Dr. Jill Biden wore a vibrant purple Ralph Lauren ensemble for the inauguration

These are photos from the Bidens’ White House greeting for the Trumps, plus a few pics of the formal goodbye on the Capitol steps between the Bidens and Trumps for the inauguration. All of what happened on Monday is a combination of inaugural protocol and tradition, and the Bidens followed it precisely, unlike the Trumps in 2021.

I’m giving all of this the low energy I feel it deserves, but I am be so sad to see Dr. Biden and President Biden go. Jilly looked lovely in her vivid purple Ralph Lauren ensemble. In case you were wondering about Jill’s earrings, they are diamonds from Briony Raymond. I didn’t see any ID for the black pantsuit worn by Kamala Harris, the princess who was promised.

As for the Republican women, Melania Trump wore a custom look by Adam Lippes. I saw “Carmen Sandiego” trending during the inauguration and I knew it was about this B. The hat was a choice, but hey, at least we didn’t have to see her pissy face. Usha Vance wore a dusty pink Oscar de la Renta coat. De la Renta also dressed Usha for an event Sunday night. People are already saying that designers will likely have a different energy when it comes to dressing or not dressing the women of this administration, and I think de la Renta dressing Usha Vance is evidence of that. To be fair though, de la Renta has always dressed political wives of all parties. Ivanka Trump was also in attendance at the inauguration – she wore green and carried a Dior bag. She got fresh face work too.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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37 Responses to “Dr. Jill Biden wore a vibrant purple Ralph Lauren ensemble for the inauguration”

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  1. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    Purple is for death and mourning for Catholics. Or at least it is in my family. Hilary wore purple the day after the 2016 election, with Bill in a matching purple tie.

    • lamejudi says:

      I thought it signified Democrat blue combined with Republican red makes purple.

      Am I being too optimistic?

      • QuiteContrary says:

        Yes. Joe may be hoping for compromise, but Dr. Biden is a Philly girl — she’s sending a message of mourning and rebellion here.

      • Hana says:

        Yes, just like her red suit on voting day. She was not happy with her own party

    • SarahCS says:

      Purple is also a suffragette colour – which was my first thought. Women in the US are losing a lot of their hard won rights and there will be a big fight to get them back.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Yes, it’s all those things so I guess it means whatever you want it to mean. I preferred MVP in ALL black. No ambiguity there.

  2. AnnaG says:

    The energy is very „the adults have left the building” and nobody can predict what kind of madness is to be expected. I am European, keeping my fingers crossed for all sane Americans – please survive next 4 years. Europe is very anxious as well.

    • JanetDR says:

      Thank you. I was so sure that this wouldn’t actually happen given all of the shenanigans. The midterm elections in 2 years should make a difference.

      • Visa Diva says:

        Midterms will make a difference if the Dems stop their internal finger pointing, get a plan, and start messaging now what that plan is and show results.

  3. Kristen from MA says:

    Someone on the internet’s wrote that Melania looked like the Hamburglar. Can’t unsee. 😀

    • 809Matriarch says:

      Not the Hamburgler!!

    • minnow29 says:

      The one that made me cackle was a comparison of Melania in that hat looking like the pizza hut logo from the 80s. Nobody out pizza’s the hut.

    • Noor says:

      A hat that covers her eyes and half of her face is not suitable for the inauguration. And her dress is so severe it looks intimidating

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      I saw a post about how she looks like she could be in the “Smooth Criminal” video. “Meli, are you ok?!?” 🤣🤣🤣

    • Truthiness says:


    • Lau says:

      This hat looks so stupid, it’s insane. It looks like she’s trying to hide the fact that it’s one of her clones who showed up.

    • phlyfiremama says:

      I read one that described it as “spy vs. spy” from MAD magazine and I can’t stop cackling about that!! 🤣🤣🤣

  4. Amy G says:

    I was in Italy last week and at a dinner party Saturday night where every single European at the table (8-10 of them) were saying they’re excited because DJT will invest more in US bases and send more troops, which helps their economies. Another 4 people from the UK were saying how much they love him. The 4 Americans at the table (including me) were just stunned. 😳

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      My cousins and friends in Europe are worried about the future of NATO, and Putin’s ambitions, now that Tr*mp is back.

    • alexc says:

      Well they do love their facista Meloni in Italy who was at the inauguration with the guy who is currently destroying Argentina. Facist uber alles unite!

    • SarahCS says:

      Sadly the older generation of my French family (bar my mum who lives in the UK) are all MAGA and love Putin and in my peer group I have some grave doubts about my cousin’s husband. Even my grandmother who was alive when the Nazis invaded.

  5. koro says:

    Good lord the trumps are homely. Can you imagine if they intermarried with the Windsor??

  6. Aimee says:

    I hope they all rot in hell. That’s all I got today.

  7. JanetDR says:

    I did not recognize Ivanka. 😳 Hopefully she scuttles back to whence she came.

  8. Dee says:

    Since this would bug the heck out of him, Trump lost some height. Biden is as tall as him in this pic and Vance appears taller

  9. tamsin says:

    Melania literally covered her whole face, and didn’t bother to look up for the photo of incoming and out-going. What was being said between her and Joe? I didn’t watch the farce, but her whole demeanour seems very disrespectful. Ivanka seemed to have a new face.

  10. tamsin says:

    On my screen, Jill’s coat looks royal blue, and Usha’s looked like pepto-bismal.

  11. M says:

    I would have worn all black with a giant hat and face veil because America and decency as we know it died yesterday.

  12. Nina says:

    Is it just me or does Usha always seem to look incredibly uncomfortable?

  13. VOArtiste says:

    Kushner went heavy on the Botox or got a forehead lift.

  14. BQM says:

    Trump went to kiss Melania on the cheek and couldn’t because of the brim. 😆

  15. bisynaptic says:

    Melania‘s hat was very strategic, in that it prevented her from having to see what she did not want to see, which is Trump‘s return to the White House and everything that goes with it, for her: the hat also kept Trump from being able to get too close to her face. There was, unfortunately no “dusty” in the pink in Usha Vance’s bubblegum pink outfit. It was the color of my bathroom loafers. Dusty Would have been a great improvement.
    Ivanka and Jared are starting to look like the same person.
    Oscar de la Renta‘s name will join the ranks of Hugo Boss and Coco Chanel.

  16. JFerber says:

    Dr. BIden and President Biden looked fabulous. Melania looked like a caricature and there is Trump with his twisted mouth and mind.