Robert Downey Jr. on burning out: the worst already happened


The bad thing about the upcoming release of Iron Man 2 is that we’re going to get even more snot-filled interviews with Gwyneth Paltrow. The great thing about it is that we get more awesome interviews with Robert Downey Jr. As such, here we have RDJ on the cover of the May issue of Men’s Health Magazine, which seems to be the go-to magazine for manly men these days. I say that with surprise – most guys who want to be taken seriously as action stars aren’t doing Esquire and GQ and Details cover profiles, they’re going to Men’s Health. Weird.

Anyway, the interview is lovely, basically because RDJ is just a sweet, incredible, talented dude in the middle of his career renaissance. He talks a lot about his training for Iron Man, and his years-long work with a Wing Chun martial artist. Men’s Health has only released these excerpts:

On advice for practicing Wing Chun, a martial arts discipline:“Seriously, don’t worry about looking like an idiot. It’s like life: The less self-conscious you are, the better it works. And remember, lots of ice and Advil afterward. Trust me on that one.”

On how Wing Chun helps him cope:
“This is all about focus. Wing Chun teaches you what to concentrate on, whether you’re here or out in the world dealing with problems. It’s second nature for me now. I don’t even get to the point where there’s a problem.”

On being reluctant to punch a stuntman full in the mouth while filming Sherlock Holmes:
“I was like, ‘I can’t or he’s not going to be able to play with his kids this weekend.’ And Guy (Ritchie) was basically saying, ‘He doesn’t have any kids.’ ”

On if he is worried about burnout from filming and promoting films: “You don’t worry about something that has already happened,” he says with resignation. “You don’t need to worry about your car breaking down when you’re already on the side of the street with the hood up. Worrying is done. The hubcaps have already come off going around the corners.”

On being an actor:“This is still art for commerce, at best. I consider myself to be a pain-in-the-ass artist who’s self-aware enough to still be tolerable. While I have a little bit of juice, I try not to rub it in anyone’s face, because it’s just disgusting. And I use the term ‘artist’ loosely.”

On his Iron Man character Tony Stark’s relationship with his dead father:“We’re having Tony go back and really deal with the ramifications of his lack of connection to his dad, his almost professional-stock, prop-smile answers, and how he’d been using Dad’s memory as a weapon against others. He’s really feeling hugely conflicted by assumptions about his dad’s feelings about him and whether or not there’s any real connection between them at the most basic level, which is: You’re not here anymore for this. Is there something you have for me, is there something you left for me, is there some sort of bread-crumb trail I can find that will help fill me at this point in my life?”

Eric Oram, Downey’s Wing Chun instructor, on working with the actor:“When he first came to me, insurance companies wouldn’t bond him for movies; he couldn’t get roles. I told him if he didn’t show up to a lesson, I was going to chop off his toes and feed them back to him. One day he didn’t turn up, and I told him goodbye. Then he had a couple of producers call me and vouch for him, saying, ‘He was with us in a meeting; he didn’t have a phone. It’s our fault. Don’t cut his head off.’ He has committed himself to it ever since and turned his life around.”

Guy Ritchie, on working with the actor:
“The word to describe Robert is hard. I know that’s f-cking ridiculous in describing an actor, but he really can scrap. He’s done time in jail, which didn’t exactly soften him up. He has a real physicality that is pretty f-cking amazing.”

[From Men’s Journal]

Damn, I can’t wait for Iron Man 2. My mom and I were talking about RDJ that other night – she had just seen the first Iron Man for the first time – and she was gushing about how much she loved him. She used to find him annoying, and it pissed her off how he threw away his career with drugs. But now she was singing a new tune: “When he turns it on, there’s no one better!” Note to RDJ: You’ve won over my mom, and probably millions of other moms out there. Well done, dude. Who would have thought?

Here are a few more photos of Robert shopping in Rome over the weekend:



Men’s Health cover courtesy of Men’s Health online, photos of Robert in Rome on April 11, 2010, credit: WENN.

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27 Responses to “Robert Downey Jr. on burning out: the worst already happened”

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  1. chicoulina says:

    He is so Hot!!!!I LOVE this guy!I’m so glad he’s back on track because he’s such a good actor!
    Gerard Butler and Johnny Depp say nothing to me compared to Robert!!

  2. Crash2GO2 says:

    I want to marry him.

  3. Kaboom says:

    Do yourself a favor and rent Kiss Kiss Bang Bang – the audition scene he does early in the movie will completely blow you away.

