Victoria Beckham blames sourpuss face on “the way they edit the pictures”


Victoria Beckham co-hosted “The View” this morning, and I have to admit that she was rather personable. I missed the first few minutes, but when I caught it she was talking about how proud she was that the Spice Girls, her former all-girl music group, had won at the Brit awards, which are like the British equivalent to the Grammys. She said “I haven’t sung for some time. It seems like so long ago.” She said they’re creating a musical now that’s in development, but it wasn’t clear whether she and the other Spice Girls would star. I’d assume not. She also talked about her Glamour photo shoot with the adorable puppies, which inspired her to get an English bulldog for her family.

The panel discussed the controversy over the size 4 model who is too “big” to walk the runway, and pin thin Victoria mentioned the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America) campaign “Health as Beauty” for more healthy models. She even said that some of the girls were too thin at her the showing for her fashion line.

The ladies complimented Victoria for designing clothing for all body types, using the example of Jennifer Hudson in one of her dresses at the Grammys. Posh then brought up the point that she didn’t think it was the models’ fault, though, they were just born like that. “Most of these girls are naturally thin. I don’t think we should be discriminating against someone because they’re too thin, or too curvy or too large.. What I loved about dressing Jennifer Hudson [for the Grammys] is how sexy she looked and it shows that you don’t have to be tiny.” I’ll give her some credit for making dresses that flatter larger women, but super tiny Victoria isn’t about to bash emaciated models because to her it’s “natural” to look like you’re starving.

My favorite quote, though, was when Sherri asked Victoria why she makes that lemon-sucking face in all her photos. I’ve seen this woman interviewed before, but I am still always surprised at how normal and likable she seems. She doesn’t seem like the hungry snob with the stick-up-her-butt that you might assume from photos. Victoria feigned surprise and laughed and hung her head. She said “I don’t know… I think it’s just the way they edit the pictures.” She then changed the subject to talk about the puppies in her Glamour photoshot.

When the group started talking about the men’s Olympic figure skaters, Victoria made a little joke. “There’s nothing good about those outfits. I wear the feathers in my relationship, if David came dressed home like that… can you imagine?… David would never ever wear a lycra catsuit.” Tiny cotton underwear, though, that’s no problem.

Victoria at New York Fashion Week on February 12, 2010; in London on February 3, 2010 and December 9, 2009. Credit: WENN.

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24 Responses to “Victoria Beckham blames sourpuss face on “the way they edit the pictures””

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  1. e says:

    Or maybe you just need to edit your expressions better Vicky.

  2. ThisIsMyDayJob says:

    Haha. I laughed so hard. What a biatch

  3. Sumodo1 says:

    Excuse me, Sourpuss, but all your Botox has made it impossible for you to smile. This picture here? That’s a grin for you, right? Either give up the needle or put up with the comments that you look angry all the time, Posh.

  4. Chana says:

    She’s said in the past that she does the sourpuss thing for the paps because she doesn’t like them. She also hates getting her photo taken because she’s insecure about her looks.

    She’s always seemed very personable and kind to me. I saw her do a piece for some Hollywood celebrity program and she was playing with her boys. I think it was then that I realized that celebrities don’t always show who they truly are to the world. They keep a bit of themselves to themselves.

  5. Cheyenne says:

    Old Spanish proverb says, Don’t blame the mirror when it’s your own face that’s cracked.

  6. e says:

    “She doesn’t like the paps” hahahahaha!!!! “Hates getting her photo taken” oh that is rich. Chana I have no doubt that she said these things but her outfits at the airport alone tell a different story. She probably calls the paps. Seriously, without them, no one would even know she existed.

  7. JulieNewmar says:

    OK, but can they edit the greasy chicken bone aura too?

  8. Praise St. Angie! says:

    she is actually much funnier and more personable that most people give her credit for.

    I, myself, was shocked when I saw her interviewed for the first time. And the way she was with the sibling of one of the contestants on AI was SO sweet…you could see that she loves kids and is actually quite good interacting with them. (and she lets her son wear his Batman costume to the store…that’s just great!)

    and I’ve also heard that she doesn’t smile for pics because of being self-conscious about her looks, though I think she looks so much better when she smiles.

