Princess Kate ‘has drawn a line under the last year, and she can move forward’

The revival of the “Duchess Meghan bullies staffers” smear reminded me that we’ve yet to hear one concrete, specific, on-the-record story about exactly what Meghan said or did which drove staffers into a spiral of doom. The stories about Meghan are always purposefully vague, just “she made me feel this way” or “this is how she seems, because I’m projecting all of my insecurities onto her.” I bring up the Meghan stuff because vague is the name of the game when it comes to the Princess of Wales’s medical issues. Kate speaks in riddles and platitudes, like she’s trying to recite some half-remembered, barely read pamphlet for cancer patients. Kate’s staffers speak similarly, because I guess they feel like they can half-ass it and no one will ask follow-up questions. Kate covers this week’s People Magazine, and it’s all about “her life in remission.” The quotes absolutely came from a Kensington Palace briefing.

Kate Middleton is turning the page to a new chapter in remission. The Princess of Wales, 43, is focused on the future after releasing a statement on Jan. 14 sharing her “relief to now be in remission” after undergoing treatment for cancer last year.

“She has drawn a line under the last year, and she can move forward,” a close royal insider tells PEOPLE in this week’s exclusive cover story. “The word ‘remission’ is such a positive one to use, and it just feels a veil has been lifted on their life of the last year, and that they can move forward with positivity and hope.”

A source close to the royal household tells PEOPLE, “It has been a tough journey — harder than we perhaps thought. She has been through a lot, and it has been a rough road. Serious illness like cancer does change you. She has a young family, and it makes you rethink everything—your purpose and what you want to do with your life.”

The Prince and Princess of Wales, who are proud parents to Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6, are now focused on settling into their “new normal.”

“For the princess, family — her husband and children — are more important than anything else,” the close royal insider says.

According to royal sources, Kate’s “new normal” won’t involve a dramatic “reset.” Instead, she plans to maintain a similar pace of royal engagements to what she embraced in late 2024. Highlighting her steady and gradual approach, her visit to The Royal Marsden marked her first solo engagement since 2023.

[From People]

I don’t want to give these people any ideas, but I’m surprised that KP hasn’t told everyone that Kate’s Christian faith has grown stronger because of this medical ordeal, that she is now even more humble in her faith and recommitted to Christian charity. They can’t do that though – William apparently despises going to church, and Kate considers church visits part of her “work” to be avoided. “She plans to maintain a similar pace of royal engagements to what she embraced in late 2024.” We’ll see her maybe three times in the next five months? But you have to remember, the Invictus Games are coming up (Feb 8-16), and Meghan’s show comes out in early March. Ten bucks says that Kate will be pushed out during Invictus AND in early March. Poor sausage.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, cover courtesy of People.

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72 Responses to “Princess Kate ‘has drawn a line under the last year, and she can move forward’”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Why I stopped buying people magazine. How many covers will continue to cover Kate’s illness and it’s like she’s the only one Who ever got sick. Enough already

  2. Tessa says:

    Who are they trying to kid. Keen had low work numbers from the get go

    • Yes she was lazy from the start and she isn’t going to get busy until one of the Sussexes comes out and is doing something then she will be out doing photo ops called work. How long are they going to milk this cancer story? She is already getting backlash for it. They need to stop!!

      • sparrow1 says:

        Exactly. Although imo she’s hand in glove with these stores and will never stop banging on about it. Some people, most people, would fear a similar obsession as proof how previously boring they were. All she’s got is illness. Most people have a 100 and 1 things about themselves other than their illnesses, however bad. She’s therefore got to make it sound “rare” and unique to herself, which weakens her message of being in it together. She’s aware, more than anyone else, of her blandness.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Even DM readers are getting fed up with it.

    • BeanieBean says:

      And she always, always put her family first (her kids, parents, and siblings, I have my doubts about her including Will). That was ALWAYS her/their excuse for skipping out on events, not scheduling anything, vacationing, etc. Always. Nothing new, nothing different, she is not a changed woman. Cancer, if she had/has it, did not change her one iota.

      • Chrissy says:

        Yup, she’s always done the bare minimum, only coming out to show off a new dress or attend Wimbledon or a formal jewel-bedecked formal event. This woman has always been as shallow as a puddle and been allowed to be the stay at home mom she always wanted to be for the most part. She’s going to milk this cancer story forever if only for the ‘poor, brave POW’ narrative while she goes shopping and vacationing under the radar- all on the public’s dime.