  4. blu says:

    Love him

  5. Jazz says:

    God I love Robert, have for a long time. I want to have his children. Le sigh…

  6. Lilias says:

    My mom was also really happy that Robert Downey Jr got his sh*t together. He’s an enormously talented actor and I always feel good for those who get their lives back :).

  7. embertine says:

    Ahahaha, I adore him. I want to have his babies.

    I also know if I was married to someone that manic and self-absorbed I’d strangle him and bury his body under the patio.

    ♥♥♥ Keep being you, RDJ.

  8. Dorothy says:

    Yep, he is the best!

  9. Victoria says:

    I luvs me some RDJ! I wouldnt even know who Iron Man is if RDJ wasnt in the movie. He’s the ONLY reason I watch these films.

  10. bite me says:

    great actor, love that he got his shit together

  11. debbie says:

    I love him, too! Does anybody remember when RDJ sang on the show “Ally McBeal”? I ran out and bought the cassette with his Christmas song on it. I played it over and over until I broke the cassette! He is the best singer…so soulful and sexy! I wish he would record another album soon! I would trade places with his wife in a heartbeat!!!!!

  12. mhjmc says:

    He won my heart in Less than Zero and I’ve always loved him through good & bad times!! I’m so glad to see he’s finally back in the lime light where he belongs!!!

  13. omondieu says:

    He IS Iron Man.

    RDJ FTW.

  14. Jackie Brown says:

    This is one of those actors who gets better with age, in talent, looks and charisma.

    he is definatley on my list!

  15. bella mama says:

    oh kaboom! YES!!! Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one of my all time favorites!!!!

  16. MsTriste says:

    I’m old enough to remember his drug and legal problems, so it really pleases me to see him doing so well now. He’s an inspiration that you can go from a junkie/being in jail, to a clean, sober, happy, successful person. Thank you for posting about him.

  17. Red Folder says:

    RDJ is the epitome of the Hollywood story!! Hugely talented, Huge Fall, Huge revival, new Huge career.

    But, he worked hard to get back and didn’t give up and turned it around for himself which is awesome!

  18. JC126 says:

    I’m so glad he’s managed to stay straight, and I hope he stays that way forever. He is a towering talent – ten times the actor of anyone else onscreen.

  19. Bec says:

    Mag sems to be Men’s Journal, not Men’s Health.

  20. lrm says:

    Okay, I have to say I have always loved him-even back to less than zero days, the robert altman film, etc. And I always rooted for him-was literally sad about his self destruction-b/c he is a true talent!

    It’s so rad that he is back, and on top to boot! And, that he is still finding and doing roles that compliment him, even while they are blockbuster films.

    I fully expect at least one mind blowing performance from him, if he stays on this path….there will be an oscar winning script that will find him, for sure.

  21. Shawna says:

    I want to go watch Sherlock Holmes again now….

  22. JuiceinLA says:

    We saw the Ironman2 Trailer @Clash of the Titans this weekend (which was well worth seeing!) and all I could think was, “they couldn’t find anyone more interesting, sexy, vibrant or alive than Goop to play this part?

    She even dragged the trailer down, and that thing included hilarious boobalicious and ridiculously nonathletic Scarlett Johannson showing us why she was always the last one picked for dodgeball teams.

  23. rkintn says:

    Too bad so many other actors can’t look to RDJ’s example and turn their lives around. I remember a time when I thought he would end up broken and OD’d..I’m glad to see I was wrong. He is a fabulous actor with a tremendous talent!

  24. snapdragon says:

    love him. the difference between RDJ and someone like lohan is that he admitted he needed help and then worked like hell to get clean. unlike lohan he didn’t just shop, tweet and party and then whine because nobody took him seriously. also he got his career back because he has actual talent, which i have never seen in lohan.

  25. Anti-icon says:

    I love RDJ, admire him for his recovery, and his amazing professionalism, even when he was an addict. By extension, if a person loves RDJ, they should probably like Sarah Jessica Parker too, b/c he has nothing but glowing things to say about what a great and supportive sober girlfriend she was to him when he was not doing so well……

  26. Solveig says:

    I love this man, I mean he really is down to earth and he really doesn’t give a effe about his status. I’m really happy he’s getting another chance to show how good he is in doing his job. And this: “It’s like life: The less self-conscious you are, the better it works” is priceless and soooo true.
    I have an actor crush on him (along with Johnny Depp, Edward Norton and Ewan McGregor).

  27. gossip_ho says:

    i love this guy. he was a hot mess back then and it took a while for him to recover from drug addiction but i really think he has redeemed himself…plus he has a stable relationship which helps…so yes i’m so pleased with RDJ..