Robert Pattinson is a sparkly bitch: “I find this repulsive”


These are new photos of Robert Pattinson filming Bel Ami in Budapest, the city for lovers (actually, I’ve always wanted to go to Budapest, so don’t hate on me Budapest-lovers). LaineyGossip is referring to this look as Sparkles’ “Bitchface”. He certainly doesn’t look happy. In fact, he looks like he is about to bitch someone out, for real. My guess is the costumer for Bel Ami. Of course, he could just be totally sick of his movements being catalogued ad nausea by rabid, Sparkles-starved Twihards. In an interview from a few days ago, Sparkles told The Sun that he finding this whole extreme fame thing a bit trying. Or, in Sparkles’ words, “If people push themselves on me I find it grueling and repulsive.” Dude.

AT first glance ROBERT PATTINSON is the man who has everything. Thanks to the Twilight movies the British actor’s got millions of adoring fans, stacks of cash and a budding romance with his co-star KRISTEN STEWART.

But R-Patz has revealed a much darker flipside to his overnight success.

He says fame has made him paranoid when people approach him and led him to lose touch with most of his old pals in the UK. So now his only true companion is a guitar that he lugs around the world with him. And Rob is so scared it may all end tomorrow that he won’t even invest in a place to live.

He said: “I’ve been forced to stay in a hotel for the last three years. It’s frustrating. I almost gave in and bought a house in Hollywood. But luckily I realized how insanely expensive that is and I don’t even know if I’ll still be working next year. I’m comforted by my guitar – my true companion that travels everywhere with me. I didn’t need this in the past, until I got back to London and found out I had lost my whole social life. It’s tough maintaining it when you don’t speak to anyone for over a year. I am now trying to get back in touch with some friends through Skype.”

And while R-Patz has lost contact with old mates, making new ones has proved even harder. He has become suspicious of anyone trying to strike up a conversation.

He adds: “Being well known is a real burden. I’m less open and have noticed that I’m actually getting paranoid.

“If people push themselves on me I find it grueling and repulsive. If I even think someone wants to approach me I feel the need to scream, ‘What do you want of me’. Then later I think, ‘What if this person only wanted to be nice?’ ”

The actor admits his problems with fame and adulation come from feeling he hasn’t earned it yet as an actor.

He says: “It’s all been given so easily. What did I do to deserve this adulation? I am convinced I need to work at least ten full years to actually earn the status I’ve apparently being given. The more I act different characters the more I learn. I know it might be risky, especially with the added pressure of fame. Certainly with the fame that has been thrown in my lap.”

“I want to grow as an actor. I don’t want to be typecast as the romantic hero. I’m not going about wishing everything was back to how it was in the past – although sometimes I do as it was so much easier.”

[From The Sun]

Sure, part of me think Sparkles is an ungrateful bitch who needs to grow a pair and man up. But a larger part of me thinks that Sparkles is doing incredibly well given the level of his name-recognition and extreme nature of his fans. I mean, these bitches are obsessed, and they’re putting his life, their own lives, and the lives of innocent people in danger just because these kids want a piece of Sparkles. Is that “repulsive”? Eh. I think he should find a way to gently encourage his fans to chill out without disrespecting a lot of really young girls who adore him.

By the way, if it weren’t for the bitchface, I’d be talking about how much I like his hair like this. He looks really good from the neck up!



Sparkles in Budapest on April 6, 2010. Credit:

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34 Responses to “Robert Pattinson is a sparkly bitch: “I find this repulsive””

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  1. snowball says:

    He was bound to snap eventually.

  2. Sarah says:

    I think what he says makes sense. Especially saying he hasn’t really earned this status yet. I don’t think he’s being a bitch at all.

  3. liz :) says:

    In this whole media, of course he’s going to be unsure who wants to really be his friend, & who’s using him for fame.
    I’m not a Pattinson fan or anything but I think it happens to all the actors, don’t you think?
    For him, it’s because of the Twilight films
    Other actors have these same problems, like Emma Watson, Dakota Fanning, Daniel Radcliffe, etc.

  4. luvssparkles says:

    i love his bitch face. its kinda hot. i like his hair that way. it looks clean. i think he’s learned the bitch face from kristen. lol

  5. LolaBella says:

    “It’s all been given so easily. What did I do to deserve this adulation? I am convinced I need to work at least ten full years to actually earn the status I’ve apparently being given. The more I act different characters the more I learn. I know it might be risky, especially with the added pressure of fame. Certainly with the fame that has been thrown in my lap.”

    “I want to grow as an actor. I don’t want to be typecast as the romantic hero. I’m not going about wishing everything was back to how it was in the past – although sometimes I do as it was so much easier.”

    ^^ This is why I absolutely love Robert Pattinson! He KNOWS he has to earn it unlike the self-entitled, delusional new actors currently running around Hollywood.

    It’s a refreshing attitude to have and I for one am glad that he’s not spending his money foolishly so quickly after his fame hit.

    Mark my words, he’ll be around for a very long time and he’ll work hard at his craft and become a skilled and talented actor as opposed to a flash-in-the-pan actor who’ll be in some reality show 20 years after his heyday or the answer on a Trivial Pursuit clue of has beens.

  6. Huma says:

    He makes entirely valid points. I think he’s handling his immense fame and Twihard craziness very well, too.

  7. Feebee says:

    Well the headline was kind of taken out of context. He actually meant he found people throwing themselves at him repulsive. He’s not the only one. We’ve seen the pictures – grown women shoving teenagers out of the way to throw their arms around his neck…. he’s right. It’s repulsive. While Hollywood stars can’t complain too much, it is seriously too much to ask not to be physically accosted by 30- and 40-something year old women who look like they have nothing better to do but really should know better?