  9. naye in VA says:

    Ive never found anything not likable about “Posh”. This is her persona, its been so since her spice girl days, she was just the prissy one.

    When she and david first came over from Britain and ABC did that special people had their panties all knotted up like is was purely her own narcissism that got them the special. Ive never seen her be a bitch to anyone and she always sould like she has more brains than at first glance. No i dont want my kids to be bone thin but if she’s HEALTHY and happy why bash her.

    I really think the people that hate her are upset that they cant lose those last 20 lbs

    …and thats coming from a chubby like myself

  10. clare says:

    She has said in the past that she’s self-conscious of her teeth.

  11. Me says:

    I love her! I always thought she looked like a sourpuss bitch until I saw her Coming to America special. I think she’s hilarious and pretty nice, too. She was quite sweet to contestants on American Idol.

  12. teehee says:

    She can at least keep the story straight– first she says she does it on purpose to uphold an image, then because she dislikes her own smile, then she says its not her fault and she is made to look that way….. arrrright. “Something in the milk aint clean”.

  13. Victoria says:

    So magazines can actually edit a scowl on your face? Wow!

  14. shabam! says:

    so she’s doesn’t try to make you like her – isn’t that sort of refreshing? brits like to keep things reserved (and yes, i’m british). the girl’s normal!

  15. Eve says:

    Ahm, she didn’t say it was natural to look like they’re starving. Reading and comprehension? She said those girls are NATURALLY SKINNY. I mean, Americans really think the whole world looks like them. I’m from northern Europe, I’m almost 6 feet tall and I’m very thin. I never even thought about a diet in my whole life. I also modeled when I was a teen and in my early twenties. There are people out there in this world that are thin, not all of us grow up eating at McDonalds everyday…

  16. gg says:

    lol at JulieNewmar and Victoria!

  17. Emily says:

    I’ve liked her since her Coming to America special, too. My mum watched it with me. At first, it was just because I’d taken over the TV and she was in the room, but after a few minutes she’d won over my mum.

    Also, it could be that that’s just her natural “resting” expression. I’ve had people ask me why I’m pissed off, when I’ve actually been in a good mood, and just had no particular expression. So I can empathise with her if that’s the case.

  18. Allie says:

    Victoria is very aware of how she comes across in her photos. She’s even referred to herself as looking like ” a miserable cow,” but she still rarely smiles.
    I recall years ago, in an interview, she said she doesn’t like her smile and thinks she looks better with no smile. I think that’s it.
    It all comes down to vanity. Gee….What a surprise.

  19. canadianchick says:

    Hey Eve…get over yourself.

  20. Sami says:

    Aw I like Victoria! She was always my favorite spice girl 🙂 I don’t think the scowl is much from editing, as from the volume of pictures taken. If someone snapped ten pictures of me, seven out of the ten I probably wouldn’t be smiling either. And of course, no one will pay to see a smiling, normal superstar, so bring on the pics of the scowl.

  21. Lway says:

    I love her! She’s awesome!

  22. ogechi says:

    After watching the earlier episode of American Idol [few weeks ago] where she was a panelist in one of the auditions,I really do not like her character a bit because of her brash treatment towards a particular guy. Simply because the guy exhibited some level of confidence. Victoria, really don’t care about what u do-SORRY.

  23. celandine says:

    I like VB and she seems to be a personable girl, but everytime she claims to be “naturally skinny” I have to do a ‘bitch, please!!’ eye-roll. Growing up during the height of the Spice Girls fame, we all remember her as a still slim, but healthy-looking girl with small boobs, sparkly eyes and full cheeks. Every woman eventually has to choose between her face and her body, and whilst I almost admire her dietary discipline, it’s the gauntness of her looks that make her look ‘hard’ and sulky.

  24. DDave says:

    She doesn’t smile simply because of what happens to her nose when opens her mouth.

    Her huge nostrils come out to play!