Prince William posed in boxing gloves for a visit to Centrepoint’s youth program

Six years ago, people realized that the only way to get Prince William and his wife to get off their lazy asses and do anything was by pointing out how much work Harry and Meghan were doing at the time. It’s true even today, after all of these years – William and Kate are constantly “competing” with two people who left that island five years ago. The Waleses obsessively watch the Susexes’ schedule and they plan for special “thunder-stealing” events. It’s as obvious as it is hilarious, because how is the heir to the throne still behaving like a child? And Kate’s behavior around Meghan has always been disturbing.

So, with all that being said, today is the first day of Prince Harry’s trial against News Group Newspapers. The Windsors clearly believed that Harry would be in town this week, and they scheduled a lot of events to steal his thunder. Harry announced late on Monday that he wouldn’t be in London this week, so I guess it was too late for some of these events to be canceled. Today, William went to Centrepoint and he posed in boxing gloves. A particularly bad look for a man who physically assaulted his brother. The purpose of the boxing photo-op was to highlight the services offered to youths at Centrepoint’s Earling outpost.

Can I just say? William’s ensemble here is awful and he’s aged a decade in the past 12 months. The cardigan is a repeat, from a French label, but the denim shirt is aggressively “common man” try-hard. He also needs to button that sh-t up. Imagine trying to work a half-unbuttoned “hot single dad” energy while visiting homeless youths. What a terrible image.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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60 Responses to “Prince William posed in boxing gloves for a visit to Centrepoint’s youth program”

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  1. Osty says:

    The weird looking ” statesman “

    • Jilly says:

      The flesh beard will never stop being funny.

    • Honeybee says:

      Weird looking grandpa with dementia. who forgot his age and behaves like a kid.
      That blue rug is absolutely 🤢. He is not a statesman. States-Cringe!. God save the UK

  2. Mslove says:

    Peg looks like he hasn’t bathed in a week. And that cardigan needs to go.

  3. Jaded says:

    And they call this work…a half hour photo op in boxing gloves. SMH…

  4. TheOriginalMia says:

    So unprofessional. Dude, you’re working, not hanging with your boys and the ladies. Button that shirt up!

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    One upper cut to his elbow/forearm and he would be hitting himself in the face/jaw.. definitely didn’t look up boxing stances.

  6. Beverley says:

    Peggington looks ridiculous! Kaiser is right, he’s aged sooo much in the last year. Too much day-drinking and ruminating about “besting” Good King Harry.

    And the threat looming in the courts must keep him up at night, wondering what will come to light during Harry’s legal battle. Guilt and worry really do a number on one’s appearance.

    • All those photos for naught lol. Harry’s not in town so Peg will probably have to schedule more things when Harry does come to town lol. Now we can add sexy sporty statesman to his credentials lol.

    • Honeybee says:

      Not only day drinking. Also not finding the right women like M. Can’t live like H.
      Have any of you heard of W, meeting with some elite matrimony firms. Idk how far this is true. But the BM won’t spill the tea.

  7. aquarius64 says:

    Why foes William.look like he’s fresh off a pub crawl?

  8. Chaine says:

    He’s looking like death warmed over yet again. I’m sure seeing him in the gloves gave the youths a laugh. There’s nothing objectively wrong with this visit but the fact that he ought to be doing these sorts of visits every day, perhaps multiple times a a day makes the few he does seem very contrived.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      He does look like he relapsed in … something. He had been looking a bit less hungover lately and now he looks like he is the one on chemo. Could it be that he is scared shitless of what could come it if H’s case goes to trial??

      • sparrow1 says:

        Say this every time – he looks like he’s suffering more than any of them. To me he looks like a man struggling with a lot of internal demons.

  9. Andy Dufresne says:

    What is William really doing here? Putting on the boxing gloves to symbolically make fun of his brother’s trial that just happens to be today?

    Also, looks like the separation/ divorce has aged him pretty badly. That happens when you go through stuff like that. The only thing keeping Will and Kate together is their shared interest in competing with Harry and Meghan lol.

  10. Nanea says:

    “Harry announced late on Monday that he wouldn’t be in London this week, so I guess it was too late for some of these events to be canceled.”

    Just imagine Harry’s brother trying to cancel this one because of the weather.

    Even the Fail made fun of him last week, writing — and I quote the while paragraph for the glorious shade:

    “The Prince of Wales has postponed an
    engagement at the Wattisham, Suffolk,
    regiments today due to harsh weather.

    Prince William, 42, Colonel-in-Chief, the Army Air Corps, was due to meet service personnel from across both units, observe elements of regular training, and have a firsthand introduction to the regiments today.