  8. annaloo says:

    what is he shooting? It looks like Dr. Jekyll/Mr Hyde-ish.

  9. ewww says:

    He’s normally pretty attractive, but in the last two pictures he looks like that (IMO) fugly guy from Gossip Girl.

  10. lucy2 says:

    He certainly makes valid points, but I always have to laugh when the teen idol du jour is so stunned that fame is difficult and affects your whole life, as if a hundred others haven’t said the same thing before them.

  11. RobN says:

    I’d like him a lot more if only he’d stop looking so oozy all the time. You’d think one of those five star hotels he’s forced to live in would have a shower he could borrow.

  12. Praise St. Angie! says:

    HUBBA HUBBA! Damn he looks good!

    totally agree with LolaBella…so refreshing and different from the sense of entitlement so many young stars show (cough*lindsaylohan*cough).

  13. Sudini says:

    I dont think that’s being a bitch. I agree that its repulsive when people fawn all over a total stranger. I can only imagine the fawning he’s been exposed to – there is definitely a difference between admiring someone for their work, looks, etc. and absolutely losing ones mind while in the presence of some actor.. It’s actually pretty grounded, him saying that.

  14. Aitch says:

    If I was trying to be a serious actor, I wouldn’t want my face adjacent to Justin Beiber’s face all the freaking time on those tween magazines. But that is what he must put up with until the Twilight Tween frenzy is no longer. Then he prob. will turn out to be a decent screen presence/actor.
    At least Twilight is his big break, that can provide some comfort from all the nut cases he deals with currently.

  15. Kate says:

    I think he’s actually being totally reasonable, open and honest. He’s right when he says he hasn’t earned this kind of fandom yet. Every interview I read from him makes me really love him, against my will.

  16. LulahMay says:

    RPattz needs friends? He could totally be the new ChatRoulette supahstar!

  17. Brittney says:

    He looks like Ed Westwick.

  18. an says:

    Robert has the same friends since his childhood and is constantly seen with them.
    This crap comes from the worst English tabloid The Sun.
    Since when are they a reliable source?

  19. CassandraJoan says:

    @an: Thank you for pointing out that The Sun is not a reliable source. They’re basically writers of bad fiction.

  20. jane says:

    I don’t at all get what the attraction is for this kid, or the other kids in that vampire movie, which I admit I could only sit thru about 5 minutes. The first couple of minutes laughing at the terrible acting, the second couple of minutes in amazement at the utterly lame script, and the last minute in a glaze of boredom.

  21. Roberta says:

    These are some hot photos….He looks way better in these than he does in Twilight…

  22. Mistral says:

    I think he makes sense. He seems like a nice kid.

  23. Diva says:

    I think it’s repulsive the way not just teenage girls but grown women violate his personal space, too. I adore the guy, but I’d shake his hand, not molest him, at least not unless I was asked. {=0)

    He’s really a funny guy if you take the time to read what he says, although, his actual meaning and humour doesn’t always translate well to written word. He’s incredibly talented musically, too, which takes sexy to a whole other level, lol!

  24. Bullett says:

    yeech, another rich celebrity feeling all sorry for their lot in life. After reading this article I want to ask him how his vagina is feeling today?

  25. Zelda says:

    Huh? I think he seems humble.

    Dammit, Twilight boy: I want to hate you but you’re making it hard…

  26. Dawn says:

    Is this the first time I seen him clean?

    All of the “it” hot boys go through this, in a couple of months or in a year, a new one will take his place.

  27. Catherine says:

    At least he is being honest. I would go nuts with people screaming and pawing at me each time I went out.

  28. lala from nYc says:

    future greta garbo! rpatz is going to go into hiding soon. “i ‘vant’ to be alone.”

    plus, looks like elijah wood in the middle pic. hobbit alert!

  29. Emily says:

    That’s not bitchy, that’s making a few completely valid points. He hasn’t worked for very long, so to think that his fame should build up later sounds pretty reasonable to me. Plus those Twihards ARE repulsive? Middle-aged women stalking the same guy their teenage daughters are? People asking him to BITE THEIR BABY?? That’d freak me out for sure.

  30. lin234 says:

    He sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders. Without his Twilight hair and makeup, he looks fug.

  31. ViktoryGin says:

    Women asking him to bite their babies? LMFAO!!!!

    T.o.o M.u.c.h.

    He’s a trooper because I would have backhanded one of those pubescent girls by now. I don’t really pay attention to him as I’m a….grown ass woman; but he does strike me as someone who is strangely well-adjusted from this level of scrutiny. It will pass, particularly if he goes into virtual hiding and spends time doing smaller roles to up his thespian cred a la Leonardo DiCaprio circa Titanic.

    Good luck, Sparkles.

  32. Canuck says:

    Could you imagine being the focal point of a mob of screaming women who have no problems violating your personal space? And you have no idea how far some of them might go? Shudder…..

    It’s bad enough being caught in a mob, but being the target of one would be terrifying, IMO

  33. Rianna says:

    I feel sorry for him and like Mark Hamlin, he will be forever remembered as Edward Cullen you know? It will be like his “thing”.
    I do understand him feeling alone. It is like he has everything in the world, but at the same nothing solid such as friends, close company etc. Very lonely existance.
    @viktorygin. I agree. I would have backhanded some of those bitches by now lol! When they get up in his personal space, scream in his face, throw their children at him, asking him to bite them. I would have went postal by now.

  34. kim says:

    a hotel? why not rent an apt or house?


    maids and room service when he has the munchies.

    gotcha 😉

    i would 2