      • Betsy says:

        @BeanieBean Now that is just not a fair assessment. She’s somehow managed to get lazier and be seen working even less than she was before, and frankly that’s a real accomplishment. A negative accomplishment, but she has changed (for the worse).

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    Unless she is going to say something meaningful about her actually cancer this is all Waity propaganda and it’s nauseating. Maybe she should just stop mentioning cancer altogether if this is the crap she puts out there.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Exactly – why all the coyness, bordering on outdated hushed “the big C” tones. Really doesn’t help anyone in the modern world. Why not say, and get more funding for a linked charity. People are getting bored, because it reads like a dishonest way of getting out of work and actually like she’s lied about the nature and extent of her illness, and also like she’s enjoying the mystery. She’ll play this card for years. There was a story a couple of years ago saying the only thing that makes Kate Middleton interesting is her behind the scenes knowledge of the BRF, and that if she didn’t have that level of mystery she’d be 100 per cent boring.

      • Kit says:

        lol. Being part of the royals for all these years means the girl has a lot of dirty, tawdry secrets to hide. And those dirty, unhappy secrets are aging her bigly.

        That’s the only interesting thing about Catherine, PoW.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        All of this 100%. It’s boring. We get it, you don’t want to work because you used to have cancer (or something). You can afford it, thanks to the extreme generosity of this british taxpayers who pay the SG and many more millions through the nhs, thr military etc. Just stay home and stfu.

  4. Myriam says:

    I don’t understand why she gets magazine covers or report articles. She’s doing nothing. All the reports are the same things (rough last year, taking time for herself and family, focusing on her remission aka will not be working) so why continue to waste pointless space?

    • Dee(2) says:

      I’m pretty sure they’re circulation is down significantly from the past, but for the people that still subscribe to and buy people she fulfills the fantasy. She’s pretty, young,” happily” married to her college sweetheart, has three kids who are photogenic, and is a literal princess. If you’re not digging any deeper and this is the type of stuff that you like from Hallmark movies, and romance novels, and who you might follow on tiktok or Instagram she hits all of the key points. I know all of that isn’t true but on the surface level she must still sell well enough.

      • Tessa says:

        Diana and even Fergie actually were the best sellers for magazines years back. I see Kate cover stories lingering on newsstand shelves.

      • bisynaptic says:

        But she’s no longer “pretty”, she’s photoshopped. She’s no longer young, she’s middle-aged. And the kids are not particularly photogenic, they’re average White kids with a major royal pedigree. (Kids are cute; that’s their job.)

      • Myriam says:

        @ Dee(2). I doubt she sells magazines now. For People to waste a cover to regurgitate the same things every magazine/newspaper has been regurgitating ever since she announced she had cancer and then was cancer-free is stupid. That article didn’t say anything different from what articles from the Sun or Daily Mail reported 3 days ago, a week ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, a month-and-a-half ago, and so forth. That’s what I mean. There’s nothing new. She’s so dull and a waste of magazine space.

      • Dee(2) says:

        Yeah but not saying anything new and letting people live in the lie, IS the fantasy. I used to work with a lady who by now has to be about 75. She took the day off when William and Kate got married and got up at 2:00 a.m. to watch it. She told me once that she used to be a fan of Diana back when she was a normal good mom, before all the other stuff( I have to presume before she let people know all that glitters isn’t gold). This is their target audience. I can only imagine her thoughts about Harry and Meghan and I’m actually glad we don’t work together anymore because of that. So yeah I’m sure that they’re not selling magazines the way they were in the ’80s and ’90s, or even back in the early 2000s but soap operas also don’t get the same ratings that they got back then and those are still on every day. There’s enough people still buying into this nonsense that it’s somewhat financially sound for them or they wouldn’t keep slapping her on the cover.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Bear in mind that ‘there is no-one else’ if they don’t feature KM from time to time. Sophie Rhys Jones? Princess Anne? No thanks.
        That’s it. So a photoshopped KM by default.

    • Tina says:

      I would be fascinated to know the sales for issues like this. I mean even for Kate fans its just the same old same old. I’m guessing she gets a cover after each appearance this year with the same information over and over again.

      • 809Matriarch says:

        The sales can’t be that much. Didn’t they start and then quickly abort the special “Royals” edition?