    However, the weather conditions in Suffolk – *misty with a gentle breeze*, would have restricted William’s planned programme, forcing him to cancel the occasion until further notice.”

    Emphasis mine.

    I mean, there’s preparation to be done ahead of Blinky visiting something, things get disrupted, so he can’t just throw his toys out of the pram and call it a day when Harry doesn’t show up.

    And Bulliam really has been looking sick for quite some time. He caused the Sussexes so much pain, so it seems something is catching up with him.

  11. Jensa says:

    That beard is terrible. It just makes him look hungover.

  12. ThatGirlThere says:

    He’s aging like rotten eggs. Imagine your entire motivation being one upping your awesome brother, beer and football?

  13. Jais says:

    The cardigan is giving me Mr. Rogers vibes except
    William has too many anger issues to have ever watched that show.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    Yuck. William’looks creepy and is a try hard. And most definitely he came out today because he believed Harry was going to be in town today.

  15. LolaB says:

    Ooo that is some hateful overhead lighting

  16. Tessa says:

    He is so clueless, posing like he’s going to punch someone… That beard is awful

  17. Zut Alors says:

    So he’s really committed to that growth on his face, huh?🤐

  18. Feeshalori says:

    He looks skanky and grungy, and those visible chest hairs turn my stomach. Button up, dude!

  19. Tessa says:

    He still looks like Emmett Kelly

  20. QuiteContrary says:

    The chest hair is so gross. And, like others have noted, so inappropriate for a “work” event.

    He looks like he should be drinking dollar-per-cup wine at the Friday evening mixer at his divorced-person apartment complex.

  21. L4Frimaire says:

    Of course a poser is gonna pose. Probably thought Harry would be in London today.

  22. Eurydice says:

    I’m in a train station right now, so I had to cover my shriek of laughter with a fit of coughing. Now people just think I have covid instead of being batcrap crazy.

  23. Lady Digby says:

    He’s definitely rocky with a small r, isn’t he?

  24. Becks1 says:

    He’s just coming across as so pathetic and desperate. And its so obvious that he’s trying to one-up his brother……can you imagine what it was like growing up with him – or being friends with him? Dude, you’re going to be king, you’re going to get Sandringham and Balmoral, you’re going to get the duchy of lancaster, you’re going to “win” in all the ways that you think matter. But you still have to try to take everything from your brother and I’m assuming the friends know to make sure they dont have anything better than William – from clothes to a car to vacations. (or to at least keep it from him if they do.)

    • Deering24 says:

      Proof, once again, that everything ain’t everything if you lack common sense…and are seriously over-entitled.

  25. Nerd says:

    I remember someone in the Royal Rota once saying in an interview that William was quite jealous of Harry because of the two Harry was more athletic and always caught on quickly to learning things like skiing. His poor hand placement in the top photo reminds of that interview and of the video of Harry climbing the rope with ease on James Corbin’s show and William in comparison barely walking across a board that was barely three feet off of the ground.

  26. Beverley says:

    Such a sad, small man. He could be given the world, but all that matters to him is that he “wins” over Harry. It must burn his britches that Harry ain’t paying him no mind.

  27. Lau says:

    Poor William and Kate are going to have to work again when Meghan’ show premieres and Harry finally arrives in London. Surely they’ll be overworked !

  28. Jay says:

    Baha, it must be very sad to try so hard and yet have so little to show for it. Harry didn’t move a muscle and he is still getting all of the headlines because of the potentially huge settlement offer.

    You just know in William’s head this photo is making people swoon – oh, he’s a fighter! So hunky! And the top of his shirt unbuttoned! Sir, you are not Andrew Garfield. Nobody wants this. Return to sender please and thank you.

  29. Betsy says:

    I know Kate’s not a good person, but all I can think looking at these pictures of her husband reveling in aggression is “poor Kate.”

    Poor those kids, too.

  30. Bama says:

    I can hear the kazoo version of “September” in my mind.

  31. one of the marys says:

    See I saw these photos and thought he was looking better today, less grey and dour, more relaxed. I agree he’s looked awful this past year, weight loss, terrible colour, exhausted eyes, unflattering beard. If he’s feeling a bit better today perhaps that’s what I’m seeing, a bit of energy.

  32. Paddingtonjr says:

    People Magazine managed to work in both Princess Diana and Kate’s “cancer remission” in their coverage of the visit. The press is really trying hard to make William newsworthy and he’s just not.

  33. V says:

    If I didn’t hear different I would think he was the one battling cancer. He looks rough!

  34. JFerber says:

    What an ass. All he can do is “pose” at being or doing something. Nothing real there. There is no there there.