Mahon says:

    When did Kate post that Summer’s Eve commercial where she claimed she was ‘cancer-free’? Was that in September? But she didn’t visit the hospital to thank her doctors until December. It’s not like she was hella busy during those months.

  16. QuiteContrary says:

    The energy that goes into cleaning up this woman’s messes … by searing contrast, Meghan is assailed relentlessly. It’s infuriating.

  17. Becks1 says:

    So we’re all in agreement lol that this visit never happened. and I hate that I’m giving them clicks but after the past two weeks or so I’ve started checking the DM’s comments just to see how things are going, and while there are a lot of “good catherine” type of comments, there are also a lot of “such a secret visit the DM knows about it” or “good job KP PR! keep dribbling out these stories to make her seem busy” etc. People are not buying what KP is trying to sell.

    Also – this is supposed to make her sound warm and caring but I mean…..she brought her doctors cookies?? I hope they were in an expensive tin or something. I brought doughnuts for my nurses when I gave birth but I’m not a millionaire princess, haha. I hope she brought more than some cookies.

    But I guess it doesnt matter bc I dont believe this happened. Also, again, the timeline is off- here Becky English is talking about Kate’s care over the past year (supposedly around the time of the December visit, so a Dec 2023?) but she had the surgery at London Clinic in January 24 and that was when cancer was found and she didn’t start chemo until late february/early March – again per KP.

    So once again, things are not adding up, and that’s just what KP is telling us.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yeah, their strategy of “lying on the fly” isn’t very effective.

    • Liz -L says:

      I noticed that too Becks. There’s a change in tone in the comments. Many saying if she’s fit to ski why isn’t she working (not that a zoom call which they class as an engagement is work)

    • Dee(2) says:

      This is what happens when you lie. They’re trying to write the story in reverse, while also not having all of the details themselves. Because I don’t believe that Kensington Palace is being forthcoming with the real details either. So she’s writing a story where she has to not only remember the details of all the lies and embellishments that she’s made for the past year, but also the stuff in other newspapers that was never challenged or clarified. That’s why the timeline doesn’t make any sense.

  18. Lizzie says:

    So secret that Kate was brought in a back way yet here they are announcing it. This doesn’t make sense, per usual.

  19. Tessa says:

    More backtracking and damage control for Keen.

  20. Over it says:

    Is there any low Becky with the blonde hair won’t tell for Will and Kate? Like where does she draw the line ? I guess in hell because she lies all the time for those two . When that house of lies falls . She will be buried under it

    • Jais says:

      No I don’t think there is any low. Why would she have a problem lying for these two when she has likely already committed acts of unlawful information against Harry? She is very specifically named in Harry’s case against the Daily Mail. It’s a year off but I’d imagine it’s like a sword hanging over head until then. I’d love it if Kaiser started intros for each royal reporter. Here is Becky, a royal reporter who is alleged to have committed these unlawful acts now saying xyz🙄… And here is Katie Nichols who is alleged to have committed these unlawful acts now saying xyz🙄

  21. tamsin says:

    One can go skiing if the healing one has to do is not physical. But can they just tell what would be bald face lies, thanking imaginary staff for imaginary treatment? I think Kate seems to lack a few social graces, such as thanking people appropriately and in a timely manner. If she did do anything laudable, there would be pictures. Kate, imo, does not like to hide any whatever dim light she has under a bushel.

  22. Lau says:

    I really don’t understand why they insist on pushing the “she was smuggled in” angle other than to encourage people to believe that she wasn’t even sick to begin with. Why do they have to make it sound like it’s shameful to receive treatment for cancer ?

    • Sasha says:

      I suspect because, unlike Charles, she was never seen going to any hospital. Charles’ motorcade was seen all the time. So they made up this concoction. It was similar to that weird day or two last year when people turned up on here swearing black and blue they’d seen Kate in TX? Was it? The weirdest fake and among themselves contradictory anecdotes.

  23. Libra says:

    I’m wondering if, in my lifetime, the truth will come out. Eventually the lies will catch up with them but when?

    • Unblinkered says:

      If, if, there’s any truth that KM was seen checking out the north London day school for George, you could find some of the truth starts to come out in the next few weeks.

  24. Deering24 says:

    “With the year Catherine has had, she may well have thought to herself that she wants to soak up every drop of George’s childhood and tuck him into bed herself each night.”

    🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Yeesh.

    • Sasha says:

      Becky always with the purple prose. Gross.

    • Jais says:

      To be fair, an unnamed source said that. But still🤭. That source is laying it on thick. Listen, I wouldn’t send my kids to boarding school but I’m not a part of the RF so🤷‍♀️

  25. Nic919 says:

    Seeing as how there is only one year left for George at Lambrook, why would they look for day schools in London now. And they aren’t based in London right now so he would have to travel from London to Windsor daily? At last boarding at Marlborough makes more sense since it is close to Buckleberry.

  26. Daisychain says:

    Can I ask the following: I know she had surgery in December of 2023 and there is footage of the ambos. There were wigs. Did she actually have cancer/chemo for the subsequent year? I am sorry to sound cynical, but disappearing for a year? Was it cancer combined with a separation? It’s very hard to understand.