      • Me at home says:

        Apparently her Christmas concert didn’t attract the expected viewers.

    • Me at home says:

      Maybe this People cover is for the US audience, some of whom also fawn over Kate but don’t read the Sun and the DM so wouldn’t have heard it already. Maybe there’s an Aussie equivalent cover too. But perhaps now that she’s told all the big rags, we can stop seeing covers about this?

  5. Nanea says:

    Moving forward while continuing to do next to nothing, unless it’s Wimbledon and Christmas at WAbbey. And Trooping.

    And maybe a handful of other events, as long as they don’t interfere with the school run and tucking George in.

    • Lady Esther says:

      And vacations! I called the ski trip (although was expecting photos of the kids), now it’s full speed ahead for Mustique, and the rumoured (by KP) “second honeymoon” with William to an exotic location…

    • Pret says:

      Don’t forget the upcoming BAFTAS!! Kate’s glimmering shimmering glamorous return to the red carpet can not be missed!

    • Jan90067 says:

      Nanea, I would *love* to know what tween boy wishes to be “tucked in” nightly by his mother! Lolol

      “Here’s mummy’s big, big, boy…all nice and set for bed! Did you brush your teeth and wash your face? Let mummy see!…. Alright, now in you go…schooch in and mummy will tuck the covers in tightly around you! Would mummy’s boy like to hear a song, or a story first? Let mummy give you your good-night kiss then. Sweet dreams!”

      • Becks1 says:

        My 12 year old still wants me to kiss him good night every night 🙂 I’ll take it as long as I can.

      • Jan90067 says:

        “Tucking in” is, IMO and experience with my nephews, very different than a kiss goodnight. And yes, take it as long as you can 😊.

        In my family, we’re very huggy and kissy: we kiss hello, goodbye, and goodnight (on the cheek of course!). I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

      • Gabby says:

        Savor it while it lasts. Sons not wanting to be tucked in swoops in suddenly and leaves a pang.

    • BeanieBean says:

      That poor kid. If he does eventually go to some boarding school he’s going to get mercilessly teased about mummy tucking him in.

  6. Interested Gawker says:

    Oh really?

    We’re meant to just shrug and accept every buzzing great lie they’ve foisted because she’s turned a page on everything now?

    As a member of the one family on earth people discuss the minutiae of their lives going back generations the most?

    Good luck.

  7. Jane says:

    I have to say, I hate that Kate and her team are using cancer this way. I mean I’m not surprised that she will continuously use this to get out of things, just like with the “school run”. But it’s 100% insulting to people who have cancer and have to go to work, don’t have a staff to do things for them around the house or run errands.

    She is taking whatever happened in late 2023-2024 and using it as a “get out of jail free” card. She continues to manipulate (her and her team) people into making everyone believe that she should never be criticized because she just “married in”. She has take misogyny (like so many other white women) and used it as a “don’t say bad things about me” or “I’m not at fault EVER! It’s the man’s fault” etc… That word, “misogyny”, really no longer has any meaning because people like her have taken it and turned it into a word that solely benefits them. They want to always be the “victim” without ever using that word.

    Also, I’m sorry, can we just admit that Kate wants to be infantilized? I hate going on sites like Lainey Gossip or listening to podcasts/TikToks and the (mainly) white women are out there talking about how infantilized Kate is, as if she doesn’t want it. Regardless of what those places like to believe, Kate is ultimately in charge of how people view her. The problem is, she’s shown us a long long time ago who she is, lazy, a bit of a mean girl, etc… but because those content creators don’t like that, because it’s not how they would like to be viewed or they wouldn’t make those choices, they make excuses as how nothing in Kate’s life is ever her fault, choice, anything. They inherently contribute to the damaging narrative that white women are “victims” and above criticism, but women of color are expected to “wow us out of the gate.” To be perfect. To be everything, but not to threaten the status quo.

    They play into that narrative, because if the actually treated Kate as a 43-year-old woman, they would have to admit that she hasn’t done a good job as “princess” at all. That she married into one of the oldest institutions and made it so she is completely expendable.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate enjoyed the perks of first being a “royal girlfriend” despite William’s breakups, had a very brief part time job and never worked. She lacks credibility for never having a real career or full time work and earning her own living. Her whole aim was to get the “ring” from William

    • Nic919 says:

      The Victorian ghost photos she did for her 40th birthday basically show the image she wants. She is not modern despite what the PR claims. She is actually regressive in the role and does not want to expend too much energy on things she doesn’t like, which is the opposite of a fully realized adult.

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree 100% that she wants to coddled and infantilized. If she is being infantilized it means the actual expectations are low. If she is still “learning the ropes” or “coming into her own” or “growing into her role” or whatever, then no one can really expect anything from her.

      Even here we’re told that her engagements for 2025 will be like late 2024. Uhhhhh….you mean when she did an event with William, then nothing until Remembrance, then her choir concert, then Christmas? So 5 events over 4 months?

      So we can maybe expect 15 events from her over 12 months? Including Wimbledon, Trooping, Christmas, and Remembrance (counting for the festival and the cenotaph appearance), that gives her 10 other opportunities and she’s already made one appearance. so less than once a month going forward?

      I mean sometimes I’m just impressed that she’s scammed everyone so much and is just living a life of privilege and luxury and is refusing to do any work for it.

    • Jane says:

      I also think one of the reasons Kate didn’t like Meghan was she completely destroyed Kate’s long used argument that this job was “hard” and she’s still “learning’. Meghan came in and completely made that excuse not hold any water. She was building a successful project while moving to a new country and planning a wedding. Made a speech that wasn’t just a few sentences long. She didn’t make obnoxious/exaggerated facial expressions (with jazz hands) to hide the fact she wasn’t prepared for the engagement. She showed everyone that this job is not hard, as much as the BRF and the press want it to be.

      You just have to put forth an effort. Kate (and William) don’t want that.

      • Liz -L says:

        Spot on Jane. The same was true of Diana. When she first joined the rf and came back from engagements saying she’d enjoyed them the royals were appalled. Because they wanted them to be seen as hard work.

    • Jais says:

      I’ve always suspected and have said it before that when the Sussexes bounced and were free to lay low and not have to step out for public appearances, it rattled the Wales. Bc they want that, the ability to do whatever they want and not have a schedule and a contract with the public and the press. Of course, the difference is tax dollars but either way, it kicked in their well-documented competitiveness. The tatler article had a source that seemed to be speaking for Kate when they said she was furious bc they’d thrown her kids under the bus bc now she was going to have to work like a top ceo. Lol. Bc she hasn’t ever worked like that?

  8. Jais says:

    Huh. One might call a vigorous ski trip a dramatic reset?

    • BeanieBean says:

      They probably ski every year & we just don’t know about it. Last year would have been an anomaly, missing out. She’s back to normal, 100%. Yippee skippy. Dramatic reset, my *ss.

      • Blujfly says:

        I believe they take many trips, certainly during every school break, we don’t know about. I remain convinced that the Middletons accompanied them on that trip to Jordan that became their Christmas card. It explains how the Middletons ended up invited to the Jordanian wedding. I believe little to no attempt was made to act as if this was a private trip and the Jordanian royal family guided them around, hosted them and footed the bill.

      • Nic919 says:

        Going to Courchevel to ski is something the Middletons have done for decades. In the early years of the marriage the paps would be there, but you can see in social media, especially from James Middleton, that the family goes every year. Outside of whatever was happening last year, Kate was going every year herself with the kids.

      • Jais says:

        For sure they’ve always done it. But this one was reported on all while she’s refusing to do a dramatic work reset. It’s kind of comedy at this point.

  9. Lover says:

    Moving forward from the cancer story? Nah. With this level of propaganda value, it will never fail to be mentioned in the future.

  10. bisynaptic says:

    My sense is that Christianity is in retreat in the UK, being the faith of the mostly older generations. Getting to Jesus-y would clash with their purported aims to be appealing to the younger generations.

    • BeanieBean says:

      She is using the language, though. That whole ‘medical team quietly walking alongside her & William on her cancer journey’ is how self-proclaimed Christians talk, particularly those in the South. And a medical team ‘quietly walking alongside’??? What the heck does that even mean? Is that what you even want from a medical team? She only partly absorbed her Cliff Notes.

      • tamsin says:

        Well, they’re quietly walking beside her because they can’t speak ever speak about her ‘cancer’ and they must remain anonymous so that Kate can spin her “journey” in any way she finds the occasion requires. I won’t say quiet because they’re imaginary since I believe she probably had at least pre-cancerous cells removed.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Does anybody else remember in late 2023 when Kate told the world that Charlotte was singing a song called “Shine Jesus Shine?” It was such a peculiar mention since you rarely hear about any of these people attending church–let alone talking about Jesus. I always wondered what that was all about.

      • Kat says:

        If she is strengthening her Christian faith, she first needs to know what it is to be a Christian.That is stop being so horrible to your husband’s brother’s wife. Also do not give her murderous looks in church and try to make a cruel grab for her in public.
        Just stop it Catherine (I am being polite by giving her preferred name) That is not the behaviour of a true Chistian. Stop thinking about yourself all the time as well

  11. Amy Bee says:

    All we’ve learned from this piece is that she’s not going to working much in 2025. I agree well probably see her in late February and early March when Invictus and Meghan’s show comes out.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      As if her not working too much in 2025 is some sort of breaking news development LOL.

      That woman is chronically lazy.

  12. Lady Digby says:

    Is Kate moving forward by returning back to work on a very generous phased return? In UK large organisations have absence management policies and have regular review meetings with employees signed off sick for the long term. They are usually referred to occupational health who recommend a phased return to work building up from part-time to full time over a month. Further reasonable adjustments can also be offered to support staff. Who is Kate’s boss? Is it KC or her husband? Is she staff and does she have a job? Why is she tax payer founded if she doesn’t have to perform royal duties anymore? What is going on with her, ahem, employment status which hinges on her remaining married to Will?

  13. Granger says:

    “She has a young family, and it makes you rethink everything—your purpose and what you want to do with your life.”

    This is the part that caught my eye. Sorry, Kate, but you chose your purpose in life when you married into the Royal Family. What is there to rethink? Unless it’s divorcing your husband and giving up the throne. Otherwise, you’re the PoW and you’re going to be Queen and there are certain obligations that come with that job that you can’t just rethink.

    • Becks1 says:

      So this is an interesting take bc that is something some of us said a few months ago – the consensus here was that William couldn’t/wouldn’t divorce a wife with cancer. but there was also some discussion about how it could be spun:

      If that cancer is then used for the reason Kate is “re-thinking everything” which includes her role in the royal family – you can see how the cancer can then become the thing that ends the marriage. Kate’s focus has changed, her priorities have shifted, she realizes she cannot support William in his public life the way he deserves, they still care deeply about each other and are best of friends, but have decided to end their marriage so that Kate can live a private life with her children.

      See KP? I wrote the release for you, lol.

      • Alicky says:

        Nicely done, too! You just need to add the part about her retiring on the public’s dime, the way all other cancer survivors do. Oh, wait…

  14. Debbie says:

    How many metaphorical lines is this chick going to draw under her “pre-cancerous cells, post-don’t-call-it-a-remission, and never-getting-back-to-work” phase. Enough with this.

  15. Cottage Cat says:

    She disappeared for a year whilst ferociously protecting her privacy; playing games with the Establishment media, getting her doctored “family” pictures rejected by top photo agencies; compromised/threatened the heir to the increasingly irrelevant throne by forcing him to take part in jaw-droppingly nauseating videos; had no problem waltzing in, camera crew and flashbulbs in tow, to one of the most famous cancer hospitals in the world (so no awareness needed to be “raised”) to expose the patients in all their vulnerability amidst treatment. My God, she disgusts me.

  16. NotSoSocialB says:

    Does this mean their next jaunt to Mustique has been leaked?

  17. Lau says:

    It’s really embarrassing for them to keep acting as if Kate is the person on the planet who has ever had to fight cancer. Also, once again, other (lesser) people have to keep working while receiving treatment or get back to work straight after going into remission. They are so disrespectful when they talk like that about Kate.

  18. Nic919 says:

    So Kate gets spotted shopping for eyeglasses the same day this settlement comes out? Yeah sure. No coincidence there.

  19. Lolagirl says:

    I wondered why they keep saying Kate is in remission because they have to know that medically remission means something very specific and in order to be in remission she has to be cancer free for 3-5 years. Now I think the use of ‘remission’ repeatedly is intentional. Remission is from the latin ‘remit’ which means to

    : to lay aside (a mood or disposition) partly or wholly

    : to restore or consign to a former status or condition

    Kate has been sidelined and returned to her pre-royal status. She is no longer a royal and will only appear at big events as the mother of the future king. William took custody of George and Kate had the other two. The big to do about Carole meeting with William at the pub to hand off George was likely an exchange for some consignments he made in their divorce negotiations.